Forums > General Industry > any real benefits of shooting nude?


Ray Granado

Posts: 4

Austin, Indiana, US

other than creating a form of art or showing your talent as a model or photographer I don't a lot of benefit to producing nude photography.  Where you can show your iamges or portfolio is limited.  Af your trying to sell your images, how big is the market and who actually buys them.  And where would buyers hang them.  It seems that most nude photography is just a means to getting girls naked for ones self interest.  I'd love to be proved wrong on this or just get some comments.

Oct 09 06 08:24 pm Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

Wardrobe is cheap. So is the air conditioning.

Oct 09 06 08:26 pm Link


Ray Granado

Posts: 4

Austin, Indiana, US

excellent point, I'll remember that when I'm trying to convince a model to shoot nude

Oct 09 06 08:32 pm Link


Stephen Melvin

Posts: 16334

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I shot with a model on Saturday who spent nearly $200 on her wardrobe for our shoot. She wound up posing nude.

Oct 09 06 08:35 pm Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

Ray Granado wrote:
other than creating a form of art or showing your talent as a model or photographer I don't a lot of benefit to producing nude photography.  Where you can show your iamges or portfolio is limited.  Af your trying to sell your images, how big is the market and who actually buys them.  And where would buyers hang them.  It seems that most nude photography is just a means to getting girls naked for ones self interest.  I'd love to be proved wrong on this or just get some comments.

Well, doubt if you would consider it proof of any sort, but artists have been reproducing the nude form in every media ever conceived, from terra-cotta clay to tintypes to tempera to marble, and every other imaginable medium since the first artist drew the first stick figure (probably of his naked mate) in the mud of a river bank at least 100,000 years ago.  Photography is just one of the latest mediums.  In the future, it will probably be full, solid 3-D holograms.  It doesn't need justified any more than a landscape photo or a closeup image of a flower.

Oct 09 06 08:38 pm Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

I tried shooting nude once, but the model ran screaming from the room.  Now, I stay dressed.

Oct 09 06 08:42 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Gotta be careful when closing your tripod.

Oct 09 06 09:49 pm Link



Posts: 15650

New York, New York, US

i think part of the idea was to not date the look back when painters & sculptors did it. you look at paintings with clothes and they give away the time period immediately. it's harder to place a 19th or 17th cent nude unless you are familiar with other clues like from art history. that's not to say i'm thinking about that when i shoot, as if anybodys gonna look at my work in the future! for me it's simply an established genre i felt i ought to try to see if it was something that felt right for me or i was any good at.
but it didn't and i wasn't. smile

Oct 09 06 10:25 pm Link



Posts: 5295

Pacifica, California, US

Ray Granado wrote:
other than creating a form of art or showing your talent as a model or photographer I don't a lot of benefit to producing nude photography.

If your prime interest is money, stick to senior portraits.

Oct 09 06 10:36 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

The human form is the perfect subject. Always has been. For models who are confident and comfortable posing for a skilled artist, it is the most honest form of expression they are allowed. Nothing to hide behind and everything to share.

Oct 09 06 10:38 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Not a lot of convincing involved.. You do the work you do.. Models that are interested in that kind of work tend to find you..

Oct 09 06 10:40 pm Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

If a model shoots nude, we might not shoot with her nude, but I'm more comfortable with my direction. Less chance of offense. (We generally get those details worked out ahead of time. I just volunteer this as a benefit of shooting nude.)

Some stuff works better with more skin, some with less. That's just the way it is. I don't care who's convinced about it.

Oct 09 06 10:46 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

Ray Granado wrote:
other than creating a form of art or showing your talent as a model or photographer I don't a lot of benefit to producing nude photography.  Where you can show your iamges or portfolio is limited.  Af your trying to sell your images, how big is the market and who actually buys them.  And where would buyers hang them.  It seems that most nude photography is just a means to getting girls naked for ones self interest.  I'd love to be proved wrong on this or just get some comments.

I guess I'll ask why we need to prove you right or wrong on this issue?  You do what works for you we'll do what works for us... fairly simple really.

Oct 09 06 11:01 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

My fine art nudes get shown in galleries and 1 museum across the country (and one piece is being taken to London by the Kinsey Institute), and several have been purchased for private collections (which probably means some rich guy has it on his wall).

Oct 09 06 11:23 pm Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

qphotonyc wrote:
i think part of the idea was to not date the look back when painters & sculptors did it. you look at paintings with clothes and they give away the time period immediately. it's harder to place a 19th or 17th cent nude unless you are familiar with other clues like from art history. that's not to say i'm thinking about that when i shoot, as if anybodys gonna look at my work in the future! for me it's simply an established genre i felt i ought to try to see if it was something that felt right for me or i was any good at.
but it didn't and i wasn't. smile

Believe it or not, I'm pretty sure guys liked looking at naked chicks back then too....  Some liked looking at naked guys as well.....

Nothing changes....

Oct 09 06 11:55 pm Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

e-string wrote:
My fine art nudes get shown in galleries and 1 museum across the country (and one piece is being taken to London by the Kinsey Institute), and several have been purchased for private collections (which probably means some rich guy has it on his wall).

I'd hang you on my wall....

Oct 09 06 11:56 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

e-string wrote:
My fine art nudes get shown in galleries and 1 museum across the country (and one piece is being taken to London by the Kinsey Institute), and several have been purchased for private collections (which probably means some rich guy has it on his wall).

You're going to be on the wall at Jitters tomorrow night. And hopefully after that on someone else's wall!

  I really should talk with David about how he gets his work shown... I'm way behind in that aspect of photography. I take the photos but then they don't go anywhere...


  And just getting back on topic; you should shoot what you're interested in shooting. I don't know if there's any advantage in nude photography; it's really just another genre. And while I do photograph the nude it's just part of what I do. But I will totally agree with the low cost of wardrobe makes it a really good option, especially these days.


Oct 10 06 12:05 am Link



Posts: 7840


my local yoga studio has nude yoga photographs all over the walls 
in public -
in the shop, reception area ... large prints too
they have a nude yoga pose (with breast showing) on the hand out classes schedule too


i sell my prints (when the collaborators agree to it) although you are right about use its more limited especially when it comes to nudes on the t shirts
i guess men may like them for wearing to fetish clubs ??
But the mugs are fun

Oct 10 06 12:10 am Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

any real benefits of shooting nude?

Its the lowest cost wardrobe on the market with no tan lines and no clothing impressions on the bod... it goes with everything you have and it will get LOADS of looks and attention everywhere you go... wink

Oct 10 06 12:11 am Link


Mr and Mrs Huber

Posts: 5056

Santa Rosalía, Baja California Sur, Mexico

I'm still shooting both clothed & nudes...
But, I've found that shooting people who are comfortable nude has given me some of the strongest, most compelling images I've made to date... (and no, they are not yet on my profile)

I feel it MUST have something to do with "taking off" the layers of "masking" that we cover ourselves with to opperate in society...  with those who are comfortable in their skins, it's almost like the ultimate in TRUTH . . .. 
There are limits to what kinds of TRUTH can be spoken of... and in general I mean Self Reflective Truths... the kind of Truth one can speak of about oneself...

Oct 10 06 12:14 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Paramour Productions wrote:

I'd hang you on my wall....

Me, or one of my images? I've seen enough horror movies... no meathooks please. wink

Oct 10 06 12:30 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Pat Thielen wrote:

You're going to be on the wall at Jitters tomorrow night. And hopefully after that on someone else's wall!

  I really should talk with David about how he gets his work shown... I'm way behind in that aspect of photography. I take the photos but then they don't go anywhere...


  And just getting back on topic; you should shoot what you're interested in shooting. I don't know if there's any advantage in nude photography; it's really just another genre. And while I do photograph the nude it's just part of what I do. But I will totally agree with the low cost of wardrobe makes it a really good option, especially these days.


I saw your e-mail! It's too bad I have a hellish bio exam tomorrow evening or I'd totally be there. Good luck!!

I believe Dave just submits to galleries... but the thing is, it's not cheap to do that. Printing, framing, etc.

Oct 10 06 12:31 am Link


John Van

Posts: 3122

Vienna, Wien, Austria

To me it depends on the potential shot. I hardly ever ask a model to go completely nude, because the look doesn't appeal to me (unless I would go for the artsy look). But sometimes a situation just screams out for a topless or nude pose and I end up disappointed when the model isn't comfortable with it.

(Note that I shoot here in Cyprus with models I meet on the street, so their boundaries are not as clearly defined as those of experienced models. None of my Cyprus shots are on MM yet.)

Oct 10 06 12:50 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

e-string wrote:

I saw your e-mail! It's too bad I have a hellish bio exam tomorrow evening or I'd totally be there. Good luck!!

I believe Dave just submits to galleries... but the thing is, it's not cheap to do that. Printing, framing, etc.

Bummer -- I wish you could be there; it'd be great to see you. In any case I wish you the best on your exam. I'm sure you'll kick it's ass!


Oct 10 06 01:05 am Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

Yah, you never have to worry that your fly might be open.

Oct 10 06 01:55 am Link

Body Painter

BodyPainter Rich

Posts: 18107

Sacramento, California, US

I'm wondering if there would be any tax benefits.

I mean, if your body is your means of making a living, couldn't you deduct food, excercise, and relaxation costs?

Oct 10 06 03:07 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

I see some toughtful answers and some comic ones too. So I will be the bone head.


Come on dude! You are looking for those purist models arent you? Bible thumper models?
Uptight types looking for a white night?

Man.. go shoot something.

yep..Im a bone head..

Oct 10 06 03:37 am Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

Vivus Denuo wrote:
I tried shooting nude once, but the model ran screaming from the room.  Now, I stay dressed.


Oct 10 06 03:42 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Vance wrote:
I see some toughtful answers and some comic ones too. So I will be the bone head.


Come on dude! You are looking for those purist models arent you? Bible thumper models?
Uptight types looking for a white night?

Man.. go shoot something.

yep..Im a bone head..

You're not the bonehead. Sometimes people reveal alot with their questions though.

Oct 10 06 08:57 am Link



Posts: 7318

Brooklyn, New York, US

this is being moved to GM

Oct 10 06 09:06 am Link



Posts: 1225

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Vivus Denuo wrote:
I tried shooting nude once, but the model ran screaming from the room.  Now, I stay dressed.


Oct 10 06 09:07 am Link


Michael J

Posts: 474

Rustburg, Virginia, US

When I shoot nude models, I never have to worry about their outfit contrasting with the backdrop I already have set . . .

Oct 10 06 09:12 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

Ray Granado wrote:
other than creating a form of art or showing your talent as a model or photographer I don't a lot of benefit to producing nude photography.  Where you can show your iamges or portfolio is limited.  Af your trying to sell your images, how big is the market and who actually buys them.  And where would buyers hang them.  It seems that most nude photography is just a means to getting girls naked for ones self interest.  I'd love to be proved wrong on this or just get some comments.

Obviously, there are people who are uptight about nudity and art featuring nudity. Presumably, you won't be showing these people your work or trying to sell it to them.

But why do you dismiss art so quickly? You will find that a fair percentage of art hanging in museums, homes, and businesses historically has included nudes. Lately, here in America, we've had this giant stick up our asses about nudity, thanks to an increasingly puritanical atmosphere. But then, just about everything America is doing lately is mediocre at best, so what can I say.

As for the rest of your comments, don't they apply equally to any kind of art photography? I think Ansel Adams shot the landscapes he did just because he likes the land he was shooting. And he had the skill to let us see what he sees, through his art. What's different about nude photography? Why is it OK by you to shoot bowls of fruit, or mountain scenery, or whatever, but naked women, verboten?

I'm a commercial photographer, and I have to shoot certain things to put food on the table. But I still enjoy doing art for art's sake -- and sometimes, that includes nudes.


Oct 10 06 09:17 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

I've looked at the portraits I shot about eight years ago, and I don't think I could sell those shots today.  The clothes and hairstyles are all wrong.  I've looked at the nudes I shot at the same time, they don't seem to have dated anything like as much, and they do still sell (occasionally).

And, anyway, there's money in nudity.

Oct 10 06 09:24 am Link


Val Kazia

Posts: 90

Saint Augustine, Florida, US

I sell plenty of nudes over the internet. I had a gallery a while back and sold some in there, although the county had a law about displaying womens breasts in public. I kept them in a special arae that was not public view.

To me the female body is the perfect art form, second is mother earth. To combine the two and creating the art is to me the ultimate. It is hard to find models here in the states that are comfortable shooting nude and it is also difficult to find locations. I was pulled over by the police last month for shooting on the beach. No ticket just hasseled, search my car, have you been drinking etc. That is why 95% of my shots are in the Caribbean, models are truly excited to be photographed and welcome the opportunity.

Oct 10 06 09:28 am Link



Posts: 340

Belleville, Michigan, US

i dont see the point, im happy doing what i am doing.  if other people want to do it thats cool though.

Oct 10 06 09:30 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

From your MM portfolio:

Ray Granado wrote:
We are interested in working with models to help build their modeling portfolio. Our company is also trying to build a database of models for our clients to pick from when they hire us to shoot ad campaigns.

That says two things:  you are running a portfolio mill, and you are trying to run an unlicensed (and therefore illegal) talent agency.

And you are questioning the motives of others?

You have gotten lots of answers to your very judgmental question.  Perhaps you could now answer why what you are doing is consistent with Texas law and with the rules of this site.

Oct 10 06 09:35 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

TXPhotog wrote:
From your MM portfolio:

That says two things:  you are running a portfolio mill, and you are trying to run an unlicensed (and therefore illegal) talent agency.

And you are questioning the motives of others?

You have gotten lots of answers to your very judgmental question.  Perhaps you could now answer why what you are doing is consistent with Texas law and with the rules of this site.

TXPhotog - When did you become a law enforcement officer?
Nowhere in his statement is he saying he is doing anything illegal by texas, or any other state law.
He is neither promising models work. He is simply collecting a database of models for a client to choose from for when HE shoots them. That is no different than a book of models he has shot to present. It in no way even implies a Talant Agency.
Also, a portfolio mill? He is doing nothing more than most photographers, including yourself are doing on here, Helping models build a portfolio.

For heaven's sake man, Get a life already and stop trying to beat on others.

Oct 10 06 09:41 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Ty, your ignorance of Texas law is near complete.  Perhaps you could try commenting on something you actually know about, whatever that is.

"(6) "Talent agency" means a person engaged in the business of obtaining or attempting to obtain employment for artists, including a person that counsels or directs an artist in the development of the artist's professional career."

Texas has one of the most stringent laws in the nation, and "collecting a database to refer to clients" is exactly what agencies do.  Using status as "an agency" or "a manager" or "a person who refers models to clients" in order to induce them to buy model shoots is exactly what portfolio mills do.

Oct 10 06 09:44 am Link


Gregory Prescott Photo

Posts: 1067

Los Angeles, California, US

I have my nudes hanging on my wall, and so do my customers.

Ray Granado wrote:
And where would buyers hang them.  It seems that most nude photography is just a means to getting girls naked for ones self interest.  I'd love to be proved wrong on this or just get some comments.

Oct 10 06 09:48 am Link