Forums > General Industry > Turn it around How many bad escorts ?


Mike Kelcher

Posts: 13322

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

I'm missing a 4GB flash card and a very nice 85mm F/1.8 lens.  At the begining of a shoot, I took the flash card out of the camera I used for the hooot and put it on the desk, that the escort sat at during the shoot.  Then, is switched between 3 lenses during the of those (confirmed by the metadata) was the 85mm lens.

During a shoot, I'm way too busy to be paying attention to an escort.

After the shoot, the model was gone, the escort was gone, and so were the lens and flash card. I know where it went, I just can't absolutely prove it. 

Calling the police didn't help. They came out and got a police report, and they said "we'll look into this".  The following day, after hearing nothing, I called and found that the officer who took the report, had that day off.  So the following day I called, and he said, "yup, working on it...I'll get back to you".  About 20 minutes later he called and said he called the "suspect" who, (surprise), denied any involvement with it's dissappearance.  I was unable to persuade the police to get a search was probably too late anyway.

There's a few issues here.  I can replace the lens for about $350. I can replace the flash card for about $125.  I cannot replace the wedding images that were on the flash card.  I have one really pissed off bride!

My studio is a working environment.  I don't have the type of facility that allows me to lock everything up before someone comes in.

I learned my lesson. 

Models are welcome to bring escorts.  They can wait in the car, the coffee shop down the road, or something similar.  The model is welcome to bring mace,  pepper spray, or a 9mm, I don't care, if that helps her to feel safe. 

No escorts please.

Nov 16 06 01:52 pm Link


RONIN Studios

Posts: 96

GWYNEDD VALLEY, Pennsylvania, US

NYC Photog wrote:
The multitude of photographers are evil because they won't allow escorts thread is reaching epic level so let's turn it around....

Photographers how many of you have had a BAD escort expierence???

I actually had an agency model bring her boyfriend unannounced to a shoot.... He proceeded to walk around looking at everything in the studio..picking up 5000 dollar lenses and putting them down rather hard..he then sat down in the models view and about 10 mins into shooting my mua who also happens to be my wife walks over and tells me he is nodding approval or disapproval to every pose..5 mins later they were gone 6 mins later I was on the phone with the agency telling them the situation and my displeasure....Incidentally she was dropped from the agency shortly thereafter

I also had a "escort" show up who started looking over the shots on the computer a (i shoot tethered quite a bit) and was deleting shots he didn't "like" while I was shooting

Then there was teh escort who showed up and asking me what I thought of the images (was a tfp) then stated I needed to pay her for them cause they were so good. When I sorta laughed he got belligerent

Now it so happens as I said my mua is my wife and quite often my 20 month old is with us at the studio...How do I feel safe with a unnamed escort showing up wth a model?

Do I get to run a criminal background check on him/her? To make sure he/she doesnt have a history of violence or theft?

Does he/she come with references of other photogs he/she has been at shoots on?

Do I get a medical history to determine he isnt on any mood altering meds? Or bipolar? or any other numerious medical aliments?

Do i get to pat them down and make sure they arent carrying a knife/gun/box cutter that could put my team at risk?

Incidentally I'm 6'4" and about 230 I rarely have any physical issue develop due to that but the fact remains how do I insure the saftey of my stylist...when I know nothing about this "great" male/female escort you want to bring to my studio??

It's funny that alot of models scream "its for my safety" ...basically you are bringing someone large enough to deal with the photographer physically if a "situation" developed cause if they were not able to deal with it physically then they in reality are pretty how do you insure the photographers safety?

Rick Shellhouse

I personally think that escorts are great!  I hire one in every town or city I visit.  With the web nowadays, you can even see who you're getting and for a few hundred bucks on my AMEX, I have a great time!...

Oh mean escorts at photoshoots...nah...they suck...


Nov 16 06 02:36 pm Link



Posts: 900

New York, New York, US

NO ESCORTS AT SHOOTS!!! model law!

Nov 16 06 05:32 pm Link


Royal Photography

Posts: 2011

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Right now the good escorts and bad escorts are running 50 50 with me....but I still let them come along no matter what if the model prefers it.....but once an escort makes the wrong comment or attempts to take over the shoot or creativity of the shoot the shoot is over

Nov 16 06 05:35 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

how about some more of those evil escort stories!


Nov 16 06 07:41 pm Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18922

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US

I have had both good and bad.
One models husband vetoed some of the Sexier lingerie whe brought, Ironic in that she did a lot of nude work.
Several times BF were giving thea pproval/disapproval looks and got bored soon and wanted to leave early.
I've had several husbands and BF just sit on the side doing homework or reading.
Most that were pressed into reflector duty did well.
In my studio no escorts allowed as it is too small for extra bodies

Nov 16 06 10:49 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Lohkee wrote:

Me – Owned this place for the past fifteen years. One quick phone call to the Tax Assessor’s office can verify.

Me – Been listed in the phone book for even longer.

Me – Have lots of very expensive equipment and other stuff.

Until now, I have defended a model's right to have an escort.

Until I read this post...


You – have a driver’s license that may or may not be fake, or with an address that may or may not be current.

You – have the current “love of your life” who you have known for about a month to protect you (who may or may not be around in another month because you start finding out that he is not quite the person you thought he was).

You – Probably have no meaningful ties (other than perhaps family that I don’t know anything about) to the community (property, career, etc).

I have a lot to loose and you know where to find me. You have nothing to loose and I have absolutely no idea where to find you (or your pet thug). If I assault you the police know exactly where to find me. If you assault or rob me to feed a drug habbit I can’t even be sure that the names I give to the police are real. And you thought **modeling** was dangerous!

Fuck this shit – from now on I’m getting me an escort!

Nov 17 06 01:16 am Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Image K wrote:

Nov 17 06 01:19 am Link


Adler Photographic

Posts: 473

Scottsdale, Arizona, US

NYC Photog wrote:
The multitude of photographers are evil because they won't allow escorts thread is reaching epic level so let's turn it around....

Photographers how many of you have had a BAD escort expierence???

I actually had an agency model bring her boyfriend unannounced to a shoot.... He proceeded to walk around looking at everything in the studio..picking up 5000 dollar lenses and putting them down rather hard..he then sat down in the models view and about 10 mins into shooting my mua who also happens to be my wife walks over and tells me he is nodding approval or disapproval to every pose..5 mins later they were gone 6 mins later I was on the phone with the agency telling them the situation and my displeasure....Incidentally she was dropped from the agency shortly thereafter

I also had a "escort" show up who started looking over the shots on the computer a (i shoot tethered quite a bit) and was deleting shots he didn't "like" while I was shooting

Then there was teh escort who showed up and asking me what I thought of the images (was a tfp) then stated I needed to pay her for them cause they were so good. When I sorta laughed he got belligerent

Now it so happens as I said my mua is my wife and quite often my 20 month old is with us at the studio...How do I feel safe with a unnamed escort showing up wth a model?

Do I get to run a criminal background check on him/her? To make sure he/she doesnt have a history of violence or theft?

Does he/she come with references of other photogs he/she has been at shoots on?

Do I get a medical history to determine he isnt on any mood altering meds? Or bipolar? or any other numerious medical aliments?

Do i get to pat them down and make sure they arent carrying a knife/gun/box cutter that could put my team at risk?

Incidentally I'm 6'4" and about 230 I rarely have any physical issue develop due to that but the fact remains how do I insure the saftey of my stylist...when I know nothing about this "great" male/female escort you want to bring to my studio??

It's funny that alot of models scream "its for my safety" ...basically you are bringing someone large enough to deal with the photographer physically if a "situation" developed cause if they were not able to deal with it physically then they in reality are pretty how do you insure the photographers safety?

Rick Shellhouse

I suggest a metal detector at your entance, double bullet proof glass doors that only one door opens when the other is closed and a shock collar to be worn at all times. Give your 20 month old the shock collar remote and tell him or her to have fun pressing the buttons while mommy and daddy work.

Nov 17 06 02:15 am Link



Posts: 3

Brooklyn, New York, US

Hello fellow MM'ers

I was here reading thru the stories witch seem all so familiar with me when it comes to models bringing an escort to the shoot.

When models ask me if I can bring someone to the shoot I say No only if they arer taking photos or working productively like doing makeup, hair etc...... I aint real big on distractions and I have a short fuse for BS.

Who wants some  strange weirdo scoping out your setup whether it be your house or studio I aint a fan of it and can do without the need for extra eyes on set asking a million probing questions.

My last shoot the model bought her boyfriend, so as the model walked to the studio room and her boyfriend walked following her I tapped him and told him that he has to take a seat and that he would not be allowed to enter the studio while we are in session.

The look on his face was priceless but he took a seat.


Nov 17 06 05:50 am Link