Forums > General Industry > Get a back bone MM!


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US


Listen up..

Some of you need a back bone..and some of you need to simply POOF!

Just because you see a shot with boobies, doesnt mean its a good shot. DUH..
But noooo, "OH great shot, she is lovely"..Awesome port, great job"
Geeeesh, come on..Is this the "blow smoke up your butt website?"

Are boobs so over powering that you cant see past poor shots, bad photshop and poor composition.

Look, give honest tags, helpfull tags. Hell, if a photgrapher can get a beautiful woman or man naked, they should also do that model justice. Right? You blowing smoke up their butts because you havent a clue doesnt do anybody any good.

Raise the bar for crying out loud...


I rant..I go poof..

Oct 23 06 07:02 am Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

me likes boobies ....



Oct 23 06 07:05 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

yeah me too..LOL..boobies are good..yum..

Hey, I have some shots that should go poof..

Guilty as charged..


Oct 23 06 07:08 am Link


Ron Casas Photography

Posts: 813

Chapin, South Carolina, US

Us guys are suckers for a pretty face and a nice set of (.)(.)......

This I know...

Oct 23 06 07:12 am Link


All Kinds of Photos

Posts: 428

Vance wrote:

Listen up..

Some of you need a back bone..and some of you need to simply POOF!

Just because you see a shot with boobies, doesnt mean its a good shot. DUH..
But noooo, "OH great shot, she is lovely"..Awesome port, great job"
Geeeesh, come on..Is this the "blow smoke up your butt website?"

Are boobs so over powering that you cant see past poor shots, bad photshop and poor composition.

Look, give honest tags, helpfull tags. Hell, if a photgrapher can get a beautiful woman or man naked, they should also do that model justice. Right? You blowing smoke up their butts because you havent a clue doesnt do anybody any good.

Raise the bar for crying out loud...


I rant..I go poof..

Yes but aren't fuzzy, out of focus, poor taste photos with boobies in them art???

Oct 23 06 07:14 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Can you repeat that? I heard boobies and I totally missed the rest tongue

Oct 23 06 07:20 am Link


Rick Jolly

Posts: 281

Newton Falls, Ohio, US

someone said boobies..  hehe

Oct 23 06 07:21 am Link



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US

Anybody can take a picture of someone with a turtleneck on...but not everybody can take a picture in playboy style   smile

Oct 23 06 07:27 am Link


Keith Goodman

Posts: 775

Sarasota, Florida, US

There are a dozen sites where the critics will rake B(0)(0)bie images over the coals.  And it will be done without regard to artistic intent.. a blown highlight will bring on the wrath of photo gods.

Posting an image here is saying "Here is my work..Comment if you like it."  It is different if you really want a critique on composition or exposure or concept.  This is probably not the best place to ask for that.

I, for one, like the idea of no negative or "constructive" comments.  Here being ignored is sufficient feedback for less than great images.

I get feedback a lot... smile

Oct 23 06 07:32 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I get lots of feed back too.

but then again my port is rife with scattered ass.

Oct 23 06 07:35 am Link



Posts: 900

New York, New York, US

agree totally, i hate hate hate when people beg for pics is ridiculous, people on here are basically begging others for a confidence boost that they do not deserve, if you have to beg for comments, your work probably is not good...

Oct 23 06 08:39 am Link


Maynard Southern

Posts: 921

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Ransom J wrote:
I get lots of feed back too.

but then again my port is rife with scattered ass.

I wish you'd change your avatar...that one just reminds me what a low, disgusting lustful creature I really am.

Oct 23 06 08:40 am Link


Adam D Photography

Posts: 297

Houston, Texas, US

did someone say POOF?

Oct 23 06 08:40 am Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Yep, if people don't like my pictures, I really don't want them leaving comments on my port. We have a forum where people can solicit constructive criticism. Besides, is it really "constructive" most of the time? Simply telling someone "your picture is badly exposed, the model looks stiff, the background's distracting" etc., is hardly that useful. Tastes vary widely, and I've seen dozens of glowing comments on pics I thought were absolutely terrible. I just shake my head and move on.

Oct 23 06 08:41 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Miles Chandler wrote:
Yep, if people don't like my pictures, I really don't want them leaving comments on my port. We have a forum where people can solicit constructive criticism. Besides, is it really "constructive" most of the time? Simply telling someone "your picture is badly exposed, the model looks stiff, the background's distracting" etc., is hardly that useful. Tastes vary widely, and I've seen dozens of glowing comments on pics I thought were absolutely terrible. I just shake my head and move on.

Thoswe are exactly the comment sI leave..I do it in a nice way...But, I'd rather be real than full of BS... My fellow artist do it to me all the time and I thank them for it.

Then again, I can see how the hobbist may feel differently. MM is not a great gauge..though I still treat it as such. If they post it..I will come...damn, thats an open door huh? LOL

Did somebody say boobis...dayum..what was I saying?

Oct 23 06 08:47 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Without a backbone.. All those boobies would be on the floor.

Support boobies!

..and stuff.

Oct 23 06 08:50 am Link


LaMarco Photography

Posts: 117

Somersworth, New Hampshire, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
Can you repeat that? I heard boobies and I totally missed the rest tongue


Oct 23 06 09:00 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

I'm going to say the same thing I always say: I don't think image comments are the appropriate place to leave constructive critiques.  If someone wants to know what they can do to improve, they'll either: a) ask me for my opinion, or b) post in the critique forum.

I think it's the height of rudeness for me to presume that my opinion is so important that I get to just sweep into someone's portfolio and strew it about.  Nah.  I leave the good stuff unasked, and that's it.

Oct 23 06 09:05 am Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

I do some boobie photography, but I try to not make it the 'focus' of the image. I mean, all women own a pair. But I don't solicit comments, and therefore when I go and see some of the shoutbox groupies and thier comments it amazes me how many they have. However my comments are generally of a higher calibre, which is more important to me. I think it is okay to be constructive about your criticism, but realize that those tags may have a tendancy to be erased. The thing that you should keep in mind is that these people are NOT asking for a critique on their comment page, so you might want to save your constructive criticism for critique section or private letters if you truly think it will improve the photographers or models or stylists portfolio.

Oct 23 06 09:05 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Vance wrote:
You blowing smoke up their butts because you havent a clue doesnt do anybody any good.

I rant..I go poof..

I won't be blowing anything near YOUR butt !

Oct 23 06 09:24 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Shyly wrote:
I'm going to say the same thing I always say: I don't think image comments are the appropriate place to leave constructive critiques.  If someone wants to know what they can do to improve, they'll either: a) ask me for my opinion, or b) post in the critique forum.

I think it's the height of rudeness for me to presume that my opinion is so important that I get to just sweep into someone's portfolio and strew it about.  Nah.  I leave the good stuff unasked, and that's it.

It's only rude if it's phrased in a rude way.

I have a few comments in which the poster made some comments as to what they wish they would have seen. No skin off my back. I welcome all coments, good or bad. As a matter of fact, I knmow where my worst shots are and I am amazed that I hardly get a comment past..the huggy bear stuff. If I post it, I feel I am open to whatever happens.

This is what I do, and this is a harsh business. I get much worse in the board room. This is cake in by comparrison.

Plus, it doesent say LEAVE Happy feel good tag or just says I figure constructive crit and Happy happy, fall in the realm.

Just dont be a jerk...There is a right and a wrong way...


Oct 23 06 09:33 am Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

Then, "your face stinks, but I love your tits" would not be considered an appropriate comment?

I always considered boobs aka boobies as the greatest idea god ever had, therefore any visual presentation of them was, well, like a religious expression.

Oct 23 06 09:33 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Webspinner wrote:
I do some boobie photography, but I try to not make it the 'focus' of the image. I mean, all women own a pair. But I don't solicit comments, and therefore when I go and see some of the shoutbox groupies and thier comments it amazes me how many they have. However my comments are generally of a higher calibre, which is more important to me. I think it is okay to be constructive about your criticism, but realize that those tags may have a tendancy to be erased. The thing that you should keep in mind is that these people are NOT asking for a critique on their comment page, so you might want to save your constructive criticism for critique section or private letters if you truly think it will improve the photographers or models or stylists portfolio.

They can erase all they want...

I leave my honest opinoins..I amno hater..

If you post it, they will come..

Like I said, this is one of te FEW sites where most act like little babies. It cracks me up.
Leave a constructive crit on my port all day..I dont erase them.

my ego isnt that big....Nor is my skin that thin..

And if you leave a comment that is just plain rude, I still leave it. Then people can see what an arse you are...LOL

Oct 23 06 09:37 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

I won't be blowing anything near YOUR butt !


GAwd I hope not...

We havent even gone to dinner yet!


Oct 23 06 09:40 am Link



Posts: 332

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Vance wrote:
Plus, it doesent say LEAVE Happy feel good tag or just says I figure constructive crit and Happy happy, fall in the realm.

So, pretty much these LOW SELF ESTEEM aspiring models need people to boost their egos.  If you have to ask for a Tag or comment, you have issues UNLESS you are asking for comments on how to improve or suggestions.  But those 'Leave me a comment' or 'Leave me a comment and I'll do the same for you' shows a lack of confidence.   

And, for crying out loud, stop posting 'good work' to those who are posting crap.

Oct 23 06 09:44 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

This sounds awful, which is why I don't do it..

But for a good chunk of this place if I were to go around honestly critting without being asked to..

I'd need a macro that says, "Pretty girl, ok lighting, you have nothing to say. My Opinion Only."

Not sure how that helps anyone, so I don't bother.

Oct 23 06 09:44 am Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Shyly wrote:
I'm going to say the same thing I always say: I don't think image comments are the appropriate place to leave constructive critiques.  If someone wants to know what they can do to improve, they'll either: a) ask me for my opinion, or b) post in the critique forum.

I think it's the height of rudeness for me to presume that my opinion is so important that I get to just sweep into someone's portfolio and strew it about.  Nah.  I leave the good stuff unasked, and that's it.

Exactly!  This is a networking site, critiques aren't the focus or the purpose of posting here (with the exception of the critique forum).  If you want to leave your honest opinion on pictures, head over to photosig.  That site is more about critiques and less networking.

I don't mind HELPFUL crit.s of my stuff, from people I think know what they're talking about, but honestly most of the feedback I get is from guys just looking to knock somebody else's stuff for their own entertainment and ego.  I consider the source and delete most of it.

Oct 23 06 09:52 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

LarryB wrote:

Exactly!  This is a networking site, critiques aren't the focus or the purpose of posting here (with the exception of the critique forum).  If you want to leave your honest opinion on pictures, head over to photosig.  That site is more about critiques and less networking.

I don't mind HELPFUL crit.s of my stuff, from people I think know what they're talking about, but honestly most of the feedback I get is from guys just looking to knock somebody else's stuff for their own entertainment and ego.  I consider the source and delete most of it.

I've done it plenty and received e-mails saying tanks for the honest comment...

Most of my comments sound like this..

Great composition, crushed the black a little, but a wonderful shot.

Or.. This is one of your best shots. Keep shooting and posting on this level of production and higher.

Or...Great setting and lighting..the photshop is a little over done, keep up the work and keep progressing..

It doesnt have to be a slam fest....


Oct 23 06 10:01 am Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Vance wrote:
It doesnt have to be a slam fest....


Yeah.  I know that, you know that... unfortunately a lot of asshats don't know that.  Of course, most of these guys are also the ones that recommend models always take someone to their shoots, but we don't have to go there.  wink

Oct 23 06 10:04 am Link



Posts: 10302

Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US

...well the comments feel good ,and, I have had the good fortune of a suggestion, here and there-like, "would have liked to have seen the shot later in the day at, say, dusk." I agreed and apprciated the critique.

...don't forget Picasso's remark:
"...taste is the enemy of art."

Woman feeds my my passion for life, breasts are mostly pleasing to behold.
Was it Toomy in the Whos's Pinball Wizard who cried, feel me! touch me! heal me!
touch me!
I rest my case.

Oct 23 06 10:04 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Vance wrote:

Listen up..

Some of you need a back bone..and some of you need to simply POOF!

Just because you see a shot with boobies, doesnt mean its a good shot. DUH..
But noooo, "OH great shot, she is lovely"..Awesome port, great job"
Geeeesh, come on..Is this the "blow smoke up your butt website?"

Are boobs so over powering that you cant see past poor shots, bad photshop and poor composition.

Look, give honest tags, helpfull tags. Hell, if a photgrapher can get a beautiful woman or man naked, they should also do that model justice. Right? You blowing smoke up their butts because you havent a clue doesnt do anybody any good.

Raise the bar for crying out loud...


I rant..I go poof..


This whole site is about blowing smoke...this whole industry is.

If you're honest and critique you're classified as a bitch or your own portfolio is slammed.

If you say something nice, you're spamming a page or blowing smoke.

You can't win.

Oct 23 06 10:13 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

dgold wrote:
...well the comments feel good ,and, I have had the good fortune of a suggestion, here and there-like, "would have liked to have seen the shot later in the day at, say, dusk." I agreed and apprciated the critique.

...don't forget Picasso's remark:
"...taste is the enemy of art."

Woman feeds my my passion for life, breasts are mostly pleasing to behold.
Was it Toomy in the Whos's Pinball Wizard who cried, feel me! touch me! heal me!
touch me!
I rest my case.

I want my boobies well lit and composed damnit!  LMAO

Oct 23 06 10:15 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Daniela V wrote:


This whole site is about blowing smoke...this whole industry is.

If you're honest and critique you're classified as a bitch or your own portfolio is slammed.

If you say something nice, you're spamming a page or blowing smoke.

You can't win.

Yeah I know...but against the grain I will go..

call me crazy..


Oct 23 06 10:15 am Link


Michael Caristo Photog

Posts: 342

Buda, Texas, US


Oct 23 06 10:20 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Caristo Photography wrote:

Not a single boob in your port..

But could you size those pics up..I see some great stuff but they are too small..

such a tease!

Oct 23 06 10:24 am Link


Andre Giovina

Posts: 418

Frisco, Texas, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
This sounds awful, which is why I don't do it..

But for a good chunk of this place if I were to go around honestly critting without being asked to..

I'd need a macro that says, "Pretty girl, ok lighting, you have nothing to say. My Opinion Only."

Not sure how that helps anyone, so I don't bother.

I agree, same here.....

Oct 23 06 10:29 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Annivo wrote:

I agree, same here.....

WG, I love how you passively agree...lmao

Oct 23 06 10:35 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Doug Sampson wrote:

Yes but aren't fuzzy, out of focus, poor taste photos with boobies in them art???

Hey now!!!!

Oct 23 06 10:42 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

Hey now!!!!

KM is exempt! that' art!

My gaussian beeeeeyatch!

Oct 23 06 10:47 am Link



Posts: 127

Ocean City, Maryland, US

Ron Casas wrote:
Us guys are suckers for a pretty face and a nice set of (.)(.)......

This I know...

They have faces too?  I need to pay attention.

Oct 23 06 10:52 am Link