Forums > General Industry > Flakey Photographers


Sexiest Carly

Posts: 530

Los Angeles, California, US

Me and a few of the other girls in this industry who are hardworking, never late, and completely professional are in a state of dispair over flakey photographers.

I have a visiting mdoel from New Jersey and the way Texas has welcomed her is to blow her off and waste her time. But of course, being in the Texas industry I experience this on a daily basis.

Also there are other "black out zones" which i'll not list entirely, but including AZ, where we have all experienced a large ratio of cancellations.

The thing is, we are all professional models- this is what we DO! And by professional I don't mean we have a MM Page and are 5'1'' clamining to be models. In fact- a couple of the names would shock you that people even cancel on them. They are two-three of the MM/OMP most popular girls.

WHY!!!!!!! Don't you realize that when you flake out on us- you may as well be evicting us, or starving us, or telling my kids they don't deserve new shoes. Because THAT is the ripple effect that it has. Not to mention that it is just disrespectful.

We are girls that have true dedication to this- to the industry and have made  a LOT of sacrifices, like being with out family and friends at home, and flakey photogs are enough to take any amount of enjoyment out of what we do- and then the pictures of every photog who IS respectful suffer b/c of the stresst his causes again- ripple effect.

Basically - if you think this does not affect you, THINK AGAIN.

We do not have an agency as freelance models to protect us and even though most of us have cancellation policies in place, nothing ever comes of it and there is no legal action avail for us to take.

When a model cancels, or no shows on you as a photog, then you need to realize that #1: you did not hire a professional, b/c WE would hve been there, and #2: YOU still have the money in your pocket. It may have cost you a studio fee, or location fee, but we're losing money, rent, food, travele expenses hand over foot.

Do not reply to this as "as a photog i  run this amount of cost per month" b/c i don't want to hear it- I'm a photog and an MUA as well, so I run an inordinate cost each month. I KNOW what it takes, but this is not about model vs photog except for the fact that We need help from the professionals out there who realize that this is our life and our living that you take into our hands when you book us.

Nov 10 06 10:50 am Link


john hill

Posts: 361

Louisville, Kentucky, US

I've had a few models and even a couple of MUA's flake.I'm starting to learn how to pick up clues and get a feel for whose professional or not.It will only happen once with me.If I stick my hand back in the flame it's my fault!! Love your port!!  jh

Nov 10 06 11:02 am Link



Posts: 2200

New York, New York, US

I'm sorry to hear about your trouble with photographers. 

I don't make my living as a photographer, I do this for the pure joy of it.  I've only had to cancel once.  It was kind of short notice so I paid the model anyway becuase we had agreed on the day and time and I only thought it was fair.  I know models are doing this for a living so if they agree to work with me and I cancel, I still owe them for their time.

Nov 10 06 11:02 am Link


Cat Shadows Photography

Posts: 12055

Gorham, Maine, US

I have never canceled a shoot in my life. If I had to cancel a shoot I would give the model ample notice so she would have time to make other arrangements.

On the other hand, I've had several (many) models cancel or not show up on the day of a shoot. I think most of the photographers in this area (Washington, DC) live for their next shoot and would only cancel if there was an extreme emergency.

Models seem to cancel shoots on a whim and with flaky excuses. Its the pits when they just don't show up.

I think photographers have a much better show and shoot record.

Very good port. If ever in Texas I would love to shoot with you. BTW, the pic of you nude sitting on the construction pipe was interesting. Did your tush get cold? smile


Nov 10 06 11:04 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

carlyerin wrote:
Me and a few of the other girls in this industry who are hardworking, never late, and completely professional are in a state of dispair over flakey photographers.

I have a visiting mdoel from New Jersey and the way Texas has welcomed her is to blow her off and waste her time. But of course, being in the Texas industry I experience this on a daily basis.

Also there are other "black out zones" which i'll not list entirely, but including AZ, where we have all experienced a large ratio of cancellations.

The thing is, we are all professional models- this is what we DO! And by professional I don't mean we have a MM Page and are 5'1'' clamining to be models. In fact- a couple of the names would shock you that people even cancel on them. They are two-three of the MM/OMP most popular girls.

WHY!!!!!!! Don't you realize that when you flake out on us- you may as well be evicting us, or starving us, or telling my kids they don't deserve new shoes. Because THAT is the ripple effect that it has. Not to mention that it is just disrespectful.

We are girls that have true dedication to this- to the industry and have made  a LOT of sacrifices, like being with out family and friends at home, and flakey photogs are enough to take any amount of enjoyment out of what we do- and then the pictures of every photog who IS respectful suffer b/c of the stresst his causes again- ripple effect.

Basically - if you think this does not affect you, THINK AGAIN.

We do not have an agency as freelance models to protect us and even though most of us have cancellation policies in place, nothing ever comes of it and there is no legal action avail for us to take.

This part was brilliant... true... and accurate, you could also replace each and every instance of "model" with "photographer" and have an equally true and accurate statement.

carlyerin wrote:
When a model cancels, or no shows on you as a photog, then you need to realize that #1: you did not hire a professional, b/c WE would hve been there, and #2: YOU still have the money in your pocket. It may have cost you a studio fee, or location fee, but we're losing money, rent, food, travele expenses hand over foot.

Do not reply to this as "as a photog i  run this amount of cost per month" b/c i don't want to hear it- I'm a photog and an MUA as well, so I run an inordinate cost each month. I KNOW what it takes, but this is not about model vs photog except for the fact that We need help from the professionals out there who realize that this is our life and our living that you take into our hands when you book us.

This part is complete horse shit.

Sorry. I have no other word for it.  Each and every shoot I do costs upwards of $300 before I even step through the studio door or pay a model.

As a model who gets paid, why don't you try what I do and get paid pre-shoot.  If a photographer flakes on you who has already paid for your services, then he is out his money and you are out only a couple of hours.

Nov 10 06 11:07 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

flaky photographers should get Head and Shoulders......

Nov 10 06 11:09 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

carlyerin wrote:
When a model cancels, or no shows on you as a photog, then you need to realize that #1: you did not hire a professional, b/c WE would hve been there, and #2: YOU still have the money in your pocket. It may have cost you a studio fee, or location fee, but we're losing money, rent, food, travele expenses hand over foot.

Wow, throwing all your eggs into one basket, huh hmm

Nov 10 06 11:12 am Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

James Jackson wrote:
This part is complete horse shit.

Sorry. I have no other word for it.  Each and every shoot I do costs upwards of $300 before I even step through the studio door or pay a model.

As a model who gets paid, why don't you try what I do and get paid pre-shoot.  If a photographer flakes on you who has already paid for your services, then he is out his money and you are out only a couple of hours.

Who in the heck pre-pays for a shoot????

Nov 10 06 11:12 am Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Well said. There is too much talk on the forums about flaky models but too many forget photographers can be just as flaky. In brick and mortar modeling and photography there are severe penalties for not showing up. It's too bad something like tht can not be done for those working on the net. Perhaps one of these days those of us working on the net, both models and photographers,  can somehow develope a bit more maturity and responsibility.

Nov 10 06 11:13 am Link



Posts: 11110

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

There are flakey models, flakey photographers, flakey   Its time we all accepted the fact that these things happen and move on.

Nov 10 06 11:15 am Link



Posts: 2200

New York, New York, US

Ty Simone wrote:
flaky photographers should get Head and Shoulders......

haa, haa,

My balding head doesn't need to worry about that!  I'll just need a hat or sunscreen.

Nov 10 06 11:16 am Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

Kasmia wrote:
There are flakey models, flakey photographers, flakey   Its time we all accepted the fact that these things happen and move on.

Flakey  get fired....

There's a model that's flaked on me twice, and I still wanna shoot her, lol How sad is that.

Nov 10 06 11:17 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Iris Swope wrote:

Who in the heck pre-pays for a shoot????

every single one of my clients pre-pays... in full... for any service.  I do not offer credit until I have worked with a client previously and have been paid on time.

Nov 10 06 11:19 am Link



Posts: 251

San Antonio, Texas, US

James Jackson wrote:

every single one of my clients pre-pays... in full... for any service.  I do not offer credit until I have worked with a client previously and have been paid on time.

  That brings up the question do you 'prepay' the models you use?  For both your commercial and private projects?


Nov 10 06 11:22 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

PhotoBob wrote:
  That brings up the question do you 'prepay' the models you use?  For both your commercial and private projects?


The client negotiates with the model on their own.  I have never had need to hire the model directly.

If I did, and they asked, I most assuredly would.

Nov 10 06 11:24 am Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

Leave those lame Texas photographers and come to Cali smile

Nov 10 06 11:24 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

Iris Swope wrote:
Who in the heck pre-pays for a shoot????

James Jackson wrote:
every single one of my clients pre-pays... in full... for any service.  I do not offer credit until I have worked with a client previously and have been paid on time.

I understood that to mean who the heck pre-pays a model for a shoot. That was what the original quote was implying, that the model should be prepaid. I've never heard a model being prepaid....

Nov 10 06 11:26 am Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

Iris Swope wrote:
Who in the heck pre-pays for a shoot????

James Jackson wrote:
every single one of my clients pre-pays... in full... for any service.  I do not offer credit until I have worked with a client previously and have been paid on time.

Jessalyn wrote:
I understood that to mean who the heck pre-pays a model for a shoot. That was what the original quote was implying, that the model should be prepaid. I've never heard a model being prepaid....

I understand a commerical client pre-paying... but prepaying a model is crazy.
Especially, when all these models supposedly flake...

Nov 10 06 11:28 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Jessalyn wrote:
I've never heard a model being prepaid....

I've never heard of one asking... but... it is a legitimate question.  You're providing a service, and as a service provider it is your choice to offer credit or to get paid for your services up front.  If you offer credit you are taking the risk of the client not paying you for your services.

I learned through doing web design that offering credit on creative services or other services that are easily walked out on with no pang of conscience is a losing proposition.

Pay up front, I will do the service you ask and have paid for.  You want to pay in parts, go see someone else.

Nov 10 06 11:29 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Iris Swope wrote:
I understand a commerical client pre-paying... but prepaying a model is crazy.
Especially, when all these models supposedly flake...

Perhaps they wouldn't flake if there was a monetary reason for them not to... such as... you would be able to sue them for not providing the service you paid for.

Nov 10 06 11:30 am Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

Nov 10 06 11:40 am Link


Model Lenore

Posts: 111

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I've been flaked on twice in the last 2 months and it really jacked up my travel plans and just had to wing it and find other work or people to shoot with. In the end things still worked out.  Money wasn't lost from paying them but time was lost in the process and time is money. Yes I agree, I had said it in another posting too, it's the people not the jobtitle that don't respect other peoples time.


Nov 10 06 11:42 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

James Jackson wrote:
I've never heard of one asking... but... it is a legitimate question.  You're providing a service, and as a service provider it is your choice to offer credit or to get paid for your services up front.  If you offer credit you are taking the risk of the client not paying you for your services.

I learned through doing web design that offering credit on creative services or other services that are easily walked out on with no pang of conscience is a losing proposition.

Pay up front, I will do the service you ask and have paid for.  You want to pay in parts, go see someone else.

I bet most don't ask because they know that they would have someone laugh in their face?

Models realize all the huge upfront costs that a photographer will have. If a model cancels on a photographer, the photographer is out WAY more money than if a photographer cancels on the model. The model has just lost the time she would have been paid. Any clothes she bought can be used again. If the model cancels on the photographer then they are out studio rental fees they paid, MUA/sylists that have to paid, any food purchased to feed the staff, etc.

You already know all of this obviously since you are a photographer I'm just saying models probably don't ask because they know people will laugh at them.

Nov 10 06 11:44 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Iris Swope wrote:

ehh, so, say, you prepay part of a shoot. Say $50, for a 3 hour $50\hour shoot....

And then they don't show up.... they have your money, and you're gonna sue them.

Court costs would be more than the amount you'd be suing for....

well... heh... I've never worked with a model who was willing to work for only $50...

OK, let's make a realistic situation.

I'm doing a personal book project... not portfolio, but actual hard bound printed art book.  I hire a model to come in.  I will pay somewhere between $200-$1500 as a day rate.  If she asked for pre-payment I would pay her that day rate pre-shoot.

$200 is well worth my time to go to small claims court and recoup the $200 plus the $35 court filing costs.

Now, Iris... if you'd like to be done trying to negate what I'm saying... I'm not thinking some pie-in-the-sky solution to the problem.  If the OP and her friends are *real* working freelance models, they charge *real* working freelance model rates.  Freelance model rates are typically day rates.  If they're working with top caliber clients, who won't flake, the client will not bat an eye at pre-paying the model.

Nov 10 06 11:46 am Link



Posts: 11110

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Iris Swope wrote:

Flakey  get fired....

There's a model that's flaked on me twice, and I still wanna shoot her, lol How sad is that.

Not here right now lol, people are crying for employees, finding a $15/hour job even in the malls would be easy.  ($13.50/hour American) lol

Nov 10 06 11:46 am Link


Michael Barrett

Posts: 1149

Upland, California, US

I was born in San Antonio, moved to california when I was I don't know what the Texas industry is like.

I've never flaked on a model...

Maybe you should move to California!

Nov 10 06 11:47 am Link



Posts: 2281

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

I have two thoughts here.

1. If this is that much of a problem for you, then perhaps you are not qualifying your photographers very well when accepting the bookings. I have never cancelled a paid shoot with a model, realising the effort and cost she is incurring in getting there. I have also never had a model cancel a paying shoot, because I check them out carefully prior to booking.

2.  Offering a blistering criticism of flaky photographers may have a backlash in terms of who will be willing to pay you for your services in the future.
    This aspect applies to everyone, in my opinion, photographers, models and stylists. Bursts of vitriol in a public forum can leave a bitter taste in mouth of potential clients, the majority of whom lurk in the background and read, without actively participating.

I'm just sayin'...

Nov 10 06 11:47 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Jessalyn wrote:
...I'm just saying models probably don't ask because they know people will laugh at them.

If it is a real business person who realizes the expenses involved and how credit works, well, then I would think the question wouldn't raise any eyebrows.

But, maybe that is just me.

And as far as the fact that photographers lose huge amounts of monetary investment when a model cancels, please tell the OP.

Nov 10 06 11:49 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Hi .....Um........ I am 4'11" have an mm page and am pretty dedicated.... I understand what you are saying but in the o.p. you said girls who are 5'1'' and have an mm page ,  i dont think size or height applies here , and i do beleive there are several types of models who take this quite seriously even if the are under 5'9''.... Thanks.

On another note flakes are every where in every industry , maybe they are intimidated by you height and beauty...wink

Nov 10 06 11:55 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

CareLyn Anita wrote:
Hi .....Um........ I am 4'11" have an mm page and am pretty dedicated.... I understand what you are saying but in the o.p. you said girls who are 5'1'' and have an mm page ,  i dont heink sie or height applies , and i do beleive there are several types of models who take this quite seriously even if the are under 5'9''.... Thanks.

On another note flakes are every where in every industry , maybe they are intimidated by you height and beauty...wink

I miss your tiny body big_smile

Nov 10 06 11:56 am Link



Posts: 2100

Dallas, Georgia, US

carlyerin wrote:
Me and a few of the other girls in this industry who are hardworking, never late, and completely professional are in a state of dispair over flakey photographers.

I have a visiting mdoel from New Jersey and the way Texas has welcomed her is to blow her off and waste her time. But of course, being in the Texas industry I experience this on a daily basis.

Also there are other "black out zones" which i'll not list entirely, but including AZ, where we have all experienced a large ratio of cancellations.

The thing is, we are all professional models- this is what we DO! And by professional I don't mean we have a MM Page and are 5'1'' clamining to be models. In fact- a couple of the names would shock you that people even cancel on them. They are two-three of the MM/OMP most popular girls.

WHY!!!!!!! Don't you realize that when you flake out on us- you may as well be evicting us, or starving us, or telling my kids they don't deserve new shoes. Because THAT is the ripple effect that it has. Not to mention that it is just disrespectful.

We are girls that have true dedication to this- to the industry and have made  a LOT of sacrifices, like being with out family and friends at home, and flakey photogs are enough to take any amount of enjoyment out of what we do- and then the pictures of every photog who IS respectful suffer b/c of the stresst his causes again- ripple effect.

Basically - if you think this does not affect you, THINK AGAIN.

We do not have an agency as freelance models to protect us and even though most of us have cancellation policies in place, nothing ever comes of it and there is no legal action avail for us to take.

When a model cancels, or no shows on you as a photog, then you need to realize that #1: you did not hire a professional, b/c WE would hve been there, and #2: YOU still have the money in your pocket. It may have cost you a studio fee, or location fee, but we're losing money, rent, food, travele expenses hand over foot.

Do not reply to this as "as a photog i  run this amount of cost per month" b/c i don't want to hear it- I'm a photog and an MUA as well, so I run an inordinate cost each month. I KNOW what it takes, but this is not about model vs photog except for the fact that We need help from the professionals out there who realize that this is our life and our living that you take into our hands when you book us.

can we curse on these? cause i want to know who the fuck are you working with???? seriously??? i am a dallas photographer and there are nights that i dont sleep cause i was editing or drunk the night before and i have an early shoot! but i have models flake ALL THE DAMN TIME! If you are having that issue with a photographer, than that is truely screwed up! i HATE flakes... my time is money!

you need to check these guys first! your time is too important!!!!!

Nov 10 06 11:57 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Jessalyn wrote:

I miss your tiny body big_smile

Miss you too Jess!!! smile

Nov 10 06 11:59 am Link



Posts: 190

Houston, Texas, US

I just had a photographer flake on me from California. Does it really matter what region they are located? I mean there are flakey people everywhere in the world.

Frosted flakes are just a part of life. And don't deserve the time of day to shoot with any model with that type of behavior. Check my references, im always at my shoots on time ready and willing to work my heart out for a good photo. All the rest will perish.


Nov 10 06 12:01 pm Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

James Jackson wrote:
well... heh... I've never worked with a model who was willing to work for only $50...

OK, let's make a realistic situation.

I'm doing a personal book project... not portfolio, but actual hard bound printed art book.  I hire a model to come in.  I will pay somewhere between $200-$1500 as a day rate.  If she asked for pre-payment I would pay her that day rate pre-shoot.

$200 is well worth my time to go to small claims court and recoup the $200 plus the $35 court filing costs.

Now, Iris... if you'd like to be done trying to negate what I'm saying... I'm not thinking some pie-in-the-sky solution to the problem.  If the OP and her friends are *real* working freelance models, they charge *real* working freelance model rates.  Freelance model rates are typically day rates.  If they're working with top caliber clients, who won't flake, the client will not bat an eye at pre-paying the model.

Actually no, I just in general like to negate what people say....

I figured if I put in a $150\hr, everyone would say, "Who pays that kind of money?" Though that's a real commercial rate...

Anyhow... I've still never heard of a client pre-paying a model, even in the commercial world...

I removed my arguementative post, and will stay out...

But anyhow... carry on smile

Nov 10 06 12:13 pm Link



Posts: 279

Richmond, Virginia, US

I set up a shoot with a photographer.  He came to Virginia.. from.. another state.  He called me the day before the shoot.. to make sure that everything was a go. It was a 3 hour shoot, which meant a 300 dollar shoot.    In the conversation that I had with him the DAY BEFORE the shoot, he told me that everything was good to go and to please give him a call when I woke up the next day so we could figure out a few last minute things..  *any extra ideas, any extra clothing, etc*
I called him the next day.. and he says. "ya know, I changed my mind and really dont like the place that I'm at.. I'm gonna have to cancel'

Are you serious ?  Where do these people come from ?  Now I dont know about you people.. but 300 dollars is a LOT of money to me. But what do you say in a situation like that?
Do you act like a complete ass and take the chance of never getting work from the photographer at all ?  Or do you take the disrespectfulness and hope to schedule a shoot later on?

I'm a freelance model as well. But I'm also a full time student and I have another part time job.

It honestly irritates me simply because most people dont understand, that in order to do a photoshoot, I have to ask off of work or if its a day off, spend hours getting ready and getting everything together.  Which means instead of spending time with my family, or studying, Im getting ready for a photoshoot. Its a huge waste of time, energy AND loss of money if a photographer just up and decides to not show up or change his mind last minute.

After that last shoot, I made a cancellation policy.  Where the photographer is expected to pay a certain amount of money BEFORE the photoshoot.  If he shows up, then the money goes towards the cost of the shoot, and If not, I keep the money, no questions asked.   Now this only goes for photographers that I do not shoot with on a regular basis, and I make sure to tell all the photographers.. after the second or 3rd shoot.. a fee is no longer required.

It doesn't matter where you are located or how tall you are.  There are flakes everywhere.  It doesn't matter how well known or awesome you are either.  There is always someone better and some people honestly.. Just dont care.  I'm sure some of the worlds top super models have had shoots cancelled as well.  It happens.

Nov 10 06 12:51 pm Link


Paul J Lorio Photograph

Posts: 562

Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, US

I do a few things now that have helped on the no show ratio.

First of all, I rarely use the internet for any client work.  at least with an agency, there is some recourse.  with a internet model, I'm up the creek.

Second, if I do use and internet model, I have them call me before i put anything down on my schedule.  I've found that if they aren't willing to call you for five minutes, chances are they aren't going to show up.

Third, I look at their work and who they have worked with.  If you see they have worked with some great photographers, chances are they are professional.  If they have subpar images, I've noticed that first of all, they don't care how they present themselves, and second nobody else has taken a chance on them, why should I be the first.

By using these simple steps, I haven't had a no show for at least a week *grin*

(actually that is true but I double booked the time so I still make out well)

Nov 10 06 01:01 pm Link



Posts: 251

San Antonio, Texas, US

carlyerin wrote:
Me and a few of the other girls in this industry who are hardworking, never late, and completely professional are in a state of dispair over flakey photographers.

I have a visiting mdoel from New Jersey and the way Texas has welcomed her is to blow her off and waste her time. But of course, being in the Texas industry I experience this on a daily basis.

Also there are other "black out zones" which i'll not list entirely, but including AZ, where we have all experienced a large ratio of cancellations.

I am sorry to hear this happening to you and I don't know about AZ but I do know here in Texas there are some shall we say 'cliques'... once it becomes know that you are working with 'X' during a trip it really does shut down any possiblity of working with Y and Z.  Sometimes it is professional snobbery, sometimes 'style' differences and sometimes pay amounts. 

  I do know personally of some models that will not even consider certain cities in Texas on a trip becuase of this.
Good luck on the rest of your tour.


Nov 10 06 01:02 pm Link


RAphotoSTUDIO 306

Posts: 36

New York, New York, US

James Jackson wrote:

carlyerin wrote:
Me and a few of the other girls in this industry who are hardworking, never late, and completely professional are in a state of dispair over flakey photographers.

I have a visiting mdoel from New Jersey and the way Texas has welcomed her is to blow her off and waste her time. But of course, being in the Texas industry I experience this on a daily basis.

Also there are other "black out zones" which i'll not list entirely, but including AZ, where we have all experienced a large ratio of cancellations.

The thing is, we are all professional models- this is what we DO! And by professional I don't mean we have a MM Page and are 5'1'' clamining to be models. In fact- a couple of the names would shock you that people even cancel on them. They are two-three of the MM/OMP most popular girls.

WHY!!!!!!! Don't you realize that when you flake out on us- you may as well be evicting us, or starving us, or telling my kids they don't deserve new shoes. Because THAT is the ripple effect that it has. Not to mention that it is just disrespectful.

We are girls that have true dedication to this- to the industry and have made  a LOT of sacrifices, like being with out family and friends at home, and flakey photogs are enough to take any amount of enjoyment out of what we do- and then the pictures of every photog who IS respectful suffer b/c of the stresst his causes again- ripple effect.

Basically - if you think this does not affect you, THINK AGAIN.

We do not have an agency as freelance models to protect us and even though most of us have cancellation policies in place, nothing ever comes of it and there is no legal action avail for us to take.

This part was brilliant... true... and accurate, you could also replace each and every instance of "model" with "photographer" and have an equally true and accurate statement.

This part is complete horse shit.

Sorry. I have no other word for it.  Each and every shoot I do costs upwards of $300 before I even step through the studio door or pay a model.

As a model who gets paid, why don't you try what I do and get paid pre-shoot.  If a photographer flakes on you who has already paid for your services, then he is out his money and you are out only a couple of hours.

I must agreed, with you 100%.....

We all lose $$

Nov 10 06 01:07 pm Link


The Polaroid Guy

Posts: 5606

Grand Prairie, Texas, US

Aww, I would never flake on you beautiful!

Then again, I cant afford to actually pay you soo...

Nov 10 06 01:13 pm Link


Video Kraftwerks

Posts: 3

Nutley, New Jersey, US

From the models perspective-Maybe some kind of non-refundable deposit? Like $50. But then again what happens when the model you paid a deposit to does't show?

Ho bout some kind of contract before the shoot? Then again trying to collect in small claims court could be impossible. The model/photographer is from the east coast they travel to the west coast for the booking. Which small claims court do you go to? On the east coast or west coast?

Nov 10 06 01:15 pm Link