Forums > General Industry > any real benefits of shooting nude?


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Ray Granado wrote:
other than creating a form of art or showing your talent as a model or photographer I don't a lot of benefit to producing nude photography.  Where you can show your iamges or portfolio is limited.  Af your trying to sell your images, how big is the market and who actually buys them.  And where would buyers hang them.  It seems that most nude photography is just a means to getting girls naked for ones self interest.  I'd love to be proved wrong on this or just get some comments.

To me, it's revealing that you measure the value of a photograph by how much you can get when you sell it.  One creates art for art's sake, and money tends to ruin art.

I do nude photography almost exclusively, and I do it because it is very challenging.  Even though I'd call myself "experienced", it's always a challenge finding appropriate models, communicating to them clearly, treating them with respect & appreciation, all the while trying to increase my skills & find new images.  While photographing nudes, I gain lots of experience in managing the sitting & the relationship. 

Sure, it's not for everyone, and that's fine.  But for those of us who practice the art, it can be very rewarding.

(And speaking for myself, I resent the implication that I photograph nudes as a means to get girls naked for my own self interest.  There are plenty of other ways to get girls naked without all the hard work involved in producing quality photographs.)

Oct 10 06 10:06 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Ty Simone wrote:
He is doing nothing more than most photographers, including yourself are doing on here, Helping models build a portfolio.

From my MM port:  "I'm looking for models and team members who love images for their own sake, not in shooting pictures that are intended for a commercial model's portfolio. Yes, I know how to do that, and no, it doesn't interest me much."

For heaven's sake man, try actually knowing what  you are talking about before accusing others of things.

Oct 10 06 10:10 am Link


JR Shot You

Posts: 281

New York, New York, US

Vegas Alien wrote:
The human form is the perfect subject. Always has been. For models who are confident and comfortable posing for a skilled artist, it is the most honest form of expression they are allowed. Nothing to hide behind and everything to share.

Well, put.

Oct 10 06 10:36 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

BodyPainter Rich  wrote:
I'm wondering if there would be any tax benefits.

I mean, if your body is your means of making a living, couldn't you deduct food, excercise, and relaxation costs?

Yep. Not food, but stuff like exercize, haircuts, waxes, etc.

Oct 10 06 10:37 am Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

So I can annoy prudes.

Oct 10 06 11:07 am Link



Posts: 57

Miami, Florida, US

I have to agree with the general response in here: Its a form of art, just another genre. Some photographers make it art. Some make it porn.

I personally haven't tried it yet, but i found model yesterday that I was shooting for a paid assignment and she said she wanted to try it out. I told I had been wanting to test it out myself.

Like everything, it has its good and bad. But one obvious benifit:


Oct 10 06 11:36 am Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

"other than creating a form of art or showing your talent as a model or photographer I don't a lot of benefit to producing nude photography." 

If you really don't understand, neither I nor anyone else can explain it to you.

"Where you can show your iamges or portfolio is limited."

Well, mine have been shownin exhibitions in about 15 states and three foreign contries.
"Af your trying to sell your images, how big is the market and who actually buys them.  And where would buyers hang them." 

You would be surprised at the market for quality artistic nudes. Mine hang in the living rooms, dens and bedrooms of homes across the US, in at least one hotel and in the homes of the ladies who have traveled across the country and paid me for private commissions. In addition, My B&W nudes have been sold as CD covers, for use in magazine ads for plastic surgeons and spas among others. My most recent sale (license) was for use in a movie which is currently being filmed.

"It seems that most nude photography is just a means to getting girls naked for ones self interest.  I'd love to be proved wrong on this or just get some comments."

If this is really what you believe and I'm sure you are right about some, then no one can convince you otherwise. But for your own education, I would suggest you spend some time at a library going through some of the many books showing the work of Lucien Clergue, Wynn Bulloch, Joyce Tennysoon and Helmut Newton, among many others. It just might be a bit of an education.

Oct 10 06 11:38 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Susi wrote:
So I can annoy prudes.

Remind me to bring you more wine!

Oct 10 06 11:50 am Link


stan wigmore photograph

Posts: 2397

Long Beach, California, US

Obviously,you are very new to this whole thing and you answered your basic question in the first line of your post" to create art and show your quality as a model or  a photographer" That is the basic reason any of us do any type of photography,making money from such is not the issue,even though it helps pay the bills.

Oct 10 06 11:57 am Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Market for nude photography:

- membership-based nude websites
- gallery exhibition and sales
- selling prints from photographer's or model's website
- commercial print (abercrombie catalogs!)
- portfolio work (girl hires photographer to shoot nudes for personal use)

Yes, there's a market for it.
Yes, some people actually hang nude photos in their homes! (gasp!)

Ray Granado wrote:
other than creating a form of art or showing your talent as a model or photographer I don't a lot of benefit to producing nude photography.  Where you can show your iamges or portfolio is limited.  Af your trying to sell your images, how big is the market and who actually buys them.  And where would buyers hang them.  It seems that most nude photography is just a means to getting girls naked for ones self interest.  I'd love to be proved wrong on this or just get some comments.

Oct 10 06 12:11 pm Link



Posts: 2442

Dayton, Alabama, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
Not a lot of convincing involved.. You do the work you do.. Models that are interested in that kind of work tend to find you..

Totally agreed.

I do what I do .. I shoot nudes for the same reason I drive a Dodge Stealth, for the same reason I get tattoos, for the same reason I do most things. A) I like it B) not a lot of women do it (as compared to clothed models) C) it pleases the right people and pisses the right people off. D) I really really want people I went to high school with and ex-boyfriends to see what I do -- an indirect attack on those I can't stand the most ... if I can make 'em squirm it's all worthwhile.


Oct 10 06 12:14 pm Link


Hope Parr

Posts: 726

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

LOL... you are so far off base, do you ever step into a book store? There are tons of books on nude physique stuff. Tons of nude art work, in other countries they are nudes in normal advertisements, but americans are too prude to stand for stuff like that. Its like your comment, you feel its just to get someone naked for self gratification.
Look at this image
she is nude, but its not porn, its sexy
or this image
she is nude but again not porn.

Its all in how you shoot it.

Ray Granado wrote:
It seems that most nude photography is just a means to getting girls naked for ones self interest.  I'd love to be proved wrong on this or just get some comments.

Oct 10 06 12:30 pm Link


Anthony Wallace333

Posts: 117

realistic benefits... its something different to do if you normally shoot something other than nudes.. dont have to worry about wardrobe.. its very beautiful.

additional benefits... vaginas and breasts.

Oct 10 06 12:33 pm Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I got this email, in the hour since my previous post:


I saw your post on craigslist and was wondering if you do any nude art
photo shoots.  I would like to put a small portfolio together as a
gift and looking for a talented, creative photographer.  Your shots
are beautiful and would love to talk with you about options if you do
nude.  Also, pricing would be helpful as well (probably 10-15 pictures
I'm thinking?)


So, yes. Samantha wants to give me money to take nude photos of her, so she can give them to someone as a gift. There is a market.

Oct 10 06 01:33 pm Link


d artiste provocateur

Posts: 457

Madison, Wisconsin, US

It makes me feel all jiggy and stuff.

Oct 10 06 01:36 pm Link



Posts: 394

Brooklyn, New York, US

When you shoot it right, you cultivate a positive image of the unclothed body, rather than a fear.

Oct 10 06 02:41 pm Link



Posts: 741

Chicago, Illinois, US

The nude is an art form all by itself and that issue has been settled in the art world for a long time.
When the Greeks sculpted and painted they were in search of perfection. Perfection of form, model and the finished product. Thankfully, they never reached that point and we won't either. But making images of nudes is the closest thing to looking for perfection and it is wonderful!!!!

Oct 10 06 03:04 pm Link