Forums > General Industry > Why do women make better photographers?


GDS Photos

Posts: 3399

London, England, United Kingdom

Rossi Photography wrote:

What?! Are you calling me a transexual?! tongue

You transcend sexual.  (:-)

Nov 29 06 07:29 am Link


Perc Powell Studios

Posts: 736

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

They Do?

Nov 29 06 07:31 am Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

Jack Crash wrote:
I have look at thousands of your profiles and the ones that really stand out a female ports.  I think it is because women are more comfortable posing for other women, or maybe female photographers are less concerned with the sex and more concerned with the art, what do you think.

I think the sex of the photographer has little to do with the the making of art and the VERY few people on MM who actually make art is a bad cross section of the genre. Sort of like looking for a fine art painter at a house painting company. Look at any history of photography as art book and you'll see it is a male dominated world. I think when it comes to the glamour that is so prevelant here on MM men are better because of the sexual tension needed for that more erotic genre. As for fashion, well women SHOULD be better at it due to their sense of fashion but I don't see a lot of evidence of that either. Maybe that's because every type of photography has a lot of learning involved in the process. So male, female, who cares? Look at the work not the sex.

Nov 29 06 07:45 am Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

I've heard that assertion before, and I don't buy it. There are at least as many great male photographers out there as female. HOWEVER, there are a *lot* of very amateur photogs on MM who are essentially working with a crass "sexy glam booty" aesthetic, and they are indeed virtually all male. Perhaps your perception is being affected by the fact that female photographers tend to skip that approach, because simply getting hot pics of girls in thongs isn't enough of a motivator for them (even if they are gay:-)

In other words, there aren't more really good female photographers, but there may be less really bad ones. Just a thought.

Nov 29 06 07:51 am Link


amy coe

Posts: 198

Clatskanie, Oregon, US

I haven't read the other replies, sorry if  repeat a sentiment.

I don't think one gender is better than another.  I do, however, think that each sex approaches things in a very different way.  Women tend to approach sessions in an emotional manner and men a more technical manner.  Each avenue will garner different results.

Some of the most beautiful ports out there are from men: Adam Rowell, Weaver Photography, Michael Cevalier, Hollywoodcolor, Lightlab Studios, just to name a very few!

Nov 29 06 07:53 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

Sexist pig.

Jack Crash wrote:
I have look at thousands of your profiles and the ones that really stand out a female ports.  I think it is because women are more comfortable posing for other women, or maybe female photographers are less concerned with the sex and more concerned with the art, what do you think.

Nov 29 06 08:26 am Link


Jack Crash

Posts: 22

Destin, Florida, US

Wow, I left this thread last night for my pillow, it seemed to be dying down, but it really took off last night.  I don't have time to read all this, gotta go to work, but I will when I get back.

To respond to the person about cheire roberts, her stuff stuck out to me, it is not the example I would use to prove my point, but there is something I like about it, the bright colors, the simplicity of her set up, the pictures are just fun, wanted to know what others thought.

A few people mentioned that MM is not the best place to judge or study true photography, I agree, it is the myspace of photography, but I also think this is where the newbs are; people experimenting and learning, this might be a place to see where photography is going. 

Can you suggest other places, online, off line, books, etc I could look.  I still haven't decided where I want to go with photography, my port so far might suggest I am more of a graphic arts than a pure photographer, but you need a very good image to start off with if you intend to digital create with it.


Nov 29 06 11:00 am Link


Josie Tan Photography

Posts: 249

Clackamas, Oregon, US

Oh yeh, cherie loves the ring flash and bright back drops.. that girl has hook ups with the most beautiful girls! darn her.. hehe

Nov 29 06 02:41 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

They don't.

Women don't make better photographers than men.  I've seen just as many talentless, crappy female photographers who should find something more productive to do with their (and others') time as I've seen men whocould be accused of the same.  To think otherwise is to fall into the same mentality that tells you to call something art merely because it's in B&W or to tell a woman that her photo is outstanding merely because she shows her nipples. 

It's allowing a completely unrelated factor to color your opinion of someone's work.

While you can certainly find many examples of women (and men) who create fantastic photos, there's no legitimate reason to think that the percentage of women who create fantastic work compared to other female photographers is any higher than that of their male counterparts.  Again, women don't make better photographers than men.  Men don't make better photographers than women.  It's that simple...

Nov 29 06 03:11 pm Link


Jack Crash

Posts: 22

Destin, Florida, US

Josie Artography wrote:
Oh yeh, cherie loves the ring flash and bright back drops.. that girl has hook ups with the most beautiful girls! darn her.. hehe

Do you know Hannah?

Nov 30 06 12:09 am Link


The Thorny Rose

Posts: 14142

Chicago, Illinois, US

little apple blossom wrote:

Of course there are some outstanding males. But I too have noticed that more frequently females have outstanding ports. I think the male talent is deluted by those not shooting for the purposes of photography. But I also think you may be on to something with the comfort level as well.

So does this mean that WWC's don't exsist or was the acronym just not made yet? 

Btw, I've seen beautiful work from both men and women so I don't think either is necessarily better.  Both have their strengths and weaknesses.

Nov 30 06 12:17 am Link