Forums > General Industry > What Goes Around ...



Posts: 57

Jacksonville, Florida, US

I was asked the other day by a model "Why do you only hire models that you've worked with before?". My answer caught her by surprise - I said, "I hire models for assignments that have, in the past, hired me. Having worked with them before I know what they are capable of AND, to be frank, I like to support those that have supported me!"

I'm FLOORED each day by the number of models - aspiring AND professional - that bombard me looking for handouts. Isn't the idea of a portfolio so that YOU (the model) gets hired? If you do get a PAID assignment, do you go back to the photographers that have shot TFP with you and give them a "cut"? I would imagine not. Because, it's through THEIR images and THEIR instruction that you've gotten the images in your portfolio that got you the job.

Models ... if you want a professional portfolio try HIRING a professional. If you want a GWC to take your pictures then might I suggest your brother, sister, friend or boyfriend. Invest in your modeling future.

... just my two cents. Anyone else care to CHIME in?

Aug 29 06 01:59 pm Link


Astounding Images

Posts: 43

Jacksonville, Florida, US

Right on Scott!

Aug 29 06 02:01 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


You could hire someone.

Or you could find someone just as good to do TFP with.

There are plenty of successful (published or otherwise) photographers that do's just that they don't talk about it.

I'm not going to out the photographers that I do TFP with, or that I am planning TFP with. But I will say this, I've never paid a photographer, and I never plan to. It is not that they don't deserve it, it's just that I cannot afford it, and again, there are plenty doing it for free (not just the GWC's...I don't define GWC as person who does TFP only)

It's not necessary to hire a professional photographer for a professional photographer. It's just necessary to work with one.


Aug 29 06 02:03 pm Link


Art Richards Creatives

Posts: 107

Bogo, Central Visayas, Philippines

Well said...  It is crazy how many models think we spend a fortune on equipment just for the chance to build their business for free...

If a guy is happy to work for free... what is he getting out of it?  Maybe a deeper portfolio... maybe a chance to be around a pretty girl... probably not the best reasons to pick a photographer.

Aug 29 06 02:07 pm Link



Posts: 57

Jacksonville, Florida, US


Then, wouldn't it be nice if - from the PAID jobs that you do get that - you somehow compensate those that have helped you get them? Yes, there are PLENTY of professional photographers that shoot TFP (and don't talk about it). Perhaps - just perhaps - if you did pay some photographers that shoot YOU for your portfolio that you MIGHT get more paid assignments. As I said, "What goes around, comes around".

Again, I know that this is a debate that has gone ON AND ON ... but, the mentality is flawed. I feed my dog daily - provide love and shelter - and in return it shows me affection and offers me protection. If it didn't than eventually I might stop feeding it.

... my two cents ...


Aug 29 06 02:14 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Jax Digital Pho wrote:
Models ... if you want a professional portfolio try HIRING a professional. If you want a GWC to take your pictures then might I suggest your brother, sister, friend or boyfriend. Invest in your modeling future.

Well, I don't pay women to model for me and by the same token, I don't charge them unless they want a private commission. Instead I work with them on a barter arrangement sort of similar to a TFP, but not quite the same. I guess that makes me a "GWC" by your definition. But having tought photography for many years, having authored a photography textbook which was comercially published, having operated a commercil studio until I retired, having done custom monochrome printing and having had artistic prints exhibited in fiften states in the US, plus in Canada, Italy and Germany, I suppose it makes me a pretty knowledgeable "GWC".  By the way, while doing comercial work the models didn't pay me then either, instead the clients paid both of us. My preference was to make money with models, not from models.

Do you really think most of the ladies posting here and who are without legitimte representation can afford to pay a photographer who may or may not provide the sort of images a legitimate agency would or could use?

Aug 29 06 02:18 pm Link



Posts: 57

Jacksonville, Florida, US


Yes, the CLIENT pays both of us - indirectly. I get paid by the client and, in turn, compensate (pay - money) the model that I've hired for the assignment. You, no doubt, have experience and I would not consider you a "GWC". What I am trying to say is that it "amazes" me that a lot of models don't want to "invest" in their modeling. Nothing more - nothing less. I am not "standing on a soap box" preaching. Just asking others if they've found the same to be true.


Aug 29 06 02:25 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21527

Chicago, Illinois, US

Ok let me say this for DRAMATIC effect.  If you are thinking models on-line
are going to PAY you then you are wrong.  There are just too many talented
shooters working for free.  Unless you have something fantastic going on or
are published with tear sheets most won't see a reason to and guess what.
They are right.  Same goes for models by the way.  I don't care what the
casting call says, anybody who can afford to pay really well is going to a agency.
Unless you are something special or doing nudes.  Don't get me wrong there are
people who will pay well but not many.  Simply put, clients want dependable models
who bring no drama to shoots.  This continued debate over TFP vs. paid is silly.
If you are trying to make money and you shoot models take your book to agencies
in your area and see what they think.  If its weak you won't be getting a pat on
the back or those wonderfull tags and comments models tend to give nor will
you get to shoot their models and be paid for it.  If you are really good try
advertising agencies or get a photo rep.  but if you are counting on Betty the net
model wanabe to support your studio you'll be broke in no time.

Aug 29 06 02:25 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Jax Digital Pho wrote:
What I am trying to say is that it "amazes" me that a lot of models don't want to "invest" in their modeling. Nothing more - nothing less. I am not "standing on a soap box" preaching. Just asking others if they've found the same to be true.

Putting it that way, I agree with you, but not as expressed in your OP.

Aug 29 06 02:32 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Jax Digital Pho wrote:

Then, wouldn't it be nice if - from the PAID jobs that you do get that - you somehow compensate those that have helped you get them? Yes, there are PLENTY of professional photographers that shoot TFP (and don't talk about it). Perhaps - just perhaps - if you did pay some photographers that shoot YOU for your portfolio that you MIGHT get more paid assignments. As I said, "What goes around, comes around".

I'm so nervous about this thread getting heated, but we'll see....

Personally, I have no way of telling how I get certain paid jobs...I just hand over a bunch of photos that are required, or my link. So, with all due respect (seriously), what should I do...ask the person who hired me what the basis was so I could compensate the appropriate photographer that shot that image? What about the MUA that was involved? Should he/she be compensated as well? What about if there was another model in the shot, or a wardrobe stylist? What about them?

Furthermore, without sounding too arrogant, I have no need to pay photographers. Most photographers have no need to pay models. It's not a big deal.

Lastly, I consider myself very professional and make sure that the photographer knows how thankful I am...I make sure that everyone I work with knows how thankful I am...I'm not an ungrateful bitch, and I feel very blessed to work with those that do shoot TFP with me. They don't have to shoot TFP, and I recognize that. I would think that's enough thanks.


Aug 29 06 02:37 pm Link


Amy J Jones Photography

Posts: 524

Fallston, Maryland, US

Daniela V wrote:
You could hire someone.

Or you could find someone just as good to do TFP with.

There are plenty of successful (published or otherwise) photographers that do's just that they don't talk about it.

I'm not going to out the photographers that I do TFP with, or that I am planning TFP with. But I will say this, I've never paid a photographer, and I never plan to. It is not that they don't deserve it, it's just that I cannot afford it, and again, there are plenty doing it for free (not just the GWC's...I don't define GWC as person who does TFP only)

It's not necessary to hire a professional photographer for a professional photographer. It's just necessary to work with one.


No one seems to get how expensive this job/hobby is.  We buy the equipment, the compact cards, the computers, the programs, the photoshop classes, the printers, the ink, the paper, the CD's, spend the time retouching your images but professional or not most models don't put much value on what we do.  Unless I am doing a test for myself, I will never give away my time and talent again.  Those of you doing TFCD should still be charging for your materials or you will go broke so quickly.

Aug 29 06 02:49 pm Link


Amy J Jones Photography

Posts: 524

Fallston, Maryland, US

Jax Digital Pho wrote:
I was asked the other day by a model "Why do you only hire models that you've worked with before?". My answer caught her by surprise - I said, "I hire models for assignments that have, in the past, hired me. Having worked with them before I know what they are capable of AND, to be frank, I like to support those that have supported me!"

I'm FLOORED each day by the number of models - aspiring AND professional - that bombard me looking for handouts. Isn't the idea of a portfolio so that YOU (the model) gets hired? If you do get a PAID assignment, do you go back to the photographers that have shot TFP with you and give them a "cut"? I would imagine not. Because, it's through THEIR images and THEIR instruction that you've gotten the images in your portfolio that got you the job.

Models ... if you want a professional portfolio try HIRING a professional. If you want a GWC to take your pictures then might I suggest your brother, sister, friend or boyfriend. Invest in your modeling future.

... just my two cents. Anyone else care to CHIME in?

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Aug 29 06 02:50 pm Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

Jax Digital Pho wrote:
I was asked the other day by a model "Why do you only hire models that you've worked with before?". My answer caught her by surprise - I said, "I hire models for assignments that have, in the past, hired me. Having worked with them before I know what they are capable of AND, to be frank, I like to support those that have supported me!"

I'm FLOORED each day by the number of models - aspiring AND professional - that bombard me looking for handouts. Isn't the idea of a portfolio so that YOU (the model) gets hired? If you do get a PAID assignment, do you go back to the photographers that have shot TFP with you and give them a "cut"? I would imagine not. Because, it's through THEIR images and THEIR instruction that you've gotten the images in your portfolio that got you the job.

Models ... if you want a professional portfolio try HIRING a professional. If you want a GWC to take your pictures then might I suggest your brother, sister, friend or boyfriend. Invest in your modeling future.

... just my two cents. Anyone else care to CHIME in?

A BUSINESS relationship ... here on MM ... who'da thunk....

Aug 29 06 02:52 pm Link


Mark Anderson

Posts: 2472

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I agree about investing into ones profession - be it a photographer, model, carpenter, or any profession.   But at the same time there are benefits to working trades so that both get what they want.  Since most of my paid work involves clients who want nude photos I need to have nude photos on my website so they can judge my work.  Clients rarely allow nude images to be used on my site so I trade with models to get the work I need while they get the work they need.  And as to your OP, I also recommend models who recommend me.  I've gotten several models jobs and they, in turn, have referred work to me.   It's just the way almost every business works in my opinion.   smile

Aug 29 06 02:56 pm Link


Mickle Design Werks

Posts: 5967

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Amy J Jones Photography wrote:

No one seems to get how expensive this job/hobby is.  We buy the equipment, the compact cards, the computers, the programs, the photoshop classes, the printers, the ink, the paper, the CD's, spend the time retouching your images but professional or not most models don't put much value on what we do.  Unless I am doing a test for myself, I will never give away my time and talent again.  Those of you doing TFCD should still be charging for your materials or you will go broke so quickly.

I purposefully have my business model set-up to sustain and off-set the cost of my personal work with my retail work.  I do a lot of trade but lately I've focused on equity meaning that if the model has nothing to further my work along then I rather not work with them .  You have to be true to yourself and what your goals are.  For me I can offer the carrot if TFP work because I've accounted for the time and expense that goes into it.

It's funny, I've been encountering somewhat the opposite lately.  I've been able to afford to pay models for shooting with me since it save me the time and expense haveing to fufill TFP arrrangements. But some of the models have an expectation that they will get images from pay shoot then get offended when I set them straight ("sure I can get images to you, that will be $25 per image"); hell I paid you cause I valued your time, now you pay me cause you value the images that we took. 

So, Amy you are right; some do not value the investments that we made to be able to do the work that we do.  While I am a big proponent of TFP shoot when there is equity, part of me also wishes that we just pay for everything: photographer pay models to model and model pay photographers for ther images.  I think models would get the idea real quick that the images have value and photographers would take greater care to deliver a quality product.

[Raises glass of beer] "heres to wishful thinking."

Aug 29 06 03:17 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3510

Los Angeles, California, US

I thought the whole point of doing trade shoots was for everybody to use the images for promotional purposes, I am not making an argument against paying people, as I make my living as a make-up artist. But I think the problem here is that the whole team aspect is gone, eveyrbody brings something equally important to a shoot. i love working on shoots where it is a team effort as opposed to a dictation. Yes, in the end the photographer is the one who owns the copyright, but still everybody is equal everybody is a part of the shared vision.

Aug 29 06 03:24 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Amy J Jones Photography wrote:
No one seems to get how expensive this job/hobby is.  We buy the equipment, the compact cards, the computers, the programs, the photoshop classes, the printers, the ink, the paper, the CD's, spend the time retouching your images but professional or not most models don't put much value on what we do.  Unless I am doing a test for myself, I will never give away my time and talent again.  Those of you doing TFCD should still be charging for your materials or you will go broke so quickly.

Please don't say "no one". I understand it is expensive. I respect the fact that your equipment costs a ton of money, and everything costs a offense, but you're one of hundreds on here that state that same thing over and over and over. It doesn't mean we [models] don't get it. It doesn't even mean we don't respect it. You have every right to charge models, as much as we have every right not to pay you.

If you don't think you're getting something valuable by doing TFP with someone, then charge them. If they don't pay you, find someone who will. But, understand that just because some aren't willing to pay, doesn't mean we don't understand the cost.

You, on the other hand, need to understand the phrase "time is money". I am not about to give up a day where I could be shooting mutually beneficial (which EVERY TFP shoot I do is) to PAY a photographer. When I shoot TFP, I am also throwing away a possible paying assignment, because I am "investing" (as the OP put it) in my modeling career (though he and I differ to the definition of invest). In addition, I print a good deal of my shots...why? Because online is unprofessional and professionals have books. That costs me money, and plenty of it. I also go to the gym 5-6 times a week and take dance classes...hundreds of dollars a month on that, just so I will look good for the pictures that you take. Yes, I want to look good in my pictures, but c'mon, I'm "investing" in my career by making sure I look good and I'm in shape not just for me, but for you as well. What good is glamour photography (I narrow it to the field I specialize in) with a fat, untoned, pimple faced model? How great would your bikini shot look if you were shooting Shamoo going through puberty? No matter how good the photography is, the model aids in the pictures, and it costs money to maintain that look.

Sorry for the long winded post...I'm trying to get this out before MM goes down again.


Aug 29 06 03:27 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21527

Chicago, Illinois, US

Mickle Design Werks wrote:

I purposefully have my business model set-up to sustain and off-set the cost of my personal work with my retail work.  I do a lot of trade but lately I've focused on equity meaning that if the model has nothing to further my work along then I rather not work with them .  You have to be true to yourself and what your goals are.  For me I can offer the carrot if TFP work because I've accounted for the time and expense that goes into it.

It's funny, I've been encountering somewhat the opposite lately.  I've been able to afford to pay models for shooting with me since it save me the time and expense haveing to fufill TFP arrrangements. But some of the models have an expectation that they will get images from pay shoot then get offended when I set them straight ("sure I can get images to you, that will be $25 per image"); hell I paid you cause I valued your time, now you pay me cause you value the images that we took. 

So, Amy you are right; some do not value the investments that we made to be able to do the work that we do.  While I am a big proponent of TFP shoot when there is equity, part of me also wishes that we just pay for everything: photographer pay models to model and model pay photographers for ther images.  I think models would get the idea real quick that the images have value and photographers would take greater care to deliver a quality product.

[Raises glass of beer] "heres to wishful thinking."

Here's a man that gets it...
I have a friend who is really talented and only pays models when we wants to
shoot.  His view is that he doesn't want to have to provide models with his
work for them to alter nor he does he want to have to deal with the often silly
and mean comments models make when they don't get their photos ten minutes
after a shoot.  He also feels that he gets to shoot what he wants with no
compromise to what a model feels she needs.  He doesn't allow escorts nor does
he stand for any bull.  Models tend to show for his shoots.  They get paid and
leave.  Several have asked for prints or a cd and he never provides one. 
I admire him I just don't have lots of cash.  Consider after a shoot all the post
processing time spent to provide a model with her images.  Only often times
to have her alter those images in a way that makes your work look poor.
Another byproduct of TFP is what I call the butterface model.  Everything about
her is great but her face.  One thing some of us miss is that most models have
no real need to pay photographers.  Consider a model who lives in
Nomodelinghere, Al.  maybe she's all of 5'2" tall with chipped teeth.  Should she
invest money into a career that will mostly lead nowhere?  Working with a pro
may give her some beautiful images but so what?  I think if you are trying to
make money trying to get modeling hopefulls to pay is a waste of time.  Try
the agency route and companies.  Most of the photographers here will continue
to be disappointed with trying to charge as well as most models.

Aug 29 06 03:34 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40988

Columbus, Ohio, US


Aug 29 06 03:38 pm Link



Posts: 57

Jacksonville, Florida, US

Glad to "hear" that everyone is stimulated by my post ... Daniela, I have the utmost RESPECT for you. You are willing to dive into a conversation and approach the subject from the models point of view. You are - A TRUE PROFESSIONAL.


Aug 29 06 03:56 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Jax Digital Pho wrote:
Glad to "hear" that everyone is stimulated by my post ... Daniela, I have the utmost RESPECT for you. You are willing to dive into a conversation and approach the subject from the models point of view. You are - A TRUE PROFESSIONAL.


*blush* thank you Scott :-) I also appreciate the calmness of this post....thus far at least.


Aug 29 06 04:22 pm Link


Red Sky Photography

Posts: 3898

Germantown, Maryland, US

Jax Digital Pho wrote:
I'm FLOORED each day by the number of models - aspiring AND professional - that bombard me looking for handouts. Isn't the idea of a portfolio so that YOU (the model) gets hired? If you do get a PAID assignment, do you go back to the photographers that have shot TFP with you and give them a "cut"? I would imagine not. Because, it's through THEIR images and THEIR instruction that you've gotten the images in your portfolio that got you the job.

So, is the opposite also true ?

A photographer's portfolio is designed to get him/her hired . So when said photographer gets hired, are you saying he should go back and give the models in his portfolio that shot with him/her on a TFP basis a 'cut' of the job?
Isn't it through THEIR images in his portfolio that he has been hired ?

Doesn't sound so fair anymore does it?

In reality, the person who needs the images is usually the person who pays for them in one way or another.

I've done both ways and each shoot is a new negotiation, that either side should be able to walk away from without animosity.

Aug 29 06 04:28 pm Link



Posts: 57

Jacksonville, Florida, US

I do believe you are correct ... if a Photographer is shooting with a model for the purpose of his/her portfolio than he/she SHOULD pay the model! Absolutely correct!


Aug 29 06 04:40 pm Link


Mickle Design Werks

Posts: 5967

Washington, District of Columbia, US

rachelrose wrote:
I thought the whole point of doing trade shoots was for everybody to use the images for promotional purposes, I am not making an argument against paying people, as I make my living as a make-up artist. But I think the problem here is that the whole team aspect is gone, eveyrbody brings something equally important to a shoot. i love working on shoots where it is a team effort as opposed to a dictation. Yes, in the end the photographer is the one who owns the copyright, but still everybody is equal everybody is a part of the shared vision.

This only works if everyone thinks they are part of a team but there has to be mutal respect and sense of equity. If any one element of that "team" insists on getting paid then it becomes more mercenary and the others feel that they have to set the terms for the shoot.

I run into this alot with MUAs.  I'll pay for a good MUA but they shouldn't be surprised when I qoute a price right back to them if they want images. They set the tone for the shoot when they insist on getting paid. I'm more than happy to do trade if you need images or shoot what you want if you are willing to pay me.

Aug 29 06 04:55 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

chili sings:

"Some girls give me money
Some girls buy me clothes
Some girls give me jewelry
That I never asked them for

Some girls take my money
Some girls take my clothes
Some girls get the shirt off my back
And leave me with a lethal dose

So give me 1/2 your money
Give me 1/2 your gold
Ill buy you a house back in zuma beach
And give you half of everything I own"

so as mick jagger so eloquently put it, sometimes you pay, and sometimes you get paid, and sometimes its a fair 50-50 trade

Aug 29 06 05:15 pm Link


Red Sky Photography

Posts: 3898

Germantown, Maryland, US

Mickle Design Werks wrote:
I run into this alot with MUAs.  I'll pay for a good MUA but they shouldn't be surprised when I qoute a price right back to them if they want images. They set the tone for the shoot when they insist on getting paid. I'm more than happy to do trade if you need images or shoot what you want if you are willing to pay me.

Rodney has it right.  It has to be equitable for all involved to work.

Aug 29 06 05:15 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Blah blah blah......again. 

And now:  While I (and plenty of other models) understand that photographers spend a ton of money on their equipment, that is your choice.  No one forced you to forgo that accounting career for your art.  Not trying to sound harsh.

There are many photographers, professional, talented ones, who are willing to do trades.  As one I am scheduled to shoot with Saturday explained, it is mutually beneficial for us to do a "free" shoot.  I am in a new city, interested in a competitive field (glamour), and I need the images that are gonna blow clients away.  He is in need of submissions and portfolio images.  He isn't gonna pay me for them, he might not be able to sell them and recoup the expense.  I cannot pay him as I'm completely broke after gym memberships, MAC, Clinique, Smashbox, etc, top of the line facial products, expensive organic and "healthy" foods, new sneakers and exercise outfits, an ever growing collection of corsets, babydolls, booty shorts, bikinis, heels, sexy costumes, clothing, etc etc in addition to my student loan, verizon and credit card payments. 

The MUA being called in for the trade benefits by getting new, updated pics for her port as well as being known to both a model and photographer who might decide to hire her or recommend her to someone else for a job. 

Do you get what I'm saying?

I know this has been covered already in pretty much the same words by Daniela, but maybe if it's repeated you'll realize that your thread is sooooooo old.

If you don't want to do TFP, DON'T.  But please don't try to act like all models who do are lazy and not serious about their careers.  Please don't suggest that all photographers who do are GWC's, since most of them are willing to pay big bucks for boobies.  Just let it do what it do.

Aug 29 06 05:24 pm Link



Posts: 477

New York, New York, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
Blah blah blah......again. 

I know this has been covered already in pretty much the same words by Daniela, but maybe if it's repeated you'll realize that your thread is sooooooo old.

If you don't want to do TFP, DON'T.  But please don't try to act like all models who do are lazy and not serious about their careers.  Please don't suggest that all photographers who do are GWC's, since most of them are willing to pay big bucks for boobies.  Just let it do what it do.

what i believe that the OP is referring to, is simply 'investing in your career'.......and how the expectation has developed among alot of models that 'if u dont do it for free, then il go to some other photographer that will'........the fact that so many (almost all) photographers shoot for their own portfolios (call it what u like) is common knowledge, but that doesnt guarantee at all that u will get to work (for free) with the photographers u need to, ones that will get to a new level....u know, the level u dream about!

if this is now the perception of the industry that you also have, you will eventually reach a level where u will no longer excell, grow or develop as a model......because almost all truely good/great/amazing photographers (ie ONES U SHOULD WORK WITH AT SOME POINT IF U REALLY WANT TO ASSESS YOUR POTENTIAL AND FIND OUT WHAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF INSTEAD OF QUESTIONING YOUR EXISTANCE AS A MODEL FOR THE NEXT 10 YEARS) will eventually stop doing tfp because they will either have no time, or u simply will not offer them the kind of model that they need at their new level of success.

i would suggest that when u get to that plateau, you should seek out [and be prepared to PAY someone] good/great/amazing to shoot you, which will probably (hopefully) give u some answers that u are looking for at that point......i say hopefully, because nothing is guaranteed, but paying a bigtime pro to try his best and give u his honest assessment could be the best investment u will make. it will either save u 5 more years of grief, or (as i said) get you to the level u are dreaming of.

that is why the first thing BIG agencies do with a girl they think has any potential, is get a few guys to free test them and guage their future potential, and then they send them to a BIG SHOT photographer to try to take them to the next level.......its the way the industry works....."Just let it do what it do"

Aug 29 06 07:14 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


gavin oneill wrote:
what i believe that the OP is referring to, is simply 'investing in your career'.......and how the expectation has developed among alot of models that 'if u dont do it for free, then il go to some other photographer that will'........the fact that so many (almost all) photographers shoot for their own portfolios (call it what u like) is common knowledge, but that doesnt guarantee at all that u will get to work (for free) with the photographers u need to, one that will get to a new level....u know, the level u dream about!

if this is now the perception of the industry that you also have, you will eventually reach a level where u will no longer excell, grow or develop as a model......because almost all truely good/great/amazing photographers (ie ONES U SHOULD WORK WITH AT SOME POINT IF U REALLY WANT TO ASSESS YOUR POTENTIAL AND FIND OUT WHAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF INSTEAD OF QUESTIONING YOUR EXISTANCE AS A MODEL FOR THE NEXT 10 YEARS) will eventually stop doing tfp because they will either have no time, or u simply will not offer them the kind of model that they need at their new level of success.

i would suggest that when u get to that plateau, you should seek out [and be prepared to PAY someone] good/great/amazing to shoot you, which will probably (hopefully) give u some answers that u are looking for at that point......i say hopefully, because nothing is guaranteed, but paying a bigtime pro to try his best and give u his honest assessment could be the best investment u will make. it will either save u 5 more years of grief, or (as i said) get you to the level u are dreaming of.

that is why the first thing BIG agencies do with a girl they think has any potential, is get a few guys to free test them and guage their future potential, and then they send them to a BIG SHOT photographer to take them to the next level.......its the way the industry works....."Just let it do what it do"

It's one of my wish list artists on this site...anyway, I digress.

My whole thing is, there are photographers, that I would never dream of asking me to do TFP (and these are names that I won't give up) and they didn't....until my portfolio got to where it is now. Granted, it could always be better- everyone's portfolio could always be better, but I find that those photographers that charge ooodles of money, and are worth every cent, also shoot models TFP to keep their book updated (not all, some), and as long as that happens, I just can't see paying a photographer.


Aug 29 06 07:27 pm Link



Posts: 477

New York, New York, US

Daniela V wrote:
My whole thing is, there are photographers, that I would never dream of asking me to do TFP (and these are names that I won't give up) and they didn't....until my portfolio got to where it is now. Granted, it could always be better- everyone's portfolio could always be better, but I find that those photographers that charge ooodles of money, and are worth every cent, also shoot models TFP to keep their book updated (not all, some), and as long as that happens, I just can't see paying a photographer.


hey daniela  wink

yes, but, what are the chances that u will get to do tfp with a photographer u dream of shooting with, when at the level he is probably at, he has all the best agencies in the world throwing amazing girls at him (um.....'for free') every day of the week?
my point is, if u REALLY want to work with someone who is at a level above where u are, (*and if a model has any ambition to try to constantly achieve better and more amazing pictures, she should want to do that*), who didnt have time or need to tfp you, then it makes sense to do whatever it takes to work with them (professionally speaking ofcourse wink ).....specially if that person could offer you something you dont now have, and perhaps also (more importantly), TEACH u some things that u may not know......?

Aug 29 06 07:40 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

gavin oneill wrote:

what i believe that the OP is referring to, is simply 'investing in your career'.......and how the expectation has developed among alot of models that 'if u dont do it for free, then il go to some other photographer that will'........the fact that so many (almost all) photographers shoot for their own portfolios (call it what u like) is common knowledge, but that doesnt guarantee at all that u will get to work (for free) with the photographers u need to, ones that will get to a new level....u know, the level u dream about!

if this is now the perception of the industry that you also have, you will eventually reach a level where u will no longer excell, grow or develop as a model......because almost all truely good/great/amazing photographers (ie ONES U SHOULD WORK WITH AT SOME POINT IF U REALLY WANT TO ASSESS YOUR POTENTIAL AND FIND OUT WHAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF INSTEAD OF QUESTIONING YOUR EXISTANCE AS A MODEL FOR THE NEXT 10 YEARS) will eventually stop doing tfp because they will either have no time, or u simply will not offer them the kind of model that they need at their new level of success.

i would suggest that when u get to that plateau, you should seek out [and be prepared to PAY someone] good/great/amazing to shoot you, which will probably (hopefully) give u some answers that u are looking for at that point......i say hopefully, because nothing is guaranteed, but paying a bigtime pro to try his best and give u his honest assessment could be the best investment u will make. it will either save u 5 more years of grief, or (as i said) get you to the level u are dreaming of.

that is why the first thing BIG agencies do with a girl they think has any potential, is get a few guys to free test them and guage their future potential, and then they send them to a BIG SHOT photographer to try to take them to the next level.......its the way the industry works....."Just let it do what it do"

Yes, the industry that I'm not suited for.  Another topic.  That's not what it sounded like the OP was saying, but we are allowed to differ.
Yes, models should pay photographers when the circumstances call for it.  I would never dispute that.  I might one day decide that I'm just that desperate enough to work with a certain no TFP photographer that I would pay for it.  But not today.  Not possible today actually.  I don't understand where you got that my perception of the industry is every photographer will do TFP because every photographer needs it for their port.  I already know that some don't.  I just have yet to run across one that I want to shoot with that doesn't.

Aug 29 06 09:26 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


gavin oneill wrote:

hey daniela  wink

yes, but, what are the chances that u will get to do tfp with a photographer u dream of shooting with, when at the level he is probably at, he has all the best agencies in the world throwing amazing girls at him (um.....'for free') every day of the week?
my point is, if u REALLY want to work with someone who is at a level above where u are, (*and if a model has any ambition to try to constantly achieve better and more amazing pictures, she should want to do that*), who didnt have time or need to tfp you, then it makes sense to do whatever it takes to work with them (professionally speaking ofcourse wink ).....specially if that person could offer you something you dont now have, and perhaps also (more importantly), TEACH u some things that u may not know......?

Hey there ;-)

"photographer I dream of shooting with"....I just shot with someone for a gallery show, someone I would only dream of shooting with. I didn't pay him. He's worth so much, but I didn't pay him. I speak highly of him all the time, so people can probably figure out who I'm talking about. Also, I've shot with some photographers that I've dreampt of shooting with...there will always be ones that I dream of (or that are on my wish list) that I won't be able to shoot with because $$ will be an issue....and yes, if I really really wanted it, I would pay them, or find a way to come up with the $$....but, I guess, right now, that's not where I'm at.


Aug 29 06 10:59 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

The point that is often missed upon the models who say "I dont need to pay photographers" is that:

The guys who are shooting you for free- maybe they should be paying YOU.  Maybe they would pay you if they thought you were at a level very clearly above them.  Maybe the way to get your appearance to a higher level is to work with people who are at a higher level.  Gavin speaks the truth.

No one finds it ironic that the girls who say "I dont need to pay" or the same ones who also say "I cant afford it."  Gee, I wonder why you cant afford it.

One example- - - >  a girl on my portfolio started modeling a few months back- had never done a shoot- she hired me for her 1st shoot.  Im not great- but I can produce images that raised her level from the standard new model- 6 months TFP career in one shoot.  After that one shoot- she started getting paid offers from day one.  I even hired her for a client recently- I paid her more than she paid me.  She now books about 3 paid jobs per week online via MM and OMP.  Some girls never get to this point.  Others take 1-5 years of TFP to get to this point- and then are too old to model or most get frustrated and quit.

Another exampe - - - >  Me- I have been shooting models for just over a year.  The 1st summer- I hired models to shoot with me.  Even up to a few months ago- I would pay expenses to fly girls in to shoot with me for tfp.  I invested in myself.  I now have no shortage of shoots, paid or tfp.  Now- I dont do this full time cuz I have a good dayjob, but- I do book paid jobs regularly- and can pretty much test with anyone I want to.  I know shooters in my area who have been shooting 2 to 10 times as long as I who cant say the same.

The thing is Gavin speaks the truth.  If you want a real upgrade- you pay for it- one way or another.  Of course there are fabulous exceptions- but- most models are better served investing a tiny bit and then making money.


Aug 29 06 11:14 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

What comes around goes around?... NAH!

Dudes and dudettes... it all comes back to the model and her 1-10 scale rating.  If the model is a 1-5... she is more than likely DEFINITELY paying... if she is a 6 or 7 and a smooth talker... she might be able to score some TFP/CD shoots from many GWC's and a few talented pro photogs... provided she has 'the look' that they are looking for.  If she is an 8 or 9... these fine young ladies will score many TFP/CD & paid shoots from ALL the GWC's while getting offered an occasional paid shoot and TFP/CD from some accomplished pro shooters.  If she happens to be a TEN... well... agents and casting directors will be hounding her like flies... she will receive 100's of emails daily (from the semi-pro and accomplished pro photographers) that will go unanswered... her pro constructed website will score a million hits a day... and it wont be long before her personal manager or agent yanks her port from MM... once she reaches semi-supermodel and pro actress status.  Most all the GWCs, semi pro and pro shooters will look at 'that 10 babe' and drool BIGTIME... knowing that they will NEVER get a chance to shoot her with their meagor pay offer or current talent status... wink

Aug 29 06 11:22 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21527

Chicago, Illinois, US

Jose Luis wrote:
The point that is often missed upon the models who say "I dont need to pay photographers" is that:

The guys who are shooting you for free- maybe they should be paying YOU.  Maybe they would pay you if they thought you were at a level very clearly above them.  Maybe the way to get your appearance to a higher level is to work with people who are at a higher level.  Gavin speaks the truth.

No one finds it ironic that the girls who say "I dont need to pay" or the same ones who also say "I cant afford it."  Gee, I wonder why you cant afford it.

One example- - - >  a girl on my portfolio started modeling a few months back- had never done a shoot- she hired me for her 1st shoot.  Im not great- but I can produce images that raised her level from the standard new model- 6 months TFP career in one shoot.  After that one shoot- she started getting paid offers from day one.  I even hired her for a client recently- I paid her more than she paid me.  She now books about 3 paid jobs per week online via MM and OMP.  Some girls never get to this point.  Others take 1-5 years of TFP to get to this point- and then are too old to model or most get frustrated and quit.

Another exampe - - - >  Me- I have been shooting models for just over a year.  The 1st summer- I hired models to shoot with me.  Even up to a few months ago- I would pay expenses to fly girls in to shoot with me for tfp.  I invested in myself.  I now have no shortage of shoots, paid or tfp.  Now- I dont do this full time cuz I have a good dayjob, but- I do book paid jobs regularly- and can pretty much test with anyone I want to.  I know shooters in my area who have been shooting 2 to 10 times as long as I who cant say the same.

The thing is Gavin speaks the truth.  If you want a real upgrade- you pay for it- one way or another.  Of course there are fabulous exceptions- but- most models are better served investing a tiny bit and then making money.


Although I have no problems paying for a model I'd really like working with.
Paying to just shoot models with the ideal of improving and getting models
to want to Test with you is recipe for failure.  Jose for example as a very clean
style of shooting which I'm sure would appeal and does to many models.
There are models on this site who really should invest in themselves I see
the same poor quality images from them month after month because they
refuse to pay but what would happen if most paid?  If they are short, heavy
and unattractive will they now become tall, thin and pretty?  I like to sing
but I couldn't carry a tune with a bucket.  Voice lessons would be a waste of
money.  As well as a model with limited appeal paying for mostly useless images.
Don't get me wrong I think some models SHOULD invest in themselves because
they really would have a good chance to do something.  However the reality is
most will never approach a agency, won't ever go to a casting and won't even
be active on this site next year.  There is a model in this thread that says
she won't pay for photos.  Her profile looks good.  She's pretty and has a
great figure.  Would she have better images if she paid?  I don't think so.
Look if you are 5'10", thin and 12 or 13 years old with even teeth and pretty.
Get some solid photos and go for it but if you are 25 with a average figure
and just a ok face and 5'2" then maybe investing lots of money might not
be wise.  If as a photographer you want better models and feel that would
help then pay but if paying a model means you still produce average work
it just means it improve a bit because you have a better looking model.  The
truth is photographers don't improve by shooting better looking models.
That fine model shot on the rail road tracks is still the same crap everyone
else has done a million times.  Your shot may be better because of the models
beauty.  Most photographers that have decent skills would do better to invest
in advertising or try the area modeling agencies.  Just pulling out your check
book to pay a attractive model is a waste UNLESS it is part of a over all
marketing plan.   I'm a believe in having clients like stores or companies.
Trying to get models or photographers to pay each other is mostly a waste
of time.

Aug 29 06 11:59 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

Jax Digital Pho wrote:
I was asked the other day by a model "Why do you only hire models that you've worked with before?". My answer caught her by surprise - I said, "I hire models for assignments that have, in the past, hired me. Having worked with them before I know what they are capable of AND, to be frank, I like to support those that have supported me!"

I'm FLOORED each day by the number of models - aspiring AND professional - that bombard me looking for handouts. Isn't the idea of a portfolio so that YOU (the model) gets hired? If you do get a PAID assignment, do you go back to the photographers that have shot TFP with you and give them a "cut"? I would imagine not. Because, it's through THEIR images and THEIR instruction that you've gotten the images in your portfolio that got you the job.

Models ... if you want a professional portfolio try HIRING a professional. If you want a GWC to take your pictures then might I suggest your brother, sister, friend or boyfriend. Invest in your modeling future.

... just my two cents. Anyone else care to CHIME in?

I understand completely.

I think a lot of the times, models will get jobs because of the work, "TF" work, they've done with photographers. I'm not talking about JUST paying gigs, but speaking engagements and promotional work. Someone saw their pictures and hired them because of it. You would think that eventually, they would want to pay you your rates for shooting, as well as you paying them on occasion for shooting with you.

It may even itself out in the end, but at least you've both profited monetarily from it.

Aug 30 06 12:05 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
I'm a believe in having clients like stores or companies.
Trying to get models or photographers to pay each other is mostly a waste
of time.

Thank you!  Clients should pay, the rest of us should "play" (so to speak).  If and when I need to pay a photographer, I will.  Until then, what for?  I still have bills, I still have basic needs that come before modeling.  If I were 5'10" instead of 5'8", 115lbs instead of 130lbs and 17 instead of 23, then maybe I'd have a reason to expect this to get to the level where I could make lots of cash.  Maybe then I'd feel like it was more worth my while to pay $500 for a photographer, $250 for an MUA and whatever for wardrobe, etc.  Because then I'd be able to expect this to go farther.  However, I'm realistic.  Spending that much, even two or three times isn't reasonable.  I mean I'd be skinnier cuz I couldn't afford food, but I'd also be weak and unable to speak or walk blah blah blah.  smile  There is no resolution to this argument.  You'll always get photographers saying "pay us" and models saying "hell no".  And until all the good photographers stop doing trades, I won't be paying.  Simple as that you know?
Forget this whole "higher level" thing.  Clients pay for the right look, not the right level.

Aug 30 06 01:29 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Daniela V wrote:
...I'm not going to out the photographers that I do TFP with, or that I am planning TFP with. But I will say this, I've never paid a photographer, and I never plan to. ....

Let's see .... not all that hard to figure out who you did TFP with ... now is it?

Pretty simple deductive inference will get that for the reader.


Aug 30 06 05:32 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

gheesh.  and people make fun of us over on the escort thread!

Aug 30 06 05:33 am Link


Lightwave Photography

Posts: 585

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

The following aspiring model advice from me is very applicable to this thread:

Professional comparisons for aspiring professional models:

To be a professional Engineer you need these qualifications:

Top 10% in high school, 4 years college, BS Engineering investment $50,000

Average hourly earnings $35 an hour.

Professional Physician(let's hope we never run into amateurs)

Top 1% high school, 8 years university plus 2 years residency investmen over $200,000

Average earnings $50 an hour

Typical internet wannabe model:

Possible high school graduate(who knows), 1-2 photosessions with GWCs, a few cell phone pics, somewhat attractive, prima donnish attitude

Career investment $50 for cheap cellphone pic prints, shampoo and tank of gas for free gwc photosession.

Average wannabe earnings $100 per hour for frumpy dress looks and may or may not actually show up for a paid assignment(can you imagine a physician or engineer not showing up for work and they only get paid up to $50 an hour).

So which of these 3 is obviously BS

The point here is for aspiring models you can make money at modelling even off the internet but you need to do the following to have any kind of chance:

1-Pay for several photosessions with pro photographers to start out and gain experience and great photos.

NOTE:  When you are working with pros and paying for the experience, if they think you have potential they frequently have connections to paid work, the same cannot be said for amateur photogs that offer TFCD even if their work is first rate.

2-Develop your potential as a person and model by taking modelling, acting and dance classes or at least reading some books on it and practicing in a mirror.

4-Invest at least $1-$3000 you first few years of learning how to model in portfolios(where you pay), training, skill development and networking.

5-Then if you start getting offers and people think you have what it takes set a rate they may pay like $20 an hour your first few years is realistic and more depending on how marketable you become, if you ever do.

6-If you find out you are not able to command money as a pro model but enjoy it then do it for fun and be happy you have a cool hobby.

This point was originally point 5 but is now point one for the purposes of this thread:

1-Do not expect professional photographers to give you free photos(professional actors and models understand they are in business and invest in paying for professional, quality photos at least 2 times a year so the photos reflect their current look. Your professional photos should always reflect your present, actual look.

Modelling is very competitive and if you want to succeed at it professionally you need to do the following:

1-Show up promptly for assignments whether you are getting paid, you are paying, test photosession or tfcd. 

Whether you are a hobbyiest, aspiring professional or experienced, always do as you agreed to do and respect other's time and effort-when you give respect, you get respect and generally alot more work.

2-Be camera ready if there is no MUA

3-Learn how to pose, express yourself as best you can, eat right and exercise to stay in shape.  Dance and acting classes or study is recommended as well as modelling practice.

I have photographed many aspiring models and very few have learned and practiced good posing and expressions.  Models that excel in these areas have a huge competitive advantage over other models.

4-Be realistic about your look, abilities and skills and find a niche you can make some money at part time and have fun at it-DO NOT GO INTO MODELLING TO BE RICH AND FAMOUS BECAUSE STATISTICALLY IT IS RARE, BE HAPPY IF YOU CAN GET PAID WORK ONCE IN AWHILE OR JUST DO IT FOR FUN AS A HOBBY.

5-Do not expect professional photographers to give you free photos(professional actors and models understand they are in business and invest in paying for professional, quality photos at least 2 times a year so the photos reflect their current look. Your professional photos should always reflect your present, actual look.

6-Communication Skills.  Models just like any other professionals must have good communication skills to succeed.
This means always carefully reading emails, invitations, assignment instructions and only ask questions that have not already been answered.  I have noticed a large number of aspiring as well as experienced models are not carefully reading correspondence and reply with many questions that have already been answered.  Also, many model candidates use slang English that is entirely innappropriate for business correspondence-not to mention frequently impossible to understand.

7-If you want to actually succeed and make good money at modelling don't expect opportunities to be handed to you-this doesnt happen unless you have 1 in a million looks.  Do make the extra effort to market yourself as in any business the more you invest in $, time and skills the better you will do.

Again, modelling is a very sought after, competitive and prestigious profession.  If you call yourself a "model" without having the skills, attitude, training and experience it does not make you a real model.  This is analogous to someone calling himself a professional engineer, doctor or lawyer without the actual education, experience and ability.

So to the aspiring models out there pay your dues, take the profession seriously, build your skills and experience, be willing to invest $ in your career(and it is true there are scams out there that will take your money but it is also true that like any other legitimate profession you must invest $ and effort to succeed).  In fact it is wise to spend money on pro photographers, training and experience in the right ways to build your value/marketability as a professional model.

Aug 30 06 05:54 am Link