Forums > General Industry > it finally happened to me: the boyfriend strikes!


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

KatieK wrote:
However, I am of the mindset that I decide what I'll do with my time and my body and that I'll pose for and post images of MY choice.  His opinion no longer counts.  So we made the deal that modelling is my thing, and if he's not interested, that's fine. 

Sounds like your friend needs to stand up for herself a little.  If she's happy with the photos, and is okay with them being posted, she should tell her bf to piss off.

Amen to that! Good for you. Thats awesome! More women need to (should) stand up to their man like that. I've always been like that and have always been looked upon as a bitch. But, whatever...

I haven't run into this problem as far as my shoots with models, except for once... but the model told her BF to piss off, like you said. I'm so happy she did, because we have some great images that would be a shame not to be able to use them, all over some boyfriend's insecurities.

Nov 16 06 09:03 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US


Nov 16 06 09:04 pm Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

And if that doesn't work, there's always the wood chipper.

Nov 16 06 09:05 pm Link


Paul Valach

Posts: 550

Avondale, Arizona, US

jon mmmayhem wrote:
the email today that her boyfriend "doesn't like the idea" of her being naked on the internet. he knew she was coming to hang out and take pictures, but he apparently thought they would be "more clothed".
so in order to not upset him, i have taken them down.

umm.. SHOOT THE BOY FRIEND.. i am thinking I oughta set up a service that simply makes boy friends dissappear.... no trace, no hints...they would simply dissappear.. now to just make this business model legal..

Nov 16 06 09:09 pm Link


Paul Valach

Posts: 550

Avondale, Arizona, US

Jack Checkowy wrote:
Just did a shoot a few weeks ago, have some fantastic topless images of the model, showed her the edited version, she loves it!!!  However, boyfriend objects! Even though I have a signed release, I have agreed not to post it on any of my portfolios on line.

Hmm, Ontario... now see if I offer my services in Canada.. isn't there a Great Lake in the neighborhood???

Nov 16 06 09:10 pm Link


FlirtynFun Photography

Posts: 13926

Houston, Texas, US

KatieK wrote:
Y'know, that really sucks.  Both on her part and on the boyfriend's part.  My boyfriend tried to tell me that he was supportive of my modelling and that he was behind me 100% no matter what I decided to do.  Then he saw an implied nude and flipped sh*t.  Now, I don't show him ANY of my photos because he has nothing but negative comments and a bad attitude about my shoots. 

However, I am of the mindset that I decide what I'll do with my time and my body and that I'll pose for and post images of MY choice.  His opinion no longer counts.  So we made the deal that modelling is my thing, and if he's not interested, that's fine. 

Sounds like your friend needs to stand up for herself a little.  If she's happy with the photos, and is okay with them being posted, she should tell her bf to piss off.

It sounds to me like a lot of models are choosing the wrong men...jealousy is just insecurity turned outward. Thank God I'm marrying a woman who not only likes girls, she's not jealous when I shoot!

Nov 16 06 09:14 pm Link


Coarse Art

Posts: 3729

Lexington, Ohio, US

jon mmmayhem wrote:
... friend of mine ... we both liked.

... it was just two people who have been friends for years goofing around taking pictures ...

Given the above, be happy that you and your friend were edified.

The old cliche - disagreements are the result of differing expectations.

jon mmmayhem wrote:
anyway, i don't expect answers, or sympathy. i'm just venting, because, in the words of Morrissey, "i've seen this happen in other people's lives, and now, it's happening in mine"

If you expect more (seems you did at some level), work with adults who live their own lives and get a release ... or make sure that your friend understands your expectations up front.

Nov 16 06 09:15 pm Link


Aaron Schomburg

Posts: 31

Hastings, Minnesota, US

ReallyRandy wrote:
Hi, you're interested in a shoot? Great. Do you have a boyfriend? you do? Sorry I only shoot lesbians and drag queens. bye.

Looks like you also shoot clowns,   but who can blame you.

Nov 16 06 09:15 pm Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

I have this one particular model and we have been through three boyfriends together ! Each time they get upset and she has to stop modeling and each time she asks me to take the shots down. Well she just called and left me a message and guess what boyfriend number 4 is a goner and she wants to shoot again!  So guess what I am doing this weekend  LOL Man I am a sucker for a pretty blond !

Here is a video I made of our last shoot this summer and just before boyfriend number 3 pulled the plug.  Enjoy smile

Nov 16 06 09:16 pm Link


Maddie Mahon

Posts: 175

Cordova, Maryland, US

maybe im one of the few that have a good boyfriend LOL.

Mine doesn't care what I do.  He supports my modeling, always has...He has only been to a few shoots where nudity was involved and he didn't yell and get irrate about the ones he didnt get to attend.  He looked at the pictures and said "Wow those are nice honey" and that was it.

Eh, I guess I got a good one of the bunch smile

Nov 16 06 09:17 pm Link


i c e c o l d

Posts: 8610

Fort Myers, Florida, US

ReallyRandy wrote:
I just had a slight bf issue today. Shoot cancelled for pregnant chick cause bf wasn't invited. Jeez!

Hey Randy, what was her name? Same thing happened to me last month...I wonder if its the same girl?

Nov 16 06 09:17 pm Link


Paul Valach

Posts: 550

Avondale, Arizona, US

Terry Breedlove wrote:
I have this one particular model and we have been through three boyfriends together ! Each time they get upset and she has to stop modeling and each time she asks me to take the shots down. Well she just called and left me a message and guess what boyfriend number 4 is a goner and she wants to shoot again!  So guess what I am doing this weekend  LOL Man I am a sucker for a pretty blond !

Here is a video I made of our last shoot this summer and just before boyfriend number 3 pulled the plug.  Enjoy smile

Awesome if she is looking for someone who won't care.. i am willing to be #5... Let's face it women, attractive women seem to pick the BIGGEST LOSERS around. I know this from several models that I have just chatted back and forth with.. WHY .. I have no clue.. other than the the guys who abuse, smell, and have little intellect seem to attract is VERY SAD.. and there seems no answer........ then again a good wood chipper is not a bad idea.

Nov 16 06 09:24 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

Alexis Silsbe wrote:

I have to admit, when you said "eat" the first thing that came to my mind was not food... Sorry. I'm a dirty, dirty girl.

Alexis ~ "ohhh dammm" I didn`t even see that.....uppps! Stepped on a landmine with that word eat

Well, because you found that so amusing and because you have such a adorable 1920`s flapper pic I just added you!

Nov 16 06 09:30 pm Link


Scissor Industries

Posts: 153

San Jose, California, US

Can we get a club with T-shirts and membership cards for this?

Nov 16 06 09:39 pm Link


jon mmmayhem

Posts: 8233

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

Tim Baker wrote:
Ask her what she wants; he's a nonentity in this matter.

i'm pretty sure she wants him to be happy, regardless of what it does to anyone else.

also, they have been dating for about... two months.

Nov 16 06 10:39 pm Link


- Jake -

Posts: 794

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

Len Cook Photographer wrote:

More evidence for my theory that hypocrisy is a MUCH more popular hobby than photography.

i hear that!

Nov 16 06 10:54 pm Link


Amanda Padilla

Posts: 1772

New York, New York, US


Nov 16 06 10:56 pm Link


Papa Vic Photography

Posts: 8211

Glendale, Arizona, US

KoolGirlieStuff wrote:
I`ve met EXTREMELY AGGRESSIVE AND POSSESSIVE nutcase girl lovers who if they had their way they`d lock their significant other in a closet and only let her out to eat twice a day.....

Alexis Silsbe wrote:
I have to admit, when you said "eat" the first thing that came to my mind was not food... Sorry. I'm a dirty, dirty girl.

Bad dirty girl! Papa *spank* big_smile

Nov 16 06 10:58 pm Link


Amanda Padilla

Posts: 1772

New York, New York, US

jon mmmayhem wrote:

i'm pretty sure she wants him to be happy, regardless of what it does to anyone else.

also, they have been dating for about... two months.

MY b/f try to get crazy with me the other night about modeling photos, I told him to shut the fuck up, don't ever come into my MM page and start shit with me. I took those photos because I WANTED TO, no one forced me to. B/f are really stupid, don't ever take them to a shoot. THERE GAY!!!!

SPHH make him happy, I'll make myself happy before him.

Nov 16 06 10:59 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Terry Breedlove wrote:

Lovely bumpers. smile


Nov 16 06 11:08 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Amanda Padilla wrote:

Don't you mean your "EX B/F"?


Nov 16 06 11:09 pm Link


jon mmmayhem

Posts: 8233

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

Amanda Padilla wrote:

are... are you ok?

Nov 16 06 11:29 pm Link


global vision

Posts: 1681

Bowling Green, Ohio, US

Doug Mackay    DMP wrote:
welcome to the ass wipe strikes club indeed.

uh feeling exactly

Nov 16 06 11:33 pm Link



Posts: 7392

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

I'll second that comments on lesbian lovers.... NEVER, never again....will I shoot a gay model who wants to bring her "girlfriend."  Control freaks... when it comes to a shoot...never again...
3 times --- the friend turned out to be model's lover.  Absolute poison to any kind of playfulness/rapport between model & myself.
  I've shot with a number of bi, gay gals alone... and created damn nice stuff... and we're still friends after 2, 3 shoots.

Nov 17 06 12:12 am Link



Posts: 9

Greenbelt, Maryland, US

jon mmmayhem wrote:
i took a few hundred pictures of a friend of mine over the weekend, and there were some great ones in there that we both liked.
i had one up here (maybe you were lucky enough to see it), where she was curled up on her side on a bed in her underwear. it was beautifully (if i may say so) and tastefully done, and not at all incriminating or sleazy or scandalous.
i got the email today that her boyfriend "doesn't like the idea" of her being naked on the internet. he knew she was coming to hang out and take pictures, but he apparently thought they would be "more clothed".
so in order to not upset him, i have taken them down.

this was not a professionally set up shoot. no money changed hands and no contracts were signed. it was just two people who have been friends for years goofing around taking pictures.
but still...

anyway, i don't expect answers, or sympathy. i'm just venting, because, in the words of Morrissey, "i've seen this happen in other people's lives, and now, it's happening in mine"

Tricky tricky situation, as significant others to play a role in things like this.  My boyfriend went on a photoshoot and for reasons MUCH more than "i don't want people to see him" I requested she remove his pictures (oh, the background story had much relevance) but under the circumstances you gave, I can't understand why her boyfriend would have an issue with the photos.  Perhaps he would rather think of her body as theirs to share instead of theirs and the world to share, if it makes you feel any better to look at it that way.  As a friend, maybe it'll help you not to be angry that he at least respects her?  I'm just trying to help.  Perhaps, given my lack of sleep, that isn't such a wonderful idea.  Maybe the three of you could talk, if you really want to post those pictures, and he can decide WITH you which ones he feels are appropriate to go online?  If not he's a loser.

Nov 17 06 01:07 am Link


Chantelle Mathiasson

Posts: 3638

Carson City, Nevada, US

ReallyRandy wrote:
From now on I'm only shooting lesbians and maybe drag queens.


Nov 17 06 01:12 am Link


Stacey S

Posts: 3131

Long Beach, California, US

Oh the joy of boyfriends hah
i'm sorry this happened

Nov 17 06 01:13 am Link


duds here

Posts: 397

Chicago, Illinois, US

Bf, BS They are your pictures your work and since you are not selling them, they are not porn, and both models and you agreed to the work too bad.

Figure it this way, first of all the model is of legal age and the BF doesn't own her and certainly not you, and second of all in two weeks they will have another BF.

So don't change your images on a whim, this is your work as I said and you have a right to show it in an editorial or portfolio way!

Take the images off the site, rotate them and then put them back on.  If the BF barks say they don't have a right, they aren't even married to the person, so who cares?

Nov 17 06 02:39 am Link


jon mmmayhem

Posts: 8233

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

she ended her last email with "maybe later", so there's that slight window of hope that either he comes to his senses and realizes there's nothing wrong with these, or... she cans him.
i hope the former and not the latter, because all this hassle aside, i can tell he really does make her happy.
he's all she could talk about while she was here.

Nov 17 06 07:09 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

LHC Photography wrote:

NC17 and Renee, I just want to let you gals know that I am single and if thing ever go sour with your relationship, drop me a line. wink

I'll have to remember that wink

Nov 17 06 08:49 am Link


Ought To Be Shot

Posts: 1887

Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

Shoot the boyfriend first!  smile

Nov 17 06 08:56 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Paul Valach wrote:
Awesome if she is looking for someone who won't care.. i am willing to be #5... Let's face it women, attractive women seem to pick the BIGGEST LOSERS around. I know this from several models that I have just chatted back and forth with.. WHY .. I have no clue.. other than the the guys who abuse, smell, and have little intellect seem to attract is VERY SAD.. and there seems no answer........ then again a good wood chipper is not a bad idea.

Whoa whoa man... thats a pretty big blanket statement!!! So you're basically saying that my boyfriend is a looser because I'd say I'm attractive? Uhhh I don't think so. Bitter much?

CL Photography wrote:
Bf, BS They are your pictures your work and since you are not selling them, they are not porn, and both models and you agreed to the work too bad.

HUH? Since the pictures aren't being sold they aren't porn? Since when did images being sold equate to porn? Please tell me I read that wrong!

Nov 17 06 08:58 am Link


Paul Valach

Posts: 550

Avondale, Arizona, US

Amanda Padilla wrote:

LOL, Now you're talkin'!

Nov 17 06 09:01 am Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

NC17 wrote:

I'll have to remember that wink

Get in line LHC, I'm first in line if she ever breaks up with her BF.

Nov 17 06 09:04 am Link


Paul Valach

Posts: 550

Avondale, Arizona, US

NC17 wrote:

Whoa whoa man... thats a pretty big blanket statement!!! So you're basically saying that my boyfriend is a looser because I'd say I'm attractive? Uhhh I don't think so. Bitter much?

Not bitter, annoyed is more like it. We all make bad decisions, its just this one seems to make less sense all the time. Maybe you did find someone who is nice, kind and supportive of you...but there are many others who do not and they repeat the process over and over. And YES when I toss a blanket I don't bother with a napkin, I toss the king size one.

Nov 17 06 09:09 am Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

Amen to that! Good for you. Thats awesome! More women need to (should) stand up to their man like that. I've always been like that and have always been looked upon as a bitch. But, whatever...

I haven't run into this problem as far as my shoots with models, except for once... but the model told her BF to piss off, like you said. I'm so happy she did, because we have some great images that would be a shame not to be able to use them, all over some boyfriend's insecurities.

Thanks for the support.  I hear that I'm 'bitchy' all the time when I stand up for myself.  I've informed him that I have a father, I'm not looking for a new one.  We're in the process of working through this.  Your support really helds, thanks a ton!

Nov 17 06 09:30 am Link


Joe Photo 35mm

Posts: 16

Tampa, Florida, US

Here is a factual report.  The years 1995 - 2004 The place NYC.  The event taking place: Modeling Agency taking on new models.  Here is the story:  New model is acceptable and has to come back for a free test shoot.  Calls back a week later and says my [pick one] (boyfriend, Husband, Fiance, Boss, etc) said he will kill me or dump me if I go a head with modeling, bye.
True story that has hap. many times over.
Question for the female models: Women's Lib?  Rights? Freedom? ETC?
Please don't make me laugh.  It will never change!

Nov 17 06 09:40 am Link



Posts: 3591

Dayton, Ohio, US

jon mmmayhem wrote:
she ended her last email with "maybe later", so there's that slight window of hope that either he comes to his senses and realizes there's nothing wrong with these, or... she cans him.
i hope the former and not the latter, because all this hassle aside, i can tell he really does make her happy.
he's all she could talk about while she was here.

Ummmm.. that doest mean happy.. that could mean FOOLISH.. that no matter what he does, she will conform to it "because I love him"..

I had a girl I shot with for over a year tell me she couldnt shoot anymore because she has a new boyfriend and he doesnt trust photograhers and doesnt want anyone else to see HIS WOMAN nude..

I told her I could care less about his wants, I was disappointed at HER behavior for giving into that nonsense in order to hang onto a man..

She later emailed me to say she begged him to let her shoot with me and he said as long as he could meet me first.. to which I gave them the big FUCK YOU because I NEVER need to meet him.. HE did not have a year long relationship with me, SHE did and that should have been enough..

But hey, it is what it is..

Same thing that makes you laugh will make you cry.. That controlling mentality that she now excuses will be the same thing she is crying about later when it is over and she feels stupid for allowing it..

YOU did the right thing for YOUR friend..

Nov 17 06 09:41 am Link


jon mmmayhem

Posts: 8233

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

KatieK wrote:
Thanks for the support.  I hear that I'm 'bitchy' all the time when I stand up for myself.

i really really hate this mentality, this double-standard.
personally, i like it when people, men and women, are assertive.

Nov 17 06 12:14 pm Link


Mark Heaps

Posts: 786

Austin, Texas, US

ReallyRandy wrote:
Boyfriends suck ass! From now on I'm only shooting lesbians and maybe drag queens.

I just had a slight bf issue today. Shoot cancelled for pregnant chick cause bf wasn't invited. Jeez!

Nah, that doesn't work either..I've had emails from models who say they want to make sure I don't use pics of them...clothed even...because their girlfriends get upset and jealous.

Nov 17 06 12:16 pm Link