Forums > General Industry > Models are officially never allowed to flake again



Posts: 393

San Diego, California, US

I wanna shoot with Kaitlin and I haven't even seen her photos yet!

Nov 04 06 11:17 am Link



Posts: 393

San Diego, California, US

double post - oops

Nov 04 06 11:23 am Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
Thanks for this thread because it illustrates that people do whats important to
them.  After the first road block many models would have canceled but you didn't.
Photographers need to read this thread and understand most excuses are just that.  Nice photo also.

Yeap, most excuses are just that. I had a model who had a similar situation, she came to the studio at the school to shoot. She was late, but called. I didn't have any issues with it, but the time was gettiong near to close the building. She finally makes it, but trying to find a parking space in San Francisco is a nightmare, while we're talking on the phone, bam! She gets into a car accident. We're both are saying, Shit! To make a long story short, we both did the photoshoot. She refused to back out. Talk about being excisted and loyal to the end.

That's the difference between one who called me 3 to 4 times with I got a flat tire, another car accident and I passed out on my job all in one muthaUkin week.

Nov 04 06 11:42 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

What her posts illustrates so well is that people do what they consider important.
Recently a model was suppose to shoot with me again.  She claimed to have called
me and got no answer.  I have voice mail so no message???   We set up a
second shoot on a day she wanted.  No show but a call hours later again no
message.  Weeks passed and she's using my images from our first shoot on her
myspace account where I left her a message about her no show or call deal.

No reply nothing untill.... I get a call about when can she pick up her disk.
Now you can't.  I tell her send me a envelope and I will mail it.  She starts in with
why she didn't show or leave a message or reply to her email.  The point is she
didn't consider my time or shoot important so she decided not to call.  I try not
to get pissed although its hard but people won't do what they don't really want to.
Its not personal they just don't give a shit.

Nov 04 06 11:42 am Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
What her posts illustrates so well is that people do what they consider important.
Recently a model was suppose to shoot with me again.  She claimed to have called
me and got no answer.  I have voice mail so no message???   We set up a
second shoot on a day she wanted.  No show but a call hours later again no
message.  Weeks passed and she's using my images from our first shoot on her
myspace account where I left her a message about her no show or call deal.

No reply nothing untill.... I get a call about when can she pick up her disk.
Now you can't.  I tell her send me a envelope and I will mail it.  She starts in with
why she didn't show or leave a message or reply to her email.  The point is she
didn't consider my time or shoot important so she decided not to call.  I try not
to get pissed although its hard but people won't do what they don't really want to.
Its not personal they just don't give a shit.

I was snickering while reading your first paragraph. My post above yours, that same model that I'm referring to did this to me also. She said she called me, left a voice message and emailed me. Talk about a unlucky ass person. What are the odds of all of these events taking place in a short period of time? Less than 1%.

Nov 04 06 11:45 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

I'm really unlucky for models.  Setting up a shoot with me means grandmothers
get sick, family members die, cars break and cell phones stop working.

Nov 04 06 11:51 am Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
I'm really unlucky for models.  Setting up a shoot with me means grandmothers
get sick, family members die, cars break and cell phones stop working.

Trust me, you aren't. Try other reosuces besides here. I haven't done any scouting on here in almost a half a year. Many come to me and want to shoot. I haven't done any shooting because of school and work. But I am not going to rely on this site. I really don't have too many issues on here with models. I only had 3 bad or weird expereinces. All of my others on here went fine.

I don't know if you have tried this or not, but try working with models that you see on here on a regular with consistent reputatiuons for working without the chaos. That is, if your style is one that they want to work with.

Nov 04 06 12:08 pm Link