Forums > General Industry > Define a "creepy" photographer!


Adrenalin Concepts

Posts: 740

Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Jay Bowman wrote:
What about creepy models?

You know the type.  Attractive.  Personable.  They claim to love your work.  Say they'll shoot whatever you want.  You decide on a fashion theme.  You have your entire crew setup.  You turn your back on them for one second to load your camera (stupid film inserts taking friggin forever to setup) and the next thing you know BAM they've told your creative team to leave, they're completely nekkid, touching themselves in manners unbecoming of a lady, and they start slapping you on the ass & calling you their bitch...

What?!  Am I the only one...?

I thought I was their Bitch ... these models have no scruples, oh the shame

Oct 03 06 09:31 am Link


Adrenalin Concepts

Posts: 740

Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Works from his creepy basement. Has a soft, demented voice close to Floyd the Barber. Speaks in tones and terms from the Kodak photography books from the 60s and 70s. Shoots all his young models the same way and with the same props. He is obsessed with his models. Polyester. Paneling. Tilts his head slightly when he speaks, and with an odd, grotesque half-smile. Writes poems as tags to models. Can't understand why phenomenal talent never returns his messages. Works with mostly naive, meek, often dumpy young girls. Doesn't care that he doesn't get paid

Rossi Photography wrote:
Yep, I'd say that's a CREEPY photographer. smile

Hey Rossi, now you know what my house looks like, are you still comin over?

Oct 03 06 09:34 am Link



Posts: 930

San Francisco, California, US

This is going to be an unpopular opinion that probably gets me yelled at but whatever, it's just the internet.

I've met so many photographers--male AND female, young AND old--that did in fact turn out to be creeps, that I pretty much operate under the assumption now that all photographers are creepy until they prove themselves otherwise.  This isn't to say that I actually believe them to be creeps, but approach them with a general wariness until I know them well.  I haven't had any "creep" incidents since adopting this philosophy because it makes me play things safer.  Maybe that's not a bad view for models to hold if it means they're better protecting themselves?

Note: this is referring to assisting, not modelling so maybe it's not relevant.  However, because of all the creepy photographers I don't do freelance assisting anymore.  Whatever that tells you.

And that's totally not to say it's cool to come on MM and accuse every photographer who speaks to you of being a creep.  That's just not classy.

Oct 03 06 09:42 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Adrenalin Concepts  wrote:

Works from his creepy basement. Has a soft, demented voice close to Floyd the Barber. Speaks in tones and terms from the Kodak photography books from the 60s and 70s. Shoots all his young models the same way and with the same props. He is obsessed with his models. Polyester. Paneling. Tilts his head slightly when he speaks, and with an odd, grotesque half-smile. Writes poems as tags to models. Can't understand why phenomenal talent never returns his messages. Works with mostly naive, meek, often dumpy young girls. Doesn't care that he doesn't get paid

Hey Rossi, now you know what my house looks like, are you still comin over?

Yep, sure am. On my way!

Oct 03 06 09:46 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Jay Bowman wrote:
You know the type.  Attractive.  Personable.  They claim to love your work.  Say they'll shoot whatever you want.  You decide on a fashion theme.  You have your entire crew setup.  You turn your back on them for one second to load your camera (stupid film inserts taking friggin forever to setup) and the next thing you know BAM they've told your creative team to leave, they're completely nekkid, touching themselves in manners unbecoming of a lady, and they start slapping you on the ass & calling you their bitch...

Its common knowledge, man.

They spanked you because you didn't give them the courtesy of offering them your hand.

Oct 03 06 10:13 am Link



Posts: 4515

Rossi Photography wrote:

Yep, I'd say that's a CREEPY photographer. smile

Yeah, but that's just a parody that you saw on a Movie of the Week.  You just cited stereotypical traits, that no one REALLY has - well, maybe a few.  If you think that is creepy, well you've never actually met any creeps.

Oct 03 06 10:41 am Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

acidstudios wrote:

Yeah, but that's just a parody that you saw on a Movie of the Week.  You just cited stereotypical traits, that no one REALLY has - well, maybe a few.  If you think that is creepy, well you've never actually met any creeps.

The description she was responding to was in fact that of an actual person that I have met. It may not be off the creep scale or at the highest level of creepdom, but trust me...

Oct 03 06 11:04 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

StarlaMeris wrote:
This is going to be an unpopular opinion that probably gets me yelled at but whatever, it's just the internet.

I've met so many photographers--male AND female, young AND old--that did in fact turn out to be creeps, that I pretty much operate under the assumption now that all photographers are creepy until they prove themselves otherwise.  This isn't to say that I actually believe them to be creeps, but approach them with a general wariness until I know them well.  I haven't had any "creep" incidents since adopting this philosophy because it makes me play things safer.  Maybe that's not a bad view for models to hold if it means they're better protecting themselves?

Note: this is referring to assisting, not modelling so maybe it's not relevant.  However, because of all the creepy photographers I don't do freelance assisting anymore.  Whatever that tells you.

And that's totally not to say it's cool to come on MM and accuse every photographer who speaks to you of being a creep.  That's just not classy.

I tend to think most people are creeps.  The game is to hide it.

The question is whether they respect your own creepy boundaries or not.   

That's why I think it's imperative to work with balanced adults (who are aware of their issues, boundaries and have the ability to say no when they get that ut-oh feeling and respect others boundaries as well).    Also, sane members in the bdsm community tend to have these traits as well.

Oct 03 06 11:06 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

You guys are really raising the bar on creepy..

I need to step up my game.

Oct 03 06 11:56 am Link


Sweet Emotion 68

Posts: 456

Oldsmar, Florida, US

Image K wrote:
What makes a photographer "creepy"?

Is it his age? If a photographer is over 40, is he automatically creepy?

Is it his appearance? If he is not wearing a polo shirt and polyester slacks, is he automatically creepy?

Is it his demeanor? If he tells a woman that she is attractive, and he would like to shoot with her, is he automatically a "perv" and "creepy" because she doesn't consider him to be attractive?

Help me out, ladies!

To me 'Creepy" is just another guy with a camera posing as a real photographer..............but you can easily weed out the fakes from the bonafide professionals!!.............just research their work and you will see..........the proof is in the quality of images

Oct 03 06 12:08 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Define quality?

Oct 03 06 12:18 pm Link



Posts: 28

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

The ones that will offer you a hotel room & to provide lingerie.

Oct 03 06 12:22 pm Link


William Kious

Posts: 8842

Delphos, Ohio, US

Image K wrote:
Brad Pitt is in his early 40's. He sometimes goes days without shaving. He has been known to tear up hotel rooms. He is a known philanderer.

But something tells me that if he was handing out business cards to young girls, telling them that he is a photographer, and asking them to shoot, he wouldn't be called "creepy".

No... he would be called an "artist".

Oct 03 06 12:23 pm Link


Sweet Emotion 68

Posts: 456

Oldsmar, Florida, US

Hadyn Lassiter wrote:
Define quality?

Quality is proper lighting, setting and visual appeal suitable for the model. All models have their strenghts & weaknesses and a good photographer can capture the models best features, not just clicking away for the sake of having alot of images............

Oct 03 06 12:26 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Jay Bowman wrote:
What about creepy models?

You know the type.  Attractive.  Personable.  They claim to love your work.  Say they'll shoot whatever you want.  You decide on a fashion theme.  You have your entire crew setup.  You turn your back on them for one second to load your camera (stupid film inserts taking friggin forever to setup) and the next thing you know BAM they've told your creative team to leave, they're completely nekkid, touching themselves in manners unbecoming of a lady, and they start slapping you on the ass & calling you their bitch...

What?!  Am I the only one...?

My sincerest apologies. Won't happen again.

Oct 03 06 12:27 pm Link


Caitie Lee

Posts: 268

Long Island, Kansas, US

ever see the movie "hard candy"?  about some 13 or so year old girl who met a photographer online, went back to his house blah blah blah.  He was clean cut, young, attractive, and wealthy... turned out to be a child molestor or something... good movie though

Oct 03 06 12:31 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

StarlaMeris wrote:
This is going to be an unpopular opinion that probably gets me yelled at but whatever, it's just the internet.

I've met so many photographers--male AND female, young AND old--that did in fact turn out to be creeps, that I pretty much operate under the assumption now that all photographers are creepy until they prove themselves otherwise.  This isn't to say that I actually believe them to be creeps, but approach them with a general wariness until I know them well.  I haven't had any "creep" incidents since adopting this philosophy because it makes me play things safer.  Maybe that's not a bad view for models to hold if it means they're better protecting themselves?

Note: this is referring to assisting, not modelling so maybe it's not relevant.  However, because of all the creepy photographers I don't do freelance assisting anymore.  Whatever that tells you.

And that's totally not to say it's cool to come on MM and accuse every photographer who speaks to you of being a creep.  That's just not classy.

I read this and thought to myself how sad.  When I meet people I try and always
think this could be a wonderful person not that they will be creepy.  Life isn't
to me about playing it safe but to expect the best of people and if they appear
to let us down well we are all human.  Many times our relationships are mirrors
of who we are.  Maybe you're wary because others are wary of you.  There is
a photographer who continues to write about problem models he gets.  I suspect
this person is their own problem.  I haven't lived your life of course and maybe
you have good reason to be very cautious but what face do you show to others.
Approach each person you meet without judgment or prejudice.

Oct 03 06 12:36 pm Link


ariana fromtoronto

Posts: 1753

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

okay. this is my first post, and i wish it was on better terms. Recently i had a "photographer" edit some photos. Playing the nice game.
Im 18, and new to this. So i guess they think that "oh well shes niave, and wants money" Well throughout the conversation, things went wayy over the line. I cant even post what was said. I am not going to say names. Not professional. If you ask, i may tell you, if you are seriously worried.
But photographers, who are real, are the ones that respect you and whatever decision that you come up with. Its your body. You dont have to do anything you dont want to do.
So what i would say a creepy photag is.
1. They have a huuuuuuge problem with u having a manager or escort and may refuse to book u if u have either one
2.Keep hitting on u. Hello. ur not their next bed experiment. Work.
3.They try to push you into things you have NO INTENTION of getting into.
there are probably others
But the main fact is, if u feel uncomfortable, u are uncomfortable and modelling shouldnt be that, unless its a pose, in other words, that is ok.

So dont be taken advantage of. Use your head. Lots of CREEPS out there

Have a good day!

Oct 03 06 12:38 pm Link


Vera van Munster

Posts: 4095

Belmont, North Carolina, US

I dont think it's anything to do with a photog's appearance or age.I do however think it has ALL to do with their level of professionalism or lack there of. There are barriers you do not cross.Hitting on the model or saying anything remotely sexual is just as bad if a client in the office you work at does it,and should not be seen or treated any differently. Comments like... " That looks great"  or " You look really nice" are good but if someone said stuff to me like.." Thats hot" or "That's sexy", I'd kinda feel like they crossed the line. Just my two cents smile

Oct 03 06 12:49 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Misskash wrote:
okay. this is my first post, and i wish it was on better terms. Recently i had a "photographer" edit some photos. Playing the nice game.
Im 18, and new to this. So i guess they think that "oh well shes niave, and wants money" Well throughout the conversation, things went wayy over the line. I cant even post what was said. I am not going to say names. Not professional. If you ask, i may tell you, if you are seriously worried.
But photographers, who are real, are the ones that respect you and whatever decision that you come up with. Its your body. You dont have to do anything you dont want to do.
So what i would say a creepy photag is.
1. They have a huuuuuuge problem with u having a manager or escort and may refuse to book u if u have either one
2.Keep hitting on u. Hello. ur not their next bed experiment. Work.
3.They try to push you into things you have NO INTENTION of getting into.
there are probably others
But the main fact is, if u feel uncomfortable, u are uncomfortable and modelling shouldnt be that, unless its a pose, in other words, that is ok.

So dont be taken advantage of. Use your head. Lots of CREEPS out there

Have a good day!

While I won't speak to the other parts of your post the manager or escort one
I will.  I don't work with models who have managers or agents.  Agencies are
different for me but too often managers/agents are boyfriends or unprofessional
or pains in the butt, bring a escort and he's your manager no problem.  Manager
starts telling me or you what to do, shoots over.  Again agencies like Elite
or Ford and others are different.

Oct 03 06 12:51 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

There's one fellow who always comes to mind when I think of creepy phoographers:

Larry is embodiment of the sterotypcial Disco era "Wild and crazy guy", many of whom I bet were creepy photographer wannabes.

Oct 03 06 01:03 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Image K wrote:
I completely understand that.

What I don't understand is when I hear models talk about "just another 40 year old guy with a camera".

I'm 42. I 'm overweight. I shave my head, and have a goatee. I look like I'm on a work-release program from Sing-Sing.

And it doesn't. Obviously you're referring to my previous thread and I clarified what I meant. But nobody cares about such. Its so much cooler to let a thread do totally upside down especially at a models expensive.

my boyfriend is 33, with a receeding hair line and a Jesus beard. And a teacher. I wonder if I had entitled it "creepy guy" if it would of received as much replies. hmmmmm?

Oct 03 06 01:09 pm Link


Daniel Norton

Posts: 1745

New York, New York, US

Image K wrote:
Is it his appearance? If he is not wearing a polo shirt and polyester slacks, is he automatically creepy?

I would say if he IS wearing that he'd be creepy.. wink

Oct 03 06 01:12 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

StarlaMeris wrote:
I pretty much operate under the assumption now that all photographers are creepy until they prove themselves otherwise.

And that's totally not to say it's cool to come on MM and accuse every photographer who speaks to you of being a creep.  That's just not classy.'s only okay for you to accuse every photographer of being a creep?  Am I missing something?

Oct 03 06 01:19 pm Link



Posts: 173

Durham, North Carolina, US

If you go for an artistic nude shoot, and the photographer is the one that is nude...that's a little creepy.

Oct 03 06 01:24 pm Link


Wolf 189

Posts: 4834

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I didn't read anything posted here but here is my opinion.

If a photographer (doing any kind of photography requiring models) cares more about meeting/interacting/viewing the models than his/her own photography, then he might be a creepy one.

That includes photographers with good/great techniques and work as well...because that could be just another way of reaching to his/her goal.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying the company, have a healthy interaction, even feel an attraction towards your subject...after all if you can't see your subject in a flattering light how could you expect others (including the model herself/himself) do?

There is a fine line here shouldn't allow that the artistic pleasure of viewing and creating something beautiful get mixed up with reality.

The creepy photographer, can trick his own mind ( consciously / subconsciously ) and read more into imaginary signs perhaps.

Now I believe this doesn't have anything to do with skills, age, gender etc....however if a photographer producing great "diverse" works on regular basis it usually means he cares about his craft and probably he can keep the reality factor in mind more often.

The key word could be diversity because if he keeps doing things the same way and get great results because of it, he has less mental, technical and conceptual challenges facing him and his mind could wonder more often!

So if you don't want to be creepy, be polite and professional and love (or care about) what you do more than anything else in those moments of photographing.

The whole thing is a made up idea in a minute of laziness between bad please don't take them seriously!



Oct 03 06 01:34 pm Link



Posts: 2097

Saginaw, Michigan, US

Here's a sign of creepy photographer!

Oct 03 06 01:53 pm Link



Posts: 2463

Merrimack, New Hampshire, US

Yes, this thread can end now... that is creepy!

Oct 03 06 01:57 pm Link


Maynard Southern

Posts: 921

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Meehan wrote:
Yes, this thread can end now... that is creepy!

Because his penis is upside down?

Oct 03 06 01:58 pm Link



Posts: 2463

Merrimack, New Hampshire, US

It's a smudge too small for two nude women.

Oct 03 06 02:00 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

Warning:  mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/tyler/www/modelmayhem/post_reply.php on line 36


Because his penis is upside down?

Upside down?  Hell mine gets erect upwards too. This is why I no longer shoot in Speedos. And you can hang your hat on that!

Oct 03 06 02:00 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

JMX Photography wrote:
Here's a sign of creepy photographer!


Oct 03 06 02:03 pm Link



Posts: 1559

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

I would worry about any photographer shooting in his speedo but that's just me.

btw, I'm proud to be a creepy photogapher ... it helps when I ask girls to get naked and show me their boobies.

Oct 03 06 02:06 pm Link


Daniel Norton

Posts: 1745

New York, New York, US

Image K wrote:
He sometimes goes days without shaving. He has been known to tear up hotel rooms.

Add wears jeans and t-shirts all the time and this pretty much describes me..


Oct 03 06 02:42 pm Link



Posts: 103

Abbeville, Alabama, US

Image K wrote:
What makes a photographer "creepy"?

Is it his age? If a photographer is over 40, is he automatically creepy?

Is it his appearance? If he is not wearing a polo shirt and polyester slacks, is he automatically creepy?

Is it his demeanor? If he tells a woman that she is attractive, and he would like to shoot with her, is he automatically a "perv" and "creepy" because she doesn't consider him to be attractive?

Help me out, ladies!

none of those.  actually, i think older photographers  would be easier to work with because they have experience, and usually couldn't care less about how attractive a model is.  been there done that right?

if a photographer says i'm attractive and he's professional, it's a really good compliment

i don't care what they wear as long as it's SOMETHING.

there is a photographer in minneapolis that is known to try to get models to hug him when they are nude, wants to personally put makeup on their bodies, insists on nudity even if you agreed on fashion, and even made a joke to a model that she should do a porno with him starring. 

that had nothing to do with age, clothing, or just saying "you're attractive".  it's when they cross the line, their eyes linger at you in a sexual way, they try to catch a peek of some skin, insist on shooting with no pants on...THAT is what makes a photographer creepy.

Oct 03 06 02:47 pm Link



Posts: 103

Abbeville, Alabama, US

Image K wrote:
I completely understand that.

What I don't understand is when I hear models talk about "just another 40 year old guy with a camera".

I'm 42. I 'm overweight. I shave my head, and have a goatee. I look like I'm on a work-release program from Sing-Sing.

On the other hand, I'm a spiritual man. I am reliable, hold down a great job at a major hotel and casino, and am well respected and loved by my co-workers and friends.

I really don't think that my age and my appearance, and the fact that I am obviously not as attractive as my models makes me "creepy".

Do you?

of course not.  if i shot with you (from what i can tell from what you say on here) i wouldn't think you were creepy for a second.  if you started touching me a lot like stroking my arm or leg (i've had that happen) then i would start to get uncomfortable.  it's not usually how people look that makes them creepy, it's their ACTIONS.  i've shot with middle aged overweight photographers lol and i wasn't creeped out, actually they end up knowing a lot about the business and help me out with tips!

Oct 03 06 02:50 pm Link



Posts: 103

Abbeville, Alabama, US

Benny-H wrote:

this guy?


Oct 03 06 03:01 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:

I read this and thought to myself how sad.  When I meet people I try and always
think this could be a wonderful person not that they will be creepy.  Life isn't
to me about playing it safe but to expect the best of people and if they appear
to let us down well we are all human.  Many times our relationships are mirrors
of who we are.  Maybe you're wary because others are wary of you.  There is
a photographer who continues to write about problem models he gets.  I suspect
this person is their own problem.  I haven't lived your life of course and maybe
you have good reason to be very cautious but what face do you show to others.
Approach each person you meet without judgment or prejudice.

I actually agree with the model here.

Expect little, and be pleasantly surprised...

Instead of expecting much, and being constantly disappointed.

Oct 03 06 03:09 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US


And it doesn't. Obviously you're referring to my previous thread and I clarified what I meant. But nobody cares about such. Its so much cooler to let a thread do totally upside down especially at a models expensive.

my boyfriend is 33, with a receeding hair line and a Jesus beard. And a teacher. I wonder if I had entitled it "creepy guy" if it would of received as much replies. hmmmmm?

Thats kind of scary.

They have a word for people that think that people are talking about them...

Oct 03 06 03:12 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Rachelle Anita wrote:

none of those.  actually, i think older photographers  would be easier to work with because they have experience, and usually couldn't care less about how attractive a model is.  been there done that right?

if a photographer says i'm attractive and he's professional, it's a really good compliment

i don't care what they wear as long as it's SOMETHING.

there is a photographer in minneapolis that is known to try to get models to hug him when they are nude, wants to personally put makeup on their bodies, insists on nudity even if you agreed on fashion, and even made a joke to a model that she should do a porno with him starring. 

that had nothing to do with age, clothing, or just saying "you're attractive".  it's when they cross the line, their eyes linger at you in a sexual way, they try to catch a peek of some skin, insist on shooting with no pants on...THAT is what makes a photographer creepy.

This answer should be immortalized!

Thank you!

Oct 03 06 03:14 pm Link