
Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

There are several threads going on at the moment and they reflect an underlying current in people I have never understood. Pride in things. Things they own such as film cameras or the latest big digital camera, ways of doing someTHING such as wet darkroom process as opposed to the nutballs that refer to Epson prints as chicklets or geeclays or something the spelling of which doesn't sound like the pronunciation thus making it even more elevated in pride (can you tell this one kinda gets to me), using Olde English language in their communications in order to elevate their sense of worth thus showcasing once again their pride. This mental disorder is certainly not indigenous to photographers only. Makeup artists push there pride onto the goods they use. Football fans are the total nutball package. You ever hear the guys being interviewed while wearing face paint, a dress and pig noses? Their line is "WE are going to kick the other teams asses today! WE. Can you imagine anything more stupid than an overweight out of shape suburban soccer dad screaming about how HE is going to kick ass as if he were on the team. Pride in something you had nothing to do with, WTF is that all about.

Sep 17 06 09:40 am Link


Aesthete Studios

Posts: 2088

Oakland, New Jersey, US

Hubris maybe?

I always find it amusing to see a grown man parading about in NFL fashion.

But then again, I game on-line and still read The Amazing Spiderman!


Sep 17 06 09:43 am Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

i am proud to have read you feel my avatar is fun rather than dirty.  i'm proud my alma mater won on the gridiron yesterday. 

the jury is still out about feeling proud to be a member of a site that classifies anyone with myspace level pictures qualifying themself as a model.  worse is those that confirm it with senseless picture comments extolling their worth.  it makes me feel bad for those that take great pride in that profession to have the term "model" lowered to such an extent.

i'm proud to share my thoughts.

--face reality

Sep 17 06 09:50 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Aesthete Studios wrote:
Hubris maybe?

Just another word for pride, not much of an answer.

Sep 17 06 09:50 am Link


timeless image

Posts: 428

Houston, Texas, US

You know there"s good pride, and bad pride.

Sep 17 06 09:53 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

FaceReality wrote:
i am proud to have read you feel my avatar is fun rather than dirty.  i'm proud my alma mater won on the gridiron yesterday. 

the jury is still out about feeling proud to be a member of a site that classifies anyone with myspace level pictures qualifying themself as a model.  worse is those that confirm it with senseless picture comments extolling their worth.  it makes me feel bad for those that take great pride in that profession to have the term lowered to such an extent.

i'm proud to share my thoughts.

--face reality

I do love your avatar. Sexy and brash, yet fresh and fun. You should feel pride that someone likes what you do.

The profession isn't lowered, the self worth of the recipient is falsely raised.

Proud to share your thoughts? Happy, maybe even pleased! Proud?

Sep 17 06 09:54 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

timeless image wrote:
You know there"s good pride, and bad pride.

That's a dumb statement and doesn't even come close to making sense.

Sep 17 06 09:55 am Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
Proud to share your thoughts?

yes.  it takes a great a deal of work to get from brain to keyboard.  perhaps someday my pride will be extended when i start using upper case properly.

--face reality

Sep 17 06 09:59 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

I take pride in my work and try to deliver the best results possible and I had clients telling me that they could see that I have pride in what I am doing and that they appreciate that.

Not exactly understanding why having pride in your own work is a negative thing.

Sep 17 06 10:01 am Link



Posts: 975

San Diego, California, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
WTF is that all about.

Methinks you are ready to blow a fuse. Or Shirley, you jest.

How can a successful commercial photographer not understand these simple matters of human behavior, psychology and emotional hot buttons?

Either you are losing your marbles, or you are lying to us for effect.

If you like to fabricate hypothetical questions for effect that come from false pretense, then you are guilty of lacking the intellectual honesty that you demand from the rest of us.

Sep 17 06 10:02 am Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Stan Schutze wrote:
If you like to fabricate hypothetical questions for effect that come from false pretense, then you are guilty of lacking the intellectual honesty that you demand from the rest of us.

I don't think he is lying. I feel the same way.

A part of why people act that way (in case of sports fans) is the instinct of belonging to a tribe. Tribe gives you safety and a feeling of superiority over others.

As far as pride in shit (posessions) it's a social status instinct. I've got more shit therefore I'm better than you are.

Hubert don't get upset. We are all just people monkeys.

Sep 17 06 10:09 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

UdoR wrote:
I take pride in my work and try to deliver the best results possible and I had clients telling me that they could see that I have pride in what I am doing and that they appreciate that.

Not exactly understanding why having pride in your own work is a negative thing.

I'll have to go back to the original statement to understand this post. I said pride in things. Your work is who you are and something worthy of pride. Where did the OP say different?

Sep 17 06 10:10 am Link


timeless image

Posts: 428

Houston, Texas, US

To have pride in your work, the way you carry yourself, theses are good, to let it go to false pride where you forget you can be wrong, thats the bad one.

Sep 17 06 10:11 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Nothing turns me on more than modesty.

Sep 17 06 10:11 am Link



Posts: 975

San Diego, California, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
Nothing turns me on more than modesty.

I'm falling in love with you. Please be kind.

Sep 17 06 10:17 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Stan Schutze wrote:

Methinks you are ready to blow a fuse. Or Shirley, you jest.

How can a successful commercial photographer not understand these simple matters of human behavior, psychology and emotional hot buttons?

Either you are losing your marbles, or you are lying to us for effect.

If you like to fabricate hypothetical questions for effect that come from false pretense, then you are guilty of lacking the intellectual honesty that you demand from the rest of us.

Petentious use of a dead language to show the pride you take in your false worth drives me to the wall and makes me think so much less of the delivery man.

They are not simple matters, and if you posted something usable maybe I could learn to undrstand.

I take pride in the fact that most of my posts (the ones where I don't have my tongue planted firmly in my cheek and would hope the reader had the brains of a rat and could tell the difference) receive a great deal of attention and usually provoke a few lucid thoughts. They also get me a great deal of recognition, which is what I want from here. Intellectual honesty has never been a problem for me. Possibly poor communication skills are the culprit here.

Sep 17 06 10:18 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

timeless image wrote:
To have pride in your work, the way you carry yourself, theses are good, to let it go to false pride where you forget you can be wrong, thats the bad one.

Good point.

Sep 17 06 10:19 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
Nothing turns me on more than modesty.

I am the most modest person in the world! big_smile

Sep 17 06 10:22 am Link



Posts: 975

San Diego, California, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
Petentious use of a dead language to show the pride you take in your false worth drives me to the wall and makes me think so much less of the delivery man.

I know ;-)

Sep 17 06 10:22 am Link



Posts: 997

New York, New York, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
That's a dumb statement and doesn't even come close to making sense.

If that is a dumb statement, then I guess you don't understand the meaning, if you don't, then who is the dumb one?

Sep 17 06 10:27 am Link


Aesthete Studios

Posts: 2088

Oakland, New Jersey, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

Just another word for pride, not much of an answer.

I think hubris better defines what you impugn.

Sep 17 06 10:30 am Link



Posts: 997

New York, New York, US

UdoR wrote:

I am the most modest person in the world! big_smile

Sure you ARE, LOL!

Sep 17 06 10:30 am Link



Posts: 997

New York, New York, US

Aesthete Studios wrote:

I think hubris better defines what you impugn.

You need a dictionary!

Sep 17 06 10:32 am Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
I take pride in the fact that most of my posts (the ones where I don't have my tongue planted firmly in my cheek and would hope the reader had the brains of a rat and could tell the difference)...

I bet you are even more proud of yourself if they don't get your posts.

Sep 17 06 10:34 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

GRHorn wrote:

If that is a dumb statement, then I guess you don't understand the meaning, if you don't then who is the dumb one?

Or possibly your pride got in the way of your thinking and you didn't clearly see that if a statement isn't understandable due to the arcane thought process of the delivery man or the thought is incomplete, it is a dumb statement. She later went on to explain her original statement and I told her good point. I've learned that if you are going to participate in these forums, it's best to read everything before you comment, otherwise you look silly and get flamed. I learned this the hard way.

Sep 17 06 10:34 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Fotticelli wrote:
I bet you are even more proud of yourself if they don't get your posts.

Well, yeah, maybe.


"Defend This"... Epic!

Sep 17 06 10:35 am Link


Maynard Southern

Posts: 921

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Fotticelli wrote:
We are all just people monkeys.

I think that sums it up quite well. I've noticed animals as simple as dogs seeming proud of something they have acquired (even if it is a week old dead groundhog). That may just be transference of my own thoughts, though.

When we do not see the internal value of ourselves we seek objects to increase our external value.

In this country, that weakness is exploited by the manufacturers of items (even pig noses) and their advertising agents. I'd say this country has had its' weaknesses exploited in that way for hundreds of years long that most people don't stop to consider the ramifications. It has just been accepted as "the right thing to do" to feather one's nest with shiny objects. It draws the desired mate, gives you a feeling of belonging to one's tribe (Fotticelli), and brings about a false sense of security. Ownership breeds satisfaction, and the desire to protect one's gee-gaws. A people concerned with that won't be all that concerned with what its' leaders are doing...why should they? They have 102 inch wide television sets!

Basically, the amount of possessed external objects = biological superiority. Mate A has collected 200 gee-gaws, while Mate B has only collected 50. Mate A should be the choice for reproduction. Unless folks can use use their higher brain to tell the mammalian brain to shut the hell up, I think that is the basic drive for a good part of the population. A simple example is a teenage boy (at the height of a biological need to reproduce) who is overly concerned with his mode of transport. A flashy vehicle = "cool". Which in turn equals the attraction of teenage females to mate with. Peacock feathers anyone?

ANYWAY, I just woke up...hope I was making a little bit of sense.

You know the answer to your question, Bob...yer jest startin' sheeyat tongue

Sep 17 06 10:41 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Maynard Southern wrote:

I think that sums it up quite well. I've noticed animals as simple as dogs seeming proud of something they have acquired (even if it is a week old dead groundhog). That may just be transference of my own thoughts, though.

When we do not see the internal value of ourselves we seek objects to increase our external value.

In this country, that weakness is exploited by the manufacturers of items (even pig noses) and their advertising agents. I'd say this country has had its' weaknesses exploited in that way for hundreds of years long that most people don't stop to consider the ramifications. It has just been accepted as "the right thing to do" to feather one's nest with shiny objects. It draws the desired mate, gives you a feeling of belonging to one's tribe (Fotticelli), and brings about a false sense of security. Ownership breeds satisfaction, and the desire to protect one's gee-gaws. A people concerned with that won't be all that concerned with what its' leaders are doing...why should they? They have 102 inch wide television sets!

Basically, the amount of possessed external objects = biological superiority. Mate A has collected 200 gee-gaws, while Mate B has only collected 50. Mate A should be the choice for reproduction. Unless folks can use use their higher brain to tell the mammalian brain to shut the hell up, I think that is the basic drive for a good part of the population. A simple example is a teenage boy (at the height of a biological need to reproduce) who is overly concerned with his mode of transport. A flashy vehicle = "cool". Which in turn equals the attraction of teenage females to mate with. Peacock feathers anyone?

ANYWAY, I just woke up...hope I was making a little bit of sense.

You know the answer to your question, Bob...yer jest startin' sheeyat tongue

Actually I don't know the answer. I studied political science and journalism, missed psychology. But this is a real good answer.

Now, for the sheeyat;

About that South rising again thing, when can we expect that to occur? smile

Sep 17 06 10:47 am Link


Maynard Southern

Posts: 921

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
Actually I don't know the answer. I studied political science and journalism, missed psychology. But this is a real good answer.

Now, for the sheeyat;

About that South rising again thing, when can we expect that to occur? smile

Well, at the moment we seem to be under attack by the east/west coast crass commercialist cultures, so it isn't looking hopeful tongue One of the reasons I moved from Nashville is because of what it has become. But who knows? History has repeated itself. tongue

*That is in no way an endorsement of slavery, by the way. Personally, I think the Civil War was about the issue of self/local government, and a fight against what we have ended up with today. The slavery issue was just the boiling point.
Someone who takes pride (hey, I can't fight my need of belonging either) in their Southern heritage and culture of self-reliance doesn't automatically equal a racist! I know that is a shock to those who believe everything they see on TeeVee...

Jeezus I am rambling today...I think I have a cough syrup hangover...didn't mean to hijack with a rant on the South...

Sep 17 06 11:02 am Link



Posts: 558

People use things as a way of justifying themselves and putting down others.

Many people think that aquiring something makes them more than they were. The 'buy a better camera and you become a better photographer' mentality.

I've seen this work both ways. They buy the better camera and it makes them feel that they now take better pictures because at a quantitive level do, at a qualitive level though they dont. They can also use this to support their failures, I have often had people say to me "Great shot, but with a 5D it should be!". So they equate ability with equipment and feel that to progress they must have a "better" camera.

I think this may be true in a wider context. I would be a better driver in a better car. I would be more sucessful in business if I had an Armarni suite. And so on.

Pride in a thing gives them something that they would not have without that thing. I think this most probably applies to people who have not reached the level of acheivment they think they should.

I might be wrong smile

Sep 17 06 11:03 am Link



Posts: 27

Springfield, Massachusetts, US

Aesthete Studios wrote:
Hubris maybe?

I always find it amusing to see a grown man parading about in NFL fashion.

But then again, I game on-line and still read The Amazing Spiderman!


Go gamer geeks and comic fans!! ever play World of Warcraft? teehee

Sep 17 06 11:10 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

UdoR wrote:
I take pride in my work and try to deliver the best results possible and I had clients telling me that they could see that I have pride in what I am doing and that they appreciate that.

Not exactly understanding why having pride in your own work is a negative thing.

I'll have to go back to the original statement to understand this post. I said pride in things. Your work is who you are and something worthy of pride. Where did the OP say different?

I think UdoR's post is getting to the heart of yours.

Humans have a tendency to go overboard, and many take their pride in *what they do* and extend it to a pride in *how they do it* and that further extends to a pride in *what they use*.

A similar thing happens with sports fans (and I'm also guilty).  You often take pride in picking the winning team, or being from the city that hosts the winning team, because in some strange way these modern day gladiators are linked to your city/region's identity.  That pride in the winning team being from your area often gets transmuted in to a pride of being from the area that the winning team is from... hence, your team... hence you're a part of the team... hence "we" are going to kick their asses this week.

It is all just overboard pride, and a tendency to extend what you take pride in because it feels good.

It isn't at all as evil as you make it out to be.

Sep 17 06 11:23 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

James Jackson wrote:
A similar thing happens with sports fans (and I'm also guilty).  You often take pride in picking the winning team, or being from the city that hosts the winning team, because in some strange way these modern day gladiators are linked to your city/region's identity.  That pride in the winning team being from your area often gets transmuted in to a pride of being from the area that the winning team is from... hence, your team... hence you're a part of the team... hence "we" are going to kick their asses this week.

Well, personally I've had enough of this high brow pretentious bullspit, the BEARS come on in 15 minutes and WE are going to kick the lions butts, I'm outa here!

Go Bears!   smile

Sep 17 06 11:27 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Hubris in a thread about hubris..

I'm enjoying this whether it was intentional, honest, dishonest, or even poorly worded..

Sep 17 06 11:35 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Fluffytek wrote:
People use things as a way of justifying themselves and putting down others.

I might be wrong smile

Misery loves miserable company. It makes them feel more important. It's a selfish need of at least two standard deviations of any population of humans (human monkeys, as astutely noted above).

As people submit or cater to that need, it grows into a twisted weakness at a core level of some personalities.

A close cousin to temper tantrums and ranting for effect.

I'm so damn happy to be alive. None of this makes a flying frick difference to me.

God gave us the power of delete buttons. It's fun as long as it's fun, then it's nothing.

On the other hand, maybe there is some kind of Skinner Box for testing rat's asses.

Ain't life grand?

Click Hamilton
Permanent Manic :-)
Shortly after burning my eyebrows, eyelashes and moustache off while lighting a gas water heater. Now I know that eyelashes and eyebrows can grow back. Overplucked models can have hope.

Sep 17 06 12:29 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

End of first quarter, BEARS 10, lions nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zero, 0.

Sep 17 06 12:40 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Click Hamilton wrote:

Cleaning is so subtle, when I found you it made me laugh very hard. Now I need to clean.

Sep 17 06 01:43 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
End of first quarter, BEARS 10, lions nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zero, 0.

Well it would help if you had some teams in your division.  Cleveland could have won the NFC Central last year and they suck.

Sep 17 06 01:44 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

WE WON, 34 TO 7, YEAH WE BEAT THE lions!

Sep 17 06 02:54 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
WE WON, 34 TO 7, YEAH WE BEAT THE lions!

Everybody beats the Lions...Come east and win some games and we'll talk.

Sep 17 06 04:46 pm Link