Forums > General Industry > doesn't any one do this just because they love it



Posts: 989

Dallas, Texas, US

Money , money , money  the biggest issue of all time . does no one just want to do what they love because they love it ? I just want to shoot i don't care about getting paid , i just love to photograph beautiful things . at some point we make what we love into something that is just a big ol pain in the a#$ as every thing else in life ... why ?

Dec 01 06 05:40 pm Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I do it because I love it.. but it also costs money to do it... So that's why I have times when I shoot for free and sometimes when I don't...

Dec 01 06 05:43 pm Link


Papa Vic Photography

Posts: 8211

Glendale, Arizona, US

I have always done photography because I love it.

Dec 01 06 05:44 pm Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

Well it doesn't hurt to make a little coin on the side, but I understand what you are saying. Personally, I try to keep it as a way to ease life's tensions.

Dec 01 06 05:44 pm Link

Makeup Artist

jo jorgenson

Posts: 94

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

because we're all stupid.

and because money fuels everything nowadays, so whether we choose to do it or are forced to do it, we all do.

"In Hollywood a girl's virtue is much less important than her hairdo. You're judged by how you look, not by what you are. Hollywood's a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for kiss, and fifty cents for your soul. I know, because I turned down the first offer often enough and held out for the fifty." - Marilyn Monroe

Dec 01 06 05:44 pm Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

The only reason I shoot is because I love it. I used to own a studio and have great respect for those who earn their living with their camera and talent. It wasn't for me, I spent more time running the business than creating pictures. Now I have a wonderful career I love and it allows me the time to create the images I want with no concern for money. I consider myself very lucky.

Dec 01 06 05:48 pm Link



Posts: 6065

Columbia, Maryland, US

Guess I'm stupid.  I started shooting again only for the fun of it, and have been turning down commercial inquires.  I have several specific image ideas I'm working on.

So, yes.  Some of us on here - are just here to shoot.  And not just to chase the models.

Dec 01 06 05:48 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

michael vines wrote:
Money , money , money  the biggest issue of all time . does no one just want to do what they love because they love it ? I just want to shoot i don't care about getting paid , i just love to photograph beautiful things . at some point we make what we love into something that is just a big ol pain in the a#$ as every thing else in life ... why ?

90% doesn't do it for $.

People who are looking for $ go to business/law/med school.

Dec 01 06 05:48 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

I do this because I love it.  I did it for money once and wasn't happy.


Dec 01 06 05:50 pm Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

I do it for the fun of it. If people wanna put me in magazines or give me money than that is just an extra perk.

Dec 01 06 05:50 pm Link


Maya A Lelani

Posts: 893

New York, New York, US

Hmm... most photogs that I work with do NOT shoot weddings... thereby the assumption is that photography is for the love and not the money... cause I'm not paying!! haha...

Dec 01 06 05:50 pm Link



Posts: 989

Dallas, Texas, US

there are not vary many things in life that are relaxing now days and as people we do it to our selves to screw up the things , slowly but surely , that did do that for us . we all need money , that's why i have a job { and still need more } but this is my fun the "get away" and it's sad to see that it's just like every thing else . yes there are alot of models here that look like a million dollars { and most of them want it all too } lol HEY JUST A JOKE  but damn where's the fun at ? if you don't pay every one 150.00 an hour guess what ... you have no fun .

Dec 01 06 05:51 pm Link



Posts: 989

Dallas, Texas, US

wish i was tim little ... lol maby it's just texas then . i have seen alot of models doing tfp but no where near here . guess i'll shoot my feet .

Dec 01 06 05:55 pm Link


F-Stop Images

Posts: 82

Clarksville, Arkansas, US

I have a full-time job that compensates me quite, including the benefits. So, yes, I do it because I love and not trying to make a profit. I love the freedom to shoot when I want to, how I want and with whom I want to, and to not have to deal with the nuiances of deadlines, egos, etc.

Dec 01 06 05:55 pm Link


Imperious Images

Posts: 277

Sarasota, Florida, US

Photography's one of those passions that requires money. Nature of society. Those pin-hole camera just don't have the same quality as a $1300 D80 (and even the pin-holes aren't cheap). Bottom line, it takes money to support a passion like Photography.

Imperious Images

Dec 01 06 05:57 pm Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

Jessalyn wrote:
I do it for the fun of it. If people wanna put me in magazines or give me money than that is just an extra perk.

How long does it take to drive to Kansas from SO.Cal.? sad

Gary big_smile

Dec 01 06 06:01 pm Link


Rich Davis

Posts: 3136

Gulf Breeze, Florida, US

I am an amateur.  I don't mix money with my hobby, it would confuse me.  I love to shoot a variety of things.  My favotire recent shot is of a live jellyfish.  I framed it and hung on the wall.

Dec 01 06 06:05 pm Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

GLB Graphics wrote:

How long does it take to drive to Kansas from SO.Cal.? sad

Gary big_smile

over 24 hours, hmm

Dec 01 06 06:06 pm Link



Posts: 989

Dallas, Texas, US

jess you have a great port .

Dec 01 06 06:08 pm Link



Posts: 10302

Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US

For the love of capturing a moment.
I do offer to sell photographs on my website with the payment made directly to my Gold Family Scholorship Fund at Bryant University and other charity events from time-to-time. The purchasers benefit from a tax deduction.
I am out-of-pocket the dollars and enriched by the donations.
Deal, or, no deal?

Dec 01 06 06:11 pm Link



Posts: 989

Dallas, Texas, US

deal , your a good person . notice how many photographers vs. models on this . hehe

Dec 01 06 06:12 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I do it totally because I love it.  A good friend of mine does it for money, and makes quite a lot -- but hates photography now.  I view him as an object lesson.

Dec 01 06 06:14 pm Link


Maya A Lelani

Posts: 893

New York, New York, US

Ahhh... but even if it's done for the love, there are still logistics to it... for example, I'm certainly not opposed to doing TFCD/TFP shoots, but there are literally not enough hours in the day for me to shoot with every photographer who wants to shoot... you know how it is... ugly girl hits you up for a trade shoot... ya gotta weigh the possible benefits versus time and energy expended.

Dec 01 06 06:15 pm Link


Collin J. Rae

Posts: 7657

Winchester, Virginia, US

Not only do I do it cuz I love it but it ends up costing me a lot of money on supplies, gear, and such....this is money I happily spend doing what I LOVE.

Dec 01 06 06:17 pm Link


Cardillo Photography

Posts: 1360

Palm Coast, Florida, US

If I were doing this ONLY for the money....I WOULDNT be doing it. 
I have loved it for 20 years

Dec 01 06 06:17 pm Link



Posts: 1907

Los Angeles, California, US

I test because I love modeling.  I love creating something beautiful with another person. 

I could get away with not testing anymore.. and just do paid work... but then I wouldn't be satisfied.  I wouldn't be able to have a creative say in what we do.

Dec 01 06 06:18 pm Link



Posts: 989

Dallas, Texas, US

I'm not saying it's a crime to get paid , there are reasons for it . but throw a bone once in a while .

Dec 01 06 06:18 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Only for love

Why kill the thrill by worrying about money? If money is the issue, it's far easier to accumulate elsewhere.

Enjoy art for art's sake. True wealth comes from the heart, mind and soul.

I shoot, therefore I am

Dec 01 06 06:19 pm Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

cuz i like making pretty pictures...

it just so happens that when i put them on MM and my personal website, sometimes i get messages from people offering me money to take photos of them.

Dec 01 06 06:20 pm Link



Posts: 2200

New York, New York, US

I don't make any money doing this.  I started working with models because I just wanted to create images I've always wanted to.  It has lead to a few jobs where I break even though.  I really don't care about the money.  I don't just to TFP/CD either.  I offer paid work for models with experience.

Dec 01 06 06:21 pm Link


Craig A McKenzie

Posts: 1767

Marine City, Michigan, US

I do it for the love.

Dec 01 06 06:23 pm Link



Posts: 989

Dallas, Texas, US

where are the texas models that do it for the love ???

Dec 01 06 06:24 pm Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

There is an old saying that says

" If you want to take something you love to do and turn it into something you hate to do, do it for a living"

Dec 01 06 06:26 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

I do photography solely for the love of the art form. I don't make money doing it, I spend a lot on gear, models, film, storage, and my studio space but I don't make any attempt to recover it. It's purely an artistic/creative interest for me.


Dec 01 06 06:38 pm Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

interesting.  why would making money doing something you enjoy bring any less satisfaction?  if nothing else, monetary return validates worth outside of one's own perspective.  it's a reward that goes beyond just giving one their own pat on the back. 

there's no reason a certain amount of joy can't come with being paid fairly, unless the only motivation is money, then it becomes something else entirely.  it will probably also bring a great deal of frustration as there are other means of chasing the dollar that bring far greater return.

--face reality

Dec 01 06 06:45 pm Link


Mac Wolff

Posts: 3665

Litchfield Park, Arizona, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
The only reason I shoot is because I love it. I used to own a studio and have great respect for those who earn their living with their camera and talent. It wasn't for me, I spent more time running the business than creating pictures. Now I have a wonderful career I love and it allows me the time to create the images I want with no concern for money. I consider myself very lucky.

E  X  A  C  T  L  Y  !!!!  My feeling's

Mac Wolff

Dec 01 06 06:47 pm Link


re- photography

Posts: 1752

San Francisco, California, US

michael vines wrote:
Money , money , money  the biggest issue of all time . does no one just want to do what they love because they love it ? I just want to shoot i don't care about getting paid , i just love to photograph beautiful things . at some point we make what we love into something that is just a big ol pain in the a#$ as every thing else in life ... why ?

my camera bag costs far more than my car, so in order to take photos of waterfalls I need to take photos of weddings and family portraits

Dec 01 06 06:48 pm Link


Photos By Deej

Posts: 1508

Tumwater, Washington, US

I do it b/c I love it! I've not made a dime on my photos and out of 50some shoots I've had 3 shoots that were paid even though I've paid more models to do photoshoots with me out of love for my craft.  I've gone into major debt b/c of it. As much as I would like to be paid it is not a requirement b/c I know models can find photographers who will photograph them for free.

Dec 01 06 08:34 pm Link



Posts: 275

Wichita, Kansas, US

I dont do it for the $$$$ at all....I try and go for the "wow" factor....that is more important to me than anything.  What I do wouldnt be a huge money maker regardless so once I realized that and did it just because I enjoy what I do, it made it even more fun.  I spend $300-$500 for each project I do and most I do for me rather than for sale.

Dec 01 06 08:37 pm Link


Michelle Vatcher

Posts: 161

Fresno, California, US

Oh I love it I haven't done a paid shot yet, because I just wanna have fun with it!

Dec 01 06 08:38 pm Link