Forums > General Industry > Why do women make better photographers?


Jack Crash

Posts: 22

Destin, Florida, US

Nov 29 06 01:33 am Link


Jack Crash

Posts: 22

Destin, Florida, US

Have you guys seen Cherie Roberts stuff?

Nov 29 06 01:33 am Link



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

Jack Crash wrote:

I don't think that men photographers have bad ports its just that if you sit here for 3+hours all their ports blur together, then one will stick out and for some reason they tend to be a females port.

May be it's just women's perception of female beauty doesn't match men's perception of it

Nov 29 06 01:38 am Link



Posts: 729

Los Angeles, California, US

Maybe the boobies have something to do with it.

Nov 29 06 01:40 am Link



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

cisstudio wrote:
Maybe the boobies have something to do with it.

In which way? I see none any more women obsessed with implants than men

Nov 29 06 01:44 am Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

because we can't think with our dicks, so all of our bloodflow is safely in our brain where we can concentrate on content, focus, and other ideas. Also, where you really see this is actually OUTSIDE websites where women photographers are filling museums with their work. It is more often documentary and story driven than glamour photography. Therefore, the photographer, male and female, who are more interested in content and context as well as having technical abilities and a unique eye are going to attract real art collectors and curators attention more than high polish glamour photography.

Nov 29 06 01:46 am Link


Patrick Shipstad

Posts: 4630

Burbank, California, US

James Graham wrote:
Just for the record.

It's Annie Leibowitz.


Hey James, you lose the spelling bee, go take your seat..
Legacy7 is right and YOU'RE wrong! It's Leibovitz. Doh!

It's called Google.. check it out.. you'll love it!

Nov 29 06 01:50 am Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

Jack Crash wrote:
I have look at thousands of your profiles and the ones that really stand out a female ports.  I think it is because women are more comfortable posing for other women, or maybe female photographers are less concerned with the sex and more concerned with the art, what do you think.

Women do not have the hang ups about sex. They are just looking for beauty.

Nov 29 06 01:54 am Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Because we're sexier... wink

Nov 29 06 02:06 am Link



Posts: 5402

Bainbridge Island, Washington, US

I think that's a pretty general statement to make, that can be aruged until the  end of time. But it's not the gender of the photographer,it's the person no matter their gender.. I've seen great stuff from both men, and women.

Nov 29 06 02:18 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

They don't.

MODELS tend to make better beginner photographers than anybody else. They have a head-start in a lot of respects, and tend to get the most help and coaching. In the long run it evens out.

And in the "real" offline world, you'll find that women tend to make up a little less than 50% of photographers, they're definitely no rarity. But historically, online, the "photographer" mix tends to be made up heavily of guys who bought toys and want to point them at pretty girls. Which kinda explains everything, doesn't it?

Nov 29 06 02:19 am Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Sexy female-former-model-photographers are much more fun to hang out with than male photographers.

Nov 29 06 02:27 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Daguerre wrote:
Sexy female-former-model-photographers are much more fun to hang out with than male photographers.


Nov 29 06 02:28 am Link



Posts: 1907

Los Angeles, California, US

I don't know.. I know some men who are really talented and leave the sex out of it.  Perhaps some men become photographers for the wrong reasons?  lol

Nov 29 06 02:46 am Link


Josie Tan Photography

Posts: 249

Clackamas, Oregon, US

Yeah, I've seen Cherie's stuff............ and........

Nov 29 06 02:57 am Link


Yehoshua David

Posts: 466

Richmond, California, US

they don't

Nov 29 06 03:10 am Link


Yehoshua David

Posts: 466

Richmond, California, US

however if any would like to shoot me, then i would try

Nov 29 06 03:10 am Link



Posts: 3825

Cleveland, Ohio, US

e-string wrote:
An even better question - why are the best female photographers all at least .5 lesbian? wink

Edit: ok, that's not true. But several of them are!

That would totally blow the "which buttons they are busy looking at" theory...

Nov 29 06 03:27 am Link



Posts: 3825

Cleveland, Ohio, US

I hope this is a parody thread and noone actually thinks that a certain gender is a better photographer...

Nov 29 06 03:37 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

JackC wrote:
I have look at thousands of your profiles and the ones that really stand out a female ports. I think it is because women are more comfortable posing for other women, or maybe female photographers are less concerned with the sex and more concerned with the art (...) I am studying photography, and when I take on something new I completely immerse myself in it.

for females shooting females? shooting men? for portraits? for fashion? for everything? ...

... but, uh, okay,..., so as a newbie you've given your opinion. that's fine. subjective, but fine. g'luck with your work!


Nov 29 06 03:43 am Link


Ron Goldstein

Posts: 219

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Marko Cecic-Karuzic wrote:
They don't.

But historically, online, the "photographer" mix tends to be made up heavily of guys who bought toys and want to point them at pretty girls. Which kinda explains everything, doesn't it?

LOL.... could not have said it better my self smile

Nov 29 06 03:51 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

stefanie0324 wrote:
I don't know.. I know some men who are really talented and leave the sex out of it.  Perhaps some men become photographers for the wrong reasons?  lol

Stephanie... if it's anything related to fashion or beauty, than the sex is NOT left out of it, nor should it be.

(Which is not the same as hitting on or groping The Muse, or making a tart out of the The Muse. You love The Muse. Simple as that.)

And yes, the way I see it, lots of people become photographers for the wrong reasons.

Nov 29 06 04:32 am Link



Posts: 41

Los Angeles, California, US

Jack Crash wrote:
I have look at thousands of your profiles and the ones that really stand out a female ports.  I think it is because women are more comfortable posing for other women, or maybe female photographers are less concerned with the sex and more concerned with the art, what do you think.

The field is just better suited for women up and down the board.
Women see color much better than men. I'll only have my shots printed by a female lab tech.
Children and families are more comfortable around women, especially children.
Men are more comfortable around women.
Women trust women photographers more to notice small details.
My assistant is a woman. I wouldn't have it any other way.
The women I know are pretty, soft, warm, cuddly, smell good and I like to play various bedtime games with them before I go to sleep at night.

So on the whole, I do believe women have the slight upper hand in photography

Nov 29 06 04:36 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Sigh. Couldn't disagree more.

Nov 29 06 04:40 am Link


Brittney Harrington

Posts: 368

Los Angeles, California, US

Renée Jacobs wrote:
pulls up a chair and makes some popcorn..... :-)


Nov 29 06 04:45 am Link



Posts: 1466


TroisCouleurs wrote:
I do not agree with your observation. The most beautiful female pics I have seen were done by male photographers.

I would have to agree with this.

Stephen Eastwood

Nov 29 06 04:46 am Link



Posts: 729

Los Angeles, California, US

Webspinner wrote:
because we can't think with our dicks, so all of our bloodflow is safely in our brain where we can concentrate on content, focus, and other ideas. Also, where you really see this is actually OUTSIDE websites where women photographers are filling museums with their work. It is more often documentary and story driven than glamour photography. Therefore, the photographer, male and female, who are more interested in content and context as well as having technical abilities and a unique eye are going to attract real art collectors and curators attention more than high polish glamour photography.

With that in mind, does that mean a female photographer, who is sexually stimulated by the subject(s) she is photographing, will produce work that is as equally equivalent to their male counterparts that are merely thinking with their dick?

Nov 29 06 05:08 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Oh... A thread about my port! I'm flattered. Thank you! smile

I'm joking, people!

Nov 29 06 05:56 am Link


GDS Photos

Posts: 3399

London, England, United Kingdom

Rossi Photography wrote:
Oh... A thread about my port! I'm flattered. Thank you! smile
You are my port and starbord :-)

Of course they don't make better photographers.  They have advantages and disadvantages.  Models may be more comfortable with them, models may not "connect" with them in the sexual chemistry sense that is important too.

The real test woudl be to check out the transexuals portfolios they would either be stunning or crap if the logic of this thread was followed to the ridiculous extreme that me being bored at lunch likes to .........LOL

I'm joking, people!

Nov 29 06 06:02 am Link



Posts: 9122

Rossi Photography wrote:
Oh... A thread about my port! I'm flattered. Thank you! smile

Maybe. I set my standards pretty low, so I'm never disappointed.

Nov 29 06 06:05 am Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

Jack Crash wrote:
I have look at thousands of your profiles and the ones that really stand out a female ports.  I think it is because women are more comfortable posing for other women, or maybe female photographers are less concerned with the sex and more concerned with the art, what do you think.

interesting thoughts

but can you find examples of what you're saying and juxtappose them?

Nov 29 06 06:15 am Link



Posts: 796

Jack Crash wrote:

I am studying photography, and when I take on something new I completely immerse myself in it.  I believe before you can make a truly unique statement you have to know and understand what everyone else is saying.

I totally understand where you're coming from!!!

Nov 29 06 06:18 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

gdsandy wrote:

What?! Are you calling me a transexual?! tongue

Nov 29 06 06:26 am Link



Posts: 722

Santa Monica, California, US

Mia Salen wrote:
Psychologically, women tend to be more emotional and more expressive.  Men tend to be compositional.  Maybe women's work speaks to you more because it tends to be (tend is the key word) more emotionally expressive.

yes, yes!

Nov 29 06 06:27 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

XtremeArtists wrote:

Maybe. I set my standards pretty low, so I'm never disappointed.

You recognize the clown?

Nov 29 06 06:30 am Link



Posts: 722

Santa Monica, California, US

Renée Jacobs wrote:

marry me. um, us. both of us. all three. and, ah, well, it's gonna be a big car....lolol. I very humbly thank you for that. :-)

now you're on to something!  think of the implications?
"honey, can you pass the coffee, and by the way, that was great last night"
"yes, great! but which part, honey?"
"all of it great!"
"do you have a model i can borrow? something in a blonde.
"i'll check"
"that'd be great!"  "i have this idea....." be continued

Nov 29 06 06:47 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Caroline Ann Martin wrote:

HUH?  Do you mean that female photographers will comment on photos? One can be straight and still see beauty in a photo...

No, I didn't say (or imply) anything about comments... and I also edited my post so I wasn't excluding some wonderful straight female photographers. My post was written in fun.

Nov 29 06 07:14 am Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

its all matter of taste....

its not that anyone for race,sex,lifestyle,makes for better photogs...its the art form itself
and the matter of taste of the people viewing it....everyone has their own taste

Nov 29 06 07:19 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Samantha Grace wrote:
Women do not have the hang ups about sex. They are just looking for beauty.

Then why do so many women like my work?

Nov 29 06 07:20 am Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

Jack Crash wrote:
I have look at thousands of your profiles

Maybe you should view a few thousand more. I have seen some pretty sexy images shot by female photographers. I am a male photographer (though I may be using that term loosely) and you won't find too much sex taking place in my portfolio.


Nov 29 06 07:26 am Link