
Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
Some people laughed and the next day
people just walked by him either shaking their heads or laughing.

And maybe he learned something from it, or maybe he didn't.

Possibly our friend will go on to another photo site and keep it a bit more real next time. Who knows, maybe someday he'll accomplish great things and maybe it'll be the sting of self-inflicted humiliation that drives him to it. Or, maybe he'll just write the experience off as us being a bunch of a**holes who were out to get him, and he'll learn nothing from it.

But that's his choice and his problem, not ours.


Nov 27 06 08:31 pm Link


Amanda Padilla

Posts: 1772

New York, New York, US


Nov 27 06 08:34 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
Until you can prove that you have in fact worked for Calvin Klein, Polo, and Ralph Lauren, as you have claimed, your profile will remain banned.

Oh, except there will be consequences for all the personal attacks, too.  Good luck with that.

BD, MM Moderator

Shiree wrote:
ROFLMAO and im supposed to give 2 shits? lol thats what i love about the internet,

Dear Sir;

I know your account is suspended by now, but I also know that you continue reading this thread.

I didn't read that whole thread until now... and it is amusing.

I must give you props... you are extremely talented(!) in self marketing... you've got a real knack for it and the level you are at is exceptional... this is not a sarcastic remark... if many of us had a fraction of your skill we all would make much, much more money.

The problem here is this:

You've put up this great marketing campaign and creatively constructed bio and accomplishments that really may have helped you with a lot of smaller local companies (I work with those a lot too).

Let me speculate here: then, you took the liberty of inflating chance connections with certain companies, such as shooting for a local retailer that utilizes clothes of that big designer name... and as the weeks and months went by... you thought it's okay to use that actual designer's names and claim that they were your clients.

You got by in your private environment, people paid you money and so forth.

The problem right here is that you encountered actual industry people who know exactly what is what... because they haven't been in an isolated bubble, but in fierce competition in the market. Your beginning was fine... but... then things didn't add up and one of the first hints that something is not right were your misuse of industry terms and conventions which you MUST use in it's proper context if you ever had worked on the level you claimed to work. That's when the questions begun.

TXPhotog, retired now, (sorry Roger that I let it out) is one of the most prominent figures in the NYC and international fashionscene who owned and operated the largest commercial print agency in NY.

With one claim after the other, he simply asked... and because you don't really know what the situation is... in the real world... you got yourself trapped in a net, where you found that they are attacking you, which they didn't, they just asked for back up of your claims.

In my opinion, you have not committed copyright infringements, but you have made yourself look like a donkey and lost a tremendeous amount of credibility.

Look... if you say you have a quarter million images in print... for you that means those images are printed out on photopaper...

However, the industry is pretty specific on what "in print" means and that means printed in any kind of publication for either advertising, commercial or fashion editorials.

Your awards also sound great... but for people in the industry... they are not that great... but I would use those too to impress clients that are not in that particular end of the industry. (Thanks for doing the research Iona). See... no real professional would use a NYIP Award and mentioning it on a quasi professional forum... because we all KNOW that it's a home study course (not dissing the course, but it's not the Pulitzer). Granted, you didn't mention it, but it's on your website, which is fine!

So, I'll look into CAM later and see what is going on there...

However... I haven't had so much fun reading an industry related thread... and if the title would have been different, I would have participated much more, instead of writing this semi orbituary... you maybe resurrected... but if not... maybe it helps you to be more careful who you are talking to.

Oh... and who am I? I am not claiming to be or to do anything... I only shoot pictures for a living in NYC (I maybe able to back that up when I am rrreeaaalllly hardpressed!)

Oh... and my main camera body is around $900 bucks on ebay and I can carry my entire gear in a backpack from LowePro on the subway in the city to shooting locations... oh... the pack was about $120 or so. Of course, you could tell by the low quality of the images in my portfolio that I don't work with $200K gear.

Nov 27 06 08:35 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Marcus J. Ranum wrote:

And maybe he learned something from it, or maybe he didn't.

Possibly our friend will go on to another photo site and keep it a bit more real next time. Who knows, maybe someday he'll accomplish great things and maybe it'll be the sting of self-inflicted humiliation that drives him to it. Or, maybe he'll just write the experience off as us being a bunch of a**holes who were out to get him, and he'll learn nothing from it.

But that's his choice and his problem, not ours.


MJR, I've always found you to be a sharp guy and a excellent photographer.
Udor has written a great response and I will add this.  To have a fair debate
or conversation you can't make it personal.  I really found some of what he
said very offensive.  Although it wasn't directed at me it wasn't cool.
Rich if you return, hey keep it light and breezy.  Don't go on the attack when
someone doesn't agree with you and if you really have those major clients
then either be able to prove it or don't say it.

Nov 27 06 08:45 pm Link



Posts: 558

Chicago, Illinois, US

Michael Donovan wrote:
I don't know... I would think that if you were going to shell out $200k on equipment (rather then renting it) you would also spend the money on an agency model...whenever I have paid work,I godirectly to the agencies. They become accountable for the no show.'ve flaked out on me twice.

Nov 27 06 08:48 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
That's Mrs Internet Whore to you. I know who, and what I am, I also back up my shit.

This is beuatiful...

Nov 27 06 08:56 pm Link


Coarse Art

Posts: 3729

Lexington, Ohio, US

Another reminder to demand and check references?

Nov 27 06 09:23 pm Link

Makeup Artist

EmElle Makeup and Hair

Posts: 5013

San Jose, California, US

I just want to congradulate everyone in this thread for the most entertaining read I've had in years.  Maybe ever.

And to the OP, I just want you to know that I've never seen anyone play dumb as well as you.  I suspect that you knew exactly what you were claiming when you were claiming it, and you really and truly thought that the members here wouldn't catch on to all the bs.  I mean, seriously.  In print?  Shared copyright?  World renowned?  (Did you really think the people on the internet are that stupid?)

I do have to admit though that recently I've been thinking about the concept of "world renowned" for myself.  World... and Renowned.  Individual terms and used as a phrase.  I'm known around the world.  But I'm known (internationally) by other makeup artists, a very small number of photographers, and maybe one or two llamas and an actress.  My work has been seen internationally (tearsheets even!), but I've never worked abroad.  I've travelled abroad, and even lived abroad, but never worked there.  Also, is my "art" "renowned" (at all)?  Or am *I* renowned?

You (the OP) don't know me, and can't answer this.  But I feel that if I am struggling this hard for the answer, then the truth is I'm not World Renowned.  So, you're Renowned in your own head, and you are standing on this planet (are we sure about that?), but I don't get how you can refer to yourself as World Renowned.  My situation is a stretch, but believable if I get you drunk enough.  Yours... isn't.

I can't wait for TX to call on your references.  This ought to be fun.

Nov 28 06 01:59 am Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

actually he is "world renowned" as he is "renowned" now  on  Model Mayhem, and this site is world wide smile

Nov 28 06 11:08 am Link


Wil with one L

Posts: 394

Malibu, California, US

Raquel Gonzalez wrote:
dude .. you have 200 grand worth of equipment ?

yeah, what he said!

If I had $200k worth of equipment, I would also have an agent and assistant that dealt with this crap for me.

Nov 28 06 11:15 am Link

Makeup Artist

EmElle Makeup and Hair

Posts: 5013

San Jose, California, US

Mary wrote:
actually he is "world renowned" as he is "renowned" now  on  Model Mayhem, and this site is world wide smile

Actually, he's INfamous now.  I wouldn't say "renowned" after this disgrace.

Nov 28 06 12:16 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

My equipment is worth $200K.  Honest!   I just need one willing buyer.....

Nov 28 06 12:21 pm Link


wishingtree photography

Posts: 1042

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

this is a hilarious thread.

Nov 28 06 12:55 pm Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

I can't believe that neither Mary nor Roger seems to remember this guy from 5 or 6 years ago on MDC? RICH/ANNA ANNA/RICH and all that? If you guys think this thread was entertaining or that he was full of shit, man, this wouldn't even register as a hiccup on the Rich Shiree Richter scale of hilarious insane bullshit!!! Somewhere I have some classic threads saved, possibly on my old non working computers in which case I'd have to get a hard drive recovery done, but it might be worth it! hahaha. it's too bad MDC deleted so many of his threads though, especially the ones with serious libel, death threats, accusing lots of people of having sex with various animals in pretty funny ways, etc.

He has toned things down quite a bit it seems, or maybe he was just getting warmed up.... hahaha.

One thing though, his photography has improved quite a bit,  either that or he's using other people's work as his own.

Nov 28 06 03:11 pm Link


The Wendy Variety

Posts: 371

Tempe, Arizona, US

That is horrible! You were so efficient about it and then she just ignores you! I'd be upset, too!

Nov 28 06 03:14 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Aaron_H wrote:
I can't believe that neither Mary nor Roger seems to remember this guy from 5 or 6 years ago on MDC? RICH/ANNA ANNA/RICH and all that? If you guys think this thread was entertaining or that he was full of shit, man, this wouldn't even register as a hiccup on the Rich Shiree Richter scale of hilarious insane bullshit!!!

Do you mean this guy's a "serial bullshitter"??


Nov 28 06 03:19 pm Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Marcus J. Ranum wrote:

Do you mean this guy's a "serial bullshitter"??


well he certainly used to be and it's hard to imagine that it was in remission all these years, I just haven't seen him anywhere since the old days of MDC until the last few days here when I noticed a few posts and photo comments. I was going to wait and see what might develope and then I stumbled on this! haha

Nov 28 06 03:24 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Wendy of the Arts wrote:
That is horrible! You were so efficient about it and then she just ignores you! I'd be upset, too!

Sweet dear Wendy... poor poor girl... Please read more than one post in a thread before hitting that reply button... Mkay?

Nov 28 06 03:27 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Aaron_H wrote:
I can't believe that neither Mary nor Roger seems to remember this guy from 5 or 6 years ago on MDC? RICH/ANNA ANNA/RICH and all that?

It's not that I don't remember, Aaron.  It's a debating technique:  never let the other side know what you know.  Let them commit themselves first, then prove they are lying.  If they know everything you do, they can make a better lie that's harder to disprove.

I was aware of the history.  Before this thread really got going I discussed it with some people in PMs just to make sure we were on the same page.  It's also not good to let your friends get blindsided by taking a position that history doesn't support.

Nov 28 06 03:34 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Throughout the thread I felt a bit sorry for the guy.  Then I remembered his
nasty ass comments both here and at a thread where he made some really
rude remarks.  If you can't walk the talk, STFU.

Nov 28 06 03:51 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I'm only posting this here in the hopes that Shiree reads this if he does not read his CAM thread.

In the CAM thread, he has claimed to know of "4 of your models posting topless images are underage".  I am asking the identities of these models, so we can remove the photos in compliance with MM policy and possibly state and federal laws.

Honestly, I am skeptical that he knows any such information, but my sense of duty will not allow me to stand by and ignore such a situation.

Nov 28 06 04:01 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Hmmmm, I saw this thread when it first came up and sort of ignored it because it was just another person complaining about models (which always annoys me).  I am in the middle of editing some video and had to render a file which took a while.

I just want to thank Tx, Marcus, Iona, Brian, III, etc for providing me with some great entertainment while I was waiting for the render.  This thread made my afternoon!

Nov 28 06 04:22 pm Link



Posts: 923

Hudson, Florida, US

Almost reminds me of the "Atlantic" days.  Too bad Leland & Nathan weren't involved, but may be they were lurking.   smile

Nov 28 06 05:45 pm Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

And yet one more village idiot is identified.... the list is growing.

Nov 28 06 05:55 pm Link


Michael McGowan

Posts: 3829

Tucson, Arizona, US

Man, I just don't get in here often enough. Darn job keeps getting in the way. Sorry I missed the fireworks.

Besides, I could testify that TX shot Fashion Week, which is more than the OP ever did. Ol' TX can explain how I know that.

Maybe Nathan was watching. Dunno about Leland.

Nov 28 06 06:32 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
I'm only posting this here in the hopes that Shiree reads this if he does not read his CAM thread.

In the CAM thread, he has claimed to know of "4 of your models posting topless images are underage".  I am asking the identities of these models, so we can remove the photos in compliance with MM policy and possibly state and federal laws.

Honestly, I am skeptical that he knows any such information, but my sense of duty will not allow me to stand by and ignore such a situation.

Its one thing I think to lie about your connections and past expirence on a
website although its not cool its quite another to lie where it could really hurt
someone.  I used to work with a guy who got fired and he tried to tell the boss
all the dirt he had on us.  The boss told him she didn't want to know. 
Rich, I want to think your better then this.  You were given a time out but not
banned.  If you come back do so with dignity if you don't, leave with class but
most of all don't make it personal

Nov 28 06 06:33 pm Link