Forums > General Industry > RANT: What's your sleazy photographer story?


Chi - Rue99 Photography

Posts: 1838

San Francisco, California, US

UPDATE 1 (about 11:48 PT Sun Sep 17)

Thought I'd take a quick count to make my point:

Photogs joking/discounting the issue: 14/20 (approx)
Models joking/discounting the issue: 0/4

* "Discount" meaning it's not a problem, or isn't enough of a problem to even bring up in a thread.

UPDATE 3: Clarification to statistics (9:19 AM PT Sept 19)

My point is not that those who joke/discount are causing the problems, but that there is a problem that many photogs deny exists or are uncomfortable acknowledging the problem. See thread for context.

UPDATE 2 Mon (Sep 18)

To make things clear, the 2 stories below are not anecdotes or "friend of a friend" stories. These were told to me directly by models I've been talking and shooting, within the last 30 days. They're typical only because I've been told the same by other models first hand as well in the past. 

UPDATE 4: "Den of Wolves" comment (Tue 9:19 AM PT Sept 19)

One poster asked if this happens to so many, why aren't models posting their stories? After being bashed by some photogs for creating this thread, I replied "Would a doe walk into a den of wolves?" The context was that models would be intimidated airing grievances in a thread where many photogs were so vocally disagreeing with someone who brought up the topic. 


I've heard about so many models who have been exploited by photographers. Every other model I shoot has a similar story, and it really bothers me. It's a testament to models that this board is not loaded with threads complaining about sleazy photogs.

Why's it piss me off? Partially because it hurts the overall perception of photogs, but mainly because the models who are exploited are the ones who are trusting the photog to be a mentor. It's completely despicable. 

Typical stories:

Model found by a phtoographer, then photographer takes control of her profiles here and OMP, including email. Then uses subtle intimidation tactics to ensure she keeps shooting with him, and uses the comments about the crappy photos to "prove" she should keep working with him.

Model goes in for a gig with a certain understanding, but is pressured and intimidated to shoot more than she agreed to. Or what's being shot is far more than she realized because she trusts the photog when he says everything's good. 

Models and photogs alike: What's your sleazy photographer story?

Sep 17 06 01:24 pm Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

These stories continue because of people such as yourself perpetuating the stories.
We go through enough of these threads so if you are really interested in reading such stories search the forums rather than posting these threads.

Sep 17 06 01:31 pm Link



Posts: 57

Germantown, Maryland, US

I had this one sleazy photog, who was clearly a was a paid shoot, and now I'm pretty sure he only photographs pretty girls for his personal wank file.  Anyways, he insisted on HANDING his camera to another photog, whom I trust and was part lending his studio to this guy and part there as my unofficial escort, and having that photog take shots of him picking me up over his shoulder.  The pictures were all total crap, and the guy gave me the creeps like crazy.  Most of the creepiness was just a "vibe", but the whole over the shoulder thing was really wierd. In retrospect I wish I hadn't done it, but unfortunately it was just about the first thing he wanted to shoot, and I hadn't quite figured out how bad he was yet.  Especially since I've found out that he does that with EVERY model he works with.  I've talked to a few other models who said the same thing about the guy.  Needless to say I don't plan on shooting with him again like, ever.

Sep 17 06 01:35 pm Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

hear is the thing some times things happen like yesterday i had scouted 2 locations to photo a model (Emilee MM#166518) and both where unusable so i had to set up in my dinning room and improvise this made me LOOK bad but i had no other other choice she drove almost 100 miles to get hear and i WILL get hear some usable photos i would also like to say she was SOOOOO COOL and understanding about it but if it was some one else not so cool i get blasted for being a GWC

Sep 17 06 01:40 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

my sleezy photographer story is me..

i was shooting a model in a park in milbrae ca.. off the beaten path - the resevior on the other side of 80 if you know the area.., but it was a city park

some guy walking by decides to call the cops and tell them that a creepy old guy is taking nude (she wasnt) pictures of an underage girl..(19 with id)

i had a bad feeling about the way things were going so we split by the time we got to the parking lot there were 2 sheriff's cars, 3 milbrae police cars, 2 park ranger jeeps, and a water dept truck even showed up...

we were interegated for a while.. i said

"lets go to walgreens, you'll be able to look at the pictures yourself"

to no avail

then the guy who made the phone call started laughing, i said to a cop..

"you know, this guy is enjoying this too much.. he's out to cause trouble.."

after i said that the cop watched him for a second, and said, okay, "all milbrae police, let's go.. there's nothing here.."

then the park rangers left, and then the water dept truck

the sheriff with the highest rank was chatting with the model forever, til they got a call and split

none of the cops noticed my tags were expired

i never use any pics from that shoot


Sep 17 06 02:23 pm Link


Chi - Rue99 Photography

Posts: 1838

San Francisco, California, US

Yuriy wrote:
These stories continue because of people such as yourself perpetuating the stories.

The stories continue because they continue to HAPPEN, when photographers jerk newer impressionable models around. I posted this because I just heard of a photog who did this to another model just recently, both of whom are on this forum. 

A model flaking is annoying, but that's not half as bad as a photographers who intentionally exploit a naive model.

Sep 17 06 02:29 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

This one time, at band camp....

Yuriy is correct.  These stories continue because people like to tell stories.  I would guess that a large number of them didn't happen *to* the model telling the story but rather a "friend" or a "friend of a friend".

I would wager that most of those are in fact not true but from the collective imagination.

Sep 17 06 02:31 pm Link



Posts: 6129

arianna77 wrote:
I had this one sleazy photog, who was clearly a was a paid shoot, and now I'm pretty sure he only photographs pretty girls for his personal wank file.  Anyways, he insisted on HANDING his camera to another photog, whom I trust and was part lending his studio to this guy and part there as my unofficial escort, and having that photog take shots of him picking me up over his shoulder.  The pictures were all total crap, and the guy gave me the creeps like crazy.  Most of the creepiness was just a "vibe", but the whole over the shoulder thing was really wierd. In retrospect I wish I hadn't done it, but unfortunately it was just about the first thing he wanted to shoot, and I hadn't quite figured out how bad he was yet.  Especially since I've found out that he does that with EVERY model he works with.  I've talked to a few other models who said the same thing about the guy.  Needless to say I don't plan on shooting with him again like, ever.

the sad thing? none of these photographers would survive if anyone did even 1/2 the homework they should be doing before accepting a shoot.

how about some sleezy photog stories instead of dumb-as-a-shoe model stories?

and nope it is NOT the job of other photographers to play white knight and perpetuate the negative image photographers are acquiring. if you want to do something, go after the photographers directly, and encourage the models reporting to you to call the law.

Sep 17 06 02:39 pm Link


Chi - Rue99 Photography

Posts: 1838

San Francisco, California, US

James Jackson wrote:
I would wager that most of those are in fact not true but from the collective imagination.

You're in denial. It happens, I've made friends with models who have provided their accounts, and I have every reason to believe them. Not every story is true, but I hope you're not implying most the models are lying.

PS. I'm dismayed that so early in the thread, photogs are already denying this happens. Try talking to your models. You may be surprised.

PPS. The other thing I notice is so many photogs are hammering on the models for not being more careful or doing their homework. There's a first time for modeling, and the average model is only 18-22 years old. Let's be realistic about how worldly you were when you were 18, rather than judging someone after 10-20 years of experience.

I can already tell this thread is not going to make me popular, but this has bothered me for a long time...

Sep 17 06 02:49 pm Link


Madam Nirvana

Posts: 48

Bristol, Connecticut, US

Is stock photography bad? I would feel exploited if I ended up on a adult product for example- Im in the 18-22 range- Im wary about signing things -- and also scared of my head being pasted on some nude body -- I can control my limits, but what does one look for other than a decent port and references  to spot trouble? Someone please exaplain the good and bad of stock to me aswell.

Thank you

Sep 17 06 04:24 pm Link


Howard Garcia

Posts: 2210

New York, New York, US

nathan combs wrote:
hear is the thing some times things happen like yesterday i had scouted 2 locations to photo a model (Emilee MM#166518) and both where unusable so i had to set up in my dinning room and improvise this made me LOOK bad but i had no other other choice she drove almost 100 miles to get hear and i WILL get hear some usable photos i would also like to say she was SOOOOO COOL and understanding about it but if it was some one else not so cool i get blasted for being a GWC

Wow! this must be the longest sentence I've ever read!

Sep 17 06 05:34 pm Link



Posts: 6

Burlington, Colorado, US

Sleazy Model Story:

I have run into several models here on MM and on who I later found out were escorts and dominatrixes. I was no-showed twice by girls like this on paying gigs. I guess they had better paying customers to attend to.

Sep 17 06 05:59 pm Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

Off Topic
I heard that someone put blood in the ketchup at Wendys...
But I knew better...because people like telling stupid freaking stories!!!

Can we start a thread about people who had bad dates, and were molested by their dates....? Please...
And while we're at it...All females should bring escorts on all dates.... and maybe guys too.
I bet these girls wouldn't like that idea...

Sep 17 06 06:45 pm Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

Rue 99 wrote:
PS. I'm dismayed that so early in the thread, photogs are already denying this happens. Try talking to your models. You may be surprised.

PPS. The other thing I notice is so many photogs are hammering on the models for not being more careful or doing their homework. There's a first time for modeling, and the average model is only 18-22 years old. Let's be realistic about how worldly you were when you were 18, rather than judging someone after 10-20 years of experience.

1. I don’t deny that it occurs. There are people that fuck someone over everyday in all professions and walks of life. It doesn’t mean I just go around talking about it. I have better shit to do.
You want to help? Educate your models, help them, and not propagate fear and misunderstanding. Most of those ‘situations’ are usually caused by a misunderstanding on some level.
2. These stories cause more harm than good.
3. Actually, I find the “average model” is between 16-23 years old (Although, commercial models range to all ages, shapes, and sizes).
4. At 18 I was intelligent enough to know how to stay out of a bad situation. If I found myself in one I acted accordingly.
So far I am still alive, with no major injuries, and more knowledge than I had at 18. You live and you learn. At 18 years old you are an adult; it’s time for these kids to start acting like it.
A good quote for the occasion:
“Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment.” – Jim Horning

Happy Shooting,

Sep 17 06 07:03 pm Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

Allow me to slightly rephrase since I think my prior response was a bit brazen and blunt.

I do not disagree with your objectives, but I do find these methods to be unproductive and inefficient.

For example, I keep a separate e-mail for my models if they want to contact me for any reason with a question or problem. I am always happy to sit with a model and discuss any topic relating the either of our careers (E-mail or in person if the time allows). If I work with inexperienced models I will discuss with them what is expected, what should be unexpected and how to behave if they disagree with something (like an advance, unprofessional comment, etc).
If they bring up these kinds of stories I will acknowledge their concerns, calm them down, and explain how to deal with these kinds of situations if they occur (not when).

These kinds of topics however make many models paranoid and frankly unreasonable to deal with. Thank you internet revolution.
I guess the price you pay for being able to access more information is having to deal with much more garbage.

Sep 17 06 07:18 pm Link



Posts: 548

Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

Iris Swope wrote:
Off Topic
I heard that someone put blood in the ketchup at Wendys...
But I knew better...because people like telling stupid freaking stories!!!

I thought that was flies in the microwave.....that must have been the Canadian version tongue

Iris Swope wrote:
Can we start a thread about people who had bad dates, and were molested by their dates....? Please...

Interesting idea..I wonder if so many would come forward with those stories...

Sep 17 06 07:21 pm Link



Posts: 6129

Iris Swope wrote:
Off Topic
I heard that someone put blood in the ketchup at Wendys...
But I knew better...because people like telling stupid freaking stories!!!

Can we start a thread about people who had bad dates, and were molested by their dates....? Please...
And while we're at it...All females should bring escorts on all dates.... and maybe guys too.
I bet these girls wouldn't like that idea...

wait wait... i know... a thread on the instances of models being eaten alive by their genitalia while admiring it without a mirror?

or or or ... the attack of the wayward penis... a post viagra disease that has seen the bludgeoning by priapistic meat of myriad innocents...

and while we're at it... what about putting a models head on a piccie i screen capped from a reaaally nasty porno flick with underaged horses and dogs and pigs and chickens. nasty... even lohan turned down that part.

Sep 17 06 07:48 pm Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

I tell you, reading some of these threads has just about made me want to put "No Nudes!  Don't Ask!" on MY profile. 

I like nudity, because I think it looks nice.  And some of the fantasy shots that I want to do -- I just don't think they'd look exactly the same with clothing. 

But some of this stuff is just CREEPY. 

I might just have to revise my feelings about escorts getting in the way and insist that all future models provide me with one.  wink

Sep 17 06 08:01 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

lets think of yummy things instead...

Sep 17 06 08:11 pm Link


Chi - Rue99 Photography

Posts: 1838

San Francisco, California, US

Yuriy: We agree on what happens to some extent, but completely disagree on how to handle it.

Yuriy wrote:
There are people that fuck someone over everyday in all professions and walks of life. It doesn’t mean I just go around talking about it. I have better shit to do.

If I see something's wrong, I talk about it and let others know. That's the purpose of boards like these. If we're only going to communicate one-on-one, we might as well not have MM or books for that matter.

Yuriy wrote:
2. These stories cause more harm than good.

This reminds me of the mentality that people had towards sexual harassment and assault 30 years ago. All sorts of reasons ranging from it's the girl's fault, she should have known better, how do you expect guys to behave, let sleeping dogs lie, etc. Keeping things hidden doesn't solve anything. 

Yuriy wrote:
At 18 years old you are an adult; it’s time for these kids to start acting like it.

I'd apply this statement to photographers as well.

Sep 17 06 08:12 pm Link



Posts: 57

Germantown, Maryland, US

oldguysrule wrote:
how about some sleezy photog stories instead of dumb-as-a-shoe model stories?

and nope it is NOT the job of other photographers to play white knight and perpetuate the negative image photographers are acquiring. if you want to do something, go after the photographers directly, and encourage the models reporting to you to call the law.

You know, I'm sure you were new at what you were doing once too.  The fact that I was VERY new at modelling and had been hooked up with this guy through another photographer that I trusted does not mean that my intelligence is any lower than yours.  Knowing what I know now, I never would have even done the shoot, pay or no pay.  Live and learn.  However, the undeniable fact is that he WAS skeevy.  At least I had the sense not to be in the studio alone with him. But of course, for this I'll get flamed, because escorts are bad, and models should never bring them.

Sep 17 06 09:07 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

I love the story about the model who had a horrible experience but the ranting and name calling on MM made her afraid to share her story.

Sep 17 06 09:07 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Madam Nirvana wrote:
and also scared of my head being pasted on some nude body

I keep seeing this lately in the forums.  Where did this little bit of paranoia come from?

I'm pretty good with PS, and I've done this a couple times as a joke with close friends, but I can tell you it's much easier to just find a model willing to pose nude than it is to cut 'n paste a head and make it look realistic.

Sep 17 06 09:13 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

LarryB wrote:

I keep seeing this lately in the forums.  Where did this little bit of paranoia come from?

I'm pretty good with PS, and I've done this a couple times as a joke with close friends, but I can tell you it's much easier to just find a model willing to pose nude than it is to cut 'n paste a head and make it look realistic.

I'm thinking there's a paranoia virus the government is distributing via BigMacs, dairy products and diet coke.

There is no other rational explanation for the level of fear being exhibited on the boards this last week.

Sep 17 06 09:16 pm Link



Posts: 548

Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

LarryB wrote:

I keep seeing this lately in the forums.  Where did this little bit of paranoia come from?

I'm pretty good with PS, and I've done this a couple times as a joke with close friends, but I can tell you it's much easier to just find a model willing to pose nude than it is to cut 'n paste a head and make it look realistic.

Heck ya...sounds like another internet urban takes alot of skill and work to "paste" someone's head onto another body and make it look like the lighting was the same, color tone, etc...why would anyone bother when there's alot of other stock photos that they could use instead?

Sep 17 06 09:18 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Madam Nirvana wrote:
Im wary about signing things -- and also scared of my head being pasted on some nude body

With all the nude models out there, I can't believe anybody is still worried about this.  Do you really think you're so fabulously, uncommonly beautiful that a photographer simply has to staple your head onto one of the Barbie Twins? 
I really thought this particular bit or paranoia went out with leg-warmers and pastel flannel suits.

Sep 17 06 09:18 pm Link



Posts: 548

Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

KM von Seidl wrote:

I'm thinking there's a paranoia virus the government is distributing via BigMacs, dairy products and diet coke.

There is no other rational explanation for the level of fear being exhibited on the boards this last week.

Sadly, it's up here in Canada too...wait a's a global conspiracy...McDonald's is working with them..and distributing it worldwide!

Sep 17 06 09:19 pm Link



Posts: 95

Pasadena, California, US

Madam Nirvana wrote:
Is stock photography bad? I would feel exploited if I ended up on a adult product for example- Im in the 18-22 range- Im wary about signing things -- and also scared of my head being pasted on some nude body -- I can control my limits, but what does one look for other than a decent port and references  to spot trouble? Someone please exaplain the good and bad of stock to me aswell.

Thank you

Stop worrying about the old "post the head on an other body" sitaution. I dont see it happening. If you focus on paranoia then sometjing will happen. The sky isn't always falling. Look at the prospective photographers work, if you like it then go for it. Read over the releases before signing, maybe ask for a copy. Yes, it really is that simple. There are no guarantees but thats life!

Sep 17 06 09:25 pm Link


Photos By Deej

Posts: 1508

Tumwater, Washington, US

Yuriy wrote:
If I work with inexperienced models I will discuss with them what is expected, what should be unexpected and how to behave if they disagree with something (like an advance, unprofessional comment, etc).
These kinds of topics however make many models paranoid and frankly unreasonable to deal with. Thank you internet revolution.

You are so right on!  I think a lot of you are missing his point.  It's different if a model posts a specific incident that actually happened to him/her than  someone stirring shit up by making up broad and general scenarios to set people off.  Another thing I hate is these superior arrogant photographers who feel it's their job to criticize another photographer's work when it's no one's place to judge or put down.  I can understand constructive but not destructive comments.  And what's with everyone being a spell and grammar check bitch?  We aren't sending White house memos here? What is the big fuckin' deal?  Get a life people!

Sep 17 06 09:28 pm Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

And what's with everyone being a spell and grammar check bitch?  We aren't sending White house memos here? What is the big fuckin' deal?  Get a life people!

My typing generally sucks....

and I have not had any scarring nightmare experiences in the past decade with photographers...

I also think for my self, am not easily manipulated.

Sep 17 06 09:34 pm Link



Posts: 548

Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
Do you really think you're so fabulously, uncommonly beautiful that a photographer simply has to staple your head onto one of the Barbie Twins?

Geesh, now I have to clean my damn drink off of the monitor!

Sep 17 06 09:37 pm Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
I guess since we're sharing...
And lastly, I heard that if you see someone driving around at night with their headlights off, you shouldn't flick your highbeams on them.  There's apparently a gang of photographers, so traumatized by years of strobes, that when they see lights flashed at them, go crazy and start shooting people up.   I know this one for a fact because it happened to me.  Well, it happened to someone I know!

lol! No, you did not just say that!!!! Traumatized by strobes....
I like where this thread is going smile

Sep 17 06 09:40 pm Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

Rue 99 wrote:
This reminds me of the mentality that people had towards sexual harassment and assault 30 years ago. All sorts of reasons ranging from it's the girl's fault, she should have known better, how do you expect guys to behave, let sleeping dogs lie, etc. Keeping things hidden doesn't solve anything. 

First an explanation than something to consider.
I am not saying to keep things hidden. Going to the proper authorities is one thing. But what happens between your attorneys and the press is generates is just that. Spreading things on the internet opens you to many liabilities because most models don’t have the tact to post it in a professional manner.
They start to make assumptions and begin to slander photographers. Sometimes they deserve it, and sometimes they do not.

Now the consideration.
Many months ago I spoke to a certain model in private because of what she posted regarding a certain photographer. Due to a miscommunication she believed he acted inappropriately while he in fact did not. She went [online] with a not so cool head and slandered his name in several internet forums; she even started a thread on how photographers are assholes.
What would you do in such a situation?

Some here would agree with the model, some with the photographer. Me? I think the model should have immediately brought up the problem with the photographer (diffuse the situation, prevent miscommunication, etc.). If you think that I have an “ignorance is bliss” attitude, then you are quite mistaken.
But irrationality and a tongue that speaks before having the time to think an action through thoroughly will get you into shit real quick.

Sep 17 06 10:00 pm Link


JH Fauxtography

Posts: 61

Los Angeles, California, US

Rue 99 wrote:

You're in denial. It happens, I've made friends with models who have provided their accounts, and I have every reason to believe them. Not every story is true, but I hope you're not implying most the models are lying.

PS. I'm dismayed that so early in the thread, photogs are already denying this happens. Try talking to your models. You may be surprised.

PPS. The other thing I notice is so many photogs are hammering on the models for not being more careful or doing their homework. There's a first time for modeling, and the average model is only 18-22 years old. Let's be realistic about how worldly you were when you were 18, rather than judging someone after 10-20 years of experience.

I can already tell this thread is not going to make me popular, but this has bothered me for a long time...

Kudos to that!

Sep 17 06 10:07 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Rue 99 wrote:

You're in denial. It happens, I've made friends with models who have provided their accounts, and I have every reason to believe them. Not every story is true, but I hope you're not implying most the models are lying.

PS. I'm dismayed that so early in the thread, photogs are already denying this happens. Try talking to your models. You may be surprised.

PPS. The other thing I notice is so many photogs are hammering on the models for not being more careful or doing their homework. There's a first time for modeling, and the average model is only 18-22 years old. Let's be realistic about how worldly you were when you were 18, rather than judging someone after 10-20 years of experience.

I can already tell this thread is not going to make me popular, but this has bothered me for a long time...

You know, one time long ago in a galaxy far away, there was a thing, known as "the women's movement."   The idea was novel, it was that women might have equal rights to men, and, to empower women on both a personal and political level.

That movement is basically dead.   Talk about anything remotely empowering of women and there is a right wing talking head flame throwing stereotypes of man hating hairy lesbians.  It's a joke.  And apparently this country likes it that way.

So, what you have, is a generation of women who often times, unless they go away to school and take Women's Studies 101 can lack a framework for knowing boundaries, articulating them and protecting them if violated.   In the internet culture, White knights and sluggos fill the void.

Telling tales of BIG bad photographers is helpful in the sense that it MIGHT make some women aware that some people might be bad, or that some guy might act inappropriately in a sexual or violent manner.  Ok.   That's like every other story on Dateline and 20/20.  It's like the nightly news.


Sep 17 06 10:34 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Rue 99 wrote:
Model found by a phtoographer, then photographer takes control of her profiles here and OMP, including email. Then uses subtle intimidation tactics to ensure she keeps shooting with him, and uses the comments about the crappy photos to "prove" she should keep working with him.

Now gang, let's be fair to the OP, the SLUGGO situation described above IS all too common & we KNOW it happens all the time.
Much more often than the virtually non-existent "photograoher assaulted me/pressured me in to doing something I didn't want to do" stories.
Models SHOULD be warned away from SLUGGOS.

As far as that asinine "my head on someone's body" bit...WHY???
Unless you're FAMOUS why would I bother stealing YOUR face to put it on a body when there're SO many people out there willing to show their face with their naked body?  (Not that I would ever shoot with you if you wouldn't pose nude, anyway, since this bit of paranoia is ALL too common in models who say "no nudes"...what's why you don't see it Melvin, you don't work with non-nude girls).
Really people, do you think your face is SO hot people HAVE to steal it to put on naked bodies?
Get over yourselves.

Sep 18 06 12:40 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
I guess since we're sharing...

Okay, this one I heard from a model's sister's sluggo's mother's white knight boyfriend's cousin.  There was this family and they were going on a cross country trip, and the grandmom died while travelling with them on the trip.  And rather than having to deal with it on vacation, the father, who was A PHOTOGRAPHER, just tied her up on the luggage rack and kept on with his vacation.  Now, that's a true story.

Wait ... are you getting this story confused with Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation?  If so, it's an honest mistake.  Even if not true, it's still a scary photographer story. And that's what counts. And the sharing. That's really sweet!

Sep 18 06 01:19 am Link


JM Dean

Posts: 8931

Cary, North Carolina, US

I like B(0)(0)bies smile

Sep 18 06 01:27 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

arianna77 wrote:
I had this one sleazy photog, who was clearly a was a paid shoot, and now I'm pretty sure he only photographs pretty girls for his personal wank file.  Anyways, he insisted on HANDING his camera to another photog, whom I trust and was part lending his studio to this guy and part there as my unofficial escort, and having that photog take shots of him picking me up over his shoulder[b].  The pictures were all total crap, and the guy gave me the creeps like crazy.  Most of the creepiness was just a "vibe", but the whole over the shoulder thing was really wierd. In retrospect I wish I hadn't done it, but unfortunately it was just about the first thing he wanted to shoot, and I hadn't quite figured out how bad he was yet.  Especially since I've found out that he does that with EVERY model he works with.  I've talked to a few other models who said the same thing about the guy.  Needless to say I don't plan on shooting with him again like, ever.

In reply to someone else:

arianna77 wrote:
You know, I'm sure you were new at what you were doing once too.  The fact that I was VERY new at modelling and had been hooked up with this guy through another photographer that I trusted does not mean that my intelligence is any lower than yours.  Knowing what I know now, I never would have even done the shoot, pay or no pay.  Live and learn.  However, the [b]undeniable fact is that he WAS skeevy
.  At least I had the sense not to be in the studio alone with him. But of course, for this I'll get flamed, because escorts are bad, and models should never bring them.

Hi Arianna - Clearly you were troubled by this early shoot you had and you're a wiser person now. it's clear that you would like to have your story on here because it may be useful for other models and I think that's a great idea.  I have a few things I'm wondering about though so I hope you don't mind my asking a few questions.

What was skeevy about this guy beyond his wanting the pics of him holding you above him?

When we talk about this guy being skeevy, what behaviors are we talking about?  Was it just this holding you over his head behavior? Anything  else?  Were there sexual offenses? 

Getting pics like this is weird to be sure. Did you consider terminating the shoot at that point?  Did you ask about this with your escort/photographer friend?

I'm not sure of the point of your story in a way.  This happened and I think you continued the shoot (is that right?). I don't want to be critical of you for this, I'm interested in a different issue. It seems like your story makes the case for the anti-escort people.  Here you are with someone you know who is an unofficial escort (and a photographer no less that you have worked with) and this (holding you over head thing) still happens.

I wonder if this wouldn't have happened if the escort hadn't been there. Namely, it would have seemed so absurd to you that you would immediately put your foot down. But with this person whom you know and trusted and who also knows this weirdo present, you assume that maybe this is 'OK' despite having weird feelings about it.

Thanks for relating your experience.

Sep 18 06 01:42 am Link


Pixel-Magic Photography

Posts: 666

Chicago, Illinois, US

Rue 99 wrote:

You're in denial. It happens, I've made friends with models who have provided their accounts, and I have every reason to believe them. Not every story is true, but I hope you're not implying most the models are lying.

PS. I'm dismayed that so early in the thread, photogs are already denying this happens. Try talking to your models. You may be surprised.

PPS. The other thing I notice is so many photogs are hammering on the models for not being more careful or doing their homework. There's a first time for modeling, and the average model is only 18-22 years old. Let's be realistic about how worldly you were when you were 18, rather than judging someone after 10-20 years of experience.

I can already tell this thread is not going to make me popular, but this has bothered me for a long time...

You're doing fine, as far as I am concerned. Anyone who does want to hear these stories is welcome to go do something else. Some people are forever, complaining that such and such has been discussed before, just look it up. Some people posting are pretty new and they have not read old threads, and they may not know about the search feature. Hey, if it bores you, and you've heard it before -be helpful instead of whining a lot. Post a link to past threads if they're relevant and up to date and then go do something else.

Sep 18 06 01:45 am Link