Forums > General Industry > Racism in Photography



Posts: 880

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Do photographers discriminate against black models?

Sep 25 06 09:32 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

That's kinda like asking if people discriminate against black people.

Sep 25 06 09:36 pm Link



Posts: 930

San Francisco, California, US

I'm sure *some* do...  Just like any profession, there are sure to be racists in photography.

Sep 25 06 09:37 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

I discriminate against illiterate transgendered homosexual eskimo dwarfs. I'd feel uncomfortable sharing a drinking fountain with one, they should have their own.


Sep 25 06 09:41 pm Link



Posts: 4062

Charleston, South Carolina, US

I've never dated a black woman. I've never shot a black model. Racist? nope.

Sep 25 06 09:42 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Sometimes I'll underexpose black people, crop through joints, and shoot unflattering angles just to spite them.

Seriously wtf. What a weird ass question to ask.

Sep 25 06 09:43 pm Link



Posts: 880

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I'm a black photographer and model.  I can definitely tell you that it is much tougher for black models to find work.  I just wonder why that is?  Heck, even my portfolio speaks to this trend, but certainly not intentionally.

Sep 25 06 09:44 pm Link



Posts: 142

Buffalo, New York, US

What a general question. "Do photographers discriminate against black models"?  Too general a question. Who is qualified, based on how that question was asked, to answer it.

I'll give it a shot with an even more non specific generalized answer, in an attempt to speak  for every photographer on earth: They do. See? You have to ask a more specific question. Not one that puts all photographers under one huge canvas.

Are you asking about photographers who aren't black themselves, or literally everybody?

Sep 25 06 09:49 pm Link



Posts: 930

San Francisco, California, US

Cspine wrote:
I discriminate against illiterate transgendered homosexual eskimo dwarfs. I'd feel uncomfortable sharing a drinking fountain with one, they should have their own.


Can I just say that I love you?

Sep 25 06 09:50 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

FemmeArt wrote:
I just wonder why that is?  Heck, even my portfolio speaks to this trend, but certainly not intentionally.

Are you racist? Do you discriminate against black people?

Sep 25 06 09:51 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

StarlaMeris wrote:
Can I just say that I love you?

edited crude comment

Sep 25 06 09:53 pm Link



Posts: 4062

Charleston, South Carolina, US

Cspine wrote:
I discriminate against illiterate transgendered homosexual eskimo dwarfs. I'd feel uncomfortable sharing a drinking fountain with one, they should have their own.


They're illiterate, so would have a tough time reading the signs. I guess they'll get the point when the fountains are 2 feet off the ground. And that water better be coooollllddd.

Sep 25 06 09:53 pm Link


T H Taylor

Posts: 6862

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

This site is ladened with racist people (much like the world)... the difference is:  These ignorant bastards have the luxery of hiding behind the veil of the internet and, are too chicken sh*t to state their narrow mindedness to people of colour face to face.
Racism has also become more palitable to the general populace because it has been re-shaped and twisted into a form of "Patriotism."

Sep 25 06 09:54 pm Link



Posts: 142

Buffalo, New York, US

Cspine wrote:
Are you racist? Do you discriminate against black people?

This point is kind of valid. What are you talking about? Are you saying that because you don't have a page full of black models, that you are following this trend of discrimination in the modeling industry?

Come on, why did you start this thread? So what you don't have many black models in your MM port. If you did, say have a page full of black models would that in turn make you racist against all those Asian, and Native American models I don't see on your page?

This thread is a borderline excercise in silliness.

Sep 25 06 10:00 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

FemmeArt wrote:
I'm a black photographer and model.  I can definitely tell you that it is much tougher for black models to find work.  I just wonder why that is?  Heck, even my portfolio speaks to this trend, but certainly not intentionally.

Well, American society (and this is a major generalization) views white features as being attractive. Even many of the famous black models have fairly "white" shaped faces and certainly don't have the darkest skin possible.

Sep 25 06 10:00 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

T H Taylor wrote:
This site is ladened with racist people (much like the world)... the difference is:  These ignorant bastards have the luxery of hiding behind the veil of the internet and, are too chicken sh*t to state their narrow mindedness to people of colour face to face.
Racism has also become more palitable to the general populace because it has been re-shaped and twisted into a form of "Patriotism."

Next time I see an illiterate transgendered homosexual eskimo dwarf, I'm gonna kick him in his little nuts.

God fukin bless America.

Sep 25 06 10:01 pm Link


Digital Focus

Posts: 3756

Glendale, Arizona, US

FemmeArt wrote:
I'm a black photographer and model.  I can definitely tell you that it is much tougher for black models to find work.  I just wonder why that is?  Heck, even my portfolio speaks to this trend, but certainly not intentionally.

Take the first step and shoot more black models.  I discriminate against stupidity in all races.

Sep 25 06 10:04 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

FemmeArt wrote:
Do photographers discriminate against black models?

Do black models discriminate against white photographers? That's just as valid a question and from my own personal experience is even more valid. I've had a number of black models initiate contact with me and after they learned I'm white I never hear from them again. I'm located in the metro Atlanta area and with a more than 50% black population, so why are 90% of the ladies who choose to shoot with me non black? I'm a very competent retired pro photographer with a good reputation and an international publication/exhibition history, so isn't that 'model' discrimination?

Sep 25 06 10:06 pm Link



Posts: 142

Buffalo, New York, US

Cspine wrote:
Next time I see an illiterate transgendered homosexual eskimo dwarf, I'm gonna kick him in his little nuts.

God fukin bless America.

Oh shit! I have never felt the urge to laugh at any of you before! Even during that Amber Dean craziness, but damn. That shit is funny!

Sep 25 06 10:08 pm Link


J & X Photography

Posts: 3767

Arlington, Virginia, US

Different markets have different tastes.  If anything its the target market that dictates what flavor model to use (size, color, height, age, orientation, piercings, etc.)  This is an advertising issue, not a photographic one.

Personally I'll shoot anything for money...I don't care (see my port if you don't believe me).

Sep 25 06 10:13 pm Link



Posts: 4062

Charleston, South Carolina, US

This thread raises a good point. Do any really bad photographers here shoot only black models just to spite them?

Sep 25 06 10:15 pm Link


J & X Photography

Posts: 3767

Arlington, Virginia, US

Beach Photography wrote:
I've never dated a black woman. I've never shot a black model. Racist? nope.

If you lived in Wyoming I'd say no big deal...but you live in SC, you should plenty of opportunities to shoot black people.  Ask yourself why you haven't shot any black girls?

dating is a separate issue involving personal taste, not racism, so that's understandable.  Have you ever turned down a shoot from a black person?

Sep 25 06 10:16 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

What I find so funny is how some of the photographers on here are going on the defense when the majority of the times when a topic about racism is posted on this site it is primarily by whites. The photographer asked a fair question with no generalization there. Where in the photographer's post did he ask, 'are all photographers or white photographers racist'? He didn't but, imo, the post was silly because the photographer already knows the answer to this question.

So far, two people answered the question without getting all heated up and also answered the question alot more candid than many blacks would.

Sep 25 06 10:17 pm Link



Posts: 930

San Francisco, California, US

Cspine wrote:

You say that, but will you sleep on the wet spot?

I think that convinced me that this better be a platonic sort of love...  Yes, definitely the sort that doesn't involve "the wet spot."

Sep 25 06 10:18 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

FemmeArt wrote:
I'm a black photographer and model.  I can definitely tell you that it is much tougher for black models to find work.  I just wonder why that is?  Heck, even my portfolio speaks to this trend, but certainly not intentionally.

Not intentionally.  Right.  So do you think other people do it intentionally?

Photographers shoot the type of model the client wants.  Or, if there is no client, they shoot the type of model they want. 

I can honestly say that I have not had a single job in the past two weeks and every time I look through castings, here or elsewhere, they usually specify wanting non-"white" models.  The most popular models are Asians, I think.

Is it because photographers hate all races besides Asian races?

Sep 25 06 10:21 pm Link



Posts: 4062

Charleston, South Carolina, US

J n X Photography wrote:

If you lived in Wyoming I'd say no big deal...but you live in SC, you should plenty of opportunities to shoot black people.  Ask yourself why you haven't shot any black girls?

dating is a separate issue involving personal taste, not racism, so that's understandable.  Have you ever turned down a shoot from a black person?

That's pretty funny. I should go seeking black models because there are many black people near me, just so I don't appear to be racist? I should do some soul searching to determine if maybe deep down I'm a bigot? Please.

Sep 25 06 10:22 pm Link


Art Faux-Tows

Posts: 81

Farmington Hills, Michigan, US

Strange this topic should come to light. I'm actually in search of black female models, as well as asian, latina, etc. (is latina correct for female, or is it latino?)

anyway. if you're in the detroit area, I need you. smile

Sep 25 06 10:23 pm Link


Photography ByAmoor

Posts: 18

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

FemmeArt wrote:
I'm a black photographer and model.  I can definitely tell you that it is much tougher for black models to find work.  I just wonder why that is?  Heck, even my portfolio speaks to this trend, but certainly not intentionally.

I dont think it has to do with being racist, i think it has to do more with the target market. for instance you're not going to put a "posh , snooty, stuck up" caucasian  male / female in an ad for say sean jean, ecco, fubu bottom ... 

majority of the target market for your "everday" items is not race or genre biased so that why i think its less black / indian/ latin models in those jobs.   now u go to say africa... hmm would they ask the same for white models?

Sep 25 06 10:24 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

This thread is a borderline excercise in silliness.


Sep 25 06 10:26 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

BlindMike wrote:
Sometimes I'll underexpose black people, crop through joints, and shoot unflattering angles just to spite them.

Seriously wtf. What a weird ass question to ask.

that's funny

people who are racist miss out on having more friends, it's their loss for being stupid

Sep 25 06 10:27 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

FemmeArt wrote:
I'm a black photographer and model.  I can definitely tell you that it is much tougher for black models to find work.

Can you indeed?  Let me suggest to you two observations:

1.  Actual industry statistics show that your statement is false.  It is not "much tougher for black models to find work".  In fact, it's somewhat easier on average.

2.  Photographers don't hire models, clients do.  Oh, I know, on this whacky world of the Internet there are photographers who hire models - but that's a very small part of the modeling marketplace.  Clients (and advertising agencies) make decisions about who "finds work", not photographers.  So the question is kind of silly anyway.

Sep 25 06 10:31 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

StarlaMeris wrote:
I think that convinced me that this better be a platonic sort of love...  Yes, definitely the sort that doesn't involve "the wet spot."

edited crude comment

Sep 25 06 10:33 pm Link


Ben Schneider com

Posts: 1

Ocala, Florida, US

some white people are prejudiced and some black people are prejudiced.

it goes both ways.

the point is to find the good people and work with them.

Sep 25 06 10:33 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

Ben Schneider com wrote:
some white people are prejudiced and some black people are prejudiced.

it goes both ways.

the point is to find the good people and work with them.

What, bad people don't deserve work too?

he hee =cough= cough=

Sep 25 06 10:37 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Alana Skye

Posts: 61

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I don't understand why the people on this board are replying with a defensive tone. It is a valid question and it IS important to have a serious dialogue about it among people who project images of beauty via photography or whatever. It may not be intentional but there is such a thing as being institutionalized and socialized into believing that only one type look is held as a standard of beauty. You DO NOT see that many minorities being held as the standard or beauty nor due you see a broad spectrum of representation of minorities - especially in the American market. It's okay to joke around and make a discussion lighthearted and its another to disregard it all together as if it's a figment of one's imagination.

Sep 25 06 10:41 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Alana Skye wrote:
I don't understand why the people on this board are replying with a defensive tone.

The issues you raise are not the same as the question raised in the original post.

Yes, it is possible to have a reasoned, dispassionate discussion of racial differences, and preferences as they are related to racial characteristics, but that's not at all likely on this forum, and impossible if you start off with the question as asked.

Sep 25 06 10:45 pm Link



Posts: 142

Buffalo, New York, US

Alana Skye wrote:
I don't understand why the people on this board are replying with a defensive tone. It is a valid question and it IS important to have a serious dialogue about it among people who project images of beauty via photography or whatever. It may not be intentional but there is such a thing as being institutionalized and socialized into believing that only one type look is held as a standard of beauty. You DO NOT see that many minorities being held as the standard or beauty nor due you see a broad spectrum of representation of minorities - especially in the American market. It's okay to joke around and make a discussion lighthearted and its another to disregard it all together as if it's a figment of one's imagination.

Uh, look. I don't know how to put this out to you, but minorities are the minority in this country. If they were the majority then this conversation wouldn't be taking place at all. At least not from the perspecive in which it was originally posed. There is no defense. Name one country in which the majority of the people represent through advertising, any group of that populace on equal terms with said majority. It's rhetorical, there is no such place! In fact, there are places where until as recently as 1992 (South Africa), that were ruled by a minority set per capita, and still only represented themselves.

People who are in control wish only to excentuate those things that are most closely related to them, period. What society would represent it's minority group on equal standing with the majority. None. Would you be complaining if this were a primarily black nation that chose to mostly represent itself above it's minority white population. Probably not.

Now is any of that shit right or fair? Fuck no it isn't! But, that's how they get down, here on planet earth. In fact that's how they've always gotten down, here on planet earth. The concept behind it is not new. The applications behind it are not new. Conversations like this one, are not new. Guess what though? That is the way it is going to be. Here on planet earth, and most assuredly in America, until that ol' scale gets tipped in the Latino favor in about 35 years or so. Then it'll be the same argument, just from a different perspective.

Sep 25 06 10:55 pm Link



Posts: 4062

Charleston, South Carolina, US

but what does everyone think about racist photographers who use photoshop?

Sep 25 06 10:57 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Alana Skye

Posts: 61

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Well, I'm simply responding to several post that are on this thread. It's a mere thought that i had - AND I wanted to share it. My question was valid - especially after viewing the posts responding to the initial question. I really do not divert from the issue. I asked the question because i wanted to know the answer. I'm calling out the deflecting of the issue. AND a REAL discussion CAN take place if one is INTERESTED in responding. I feel like this is the right message board to discuss these things. If not here then where? MM is a place where people share and display their own interpretation of beauty and art. So if i want to discuss it I will.

Sep 25 06 10:59 pm Link



Posts: 31

Tonawanda, New York, US

Funny this topic should come up now. I placed an ad on craigslist a few weeks ago looking for models (TFCD, as long as they sign a model release). Last Thursday a young lady called me and inquired about working together. We were both free that Saturday morning, so we scheduled a shoot. I honestly wasn't sure if she was white or black (I didn't ask), although she sounded like she might be black. It sounds funny to say it, but I'm pretty sure I sound white on the phone :-). She showed up (5 minutes early--a first for any model I've worked with) and it was only then that I knew she was African-American. Bottom line? One of the best shoots I've ever done. She was professional, knew how to pose for the camera, brought a great wardrobe, and was a pleasure to work with. Heck, I hope that I held up MY end of the deal (the pictures turned out great, so I'm sure she'll be happy). Really my only concern for the whole shoot was that I'd get the lighting right (since this was my first African American shoot). Everything went great, and I hope to work with her again.
So, I can confidently say I'm not racist, and I know she wasn't either. It wasn't a factor in taking the shoot, and I'm REALLY fortunate to have been able to do it. And I'd give a big "absolutely" if I was ever asked to do a shoot with a black model again. I'm not sure if that answers your question, but it's the best I can say.


Sep 25 06 11:03 pm Link