Forums > General Industry > doesn't any one do this just because they love it


All Kinds of Photos

Posts: 428

Doing TFCD/P was a lot more fun than now when $$$ exchanges hands.
I love to shoot models but it seems the free shoots are pretty much getting to be a thing of the past with all these models with 'some experience' now charging.

Dec 04 06 08:42 am Link



Posts: 7392

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Marko Cecic-Karuzic wrote:
I only aspired to make my living doing this when I realized that A) I simply could not do what I wanted to, the way I wanted to do it, in anything other than a professional environment (there is essentially no such thing as an amateur fashion photographer, to participate, you have to participate in the professional world), and B) that I didn't want to spend my life doing anything else.

Quite like how this is expressed, as I'm beginning to understand this is what I must aim for.
I love women, and sharing the beauty I percieve in them with the world. Photography enables me to do this,
and if I can generate income in the process I'll be quite content. Can't imagine a better scenario
unless it'd be directing a movie with female leads.

Dec 04 06 09:15 am Link


Elizabeth Susann

Posts: 97

Sacramento, California, US

Well, I wish I could meet the photogs more often that want to do it for the fun of it.  I stopped wanting to do it just for the fun of it because well- I want to at least get some money out of it if I'm going to be harassed the whole shoot by a creepy photog. 

I've wanted to write posts time and again about frustration and how I want to quit this silly modeling thing (because I started just to make art and have fun) but unfortunately ((sometimes)) as we all know, that gets ruined. 

But thanks for the refreshing thoughts - it reminds me of why I started and continue to model--------


Dec 05 06 04:50 pm Link



Posts: 222

Washington, District of Columbia, US

honestly, I just like to shoot!

Dec 05 06 04:53 pm Link



Posts: 10053

Orlando, Florida, US

If i jsut did it for the money, I wouldn't do it.

Dec 05 06 04:56 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Photography is my passion, my life and my calling.

Wait, hang on, yup, it's calling my cell right now big_smile

Dec 05 06 05:00 pm Link



Posts: 633

Milltown, Wisconsin, US

F-Stop Images wrote:
I have a full-time job that compensates me quite, including the benefits. So, yes, I do it because I love and not trying to make a profit. I love the freedom to shoot when I want to, how I want and with whom I want to, and to not have to deal with the nuiances of deadlines, egos, etc.

... what he said.. smile  artistic freedom is wonderful aint it ?..

..especially when day job provides me with 6 weeks paid vacation, paid holidays, paid sick days, pension, 401k contributions, health insurance and disability insurance.....

Happy Holidays !

Dec 05 06 05:03 pm Link



Posts: 7840


McKenzie Bros Photo wrote:
I do it for the love.

love and money



Dec 09 06 01:04 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Can't be both huh?

Dec 09 06 01:06 am Link



Posts: 581

Walnut Creek, California, US

I do it because I love it and I usually refuse payment if I like a photographers work even if they offer me gas money or something. I don't tend to accept.

Dec 09 06 01:10 am Link


Chantelle Mathiasson

Posts: 3638

Carson City, Nevada, US

I do it because I love it.. but it also costs money to do it... So that's why I have times when I shoot for free and sometimes when I don't...

very much agreed... I am the same way big_smile I LOVE IT!!! otherwise I wouldnt do it... I love what I do big_smile

Dec 09 06 01:10 am Link



Posts: 21

Okinawa, Okinawa, Japan

I do it for love and for confidence. I just wish I was better at it! smile

Dec 09 06 02:47 am Link


K Ann

Posts: 713

Renton, Washington, US

I do it to see where it may possibly take me. I have so much fun on a shoot and the people I've met have only inspired me to do more. big_smile

Dec 09 06 02:48 am Link



Posts: 26698

San Francisco, California, US

michael vines wrote:
Money , money , money  the biggest issue of all time . does no one just want to do what they love because they love it ? I just want to shoot i don't care about getting paid , i just love to photograph beautiful things . at some point we make what we love into something that is just a big ol pain in the a#$ as every thing else in life ... why ?

I think we do it because we love it. there are a number of things I can make a great deal of money at but I prefer to make my living with my art and photography. It's just that occasionally that old survival thing pops up

Dec 09 06 02:58 am Link


MrE Creations

Posts: 155

If I wanted a hobby, I wouldnt take up something that costs many thousands of dollars and then involve others like models, MUAs and stylists who mostly make a living from this. I would get a cheap camera and go shoot sunsets or something.

Dec 09 06 09:09 am Link


Dominick D

Posts: 164

Norwich, England, United Kingdom

I do this becuase I love it... I regard it as a form of artwork. I am an artist, it's what I live for & I find modelling a great creative outlet.
If I make money from this then that's all well & good, But I'm not in it just for the money... If I end up making cash or whatever I want it to be a byproduct of what i'm doing because I do it well. Not becuase I expect it.

Dec 09 06 11:11 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I do it for free almost all the time...but I've been fortunate enough to be born into a very supportive, upper middle class family. If I didn't have all the priveleges I've been so lucky to have, I wouldn't have the time or financial means to model for fun. I don't blame anyone for doing it for money. Sometimes you have to. You should just feel fortunate that you're ABLE to do it because you love it.

Dec 09 06 11:15 am Link