Forums > General Industry > Turn it around How many bad escorts ?


NYC Photog

Posts: 136

New York, New York, US

The multitude of photographers are evil because they won't allow escorts thread is reaching epic level so let's turn it around....

Photographers how many of you have had a BAD escort expierence???

I actually had an agency model bring her boyfriend unannounced to a shoot.... He proceeded to walk around looking at everything in the studio..picking up 5000 dollar lenses and putting them down rather hard..he then sat down in the models view and about 10 mins into shooting my mua who also happens to be my wife walks over and tells me he is nodding approval or disapproval to every pose..5 mins later they were gone 6 mins later I was on the phone with the agency telling them the situation and my displeasure....Incidentally she was dropped from the agency shortly thereafter

I also had a "escort" show up who started looking over the shots on the computer a (i shoot tethered quite a bit) and was deleting shots he didn't "like" while I was shooting

Then there was teh escort who showed up and asking me what I thought of the images (was a tfp) then stated I needed to pay her for them cause they were so good. When I sorta laughed he got belligerent

Now it so happens as I said my mua is my wife and quite often my 20 month old is with us at the studio...How do I feel safe with a unnamed escort showing up wth a model?

Do I get to run a criminal background check on him/her? To make sure he/she doesnt have a history of violence or theft?

Does he/she come with references of other photogs he/she has been at shoots on?

Do I get a medical history to determine he isnt on any mood altering meds? Or bipolar? or any other numerious medical aliments?

Do i get to pat them down and make sure they arent carrying a knife/gun/box cutter that could put my team at risk?

Incidentally I'm 6'4" and about 230 I rarely have any physical issue develop due to that but the fact remains how do I insure the saftey of my stylist...when I know nothing about this "great" male/female escort you want to bring to my studio??

It's funny that alot of models scream "its for my safety" ...basically you are bringing someone large enough to deal with the photographer physically if a "situation" developed cause if they were not able to deal with it physically then they in reality are pretty how do you insure the photographers safety?

Rick Shellhouse

Aug 27 06 08:09 am Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

Rick, I have a hard time envisioning anyone wanting to try to take you on in any manner (but yeah, I know you're a pussycat under the gruff exterior).

Hi's and hugs to the Missus and Little One! smile

Aug 27 06 08:23 am Link


Darcy Giovani

Posts: 11

Portland, Maine, US

Good points!!  I see what you mean.

Models Point of View:
It's a scary world out there, so the models may think the same thing of you...not knowing who they are shooting can be a little scary.  Especially now-a-days.

Have you seen Unsolved Mysteries?

Aug 27 06 08:30 am Link


NYC Photog

Posts: 136

New York, New York, US

Mayanlee wrote:
Rick, I have a hard time envisioning anyone wanting to try to take you on in any manner (but yeah, I know you're a pussycat under the gruff exterior).

Hi's and hugs to the Missus and Little One! smile


Mayan hun...missed the hell out of me today...check your pm


Aug 27 06 08:49 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Dude you've got some killer work.  Why are you allowing any of that silly stuff?
I know several of the faces in your port at least I know of them so you
have shot some real models or women who get around. The escort issue is to
me more about photographers, models don't know or have never heard of.
If I were in NY. and shooting in a studio like you and producing quality work like
you.  Models would leave their boyfriends, etc at home.  By the way I wouldn't
explain my policy.  They could come with a escort who would wait in the car or
elsewhere while I shot the model.  You even have a wife and baby around these
clowns?  Stop!  You have these men around your expensive equipment.  Men
who could hurt you or take your things.  Consider how easy it would be for a
'model' to make a profile and tell photographers she wants to test.  Most of us
are trusting sorts.  We allow her to bring her escort who steals or robs us.
Think it doesn't happen?  It has and will.  Escort sees studio.  Escort meets my
wife or MUA.  Escort waits in car or returns to pick up model.  Model not cool
with that, can leave with escort.

Aug 27 06 09:02 am Link



Posts: 268

Dublin, Georgia, US

Two models and two escorts (one bf & one friend).  I didn't mind the escorts, until they started wrestling (seriously) in my camera room. The boyfriend was acting jealous or something.  Totally distracting. My gf says i'm too nice and I shoulda' said......shut up, hold this and shut up, shut up or get out, etc.

Aug 27 06 09:05 am Link


Fred Beeson

Posts: 272

Birmingham, Alabama, US

I had a shoot with a model doing some fitness shots in the workout area of the hotel we were at. Well when her  "Husband"  arrived after a few too many drinks he decided he was a lawyer now. He didnt like my release form. He didnt read it but never the less didnt like it anyway. I had about 10 shots I had taken. I deleted them on the spot. I told her she should bring an escort and not her pet jackass...

I think models have the right to bring an unobtrusive escort. They can be helpful when you dont have an assistant or even another model in the making. I just have a low tolerance for stupid people. Same gender escorts seem to work better cause there isnt the dominance for attention factor there.

Aug 27 06 09:16 am Link


Petros Malamakis

Posts: 80

Ledyard, Connecticut, US

I only had one shooting session with an escort.

The model was 19 and she brought her toddler with her.  I didn't know she even had a child.

She also brought her pregnant underage sister with her and her sisters two toddlers.

I asked them to go home.

I think that bringing an escort is unprofessional.

Aug 27 06 09:25 am Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

My Escort bad experiences:

1) Most every time Ive had an escort- the model has always looked at them between looks (even if subconsciously for approval)- leading to superficial expressions and connection- obviously subpar images
2) One escort (a female girlfriend) was arguing with the model to the point she left in a cab.
3) One escort (a female girlfriend) I had to shoot even though I woud not have shot her free cuz the model wanted shots with her friend and was insistent
4) One escort (boyfriend) stole my xbox wireless controller and a couple games
5) One escort (boyfriend) put his feet up on my new coffeetable chipping it large and ruining it
6) One escort (boyfriend) pulled out his camera and started taking pics along side of me
7) One escort (girlfriend) was an aspiring photographer and would not stop with the 20 questions during the shoot
8) One escort (girlfriend) was apparently a wardrobe stylist cuz she would not shut up about the wardrobe she thought was right and her critiques of our choices
9) One escort (husband) interjected on my pose ideas- too sexy
10) One escort (boyfriend) called the shoot off early cuz he was tired
11) One escort (her son) was a brat and wouldnt not behave and I had to take mommy/ son pics free too

Aug 27 06 09:26 am Link



Posts: 1523

Pike Road, Alabama, US

Just putting my initial two cents worth here so I can note on the other thread of reference that I have been an equal opportunity observer.


Thats it.    Experience has been mostly bad,   did get one new model to shoot once.  Didnt get the work done my way,   wasted my shoot but ...didnt steal my stuff. 

Ok,   that was it. 

the short notes on the other thread will be re evaluated for possible cross posting to save everyone time. 


Aug 27 06 09:34 am Link


Free at last

Posts: 1472

Fresno, California, US

Darci Giovani wrote:
Good points!!  I see what you mean.

Models Point of View:
It's a scary world out there, so the models may think the same thing of you...not knowing who they are shooting can be a little scary.  Especially now-a-days.

Have you seen Unsolved Mysteries?

Me – Owned this place for the past fifteen years. One quick phone call to the Tax Assessor’s office can verify.

Me – Been listed in the phone book for even longer.

Me – Have lots of very expensive equipment and other stuff.

You – have a driver’s license that may or may not be fake, or with an address that may or may not be current.

You – have the current “love of your life” who you have known for about a month to protect you (who may or may not be around in another month because you start finding out that he is not quite the person you thought he was).

You – Probably have no meaningful ties (other than perhaps family that I don’t know anything about) to the community (property, career, etc).

I have a lot to loose and you know where to find me. You have nothing to loose and I have absolutely no idea where to find you (or your pet thug). If I assault you the police know exactly where to find me. If you assault or rob me to feed a drug habbit I can’t even be sure that the names I give to the police are real. And you thought **modeling** was dangerous!

Fuck this shit – from now on I’m getting me an escort!

Aug 27 06 10:48 am Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I must be doing something wrong! For close to 20 years I've accepted escorts coming along with non agency supplied models and have never had any of the problems I see decribed on these forums. The only two problems I've had, one from a mother wo was a former model and dancer and one from a fiancee, resuted from their trying to be too helpful. Well before the shot I explain that we all have baggage inour lives, but the model's baggage (jealous boyfriends,etc) is not a part of my life, it;'s hers and I will not accept it in or around a shot.  I carefully and politely explain that the escort is welcome but can not be a distraction to either the model or myself, that I give one polite warning and if distracting behavior continues I'll either ask the excort to leave or end the shoot. I don't allow children on the set, not ever! I don''t allow people to wander around handling equipment.  I don't allow the escort any input in the poses or the images.

It's called controlling the shoot. When children are running around and escorts are playing with costly gear then the photographer has lost control and is being bullied. Establish 'studio rules' and politely explain them to the model well before the shoot and ask her to discuss them with the escort before the shoot begins. Take control!

Aug 27 06 10:49 am Link



Posts: 49

Corry, Pennsylvania, US

I shot with a model once who insisted that she would never do any nudity or anything else remotely risque. She brought her brother along as an escort.

He looked around the studio saw I was legit based only on the fact I had large softboxes. and then said "se you later sis" as soon as he left. The model then said "good he is gone", "I didn't want him to come". Then she said "BTW I want to get into Playboy can you take nude shots of me also?"

Of course I did smile I do wonder why she felt the need to bring him along in the first place. BTW she now does hardcore internet porn. Go figure.

Aug 27 06 10:54 am Link



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US

I've had a model who asked if she can bring a friend along.
I said Sure!
Well, the day comes for the shoot....she shows up with her "POSSI". The friend, the friend's boyfriend, and her own boyfriend, and including their dog! Well, the dog I knew about, she wanted a few pics with the dog.
But having a dog and three people roaming around my house was very uncomfortable for me. Trying to concentrate on the model, and keeping an eye on my house!
One needs to use the bathroom, the other is in my kitchen, the girlfriend is playing art director for the model. Dog is being killed by my 6yr old room for me to get my angles and such.

Please models....Don't bring your POSSI if u need to bring anyone...come with one person, ok? Sheeez! LOL!

Aug 27 06 11:13 am Link


stan wigmore photograph

Posts: 2397

Long Beach, California, US

As a retired semi pro without a big budget or fancy studio,I work out of my home studio.I always suggest a model bring an escort if it makes her feel more comfortable and also strongly suggest she contact the references I give her.Most of the time I have had no problem with escorts except once.
  The model wanted some nude work done after getting in shape for swimsuit season.I had meet her before the session and she asked if she coudl bring a friend.No problem I said.The friend ,female turns out to be a complete nut case.She refused to enter the house,but informed me and the model she was going to stand outside the door with her cell phone ready to call the police if she heard any screaming. I should have ended it there,but the model was fine about going ahead, so we decided to shoot a few rolls and then  talk to her friend to calm her down.
   I don't think I even got film in the camera when the model gets a call on her cell phone from the friend outside saying she has already called the police because she didn't feel all was well.That did end the session,I asked the model to leave and waited outside for the police to show up and explained it all to them.They thought it pretty funny.Since then any crap from an escort endes before it starts.

Aug 27 06 01:07 pm Link



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US

stan wigmore photograph wrote:
As a retired semi pro without a big budget or fancy studio,I work out of my home studio.I always suggest a model bring an escort if it makes her feel more comfortable and also strongly suggest she contact the references I give her.Most of the time I have had no problem with escorts except once.
  The model wanted some nude work done after getting in shape for swimsuit season.I had meet her before the session and she asked if she coudl bring a friend.No problem I said.The friend ,female turns out to be a complete nut case.She refused to enter the house,but informed me and the model she was going to stand outside the door with her cell phone ready to call the police if she heard any screaming. I should have ended it there,but the model was fine about going ahead, so we decided to shoot a few rolls and then  talk to her friend to calm her down.
   I don't think I even got film in the camera when the model gets a call on her cell phone from the friend outside saying she has already called the police because she didn't feel all was well.That did end the session,I asked the model to leave and waited outside for the police to show up and explained it all to them.They thought it pretty funny.Since then any crap from an escort endes before it starts.

Sure did sound like a looney-tune!! Did you ever get to re-schedule with that model? Boy, an "escort" totally BOmbed that shoot for ya! That sucks!

Aug 27 06 01:14 pm Link


Kaleidoscope Eyes

Posts: 197

Guelph, Ontario, Canada

I have to say, I'm sad to hear all these stories.  I have ALWAYAS brought an escort along with me, and that person has never once caused any problem for the photographer.  For the past almost 6 years, this person has been my spouse.  He is an artist with enough knowledge of photography to make himself helpful holding and bringing things and setting stuff up, as well as not damaging expensivbe equiptment.  any suggestions he has ever made he has asked if they were welcome first. 

He has always been exceedingly helpful to me with less experienced photographers especially, since he tells me when I'm bent too far and folding my skin, when my hair is out of place, etc. 

I find it really sad that other models do not have this level of professionality, and thus may ruin it for those that do.  And photographers, stick up for yourself.  Make it very clear to both the model and the escort what the rules are, and if they break them, ask the escort to leave.  Protect yourselves too.  But provide a comfy chair for the escort if possible, and tell them to bring along reading material/quiet handheld games/other discreet entertainment for themselves.  They are NOT part of the shoot, they are there to help the model, and if asked, the photographer.  If necessary, make them sign something saying they understand and will abide by your rules.  Models have to sign releases, why not escorts?  LOL.

best wishes.

Aug 27 06 01:39 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
Dude you've got some killer work.  Why are you allowing any of that silly stuff?
I know several of the faces in your port at least I know of them so you
have shot some real models or women who get around. The escort issue is to
me more about photographers, models don't know or have never heard of.
If I were in NY. and shooting in a studio like you and producing quality work like
you.  Models would leave their boyfriends, etc at home.  By the way I wouldn't
explain my policy.  They could come with a escort who would wait in the car or
elsewhere while I shot the model.  You even have a wife and baby around these
clowns?  Stop!  You have these men around your expensive equipment.  Men
who could hurt you or take your things. Consider how easy it would be for a
'model' to make a profile and tell photographers she wants to test.  Most of us
are trusting sorts.  We allow her to bring her escort who steals or robs us.
Think it doesn't happen?  It has and will.
  Escort sees studio.  Escort meets my
wife or MUA.  Escort waits in car or returns to pick up model.  Model not cool
with that, can leave with escort.

Interesting. A few years ago I had a photographer acquaintance. Beer buddy. Anyways, I had a pretty good reputation he had a lousy one. Well one day he approached me and asked me to befriend several well known photographers in my area. He wanted me to relay to him the location of their studio so that he could steal their equipment. We no longer drink beer together.

Aug 27 06 01:46 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Doug Lester wrote:
It's called controlling the shoot. When children are running around and escorts are playing with costly gear then the photographer has lost control and is being bullied. Establish 'studio rules' and politely explain them to the model well before the shoot and ask her to discuss them with the escort before the shoot begins. Take control!

Im interested in coaching and working with my subject- not their escorts.  One way to control- is to prevent.  Just say no.

Aug 27 06 01:48 pm Link


JaysonPolansky com

Posts: 816

Sedona, Arizona, US

I have had nothing but outstanding escorts. I more than welcome them to my shoots.

Aug 27 06 01:54 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I used to be fine with escorts. Then I had 4 incidents back to back to back to back and that's when my policy changed. Keep in mind I was paying the model on all of these shoots.

1) Escort decides I'm not paying the model enough money. Wants to renegotiate the shoot. I said, "She didn't have to accept the job."

2) Escort is supposed to be holding the reflector. I notice all of a sudden the light has changed. I look over and the reflector was laying on the ground. He was snapping away with his point and shoot.

3) I ask escort to hold the reflector and he tells me he doesn't work for free.

4) This was the final straw. Between sets model and escort are making out. Right in front of me. Very rude I thought. While shooting the model is giggling the whole time and saying "Stop looking at me. I feel weird". I look over and he's making funny faces the whole time. He complained the whole time asking how long this is going to take.

The model in #4 just so happens to be a very popular model on this site. You all kiss her ass day after day. However, I think she's an idiot.

Aug 27 06 01:57 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

several shoots with escorts

all were great, we talked enough on the phone so that the boyfriend, sister, brother, was as comfortible as the model

three other occasions though...

first time i was about to work with a model we were supposed to meet in the city, i drove in and waited at the coffee shop for her to show up, fortunatly it was an artsy place and the owner had hired someone to paint a mural, 45 mins later she walks in... 'sorry you had to wait, but you don't have a cell phone and my friend called me to drop something offon the way', next we spend 10 mins talking about the shoot, 20 mins talking about the money, and 20 mins talking about how her bf wasn't going to interfere...

on the way home i added up the driving time, the waiting time, the talking about the shoot time, and the 'her' time... never called her back

2nd time, i had a great shoot with someone, i picked her up at her parents house where she lived, she said..

"thanks for picking me up, i could have used my ex-bf's car, but he gets pulled over by the cops so much that it makes me nervous"

next shoot with her was good too, but then for the next shoot she wants him to come along, and springs it on me at the last minute

3rd time we were in the exchanging emails part, even before the phone calls, she says 'my bf will come along, he's really helpful and he'll show you what i want to do"


i had a great location picked out, a mansion with a bently and a railroad car on a spur, all over grown with weeds..

things were going well til the owner -who gave me permission to shoot - came out and wanted to direct... he was the worst as far as interference goes

whole thing is, by talking enough you figure out where the person is coming from

and if there is a shoot that gets wrecked it's from something out of the blue

Aug 27 06 02:04 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Wow... I'm sorry for everyone's horrible escort stories. That's why when I do bring an escort, I bring my gay guy friend. That way, the jealousy issue won't come up and I won't feel uncomfortable posing provocatively in front of him cause he's probably more interested in his GQ with Jake Gyllenhal then staring at me.

Aug 27 06 02:13 pm Link


Fiyah LP

Posts: 142

Hartford, Connecticut, US

Well, i dont have a problem with escorts. But i do have an issue on a model bringing an escort who is not hip the the game. I had a model show up to a shoot 45 minutes late because they had to pick up the escort and she wasnt ready. when they arrived i stepped out across the street for coffee, and she (escort) began to complain i was late.
She then began to make little remarks, about why she doing TFP after they jus came back from a trip in which they got paid the day before. She started to make negative comments on the outfit me and the model choose and thought was great ideas. We then proceeded to the location where i have been plenty of times, and live down the street from. The Escort decides to leave a laptop in the front seat along with stuff from a trip to africa and Chanel pocket book, in plain site. so they car get broken into and only her stuff was stolen. thus ending the shoot early. Where i felt sorry for the model cuz her car was broke into, if the escort had practice common sense and put away her valuables out of plain site, it would of been a great shoot.

Aug 27 06 02:48 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Q: Turn it around How many bad escorts ?

A: None

Aug 27 06 02:50 pm Link



Posts: 94

Sacramento, California, US

I only had one shoot where a model's friend was present, and that's only because the shoot was in her apartment. Her friend didn't even watch the shoot though; he was in the other room sewing pillows.

Aug 27 06 02:54 pm Link


giovanni gruttola

Posts: 1279

Middle Island, New York, US

I never liked Escorts... but I always check them out first... here's a good place to start … index.html

Aug 27 06 03:06 pm Link


Fiyah LP

Posts: 142

Hartford, Connecticut, US

Lamonica wrote:
Wow... I'm sorry for everyone's horrible escort stories. That's why when I do bring an escort, I bring my gay guy friend. That way, the jealousy issue won't come up and I won't feel uncomfortable posing provocatively in front of him cause he's probably more interested in his GQ with Jake Gyllenhal then staring at me.

what if he busy staring or hitting on the male photographer?

Aug 27 06 03:25 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Lamonica wrote:
Wow... I'm sorry for everyone's horrible escort stories. That's why when I do bring an escort, I bring my gay guy friend. That way, the jealousy issue won't come up and I won't feel uncomfortable posing provocatively in front of him cause he's probably more interested in his GQ with Jake Gyllenhal then staring at me.

The EFFIN answer !

Aug 27 06 03:26 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

ejlinkz wrote:

what if he busy staring or hitting on the male photographer?

If the photog and I gets some awesome shots... and my friend and the photog end up hittin it off...More power to them!!

Aug 27 06 03:50 pm Link


Fiyah LP

Posts: 142

Hartford, Connecticut, US

Lamonica wrote:

If the photog and I gets some awesome shots... and my friend and the photog end up hittin it off...More power to them!!

ok what if the photographer is not Gay? FYI, may seem crazy, but i heard of this situation before. A gay person can be just as disruptive as well. A person sexual preferences doesnt tells a persons character, they can be still jerks and disruptive as well as anybody Gay or not!

Aug 27 06 04:06 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I honestly can't think of one.  Most of the people I work with either know and respect me and my work, or they're rational and mature enough to do their due dilligence and find that there no threat to their "safety" [which is becoming a very relative term among the various "escort" threads]. 

The cool thing about being me is that people who work with me  do so because they really, really want to -- there's certainly nothing in it for them commercially -- so all this "safety" business has already been tabled by the time a shoot is scheduled.

Aug 27 06 04:16 pm Link


glenn my name today

Posts: 1025

Lancaster, California, US

Once had a nice gal from Washington DC up to do some pics for her personal use. She was not really a model, these were more persoanl images she wanted for herself after she googled my name and saw some of my glamour work. She brings her boyfriend with her. Nice dude, about 350 pounds, 6'3, real cool inner city DC guy.

I get everything set-up in the bedrooom, he's behind me, she in front, I'm shooting away. Every few minutes she makes a funny face and I hear a whooshing noise behind me. I turn around and he smiles at me.

This goes on 4-5 times and I decide to not put my camera down the next time I turn around.

So lo and behold I whip around the next time I hear the noises and the BF has got his whooperdoddle out and playing a self made tune on it.

He just looks at me and smiles, she looks at me and smiles, I ask them if they need some time alone or if they want to leave right then and he puts his unit away and we finish the shoot real quickly and they asked me where the closest motel was.

Aug 27 06 04:43 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

ejlinkz wrote:

ok what if the photographer is not Gay? FYI, may seem crazy, but i heard of this situation before. A gay person can be just as disruptive as well. A person sexual preferences doesnt tells a persons character, they can be still jerks and disruptive as well as anybody Gay or not!

I know, but most photographers complaints about escorts has been about jealous/overbearing boyfriends. I was simply saying that by bringing my friend, I never have to worry about that. And just because my friend is gay, it doesn't mean he's going to hit on the photographer because he's a guy. That's like saying every male photographer hits on all of his female models. I'm not saying that someones sexual preference determines their character, I was simply stating that I didn't have any problems with my friend. I wasn't generalizing all gay people.

Aug 27 06 04:43 pm Link


ADG Photography

Posts: 544

Calhoun, Georgia, US

I have had some great experiences with escorts, some bad experiences and everything in between.

One model brought her husband.  He sat behind me and looked beyond me to watch his wife pose.  She looked for his approval/disapproval for EVERY shot!! What kind of shoot do you think that made? LOL

Then I have had the really great ones.  One model's husband was like her cheerleader!  It took me a few minutes to not be distracted by his verbal and physical enthusiasm for her sexy poses, but then I really got into it--right along with her! He was totally supportive of her modeling.  100%.  That is RARE!

But you know what? I have had some of the absolute worst experiences when the model came alone. Perhaps the worst was when one came high on something and was wasted. Which made for a total waste of MY time.

But fortunatley, I have never had the horror stories. Some of the best situations over all were when the model brought an escort and, after meeting with me and saying our hellos, left me and the model alone to do our thing while they went up the street for coffee or otherwise disappeared for a few hours.  If you are going to bring a husband or boyfriend to a shoot, and you are not 100% certain how he will behave during the shoot, I recommend this latter arrangement. It really seems to work the best.

Of course then there are the stories from models who do come alone, but have to suffer the jealousy and fits from their boyfriends/husbands when they are NOT in front of the camera.  Boy, have I heard ALOT of those.  But that is a whole other thread topic.

Aug 27 06 07:31 pm Link



Posts: 24

San Diego, California, US

Darci Giovani wrote:
Good points!!  I see what you mean.

Models Point of View:
It's a scary world out there, so the models may think the same thing of you...not knowing who they are shooting can be a little scary.  Especially now-a-days.

Have you seen Unsolved Mysteries?

Aw!!!  But let's flip this script to a more balanced treatment before we film the movie:

Models have the opportunity to check out photographers to some degree with Web sites like these. Which, I might add, give enough info to do searches for other pages or sites such photographers may be listed in or through other records made public.  You can't unlock the whole closet, but you can sense the types of skeletons that may exist if you use common sense.

On the other hand, escorts do not have profiles or information for photographers to find online or anywhere else. Their inclusion into the session is like a blind date.  And dare anyone ask the model to provide background info on their escort. I can hear the replies already, "Are you kidding? ...."

I have seen many episodes of Unsolved Mysteries, COPS, America's Most Wanted, 48 hours; the like.  Not once have I "personally" seen any one tale of a photographer groping, kidnapping a model or cutting her to pieces.  And be there any incidents, it doesn't lend to beating up everyone in the industry.

Shall we petition the government for funding to provide all parents with the ability to send their kids to school with escorts? I've seen on TV many stories about teachers and coaches doing bad things to kids.  Not feasable, is it? What is?

This painting of photographers in general is pathetic.  It's all about choice, which you have the right to no more than any photographer. 

If you do your homework and do not feel comfortable about a photographer that doesn't want escorts, it's your choice to pass.  He/she still has the right to feel how they do about escorts. It's America.  Pick and choose, move on. Live and should get the picture.

Aug 27 06 07:57 pm Link



Posts: 208

Mustang, Oklahoma, US

The VERY WORST "escorts" I have ever had were models moms. I have been flat out, drop jawed shocked at the horrible things stage moms will say to their daughters.
I have had moms call their daughters slutty right in front of me.
That in and of itself is the reason why I will never work with an under 18 model again. So bad has been my experience with moms as escorts.

Aug 27 06 08:03 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

I've posted before, but as a rundown I've had boyfriends try & direct the shoot or tell me how to shoot on 3 seperate occasions, a sister & girlfriend harrass the model (in the one case actually telling the model to get nude when she & I had agreed on no nudity, and in the other making my other models uncomfortable with their remarks), had one physically threaten me, another pull a gun on me...It's generally been ugly.

Aug 27 06 09:03 pm Link



Posts: 18

Garfield, New Jersey, US

well, Ive had the same issues, so i have some one on the shoot with me as well. And Ive from time to time had to say "don't touch that" but I pretty much let the escort know where they stand, they are a body gard and as long as I dont hurt my model they have done there job. Some times I give them little jobs, like choosing the music to play and things like that. I think its really all about letting every one know ahead of time how its gunna be. I'm a bit blunt upfront some times, but its better then having a problem later.

Aug 27 06 09:12 pm Link



Posts: 6065

Columbia, Maryland, US

The best experience I ever had with an escort was when it was a very long time good friend (30 years) and her daughter.  Mom, unfortunately, was very stage-mom - but listened to a friend (me) and went quiet when asked.

Other than that, there were maybe two or three good escorts - either helpful or neutral.  The rest were distractions (boyfriends wanting to direct), troublesome (stealing - which happened more with accompanying girlfriends), or threatening ("I want full control of the negatives," one told me.  I yanked the film from the camera and threw them out.)

Never on a pro shoot did I have this problem, since escorts were always banned by the sponsor.  Escorts always came along when the model was working up her portfolio, and thus the model was paying.  Since this was the case, I put up with distractions and interference - but terminated a shoot anytime there was a threat.

Since leaving professional photography and assuming it as a hobby, I haven't had a model want to bring an escort.

But, usually - if there is someone present on the shoot that either isn't under the direction of the photographer, or associated with the paying client, then the shoot isn't going to go very well.  Unless the escort stays completely out of sight of the model.

Much later edit:  Chloe Hannen brought an escort.  He was very well behaved and I was sorry I didn't bring along the extra flashes as the shots could have used "hair light" accent and he would likely have been very good help.

Aug 27 06 09:17 pm Link