Forums > General Industry > Define a "creepy" photographer!


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

rp_photo wrote:
There's one fellow who always comes to mind when I think of creepy phoographers:

Larry is embodiment of the sterotypcial Disco era "Wild and crazy guy", many of whom I bet were creepy photographer wannabes.

OMG! You're so right on! That game is so funny!

Oct 03 06 03:15 pm Link


Lindsay A. Moleirinho

Posts: 409

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Image K wrote:
I completely understand that.

What I don't understand is when I hear models talk about "just another 40 year old guy with a camera".

I'm 42. I 'm overweight. I shave my head, and have a goatee. I look like I'm on a work-release program from Sing-Sing.

On the other hand, I'm a spiritual man. I am reliable, hold down a great job at a major hotel and casino, and am well respected and loved by my co-workers and friends.

I really don't think that my age and my appearance, and the fact that I am obviously not as attractive as my models makes me "creepy".

Do you?

Being a female photographer it can be difficult for different reasons but I have to admit, it nice not having to deal with those issues.
Some times when doing a job with other photographers I find people tend to take the older male photographer ( such as yourself alot more seriously) rather than me because they judge women also.
I agree that most models I have met do judge male photographers on there looks, and it's sad that they do that.
People should judge you on your photography not your looks.
On the other side of things because there are so many creeps out there, they have made it hard for guys like you.

One peice of advice, the best thing to do is to keep the photoshoots very professional, you may want to ask questions to be friendly but girls tend to take it the wrong way sometimes.
Be confident, as soon as you start act nervous it makes the models nervous also.
Depending on on the job, I always tell the model to bring a friend so they will be less nervous.
It's very intimidating for model to be alone.
Even just having the makeup artist or hairstylist around can help.

If you really are a straight guy than you should have nothing to worry about.

Oct 03 06 03:19 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3510

Los Angeles, California, US

I would say anybody that acts like GOB or the creepy old guy on family guy.

Oct 03 06 03:21 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

OMG! You're so right on! That game is so funny!

I think he's related to GWC.

Oct 03 06 03:24 pm Link


JJD Productions

Posts: 573

Abbeville, Alabama, US

Oct 03 06 03:34 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Envy wrote:
My sincerest apologies. Won't happen again.

I never said that I didn't like it, mind you.  Just, y'know, pointing it out.  Creepy models are the best.

Oct 03 06 03:40 pm Link


SI Photography

Posts: 1894


Shafique wrote:
Hi Image K,

I am happy to answer your question... My interpretation of a creepy photog is one who crosses the professional barrier while shooting.

I had a shoot a few months ago with a photographer who at first i thought was very polite when we met before the shoot. He was of age, soft spoken and gracious, until we shot.....

Then he started on sexual topics, throughout the shoot, and by the end of the shoot, he did something VERY VERY unethical!

He asked me what else I wanted to do, and I said, well I'm all out of ideas, so whatever you would like to do, we could do (obviously talking about photo ideas)
he then sat back in his chair, rubbed himself and said, "oh, well I can think of many other things we could do"

and THAT is creepy. I will never shoot with him again. haven't received all my images from him, but not too concerned. If I never see him or hear from him again, that will be to soon...

After seeing your port, I'd me tempted to rub one out also!  ;-) Just kidding. Keeping it real.

Oct 03 06 03:41 pm Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

Benny-H wrote:
next step, don't hit on the model and don't play with your willy during a shoot.

but.. my Willy cost me alot of money so that I could use it at shoots...

Oct 03 06 03:45 pm Link



Posts: 1050

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Shafique wrote:
he then sat back in his chair, rubbed himself and said, "oh, well I can think of many other things we could do"

and THAT is creepy. .

No, that is just plain DISGUSTING!

Oct 03 06 03:54 pm Link


Joe Lee

Posts: 102


For a model, creepy means unattractive.

Oct 03 06 04:16 pm Link


Ken Pivak Photography

Posts: 837

Los Angeles, California, US

One who touches a model when its not needed and speaks inappropriately.  Looks should not define creepy...that's prejudice.  It's like a good doctor...manners are everything and professionalism.

And one who tries to be friend way to fast and the intent of the shoot seems vague.  A model should feel as comfortable on the first phone call...remember your instincts are best.  If in doubt throw it out.

A trick for photographers who mean well...I learned this from Helmut about food..models don't eat much and are usually dieting.  If you cook, as I do (4-star resturant one time) food is a great way to get someone to look sexy.  Describing a chocolate cake while shooting is not only fun, but allow a great smile to endure.  Never talk about sex or what turns someone on.  Yes I have had many models take the sex route, but I just change the subject...there are creepy models also.  I prefer respect and offer the same in truely makes for better imagery and eventually if a friendship is meant to develop then so be it.  I think it best for any model to bring a boyfriend or friend..and I even have them right behind me to get a great laugh.  The more as a photographer, you can be a leader and director who gives a shit, the better you will find yourself in a position of trust.  Trust is really the bottom line.

with kindness,

Oct 03 06 04:28 pm Link


Paige Antoinette

Posts: 183

Ramona, California, US

I think if he/she is making very sexual remarks that's creepy. I'm actually kind of tired of hearing about "creepy" photographers that were just telling models that they are beautiful/sending photos to help the comfort level/adjusting clothing etc. I think some models need to grow up and stop being so concieted, honestly. But I know there are some out there. If a photographer is dubbed creepy because of his appearence that's the model's personal problem. I have to agree though, the polyester...

Oct 03 06 04:33 pm Link


Bunnie Page

Posts: 1161

Dallas, Texas, US

Image K wrote:
What makes a photographer "creepy"?

Is it his age? If a photographer is over 40, is he automatically creepy?

Is it his appearance? If he is not wearing a polo shirt and polyester slacks, is he automatically creepy?

Is it his demeanor? If he tells a woman that she is attractive, and he would like to shoot with her, is he automatically a "perv" and "creepy" because she doesn't consider him to be attractive?

Help me out, ladies!


Oct 03 06 11:43 pm Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US


Oct 04 06 01:45 pm Link