Forums > General Industry > Another NO SHOW -- Is it wrong to blast the model?


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

Daniela V wrote:

Because it doesn't help and the flakes don't care.

You think it doesn't piss me off that other girls make it hard for those of us that don't flake?!? Sure it does! It's annoying as hell. But there's NOTHING THAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT.

If I bitched and moaned as much as these "burned" photographers, I'm sure no one would want to work with my whiny-ass.


I'm confused as to why you're here then, telling us to move on, when you seem to support the conversation if we don't talk about it.  /tim

Nov 03 06 11:43 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Looknsee Photography wrote:

What, exactly, did he prove?  What evidence did he provide?  How do we know that he showed up on Thursday but he told the model Friday?  What's her side of the story?  Absent her side, why should we believe the OP?  What if the OP treated the model in an insulting manner during the sitting negotiations?

What's to stop the model of accusing the photographer of groping her, robbing her, stiffing her on the compensation, miscommunicating the time & place of the sitting, etc.?  It's clear that the truth isn't a requirement for posting an accusation.  Further, "truth" is relative.

We are being asked pass judgment based on no evidence whatsoever.  Shame on you if you formulate an opinion based on your impression that "he didn't seem to exaggerate".

Think about this:  what exactly do we know?  We don't know anything about what went on between the photographer & the model.  But we do know that the photographer is devoting space on his profile (which should be used to make a good first impression) on attempting to ruin a model's ability to get work.  That doesn't say anything good about the photographer.

All excellent.

$20 says it will fall on deaf ears

Nov 03 06 11:45 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Tim Baker wrote:
I'm confused as to why you're here then, telling us to move on, when you seem to support the conversation if we don't talk about it.  /tim

I'm writing telling you to move on. Telling you to get over it.

What exactly do you not get?

Nov 03 06 11:46 am Link


Stan The Man

Posts: 733

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

oh well such is life!!!! i had a model coming to a shoot 3 hours late!!!! guess what i am gonna work with her again and again!!!! it just cost me $50.00  xtra but hey i do what ever i want right... now if it was another model and another day i would have been pissed off but seriously in this business we know things go pear shape!!! remember the 5 Ps

"Proper Preparation Prevent Poor Productivity"

  what saved the day for me was that i had 3 models lined up plus 2 clients so everybody had a time slot so i just moved people around  and it worked out fine exept that i was extremely tired shooting from ! 10 am till about 6pm.....

learn from it and move on!!! and ALWAYS  have a back up plan

Nov 03 06 12:04 pm Link


Myopic Earache

Posts: 1104

Chicago, Illinois, US

Moderators:  Is there any way the 16,534 threads on this topic can be merged into one giant super thread?

Nov 03 06 05:45 pm Link