Forums > General Industry > This Guy...!



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

CL Photography wrote:
It's a trick of a pro, so be a pro and knock him on his ass he'll love it!

She might not have the bulk to knock him over: he looks pretty inertially-advantaged. However, she did say she wears 3" heels. Assuming they were fairly narrow, that's all the weapon she needs. The pressure at the point of a slim heel is truly impressive even if the wearer isn't that heavy. Absent steel-toed boots, she had the means to make it clear to him that entering her personal space was a Very Bad Idea. But I guess when the eye-batting thing didn't work out, it threw her off her game.


Oct 07 06 08:04 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

I know, they do think cuz we're women they can shove us out of the way. I was shooting a Silvertide concert and these guys started pushing me out their way, getting all nasty with me. I let 'em have it, got right up in their faces and started shoving back. They backed off. Then later, when they saw I was with WRIF (biggest rock station in Detroit) and had access to backstage, they were soooo apologetic, kissing my ass, asking me if I could take them back. Ha! I laughed and walked away. Fuckers! Lol...

batting eye lids???

Oct 09 06 05:00 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

Hadyn Lassiter wrote:

batting eye lids???

Haydn, you already responded to that on page 2. Then said you were out of here. There's plenty of trouble to get into on other, fresher threads. wink

Oct 09 06 05:11 pm Link