Forums > General Industry > I'm kinda shy - Just how do I approach her?


Eli Anthony

Posts: 550

Mentor, Ohio, US

I been there before, approaching strangers, nervous as hell sometimes, but I suck it up, be professional, quick and courteous (sp).  Bottom line you will NEVER know until you ask.

Dec 16 06 08:39 am Link



Posts: 10302

Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US

Image K wrote:


Be proud to be a photographer.

You're acting like your 15 yrs old.


Hand her your business card, and tell her to contact her if she is interested. Act like you don't care if she ever calls you.

If you act desperate, she will never call.

Now, take a d-e-e-p breath...

...good advise.
There's nothin to it but to do it.

Dec 16 06 08:44 am Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

HenryS wrote:
Your original post was a month ago.  We'd love to hear the good news about what happened.

Wow! I never realized that this thread was still alive. Been in twice since and she hasn't been working.

Dec 16 06 08:45 am Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
If the thought of other photographers approaching her before you doesn't motivate you, then I don't know what else will?

I have thought about that, it's a matter of going in and finding her working now. Hmmm? Maybe she was already discovered? sad

Dec 16 06 08:49 am Link


Perc Powell Studios

Posts: 736

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

I think what you said in your opening remarks is pretty good.. Honesty. Just say it to her directly.


Dec 16 06 09:01 am Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

perc powell photographs wrote:
I think what you said in your opening remarks is pretty good.. Honesty. Just say it to her directly.


That's my plan. I'm going to lunch there this weekend. Hopefully she will be on shift.

Dec 16 06 09:15 am Link


Craig A McKenzie

Posts: 1767

Marine City, Michigan, US

No guts, no glory.

Dec 16 06 09:22 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

hi, i'm a photographer, perhaps you've seen my work on myspace, i would like to take you out to the desert for some test shots...

don't worry about all those tv shows where the photographer takes women out to the desert and they are never heard from again.. my wife will be with us..

she does make-up, when she's finished with you no-one will be able to identify you...

by the way, don't worry about all those husband and wife serial killer teams, i'm a photographer...'

Dec 16 06 09:22 am Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

lotusphoto wrote:
hi, i'm a photographer, perhaps you've seen my work on myspace, i would like to take you out to the desert for some test shots...

don't worry about all those tv shows where the photographer takes women out to the desert and they are never heard from again.. my wife will be with us..

she does make-up, when she's finished with you no-one will be able to identify you...

by the way, don't worry about all those husband and wife serial killer teams, i'm a photographer...'

Ok, you're not helping matters one bit...


Dec 16 06 09:29 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

GLB Graphics wrote:
Ok, you're not helping matters one bit]


actually grasshopper, you just smiled..

Dec 16 06 09:32 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Really be sure your wife there take your book and a card , give her web info and  name drop things and people you have shot...and let her know it is not some kinky weird  husband wife thing , ONLY IF you are getting the vibe that she is thinking that way...

Because she is not a model , be sure to allow her to bring a friend if neccessary... ( I am not a pro escort person, but considering she is not a model... it is only reasonable to think she may need one for comfort reasons...)

Dec 16 06 09:42 am Link


Jason P Hunt

Posts: 361

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I once found a talent in a Wal-Mart. She was gorgeous, young, blonde, tan, cheerleader type in overalls with no apparent shirt underneath. Turns out she really was a cheerleader!

I always lead with my business card, and say "Excuse me." before I go any further. Then I explain who I am and what I do, and I'm always looking for fresh talent (I always put it like that - fresh talent, fresh faces, whichever fits) and I wonder if they'd be interested in working together sometime. I never let them decide right then. I always suggest they take time to think about it, and then contact me if they're interested.

This works well for me in finding talent for TV commercials. Haven't used it much for the photography yet, but I have no doubts in this technique.

And if he/she is underage, make sure you suggest they talk it over with the parents. That gives you more credibility as a professional.

My two cents.


Dec 16 06 12:17 pm Link



Posts: 7392

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Tim Baker wrote:

I recently frequented the new Hooters that opened near my studio.  I had several Tent-Invitations/Business Cards with me.  My girlfriend went with me, too.  We invited three or four of the 'less than stunning' models for a free shoot - and then waited.  Soon, our table was swarming with all the more attractive models just trying to get our attention.  We handed out three or four more 'invitations to shoot' and ended up with four paying clients and we're now the 'official' photographer for this particular Hooters resturant.

Which leads me to another point: Make friends with the staff, including the manager, and they will actually help you out when you want to shoot of of their staff.

Terriffic suggestion... a no pressue invitation. Great strategy as well. ***Just love your portfolio ****** I'm absolutely gonna try something like this.....on those "gotta shoot" gals I occasionally encounter.

Dec 16 06 02:50 pm Link


Grace Face

Posts: 1266

Definately don't put the pressure to decide when you're talking to her, she'll think you're creepy.

If you're a regular there and everyone knows you already, you don't really need to worry about coming off creepy if you just act like yourself.  She'll be really flattered and the other waitresses there will be jealous that you didn't approach them too.  If you were someone they didn't quite know and you came up to one of their waitresses and you were nervous and uncertain, they would be able to catch onto an unprofessional vibe and categorize you as creepy.  A lot of it is how you carry yourself.

Dec 16 06 03:04 pm Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

lotusphoto wrote:

actually grasshopper, you just smiled..

big_smile big_smile big_smile

Dec 16 06 03:06 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

Grace You wrote:
Definately don't put the pressure to decide when you're talking to her, she'll think you're creepy.

If you're a regular there and everyone knows you already, you don't really need to worry about coming off creepy if you just act like yourself.  She'll be really flattered and the other waitresses there will be jealous that you didn't approach them too.  If you were someone they didn't quite know and you came up to one of their waitresses and you were nervous and uncertain, they would be able to catch onto an unprofessional vibe and categorize you as creepy.  A lot of it is how you carry yourself.

hi grace, please don't tell anyone how shy i am, i don't want anyone to think i'm one of those guys who talks a lot on the internet because people make me nervous..

Dec 16 06 03:08 pm Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

Grace You wrote:
If you're a regular there and everyone knows you already, you don't really need to worry about coming off creepy if you just act like yourself.

Unless they all already think I act creepy. big_smile

Dec 16 06 03:10 pm Link


Grace Face

Posts: 1266

lotusphoto wrote:
hi grace, please don't tell anyone how shy i am, i don't want anyone to think i'm one of those guys who talks a lot on the internet because people make me nervous..

Awww you're a sweetie and don't try to pretend to be shy! I heard you talking shop with everyone sitting at the table we were at smile

Dec 16 06 03:10 pm Link


Grace Face

Posts: 1266

GLB Graphics wrote:

Unless they all already think I act creepy. big_smile

That's why you give them your business card and tell them to think about it, and if they choose not to contact you, it saves you the feeling of a direct rejection and at the same time you don't know the reasons why she didn't call.  For example she doesn't feel "pretty" enough to model, boyfriend won't let her, feels too tired from her job, etc.

Dec 16 06 03:12 pm Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

All these people keep saying that you should have you wife do the asking - Makes me wonder how many photographers feel like they can't talk to people they see in public about posing for photographs.

Dec 16 06 03:14 pm Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

Dave Wright Photo wrote:
All these people keep saying that you should have you wife do the asking - Makes me wonder how many photographers feel like they can't talk to people they see in public about posing for photographs.

Yeah, I have decided that I will be the one doing the talking. I just hope she is on shift this afternoon.

Dec 16 06 03:17 pm Link


BlueCrow Photography

Posts: 112

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

Class Act Photography wrote:
Talking to a girl at a bank, or at a market, or to one that's just eating with her friends, can be a bit intimidating. This is because girls are usually leery of photographers just walking up to them for a shoot.
However, talking to a waitress is probably the easiest of all.
I was in a similar situation once. You don't need to ask her. She will ask you. You come to the restaurant with a camera with the biggest lense you have and put it on the table with a light meter. Also bring a few 8x10's of some beautiful pics you took and spread them around the table like your viewing proofs or something. You don't have to bring up the topic. She will. By the time she refills your second cup of coffee, she'll say "Oh, are you a photographer?" or "That's pretty, did you take those?" or something like that. Then you can strike up a conversation from there and give her your card.

I did something like that last summer. I met with a model at a restaurant, where I had seen a waitress that I wanted to do a shoot with, to give the model her prints. As I was showing the model her pics the waitress came up and was looking at them, she liked what she saw. The waitress and I have done a few shoots together, with plans for a few more.

Dec 16 06 03:36 pm Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

If you can learn that levitation trick David Blane does, girls would love it.
Just keep practicing it.

Dec 16 06 03:59 pm Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

with a smile and if you cant aproach her with a smile dont bother, son

Dec 16 06 04:36 pm Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

jonathan ledeux wrote:
with a smile and if you cant aproach her with a smile dont bother, son

That is a given. Ya gotta smile... big_smile

Dec 16 06 04:40 pm Link


Phil Fewsmith

Posts: 15

Los Angeles, California, US

Some of my best photo shoots have been with people I just walked up to.

Usually, they are waitresses or checkout stand girls who are aspiring actors or musicians (there's a lot of them in LA). Since I shoot environmental portraits instead of fashion, that suits me fine. I find musicians and actors very interesting and creative to work with (models are too, of course). I can think of two recent instances in which I walked up to someone to ask to do a shoot. One was a girl who worked as a cashier; another was a girl I kept running into every other aisle at the market. Finally, in aisle three, I approached her. Basically, I told her I was working on my portfolio and wanted do do a shoot with her. I gave her my promo card that had some of my images and web address on it. Of course, I get a little nervous sometimes, but I also have a sense of humor to offset that. I must have said something to make her laugh, because we ended up shooting. I never ask anyone for their phone number. If they are interested, they will check out your site and contact you. If you have a wife, girlfriend, or a female friend with you, that is a big bonus that makes everything go much easier, because then, some of the pressure is diverted from you, the photographer. You look a lot more legitimate that way. My only complaint is that, as a professional photographer, I have to sometimes reap the "rewards" of a lot of scumbag/scam posers who say they are photographers (Guy With Camera, and worse). Or someone I really wanted to photograph never calls back (evidentially they didn't take me and my craft as seriously as I do).

Dec 16 06 08:16 pm Link


Phil Fewsmith

Posts: 15

Los Angeles, California, US

Dave Wright Photo wrote:
All these people keep saying that you should have you wife do the asking - Makes me wonder how many photographers feel like they can't talk to people they see in public about posing for photographs.

You might be right in a certain sense, for some photographers. I rarely have had a problem approaching a person I wanted to photograph (and I AM shy at times, believe it or not!). I try to be myself, without any pretentious photo BS. Most of the time, I am alone when when I do the asking. But there have been circumstances that when I had a women with me (usually another photographer or stylist), things went smoother. Sometimes the wife or girlfriend, if she is not in the business, might feel insecure (but not always, depending on the woman and how strong and secure your relationship is with her). This could be a never ending topic. Didn't someone write a book about it?

Dec 16 06 08:43 pm Link


Phil Fewsmith

Posts: 15

Los Angeles, California, US

Grace You wrote:
That's why you give them your business card and tell them to think about it, and if they choose not to contact you, it saves you the feeling of a direct rejection and at the same time you don't know the reasons why she didn't call.  For example she doesn't feel "pretty" enough to llama, boyfriend won't let her, feels too tired from her job, etc.

Thanks for reminding about some of the other reasons they don't call back. And I thought it was my bad breath or something I said (hahaha) . . .

Dec 16 06 08:48 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

Grace You wrote:

Awww you're a sweetie and don't try to pretend to be shy! I heard you talking shop with everyone sitting at the table we were at smile

you mean, just smile and be ones self???

you're weird

Dec 16 06 09:26 pm Link



Posts: 7840


re ''desparate''

when i like someone i let them know
even that i appreciate them miss them look forward to meeting or whatever
nudge nudge
it's fine in the UK and Canada even anywhere else i have been come to think of it
why is this?
they have to think you dont really like them all that much?
they are afraid you will be dissapointed in them?
or they think you must be a weirdo / they will never get rid off!?

Dec 17 06 12:40 am Link


Huynh Studios

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

GLB Graphics wrote:
Recently while having lunch at a local restaurant, I noticed that they had hired a new waitress. This girl/woman, age approximately 21/22, is a total knockout. By looking at her I would say she is likely Persian. She has these real exotic features about her face, my wife and I even sat there and discussed various make-up applications for awhile.

I'm kind of freakin' for one reason or another and kind of hesitant to ask if she would be interested in a shoot. So what is wrong with me? Why am I being so backward about this? How should I approach her?


You don't approach them. Let them approach you. If for some reason they didn't approach you, then going to plan B.

Kidnap her and force her against her will.

OK... that's a bit drastic and scary.

Dec 17 06 12:44 am Link



Posts: 7840


Huynh Photography wrote:
You don't approach them. Let them approach you. If for some reason they didn't approach you, then going to plan B.

Kidnap her and force her against her will.

OK... that's a bit drastic and scary.

it is, a bit

Dec 17 06 12:45 am Link


Carole B

Posts: 388

Durham, North Carolina, US

yea, just dont show her your port at work.  Give her a business card with your websites on it as well as some references.  She will check it out...

you know us girls are vain like that.

Dec 17 06 12:48 am Link


David Pankhurst Photo

Posts: 893

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Class Act Photography wrote:
Talking to a girl at a bank, or at a market, or to one that's just eating with her friends, can be a bit intimidating. This is because girls are usually leery of photographers just walking up to them for a shoot.
However, talking to a waitress is probably the easiest of all.
I was in a similar situation once. You don't need to ask her. She will ask you. You come to the restaurant with a camera with the biggest lense you have and put it on the table with a light meter. Also bring a few 8x10's of some beautiful pics you took and spread them around the table like your viewing proofs or something. You don't have to bring up the topic. She will. By the time she refills your second cup of coffee, she'll say "Oh, are you a photographer?" or "That's pretty, did you take those?" or something like that. Then you can strike up a conversation from there and give her your card.

Couldn't agree more.  Best suggestion is not to approach her and eliminate all the concerns about interuppting her work, her fellow employees etc etc.  Eat a meal, have a coffee..leave your gear on the table and review a portfolio..either a slection of shots or all of one girl from an actual shoot.  Let HER make the approach..and she will if you are any good and she has any normal interest.  Take it fromthere.  Works EVERY time for me.

Dec 17 06 12:51 am Link


Jason McKendricks

Posts: 6025

Chico, California, US

You should go up to her, pick her up and carry her over your shoulder to the studio. Along the way tell her she is going to model for you.

HINT: Try slapping her butt before you toss her over your shoulder!

Dec 17 06 07:07 am Link


PK Brazil

Posts: 4265

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Get drunk. Ask. tongue

Dec 17 06 07:18 am Link


Eli Anthony

Posts: 550

Mentor, Ohio, US

Jason McKendricks wrote:
You should go up to her, pick her up and carry her over your shoulder to the studio. Along the way tell her she is going to model for you.

HINT: Try slapping her butt before you toss her over your shoulder!

Might have to try this, "the Fred Flinstone" approach............

Dec 17 06 07:52 am Link



Posts: 175

Brighton, Alabama, US

Just straight out ask her, there is only 2 things she can say Yes i would love to.... and No.
Makesure your wife is there, and yes give her a card and let her think about it, reassure her that you can show her your work to.

Go for it, if you think she has potential!

Dec 17 06 07:54 am Link



Posts: 6305

Seattle, Washington, US


What happened was she on shift?? Did you get to ask her?? Come on now......we are waiting...... LOL


Dec 17 06 08:04 am Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

you can either come across as professional or smarmy.

present her with an actual project opportunity to confirm professional intent.  if there is interest, most will embrace the chance. 

or, asking to just gather for a picture taking session doesn't give much credibility beyond, "hey, you're hot and i'm a guy with a camera and want to take your picture."  for those without any understanding of the "internet model" of imaging for the sake of it they will probably view the offer as something rather creepy.

--face reality

Dec 17 06 11:02 am Link