Forums > General Industry > This Guy...!


Steven D Murphy

Posts: 3

Hamilton, Alabama, US

lotusphoto wrote:
reminds me of a guy here (frisco) who shoots for the niner's, thought it was him at first, same pushy thing going on -looks a little like him, had a boss that warned me not to let the guy move me away from any shot he (my boss) might want

but the guy in frisco shoots pro football, since detroit doesn't have a pro football team i can't imagine him working out your way

Hahah I am a Detroit Lions fan for some crazy reason I am still trying to figure out, and saying Detroit doesn't have a pro football was funny as hell, they truly should be exiled to the CFL. Thanks for making my day.

Have a good weekend all!!

Oct 06 06 03:22 pm Link


Steven D Murphy

Posts: 3

Hamilton, Alabama, US

Oct 06 06 03:23 pm Link


Hacked Account

Posts: 492

Houston, Alaska, US

Vegas Alien wrote:
Simple.  Carry Deer urine in a squirt gun.

Hey, thats my trick lol

Oct 06 06 03:25 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Am I the only one to consider the possibility that he was treating her the same as he was treating the male photographers and that her ''power of a woman'' simply had no effect on him?  Just a thought...  ;-)

Oct 06 06 03:25 pm Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

Vegas Alien wrote:
Put creatures into his body. Remember Star Trek II? Put a parasitic earwig into his ear. I promise to post these as I think of them.

Dude, you already have enough for the shirt! 

-- rick

Oct 06 06 03:32 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

jayedwards wrote:
Am I the only one to consider the possibility that he was treating her the same as he was treating the male photographers and that her ''power of a woman'' simply had no effect on him?  Just a thought...  ;-)

Nope. I already said that. wink

Rossi Photography wrote:
I didn't have to get aggressive with them, I just batted my eyes like a lady and they kindly stepped aside (Behold the power of a woman!). But that guy... nope, didn't work with him. I gotta' give him credit, though. He was on a mission and there was no stopping him. Lol...

Oct 06 06 03:35 pm Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Vegas Alien wrote:
A vial of fire ants to dump into his pants.

Metal spiked heels to dig into his feet.

Scream, "Rape!" and tell security he grabbed your ass.

If you ever need me to come with you on a shoot or host an event for you, just let me know. smile

Learn how to make dry heaves.... it works at concerts all the time , even with photographers who are pushing into your view....

Some one will think twice about being in front of you when you act like you are going to puke....

Also ,if you coughed and sneezed uncovered and alot it may have worked....

Oct 06 06 03:41 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

So Shoot Me! wrote:

Dude, you already have enough for the shirt! 

-- rick

I know....I just like to come up with sick things to do to creeps.

Oct 06 06 03:53 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

CareLyn Anita wrote:

Learn how to make dry heaves.... it works at concerts all the time , even with photographers who are pushing into your view....

Some one will think twice about being in front of you when you act like you are going to puke....

Also ,if you coughed and sneezed uncovered and alot it may have worked....

What about actual puke?  You would then clear a wide enough field of view to allow for a panoramic shot with a Widelux or Fuji 617.

Oct 06 06 04:06 pm Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

Actually, if you look at the guy, give him a couple of years and he'll probably be dead.  Overweight, obviously not in any exercise regime, stressful job, clearly heart attack or stroke material.  Let nature take its course.

Oct 06 06 04:18 pm Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

1) While I am normally the soul of politeness, if you tried to use your feminine wiles on me to get me to surrender a spot to you, I would deliberately go out of my way to mess up your sight line. Homey don't play that. You want to be equal, act like it. Otherwise stick to covering garden teas.

2) I am all for civility and professional courtesy. Wednesday after I settled a case, opposing counsel for the psycho-hos... I mean, plaintiff, and I chatted for about five minutes quite cordially. And if there's room, I'll be glad to share. But I'm here to get my shot. I will get my shot. I have no objection to your getting your shot, and as long as you're not a jerk, I'll be glad to try to let you get your shot. But I don't care if you get your shot, and if what I have to do to get my shot interferes with your shot, them's the breaks. I won't push you or shove you unless you push or shove first, but I will get as close as I reasonably can, and I won't move. You won't hear me whine about your being in my way, and I don't want to hear it from you.


Oct 06 06 04:36 pm Link


Photos by Gary

Posts: 398

Redford, Michigan, US

Too bad tazers are elegal around here. Looks like a straight arm to his chest would work, he woukd probably fall over from the weight of his equipment.  Next time call me and I'll run block for you. Always helps to have a big ugly looking guy around.    smile

Oct 06 06 05:19 pm Link


J & X Photography

Posts: 3767

Arlington, Virginia, US

lotusphoto wrote:
reminds me of a guy here (frisco) who shoots for the niner's, thought it was him at first, same pushy thing going on -looks a little like him, had a boss that warned me not to let the guy move me away from any shot he (my boss) might want

but the guy in frisco shoots pro football, since detroit doesn't have a pro football team i can't imagine him working out your way


Oct 06 06 05:26 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

StMarc wrote:
1) While I am normally the soul of politeness, if you tried to use your feminine wiles on me to get me to surrender a spot to you, I would deliberately go out of my way to mess up your sight line. Homey don't play that. You want to be equal, act like it. Otherwise stick to covering garden teas.

2) I am all for civility and professional courtesy. Wednesday after I settled a case, opposing counsel for the psycho-hos... I mean, plaintiff, and I chatted for about five minutes quite cordially. And if there's room, I'll be glad to share. But I'm here to get my shot. I will get my shot. I have no objection to your getting your shot, and as long as you're not a jerk, I'll be glad to try to let you get your shot. But I don't care if you get your shot, and if what I have to do to get my shot interferes with your shot, them's the breaks. I won't push you or shove you unless you push or shove first, but I will get as close as I reasonably can, and I won't move. You won't hear me whine about your being in my way, and I don't want to hear it from you.



I'm surprised at how many of you are ripping this guy a new one over things that really don't seem that ridiculous.  If other photographers want to give you prime real estate because you fluttered your eyelashes, then that's them.  But if someone else doesn't want to play ball, then you really can't blame him.  And I'll be clear on this point: if it works go for it.  Use the tactics available to get your shot, just don't begrudge the next man when he uses his.

At the end of the day, you aren't the editor he has to answer to for his shots...

Oct 06 06 05:27 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Oct 06 06 05:37 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

just carry a tazer and give him a secret jolt while noones looking. Noones looking at the photogs anyway. he'll be down and out for the duration of your shooting and when he comes to in the ambulance later, he will be scratching his head in total confusion. it's clean, easy and if you can do it undetected...quite sneaky and effective!

Edit: this works by the way for pretty much any crowded situation in which you want some crudbag to get the hell outta your way. smile (legally!)

Oct 06 06 05:38 pm Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

Shove! Shove! Those eyes don't impress me!!

Oct 06 06 05:43 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Jerry Nemeth wrote:

Shove! Shove! Those eyes don't impress me!!

Oh yeah... we'll see about that, neighbor! Lol... tongue

Oct 06 06 05:45 pm Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

Oh yeah... we'll see about that, neighbor! Lol... tongue

They are cute though!

Oct 06 06 05:47 pm Link


Larry Brown Camera

Posts: 1081

Atlantic Beach, Florida, US

Sorry lady but I gotta say this .... it really appears to me that your ego was damaged ... your "batting eyes" didn't affect him as you so needed to point out about the others who "gave way for you"! Been ther done that and I suspect his actions weren't as bad a you imagined .... An ego can blind ones perspective. But in the end it appears he was doing a very professional job!

Oct 06 06 05:51 pm Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Rossi Photography wrote:
point of this thread..? I dunno'. I just needed to take a break, vent, bitch a little. And nobody's here to listen to me bitch. So....

uhm,..., just wondering, since you're kinda gonn slam him publically, with his photo attached, did you get a release for use of his image? granted, it might've been taken in a public venue, event, etc.,..., but because of the twist you've thrown on it.


Oct 06 06 05:55 pm Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Funniest thread of the day. Thanks for the laugh.

That photo is a crack-up. I can just caption the guy mumbling under his breath "Get the f--k out of the way....come on dammit....there's something happening somewhere and *I* need to be there to photograph it! Move it people!"

Oct 06 06 06:05 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

FML-Photography wrote:

uhm,..., just wondering, since you're kinda gonn slam him publically, with his photo attached, did you get a release for use of his image? granted, it might've been taken in a public venue, event, etc.,..., but because of the twist you've thrown on it.


Oh brother. If it was me having to answer that question I would just say ...uhm nope. followed with a resounding I'm surprised TXPhotog hasn't picked up on this one yet.

Oct 06 06 06:09 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

She did say he was shoving her.  Getting a shot and standing your ground are one thing, but pushing people seems a bit uncivilized.

Oct 06 06 06:10 pm Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

Vegas Alien wrote:
She did say he was shoving her.  Getting a shot and standing your ground are one thing, but pushing people seems a bit uncivilized.

Pushing people is a *lot* uncivilized. However, her other statements have damaged her credibility in my eyes to the point where when she says "shoving," I read, "standing his ground and indicating through body language that he would not move even when I nudged him." If he was actively shoving her, then hey, that's different. That tells me there were *two* photographers acting like jerks. smile


Oct 06 06 09:25 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

StMarc wrote:

Pushing people is a *lot* uncivilized. However, her other statements have damaged her credibility in my eyes to the point where when she says "shoving," I read, "standing his ground and indicating through body language that he would not move even when I nudged him." If he was actively shoving her, then hey, that's different. That tells me there were *two* photographers acting like jerks. smile


You misread my post. I didn't say, "He" stood his ground, I said...

Rossi Photography wrote:
As soon as he'd get his chance, he'd be pushing me out of the way again. I had to get a bit pushy and stand my ground with him.

If you're going to quote someone, quote the person's words, not your own made up understanding of it.

Oct 06 06 09:36 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

fashion industry inc wrote:
I just love that pic...i mean it described by itself what "kind" of photographer he is. This image speaks by itself, good job girl!!

looks like a working pro to me. why should he move for a part time press photographer who he will most likely never see again? Its his job to come back with the shot. The congress mans people should have maybe cordoned off an area where you would have had room tyo bat your eyelids or whatever.
I'm otta here this is just total nonsense all you do is whine.

Oct 06 06 09:36 pm Link


Charlie Schmidt

Posts: 856

Kansas City, Missouri, US

LarryB wrote:

Screw that, use the metal caps but plant your elbow firmly into his temple.  Accidentally of course, but as hard as you can and put your weight behind it.  Do it right and you'll have several minutes of peace.  Everybody wants peace!  Give peace a chance!

Thats not peace..Thats assualt!

As for the OP...sounds like a bad day, but a routine one any way. That may be something you have to get used to....I rememmber it being that way in DC.

Oct 06 06 09:38 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

I love you, Haydn!

Oct 06 06 09:46 pm Link



Posts: 2135

New York, New York, US

This is why the last time I Photographed Guiliani I  made it so that I was the only photographer invited into the room , shook the mans hand , got my shot and left , While people like this guy were sweating outside!

Oct 06 06 09:51 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

As soon as he'd get his chance, he'd be pushing me out of the way again.

Nothing a swift and firm kick in the balls wouldn't fix.

Oct 07 06 12:20 am Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

Or as I heard someone say

"give him a toe-punch in the coo box."

Oct 07 06 01:55 am Link


Illustrated Imagery

Posts: 93

Batting your eyes did not work. Next time try your thong. ;-)

Oct 07 06 02:10 am Link



Posts: 496

New York, New York, US

he looks so tired... maybe instead of bothering you he should have went back home and back to sleep ^_^

Oct 07 06 02:24 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Rossi Photography wrote:
I was the only female photographer, so the other male photogs were easy to deal with. I didn't have to get aggressive with them, I just batted my eyes like a lady and they kindly stepped aside (Behold the power of a woman!). But that guy... nope, didn't work with him.


Oct 07 06 02:33 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

It is clear by your post that you want to be treated special JUST because you are a woman. You bat your much for equal rights!  The moment you get treated as an EQUAL, you bitch because you were bullied...Nice!

Anyway, if you think that job was tough, you wouldn't last five minutes in NYC.

The guy is just doing his job, getting the shot at ALL COSTS! 

If you want to be a press photographer, get used to all the pushing around and get used to getting treated like an EQUAL.  When you are working for the Press, you are just another photographer, be it male or female, young or old, you are JUST another photographer.

Try shooting Fashion Week in NYC!  Udo can attest to that one!  Specially if you have to shoot backstage.

If someone pushes you, push back twice as hard, let them know that you're not going to take their shit!  Sooner or later they will know NOT to push you because you WILL push back.  Cameras have a way of giving bruises when turned too quickly on accident...

Good luck!

Oct 07 06 02:35 am Link


duds here

Posts: 397

Chicago, Illinois, US

Common guys you should know by now that is an old press photographers trick to block you from getting good pictures so you will look bad and they will look good.

I'm not kidding, then they will bad mouth you all over the place saying how bad your photos are and you can't get a good shot.

Of course you can't get a good shot with him in the way, I'm surprised anyone let you through eyes batting or not.

The press and the photogs shooting famous people do it all the time, it's called blocking and there is nothing accidental about it in any way!

It's a trick of a pro, so be a pro and knock him on his ass he'll love it!

That is also a trick of a pro, like several photogs here said knocking them down with grace like an accident is also a sign of a pro.

Wow, a woman photog who can really handle herself!  Now there is a pro who looks good in heels!

Oct 07 06 02:49 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

CL Photography wrote:
Common guys you should know by now that is an old press photographers trick to block you from getting good pictures so you will look bad and they will look good.

I'm not kidding, then they will bad mouth you all over the place saying how bad your photos are and you can't get a good shot.

Of course you can't get a good shot with him in the way, I'm surprised anyone let you through eyes batting or not.

The press and the photogs shooting famous people do it all the time, it's called blocking and there is nothing accidental about it in any way!

It's a trick of a pro, so be a pro and knock him on his ass he'll love it!

That is also a trick of a pro, like several photogs here said knocking them down with grace like an accident is also a sign of a pro.

Wow, a woman photog who can really handle herself!  Now there is a pro who looks good in heels!


Oct 07 06 03:57 am Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

The other day at the Guiliani press conference there was this photographer (above), who was getting on my last nerve. There were more than a few times when he almost got my heel poked up his ass for blocking me. The congressman's people asked him quite a few times to let me through because the congressman wanted me to get specific shots. This guy just did not care. I don't know who he was there for -- maybe The Detroit News.

As soon as he'd get his chance, he'd be pushing me out of the way again. I was the only female photographer, so the other male photogs were easy to deal with. I didn't have to get aggressive with them, I just batted my eyes like a lady and they kindly stepped aside (Behold the power of a woman!). But that guy... nope, didn't work with him. I had to get a bit pushy and stand my ground with him. I gotta' give him credit, though. He was on a mission and there was no stopping him. Lol...

But, he did ruin what could've been a great shot on a few of them... I'm noticing as I'm sitting here going through them. Grrrrrr...! Annoyed, yes...

The point of this thread..? I dunno'. I just needed to take a break, vent, bitch a little. And nobody's here to listen to me bitch. So....

So, why did you take his picture?
Are you going to use it as a dart board?

Oct 07 06 04:19 am Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

Rossi Photography wrote:


Good idea!

You don't have to do that.
If you just put regular water in it and say it's deer urine, people will back off.
It's a lot easier to find.

Oct 07 06 04:20 am Link