Forums > General Industry > I'm not impressed


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Now I am all about looking at a good resume. A great body of work, but lease leave the bullish at home.

Lately, I've corresponded with several models who seem really cool at first, then they start to lay on the crap as they lead you into the ."You gotta pay me to shoot realm"

I send an E-mail.. Would love to shoot TFCD with you, drop me a line if interested

Reply.. OMG I love your stuff I would love to work with you.

ME..Awesome..I will branstorm some ideas, see what MUA/Stylist is avil and we will get some thing set up.

Next comes the BAIT and SWITCH..

MODEL: What are you shooting for?

I my head.. DUH..TFCD...

In my e-mail..strictly TFCD, for fun and portfolio.

MODEL...Ok, well I am off to (enter exotic country here..DROP big name here..BLAH BLAH ..then a statement of..Payment priorities and such....etc etc etc..

Is it me or did I just waste a bunch of time for nothing? I think my portfolio is pretty clear, and My e-mals are pretty clear..Do some of these models think we are dumb or what?

Yeah, I admitt I am in a touchy mood this fine day...PMS or the male equivlant....

I think I need a vacation...or sleep..or both..

Im ranting..I should erase this..but then I would be a chicken I am hitting the NEW THREAD button anyway..

Sep 06 06 07:25 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

WWWWWRRRRRAAAAAAANNNTTTT. no i would be pissed i dont change the rules mid stream... some do ... heard a really bad story not long ago of a tfcd that the model tried to manipulate into paid the day of a shoot with a mua and photographer booked , the shoot wound up not happening wasting alot of time , no one likes wasted time ... we can all be doing something else.

Sep 06 06 07:33 am Link


D Robert Gray

Posts: 40

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I checked your portfolio and I was hoping your work sucked so I could say oh that’s why your work sucks, but you work is very good so stop giving it away. No one values free make them pay. But if you still choose to shoot for free I have some work to pass your way from our magazine

Sep 06 06 08:13 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


The first thing I do when I want to work with someone is throw the word "tfp" on the table. That goes in the very first email..that way, no one is confused, and it doesn't waste anyone's time going back and forth through emails.

On the flip side, when I am approached, if I don't think that I would gain anything by working with the photographer I flat out ask them what the shoot is for, TFP, tear, etc. Again, so as not to waste anyone's time.


Sep 06 06 08:18 am Link


Vermont Figurative Arts

Posts: 212

Burlington, Vermont, US

Can we assume that you make no money from what you shoot?
Your work is very good. It would be hard to believe that you have not
made ANY money from your work. That would put your work into the class of "amateur" or " hobbyist", unfortunate since many skilled photographer/artists with years of experience
would fall into this category. Most photographers shoot because they love it, not for the money.

That said, just because YOU are an amateur, do you expect models to also work for free?
Unlike most photographers who do it because they love it, models are mostly in it because of the HOPE of making money from it. Oh, to be sure, many models love being in front of the camera. But the primary incentive seems to be one that involves making money. With modeling being so competitive, most models will not shut the door on tfp/cd work if they can arrange a shoot with a photographer who they like, lives nearby, or offers a look they think they need to promote themselves.

I know of very few industries where people will work for free if they are good at what they do.
Unfortunately for me, I can rarely justify paying top dollar for a skilled and talented model
when I too fall into the "skilled amateur" class of photographers.
I just hope that occasionally some totally fantastic model will consider working with me at a price I can afford, which isn't much. But for me to EXPECT them to give their time and talent away is asking a bit much, don't you think?

Sep 06 06 08:45 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Image Vermont wrote:
Can we assume that you make no money from what you shoot?
Your work is very good. It would be hard to believe that you have not
made ANY money from your work. That would put your work into the class of "amateur" or " hobbyist", unfortunate since many skilled photographer/artists with years of experience
would fall into this category. Most photographers shoot because they love it, not for the money.

That said, just because YOU are an amateur, do you expect models to also work for free?
Unlike most photographers who do it because they love it, models are mostly in it because of the HOPE of making money from it. Oh, to be sure, many models love being in front of the camera. But the primary incentive seems to be one that involves making money. With modeling being so competitive, most models will not shut the door on tfp/cd work if they can arrange a shoot with a photographer who they like, lives nearby, or offers a look they think they need to promote themselves.

I know of very few industries where people will work for free if they are good at what they do.
Unfortunately for me, I can rarely justify paying top dollar for a skilled and talented model
when I too fall into the "skilled amateur" class of photographers.
I just hope that occasionally some totally fantastic model will consider working with me at a price I can afford, which isn't much. But for me to EXPECT them to give their time and talent away is asking a bit much, don't you think?

1. I am far from being an amateur. Read my portfolio.
2. This is MM. TFCD is common place and serves many purposes.
3.  I get plenty of alented models requesting to shoot with me all day long.that is the least of my worries.

4. My point ws the bait and switch tactics that are very pointless and a waste of time.

5. Im done...


Sep 06 06 09:00 am Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Just FYI, I've noticed that many "models" (and sometimes stylists and photographers too) on this site don't really know the strict meaning of TFP.  I've read some profiles asking to specify whether a shoot is for paid-TFP or unpaid-TFP, when usually when it's a TFP, no one really gets paid, period... except for maybe tearsheets if it was an unpaid shoot for magazine submission.  I have no idea if those models were being shady or plainly clueless but it might save the frustration if you clarify that this is an UNPAID shoot to begin with aside from mentioning the acronyms TFP.

Sep 06 06 09:03 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Sascha wrote:
Just FYI, I've noticed that many "models" (and sometimes stylists and photographers too) on this site don't really know the strict meaning of TFP.  I've read some profiles asking to specify whether a shoot is for paid-TFP or unpaid-TFP, when usually when it's a TFP, no one really gets paid, period... except for maybe tearsheets if it was an unpaid shoot for magazine submission.  I have no idea if those models were being shady or plainly clueless but it might save the frustration if you clarify that this is an UNPAID shoot to begin with aside from mentioning the acronyms TFP.

Thus the time to define taken on my portfolio page and in all e-mails...... I hire for production work only (the client pays me to pay the model)..again..stated in my profile.
as I said...I'm not impressed..Either lack of ability to read..or as you said Sash...Shady..

Sep 06 06 09:08 am Link



Posts: 477

New York, New York, US

surely with all your contacts u can get people from agencies at the drop of a hat? why put yourself thru this?

Sep 06 06 09:28 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

gavin oneill wrote:
surely with all your contacts u can get people from agencies at the drop of a hat? why put yourself thru this?


All my contacts? I dont recall stating I had contacts of any sort..

My purpose on MM is clearly stated in my portfolio..As for putting myself through anything..????  I think that would be reading to much into what I am saying.

As Sasha stated...many peole do not know what TFP really means, or they are just shady.

I put up with it because I enjoy it. There are simply things we all put up with on MM. Goes with the stomping gound.

I simply vented a bit...which is just nice to do every once in awhile.
With that said, I am nicley booked this week and I am looking forward to shooting and creating.

Sep 06 06 09:39 am Link



Posts: 551

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Produce images that models want in their books... and you'll get less bullshit.

Sep 06 06 10:19 am Link



Posts: 477

New York, New York, US

Vance wrote:


All my contacts? I dont recall stating I had contacts of any sort..

My purpose on MM is clearly stated in my portfolio..As for putting myself through anything..????  I think that would be reading to much into what I am saying.

As Sasha stated...many peole do not know what TFP really means, or they are just shady.

I put up with it because I enjoy it. There are simply things we all put up with on MM. Goes with the stomping gound.

I simply vented a bit...which is just nice to do every once in awhile.
With that said, I am nicley booked this week and I am looking forward to shooting and creating.

r u saying u dont have any contacts from your production company or your years of shooting? building relationships, isnt that in marketing 101? wink)

my point is also that many people on MM dont know what tfp is, like u just said, so why do u even bother? (i consider 'putting yourself thru something' when u end up doing something that gives u the shits, which this clearly does for you). going thru an agency will give u someone professional to deal with, and no misinterpretations..... surely that was in marketing 101 also?  wink

enjoy this week smile

Sep 06 06 10:21 am Link



Posts: 551

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Wise words Brother Gavin.

Sep 06 06 10:23 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


ChristianBehr wrote:
Produce images that models want in their books... and you'll get less bullshit.

says one of the Gods of photography.

Simple serious advice from Christian- listen to him.


Sep 06 06 10:29 am Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

I have come to the conclusion that most people are just stupid and clueless, and I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to ignore them.

However, I have worked with enough people who 'get it' and understand the industry that I just must laugh and laugh at all this stuff.

Anyone want to hand me a fly?

Sep 06 06 10:30 am Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Well... I would second what Christian said: Wise words by Gavin!! And would like to add:

Vance wrote:
I put up with it because I enjoy it. There are simply things we all put up with on MM. Goes with the stomping gound.

If u put up with all that crap cuz you enjoy it... why are you ranting? why are you upset ?

See... you are switching gears right here in front of all of us... Im sure you do that to the models.. so now who's the one changing things around ? wink

Sep 06 06 10:31 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Vance wrote:
Now I am all about looking at a good resume. A great body of work, but lease leave the bullish at home.

Lately, I've corresponded with several models who seem really cool at first, then they start to lay on the crap as they lead you into the ."You gotta pay me to shoot realm"

I send an E-mail.. Would love to shoot TFCD with you, drop me a line if interested

Reply.. OMG I love your stuff I would love to work with you.

ME..Awesome..I will branstorm some ideas, see what MUA/Stylist is avil and we will get some thing set up.

Next comes the BAIT and SWITCH..

MODEL: What are you shooting for?

I my head.. DUH..TFCD...

In my e-mail..strictly TFCD, for fun and portfolio.

MODEL...Ok, well I am off to (enter exotic country here..DROP big name here..BLAH BLAH ..then a statement of..Payment priorities and such....etc etc etc..

Is it me or did I just waste a bunch of time for nothing? I think my portfolio is pretty clear, and My e-mals are pretty clear..Do some of these models think we are dumb or what?

Yeah, I admitt I am in a touchy mood this fine day...PMS or the male equivlant....

I think I need a vacation...or sleep..or both..

Im ranting..I should erase this..but then I would be a chicken I am hitting the NEW THREAD button anyway..

What kind of work are you doing?

If it's hogtied babes, I can see why you don't hit the agencies like the other guys are suggesting.

If it's truly for art, like a possible gallery show or something, stick with art models.

If it's a possiblity of some sort of commercial application, why not just offer up $/hr?   If I had the money, I would gladly pay certain models because I know they could use the money to pay rent or put themsleves through school.

Not you, but I see a number of photographers on this site who practically BRAG about spending $4k and up on gear and then BITCH when they can't get a decent model for free.

Sep 06 06 10:32 am Link



Posts: 477

New York, New York, US

ChristianBehr wrote:
Produce images that models want in their books... and you'll get less bullshit.

use the force luke...... wink

Sep 06 06 10:32 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Vance wrote:

Next comes the BAIT and SWITCH..

MODEL: What are you shooting for?

I my head.. DUH..TFCD...

In my e-mail..strictly TFCD, for fun and portfolio.


I don't think it's a Bait and Switch.  I think the model assumes (hopes?) that this might be a paying gig (you haven't said it's not). They reply as potentially interested, then you tell them it's TFCD.  They feel a little let down and you go down on their priority list. You do spell it out on your MM page, but they might not look at that prior to responding.

From their point of view, it might feel like a bait and switch.  I let models know the terms in the first email so they know where I'm at. You do it on your main page, if I were you, I'd do it in your initial contact too.

Sep 06 06 10:48 am Link


Robert Winn Photography

Posts: 2097

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

Curt Burgess wrote:

I don't think it's a Bait and Switch.  I think the model assumes (hopes?) that this might be a paying gig (you haven't said it's not). They reply as potentially interested, then you tell them it's TFCD.  They feel a little let down and you go down on their priority list. You do spell it out on your MM page, but they might not look at that prior to responding.

From their point of view, it might feel like a bait and switch.  I let models know the terms in the first email so they know where I'm at. You do it on your main page, if I were you, I'd do it in your initial contact too.

Curt... Vance stated that in his introduction email to the prospective model that it would be a TFP shoot and to contact him if they were interested. His work is excellent and should be payment enough. His complaint was that they agreed to work TFP and then later started looking for pay.

Sep 06 06 10:59 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Thanks Winn,

As usual..The thread is about to take another turn and the original points will be over looked.


I could spend the entire day explaining what I have already stated..but that too would get lost..

I've been here long enough not to get caught on that treadmill..

happy shooting..


Sep 06 06 11:11 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Vance wrote:
Thanks Winn,

As usual..The thread is about to take another turn and the original points will be over looked.


I could spend the entire day explaining what I have already stated..but that too would get lost..

I've been here long enough not to get caught on that treadmill..

happy shooting..


Vance.  It's the internet.  And you're dealing with people.  Total recipe for freakdom wrapped in a thin veil of normalcy.

Now, come join us on the pervy escort thread.

Sep 06 06 11:17 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Out of curiosity, when this happens, and the model goes through the "I'm too important to do TFP with you" after already agreeing to it, what did you say?


Sep 06 06 11:20 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Curt Burgess wrote:

I don't think it's a Bait and Switch.  I think the model assumes (hopes?) that this might be a paying gig (you haven't said it's not). They reply as potentially interested, then you tell them it's TFCD.  They feel a little let down and you go down on their priority list. You do spell it out on your MM page, but they might not look at that prior to responding.

From their point of view, it might feel like a bait and switch.  I let models know the terms in the first email so they know where I'm at. You do it on your main page, if I were you, I'd do it in your initial contact too.

What is amazing is what people read into things what they want.  Vance said
he contacts people and asks if they want to shoot TFCD.  He doesn't offer money.
His profile says the same.  Some models try and turn that around into a paid deal.
Thats not cool.  Instead of ok, we understand he gets comments like your work
isn't such that models might want it in their portolio which was said in a round
about way.  Kinda nasty comment too from someone who has sought support from
other photographers in the past.  Again he stated his first contact was for TFCD
not payment.  His profile says the same.  A model sees his work which by the
way is very good and decides if she wants to shoot but its bullshit to try and
make some money.  I don't tend to shoot material that models might often
want in their portfolios so I offer money or I hear from models who might want
to shoot in the somewhat quirky style I have but if someone I offered a Test
shoot who accepted came with that pay me crap.  Shoe leather would meet
behind not in the as in a real sense of a kick in the ass but she/he would get my
point.  It comes down to everybody is on the hustle which I understand but get
your hustle on in a honest and straight forward way.

Sep 06 06 11:23 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Vance wrote:
Thanks Winn,

As usual..The thread is about to take another turn and the original points will be over looked.


I could spend the entire day explaining what I have already stated..but that too would get lost..

I've been here long enough not to get caught on that treadmill..

happy shooting..


Vance, I'm glad you could see where this was headed.  Expect little to no
support from your fellow photographers.  Right or wrong its the people who
should offer a understanding ear but are the first to throw darts.

Sep 06 06 11:26 am Link


Josue Pena

Posts: 595

Los Angeles, California, US

dude! wath you stablish in your main is very clear.......
maybe you just need to be sure the people you shoot actually read it......
there is nothing better than be clear on the begining!

Sep 06 06 11:27 am Link



Posts: 6129

Vance wrote:
Thus the time to define taken on my portfolio page and in all e-mails...... I hire for production work only (the client pays me to pay the model)..again..stated in my profile.

as I said...I'm not impressed..Either lack of ability to read..or as you said Sash...Shady..

you know they don't read the profile, and 1/2 don't look at your work before replying. i'd say the solution is to let them contact you, but models don't generally review photographer's portfolios searching for the appropriate photographers to shoot with since networking = flirting in the shoutbox and/or boobie avatar and announcements. it seems all you can do is to thoroughly check them out (which in itself is a time consumer) before wasting time on a doomed-to-fail effort to book or, god forbid, shoot.

Sep 06 06 11:29 am Link



Posts: 163

Olympia, Washington, US

You have a legit issue, IMHO.
I actually get a lot of e-mails from models locally who pull the same thing, but THEY initiate the contact, understand I shoot TFP/CD, THEN flak out in the exact way you have had. To me, that makes even less sense...
Unlike you, model work really isn't my main focus, it's something I'm trying to break into right now. I make a VERY nice living with photo and art in other niches, though.
I'm guessing it must be just wishful thinking. They think folks like you and I will see their port, our eyes will pop out and we'll just change everything once they want coin. Otherwise, I can't think of a reason...

Sep 06 06 11:40 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Funny how some of the photographers I'm most impressed with are responding to a thread entitled "I'm not impressed."

Ok. It's funny to me.

Shut up. I had no sleep.



Sep 06 06 11:43 am Link



Posts: 6129

Daniela V wrote:
Funny how some of the photographers I'm most impressed with are responding to a thread entitled "I'm not impressed."

Ok. It's funny to me.

Shut up. I had no sleep.



*giggle... *tucks D in

Sep 06 06 11:45 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Tony Lawrence wrote:
Instead of ok, we understand he gets comments like your work
isn't such that models might want it in their portolio which was said in a round
about way.  Kinda nasty comment too from someone who has sought support from
other photographers in the past.

I don't think that comment was mean. If it was phrased like you said it, sure...and maybe that was the intention of the statement. But, coming from a model, it's true.

The photographers that have images in their books that I'm in awe of, are those that I want to work with...and they are those that I'm sure, get less bullshit comparitively speaking.


Sep 06 06 11:46 am Link


Mick Stonehenge

Posts: 105

Joshua Tree, California, US

Here's my absolutes on TFP :

No money changes hands. Models aren't paid. Photographers aren't paid. The use of the images are restricted to self-promotion.

I don't hire models. My clients hire them.  Recreational shooting is recreational, and commercial shooting  is commercial.   Personal projects, art projects, whatever. If no one's paying me to do it, I'm not paying anyone to do it. 

I don't expose myself to the vulnerability of using untried models on commercial shoots. If she's never been in my viewfinder before, I'm not putting her on the set when a client is watching the clock. If she'll show up for TFP, she'll show up for a paid shoot. Besides, my work will be better if I've already explored the geometry of her face, and developed the necessary Model/Photographer relationships in the laid-back atmosphere of TFP.  Think of it as an audition.

These rules DO require a certain fortitude of me.  I MUST expect that not every promise made to me will be kept. Not EVERY "I so want to work with you" will result in a shoot.  The offers I make for TFP are NOT going to be attractive to everyone.  So a model stands me up..  It's not like I'm losing a CLIENT !  Model wants to flake herself out of the running, that's her decision entirely.  Conversely, the models that do get to the viewfinder; those that put forth the effort are my ANGELS !!!  The sweetest and most patient human beings God ever graced the surface with, and I am HONORED to meet them.
As to the rest,  Those that don't mean what they type...   Well, we knew the job was risky when we took it.  And every year a new crop turns 18.

Palladin Van Buren

Sep 06 06 11:46 am Link


Mary Domingo

Posts: 109

Los Angeles, California, US

gawd... that sucks... they really wasted your time....

Sep 06 06 11:51 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Daniela V wrote:

I don't think that comment was mean. If it was phrased like you said it, sure...and maybe that was the intention of the statement. But, coming from a model, it's true.

The photographers that have images in their books that I'm in awe of, are those that I want to work with...and they are those that I'm sure, get less bullshit comparitively speaking.


What up, D.  My comment was for some of us who instead of lending a supporting
arm start with the barbs.  Vance has good work and everyone read where he
offered a Test shoot to start with, no payment so to turn that around is crap.
As far as you go.  I have a lot of respect for you but you are not the norm here.
You have a pro view and a keen eye for good work.  Yet for anyone to hint at
Vance's work not being something a model might value is plain mean.  Many of
the models here wouldn't know a Michael Thompson from a very average
Tony Lawrence and it wouldn't matter because these same harpies would have
their hands out AFTER accepting a Test shoot offer.

Sep 06 06 11:56 am Link



Posts: 6129

Phillip has just more properly defined a Test

TFCD is a trade arrangement in which both parties barter their services for agreed upon terms to achieve an end result which will generally include the provisioning by the photographer to the model of an agreed-upon number of images and a conditional-use license permitting model to use the images for specific and limited purposes. The end result will also generally include fully released images which the photographer may use in whatever way the photographer sees fit.

TFP is a quaint variation of the above in which a physical print is or physical prints are provided instead of digital files.

Sep 06 06 12:01 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Tony Lawrence wrote:

What up, D.  My comment was for some of us who instead of lending a supporting
arm start with the barbs.  Vance has good work and everyone read where he
offered a Test shoot to start with, no payment so to turn that around is crap.
As far as you go.  I have a lot of respect for you but you are not the norm here.
You have a pro view and a keen eye for good work.  Yet for anyone to hint at
Vance's work not being something a model might value is plain mean.  Many of
the models here wouldn't know a Michael Thompson from a very average
Tony Lawrence and it wouldn't matter because these same harpies would have
their hands out AFTER accepting a Test shoot offer.

Hey Tony :-) By the way- I want the dress in your avi. Can you send it to me? lol.

I agree with you that people should be supportive, but I think that a lot can be lost in translation when typed's tough to hear tone in the written word. Gosh that sounded poetic....omg I'm so tired lol.

I do think the professionalism level on both sides of the lens is far as the net goes. I also agree, and have stated before, there are plenty of wanna-bes on here, and while they might not know the difference from one photographer to the next, due to their unprofessionalism they will always be asking for their payment, even when they don't deserve it.

And, thanks for the kudos Tony- always appreciated :-)


Sep 06 06 12:09 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

This is a bit of thread hijacking but Vance seems to have left the building.
Recently I asked about the Sony R1 and several people gave me some solid
advice all but one.  He went after me.  Saying that I should know to only use
a DSLR, etc.  Well for those that know me they know I can give as good as I
get.  My point is instead of a thread where usefull information is given it becomes
a lets crack on Tony thread.  Here Vance pointed out something that was happening.  It was a rant and one where he admited to being tired and almost didn't post it.  So that of course means his work is open season his method of
emailing models suspect and his breath bad ( insert joke)  Can't we listen to
each other without being rude?  Can't we offer advice without making fun?
can't we say we understand without throwing knives?  Nope, I guess not.

Sep 06 06 12:21 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
Not you, but I see a number of photographers on this site who practically BRAG about spending $4k and up on gear and then BITCH when they can't get a decent model for free.

This is something I've never seen touched on here or any other forum.  I've lost count of how many models I've spoken to who are convinced that everly last photographer they'll ever meet is actually a millionaire -- based soley on the constant bragging some [not necessarily all] photographers seem to do about how much $$$ they made last year, how many "big" shoots they have for "major" magazines, how much $$$ they spend on gear [seemingly on a whim], et al.  Right or wrong, a lot of models honestly think that every time a photographer takes a picture, somebody hands us a hundred dollar bill for it...While I can't believe they don't realize how much people like to boast, I can sort of understand why they choose to believe the boasting, as it gives them the impetus to demand payment from everyone they meet [regardeless of whether they're actually worth paying or not].

I make sure any model I encounter knows that working with me is strictly a TFP/collaborative situation -- and that the images they get will probably have no value outside of a niche/art sphere...I don't seem to have any trouble finding people to work with in spite of that.

Sep 06 06 12:24 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Tony Lawrence wrote:
Can't we listen to each other without being rude?  Can't we offer advice without making fun? can't we say we understand without throwing knives?  Nope, I guess not.

What fun would that be?

....ironically "why can't we be friends" just came on my radio.

And, since I'm exhausted I found that BEYOND funny.


Sep 06 06 12:27 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

I should slap myself for even coming back into this thread..But hey..the week is almost over and I can have a drink..

It was an early morning rant...The day has begun and I have client ass to kiss. :-)

Look, I kick it on MM because it is a fun place to rant, make art and rant some more.

I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY,m among other things. I make a living through all of my art forms.
I have been blessed with a decent eye and a pretty nice brain. I happen to be quite good looking too. :-) WHATEVEA..

Bottom line is this...These threads only mean so much..No matter how you slice it, after a few post the original meaning is lost in GAGA land.

For those that know me, I never ask for comments and give very few..I simply dont care. I know my work is good, but not as good as I'd like it to be. I really dont need reinforcement. I talk via e-mail and on the phone with those I would consider mentors. I dont use the threads for that.

The threads are comedy, I cant be shakin..people have tried..but I am a pretty cool cucumber..hard to rattle me.

Todays little rant stems from something far deeper that anyone on this site will ever know. My personal therapy if you will.

When something strikes me odd or funny, I may rant a bit. I dont point fingers and I dont retaliate...Just not my style..

I like to keep it fun and CHIPPER...HA!

As to my rant...just like these threads..No matterhow clear you are...some are gonna act as if you were cloudy...that is life..I know all know it..

pretty simple..

Chip, back to you....

Sep 06 06 12:56 pm Link