Forums > General Industry > Turn it around How many bad escorts ?


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

joe greene photo wrote:
I have a game room just off the studio...the escort plays pinball during the shoot.

Fine. We all send the escorts to Joe's game room. If they wont go, I think we all know what happens....

Sep 11 06 04:18 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Michael_Creagh wrote:
I work with loads of escorts, mostly on shoots with agency models who bring their mom because they are like 15.  Sometimes with internet shoots, but not often.

I think we've all pretty much said we're OK with juveniles bringing parents  smile

Sep 11 06 04:25 pm Link


EdwinR Photography

Posts: 3154

Gainesville, Florida, US

Been Lucky,  Only one bad "escort" who pulled out a video camera and started taping the model AND directing her for the shoot.  LOL...I just waited till he was done (cut down their shooting time) and then got my shots....Wont work with them again...and I make sure that no escort brings a video cam or any  camera ever again to any shoots.

Check all attitudes and cameras at the door when they come to a shoot.

Sep 11 06 08:14 pm Link


Yerkes Photography

Posts: 459

Kingston, New York, US

Jose Luis wrote:
My Escort bad experiences:

1) Most every time Ive had an escort- the model has always looked at them between looks (even if subconsciously for approval)- leading to superficial expressions and connection- obviously subpar images
2) One escort (a female girlfriend) was arguing with the model to the point she left in a cab.
3) One escort (a female girlfriend) I had to shoot even though I woud not have shot her free cuz the model wanted shots with her friend and was insistent
4) One escort (boyfriend) stole my xbox wireless controller and a couple games
5) One escort (boyfriend) put his feet up on my new coffeetable chipping it large and ruining it
6) One escort (boyfriend) pulled out his camera and started taking pics along side of me
7) One escort (girlfriend) was an aspiring photographer and would not stop with the 20 questions during the shoot
8) One escort (girlfriend) was apparently a wardrobe stylist cuz she would not shut up about the wardrobe she thought was right and her critiques of our choices
9) One escort (husband) interjected on my pose ideas- too sexy
10) One escort (boyfriend) called the shoot off early cuz he was tired
11) One escort (her son) was a brat and wouldnt not behave and I had to take mommy/ son pics free too

my god ... i would be in jail ... i couldnt deal with that ... insanity ... i wouldve kicked everyone of them out ...

Sep 11 06 08:25 pm Link


eric krumm

Posts: 46

Athens, Georgia, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

Oh puhleeze.  How does a model know that your "team" isn't really just a larger group of rapists?  Just because someone has a studio and a someone who calls themselves a "stylist" doesn't mean it's not a dangerous situation.  It's probably just a more elaborate plan.

So everyone needs an escort no matter what!  You can never be too sure and PERSONally I'm even more suspicious of photographers who claim that they're the ones who are really safe!

a team is usually a group of pros where i am from, in other words, the team is credible.  i'm not talking about a fictional team with no reputation and i thought common sense would play a part in making that assumption for yourself.

you seem to think that models are total fools and unable to ascertain when something is awry.  i have a lot of respect for models, the ones i have worked with have been very educated, very intelligent, very capable people who have given me great insight and helped me improve as a photographer so i give them a lot of credit for being able to make good decisions.

if you're just addressing some desperate young girl who "wants to be a model no matter what" then fine, but those people are victims by default.  they will not read this, they will not have an escort, they will not give themselves a chance and neither can you.

just in case, i'll say it again, only an idiot would meet a stranger alone without some very credible references.

Sep 11 06 09:57 pm Link


Nicole Stark

Posts: 83

Los Angeles, California, US

I would think that any model who is remotely serious about getting somewhere in this industry would make sure that the escort they bring would reflect their professionalism. I'm surprised at the bad judgement!

Sep 11 06 10:45 pm Link


duds here

Posts: 397

Chicago, Illinois, US

-Tripp wrote:

Aw!!!  But let's flip this script to a more balanced treatment before we film the movie:

Models have the opportunity to check out photographers to some degree with Web sites like these. Which, I might add, give enough info to do searches for other pages or sites such photographers may be listed in or through other records made public.  You can't unlock the whole closet, but you can sense the types of skeletons that may exist if you use common sense.

On the other hand, escorts do not have profiles or information for photographers to find online or anywhere else. Their inclusion into the session is like a blind date.  And dare anyone ask the model to provide background info on their escort. I can hear the replies already, "Are you kidding? ...."

I have seen many episodes of Unsolved Mysteries, COPS, America's Most Wanted, 48 hours; the like.  Not once have I "personally" seen any one tale of a photographer groping, kidnapping a model or cutting her to pieces.  And be there any incidents, it doesn't lend to beating up everyone in the industry.

Shall we petition the government for funding to provide all parents with the ability to send their kids to school with escorts? I've seen on TV many stories about teachers and coaches doing bad things to kids.  Not feasable, is it? What is?

This painting of photographers in general is pathetic.  It's all about choice, which you have the right to no more than any photographer. 

If you do your homework and do not feel comfortable about a photographer that doesn't want escorts, it's your choice to pass.  He/she still has the right to feel how they do about escorts. It's America.  Pick and choose, move on. Live and should get the picture.

Sep 12 06 04:06 am Link


duds here

Posts: 397

Chicago, Illinois, US

Wow Escorts, what a subject.

I had one model bring a friend who said I must not be proud of my work because I didn't have any pictures on the wall of mine.  Well I did, just not women, I work out of my home/studio office and my wife wouldn't be happy with pictures of other women all over the place.

About references, working with models from omp and MM so many of them never answer back to even say they got the CD that was sent them when used as references they never answer the future model you hope to work with in most cases.

I try to have someone during the shoot for my safety and to keep track of people during the shoot. One model and her escort, both women made out during the changing of clothes for every change, I didn't see it, but my assitant was telling me about it.

If a model keeps looking at the escort for every shot the session would end right then, it isn't work the time to get her turning her head everytime you click the shutter. That is what happens if they want to check the escorts opinion for every shot, when I shot film it would be too expensive, and even in digital it is too much time wasted.

Sep 12 06 04:14 am Link


duds here

Posts: 397

Chicago, Illinois, US

StevesPhotography wrote:
The VERY WORST "escorts" I have ever had were models moms. I have been flat out, drop jawed shocked at the horrible things stage moms will say to their daughters.
I have had moms call their daughters slutty right in front of me.
That in and of itself is the reason why I will never work with an under 18 model again. So bad has been my experience with moms as escorts.

Sep 12 06 04:15 am Link


duds here

Posts: 397

Chicago, Illinois, US

Mom's AAAAAHH!!!!!!!

I had one mom suggest no tell the young model (17) to tape her breasts up for the low cut v neck dress she had on to make her breasts look larger.

We shot the pictures, they looked great nothing bad, just sexy a little but not over the top for a 17 year old, then I get a call days after the shoot asking me not to use the pictures.  Well they are appropriate, not too daring so I use them all the time, since they are tame.

I even told them I don't do Sears portrait style shots, I do fashion/editorial with a commercial look and serious style, nothing boring, I think.  So if you don't want to smoke off the page, don't have me shoot you.

They came we shot, and she smokes off the page!  Nuff said.

Sep 12 06 04:19 am Link


FYH Photo

Posts: 462

Santa Clara, California, US

Jose Luis wrote:
My Escort bad experiences:

1) Most every time Ive had an escort- the model has always looked at them between looks (even if subconsciously for approval)- leading to superficial expressions and connection- obviously subpar images
2) One escort (a female girlfriend) was arguing with the model to the point she left in a cab.
3) One escort (a female girlfriend) I had to shoot even though I woud not have shot her free cuz the model wanted shots with her friend and was insistent
4) One escort (boyfriend) stole my xbox wireless controller and a couple games
5) One escort (boyfriend) put his feet up on my new coffeetable chipping it large and ruining it
6) One escort (boyfriend) pulled out his camera and started taking pics along side of me
7) One escort (girlfriend) was an aspiring photographer and would not stop with the 20 questions during the shoot
8) One escort (girlfriend) was apparently a wardrobe stylist cuz she would not shut up about the wardrobe she thought was right and her critiques of our choices
9) One escort (husband) interjected on my pose ideas- too sexy
10) One escort (boyfriend) called the shoot off early cuz he was tired
11) One escort (her son) was a brat and wouldnt not behave and I had to take mommy/ son pics free too

Wow, we are twins in an alternate universe!  So how did you get all the same models and escorts as I did? LOL!wink

Actually my worst was when one escort (boyfriend) stole a bunch of my table top photography books in the makeup room.  I'm still pissed about that one.

Another escort was a husband who was quarrelling with his wife (the model) during the shoot.  He let fly with some really biting insults and her expressions were .... enraged ... pretty much throughout the shoot.

But the worse ones are definitely the ones who steal from you or go poking through your place (house/studio/location) and have you looking over your shoulder to see if any camera gear is mysteriously missing.

But then there's the escort (male friend) who knows nothing about photography and tells the model that custom 8x10s cost only 65 cents and take absolutely no time to print or prepare, so that 'lazy photographer should give the model a custom 8x10 of every single image of the entire shoot'.    Had that happen once.

Nov 15 06 04:44 pm Link



Posts: 866

Los Angeles, California, US

My boyfriend came to a shoot yesterday- participated in the shoot- helped out. Sat down, shut up. Was totally respectful...

It's a shame when some people disrespect other people when they are a guest in their studio.

Nov 15 06 04:47 pm Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

I've had about 40-50 escorts on shoots....problems with 2 of them so not a bad average smile I think the nude photographers have a bigger issue with this. The one area I don't allow escorts, although one model brought one once and he was cool, was for a commerical shoot. It really is unprofessional to bring an escort when you are hired by a legit company you can look up and most will throw the person out if they bring one, or just toss the model and hire someone new. If youre not comfortable with a photographer that is one thing, but when you are scared of the photographer, company, maybe stylists, etc... you need to stop modeling asap!

Nov 15 06 04:55 pm Link



Posts: 866

Los Angeles, California, US

( ANT ) Mgaphoto wrote:
It really is unprofessional to bring an escort when you are hired by a legit company you can look up and most will throw the person out if they bring one, or just toss the model and hire someone new.

I totally agree that it is unprofessional to bring an escort to a legitimate shoot--

but sometimes there are some creepy photogs out there... some models just don't know if a shoot is legitimate or not. I've actually had a photographer from FL send me a document from his psudo-photography company saying that he would pay me for a shoot, pay me for hotel, rental car, food, mua etc... to come down and shoot with him. He also included 5 model and make up artist refrences which I checked out- and the photographer and his girlfriend were pretending to be!

Nov 15 06 05:10 pm Link


FYH Photo

Posts: 462

Santa Clara, California, US


I totally agree that it is unprofessional to bring an escort to a legitimate shoot--

but sometimes there are some creepy photogs out there... some models just don't know if a shoot is legitimate or not. I've actually had a photographer from FL send me a document from his psudo-photography company saying that he would pay me for a shoot, pay me for hotel, rental car, food, mua etc... to come down and shoot with him. He also included 5 model and make up artist refrences which I checked out- and the photographer and his girlfriend were pretending to be!

I think some of the folks missed the point of this thread wink   There are TONS of other threads pontificating on what to do about 'creepy photographers'.  There is a thread above this one that has 365(!) Plus (!) pages of replies and posts regarding this topic.  This THREAD exists to put out escort horror stories, that all smile  Just looking at some of the horror stories put a chill down my spine.    They bring back really bad memories.  Now I am curious to see what models think when they read these horror stories. wink

Nov 15 06 06:50 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Nicole Stark wrote:
I would think that any model who is remotely serious about getting somewhere in this industry would make sure that the escort they bring would reflect their professionalism. I'm surprised at the bad judgement!

Simply HAVING an escort reflects poorly on their professionalism  big_smile

Nov 15 06 07:15 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Jose Luis wrote:
My Escort bad experiences:

F.Y. Hamada wrote:
Wow, we are twins in an alternate universe!  So how did you get all the same models and escorts as I did? LOL!wink

Actually my worst was when one escort (boyfriend) stole a bunch of my table top photography books in the makeup room.  I'm still pissed about that one.

Another escort was a husband who was quarrelling with his wife (the model) during the shoot.  He let fly with some really biting insults and her expressions were .... enraged ... pretty much throughout the shoot.

But the worse ones are definitely the ones who steal from you or go poking through your place (house/studio/location) and have you looking over your shoulder to see if any camera gear is mysteriously missing.

But then there's the escort (male friend) who knows nothing about photography and tells the model that custom 8x10s cost only 65 cents and take absolutely no time to print or prepare, so that 'lazy photographer should give the model a custom 8x10 of every single image of the entire shoot'.    Had that happen once.

'least neither of you has been physically confronted or had a gun pulled on you like I have

Nov 15 06 07:17 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

I totally agree that it is unprofessional to bring an escort to a legitimate shoot--

but sometimes there are some creepy photogs out there... some models just don't know if a shoot is legitimate or not. I've actually had a photographer from FL send me a document from his psudo-photography company saying that he would pay me for a shoot, pay me for hotel, rental car, food, mua etc... to come down and shoot with him. He also included 5 model and make up artist refrences which I checked out- and the photographer and his girlfriend were pretending to be!

If they're THAT creepy and the circumstances are so weird, why would you shoot with them escort or not???
That's what makes me NUTS about this argument
The sketchy people can't have the chops to back up you wanting to work with them so why even DO it?

Nov 15 06 07:19 pm Link



Posts: 866

Los Angeles, California, US

SLE Photography wrote:

If they're THAT creepy and the circumstances are so weird, why would you shoot with them escort or not???
That's what makes me NUTS about this argument
The sketchy people can't have the chops to back up you wanting to work with them so why even DO it?

I don't shoot with people I don't trust or don't feel comfertable with. I never bring an escort to a shoot. The only time I have ever had someone come with me was when I was under 18 and yesterday, when a photographer and I did a shoot with my very very handsome boyfriend. Some people want to work with creeps and just tough it out and bring an escort.

Some people want MONEY so they will shoot with the creepy guys who pay.

I know a photographer who I have worked with and has worked with another model friend of mine. He pays great- buys wardrobe..... the whole nine yards. And when he shoots he becomes aroused and gets a hard on. The last time I shot with him- after the shoot he started smelling me and told me that my "pheromones" were out of control and couldn't stop telling me how beautiful I was and blah blah blah. I told him you can get the same effect by buying Herbal Essances shampoo and I told him it was time for me to leave. He paid me and I left. Even though I was compltly creeped out and wouldn't work with him again. Some models would shoot with him just because he pays and bring a guy- so perhaps the photographer wouldn't act so weird during a shoot.

I know a lot of girls who feel some strong urge to have a friend or even... four or five gal pals along with them and that is completly unacceptable.

Honestly, there really isn't a need to bring an escort. And I agree, if you don't feel comfertable, don't shoot with the guy.

Nov 15 06 07:42 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

I don't shoot with people I don't trust or don't feel comfertable with. I never bring an escort to a shoot. The only time I have ever had someone come with me was when I was under 18 and yesterday, when a photographer and I did a shoot with my very very handsome boyfriend. Some people want to work with creeps and just tough it out and bring an escort.

Some people want MONEY so they will shoot with the creepy guys who pay.

I know a photographer who I have worked with and has worked with another model friend of mine. He pays great- buys wardrobe..... the whole nine yards. And when he shoots he becomes aroused and gets a hard on. The last time I shot with him- after the shoot he started smelling me and told me that my "pheromones" were out of control and couldn't stop telling me how beautiful I was and blah blah blah. I told him you can get the same effect by buying Herbal Essances shampoo and I told him it was time for me to leave. He paid me and I left. Even though I was compltly creeped out and wouldn't work with him again. Some models would shoot with him just because he pays and bring a guy- so perhaps the photographer wouldn't act so weird during a shoot.

I know a lot of girls who feel some strong urge to have a friend or even... four or five gal pals along with them and that is completly unacceptable.

Honestly, there really isn't a need to bring an escort. And I agree, if you don't feel comfertable, don't shoot with the guy.

Perfect, and well reasoned.
Nice work handling the perv, too.

Nov 15 06 08:06 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Kaleidoscope Eyes wrote:
I have to say, I'm sad to hear all these stories.

No kidding!

Kaleidoscope Eyes wrote:
And photographers, stick up for yourself.

Yeah, here's a policy for photographers ....

It filters out models who are too scared to be in the business, too lazy to do their due diligence, or who are going to bring over their "escorts" that will cause problems.

Nov 15 06 08:15 pm Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

For the most part, I've had great experience.

Really, one one bad boyfriend experience.  He was an ass and didn't like the fact his g.f. wanted to shoot lingerie shots.  So, I finished early, said good by, and that was the end of that. She got some edited shots a couple weeks later - the best of the best and I sent her a note that as long as she continued to bring her boyfriends to shoots, I was sorry, I wouldn't work with her again.

Others have been perfect, even one mother and father team pitched in to hold reflectors and help with clothing changes, etc. 

Others models have drug their boyfriends into the shoot and it turned out great.  In two cases, both of the boyfriends were very supportive of their girl friends, had great ideas for shots, and decided to open an MM account for themselves.

Two semi-irritating excots would not stop with the question about my equipment, how much it costs, etc.  and also kept cracking jokes while the model was trying to shoot - I finally stopped and just kindly ask him to either stop interferring with the shot or go outside (where it was raining). He behaved.

Best escorts of all time were sisters.  The sister was also a MUA and knew to not interfer with the shot unless we needed makeup.  Toward the end, I ask her if she wanted to shoot with her sister. The both shot together and we got some very cute and sensual shots of them together.  Loved working with them both.


Nov 15 06 08:19 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Moraxian wrote:
In 6 years of photography, I've never had a bad escort experience.

Once in awhile escorts can be great!

why are people posting their good escort stories on this thread???????

I've had some models who came with good escorts, but that's not what this thread is about.

It's about bad escort stories.

Nov 15 06 08:28 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

ChrisCorbettPhotography wrote:
I always shoot on location, away from "civilization", so to refuse to allow a model to bring an escort would be pretty ridiculous. About 3 out of ten do bring someone. I've never had a problem with interference from an escort.

Why would it be "pretty ridiculous"?

Nov 15 06 08:31 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

ChrisCorbettPhotography wrote:
I always shoot on location, away from "civilization", so to refuse to allow a model to bring an escort would be pretty ridiculous.

KM von Seidl wrote:
Why?  Are you that dangerous a person?

I have to say...that is exactly what I was thinking!

Nov 15 06 08:32 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

ChristianBehr wrote:
One asshole escort came up behind me and bashed me over the head with a tripod... then he started screaming at the model, " You fucking slut, you only look at ME that way!!"


So what is your escort policy now??   wink

Nov 15 06 08:33 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

SLE Photography wrote:
Buddy of mine here in Orlando got a black eye & a busted lens when a BF picked up the model's bag & swung it in to the lens as my friend was shooting, screaming "I see you trying to shoot up her skirt!  No one sees her panties but me!"
BFs do crazy stuff.

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
Man!  I've got to let my boyfriend know that he isn't showing his love for me enough.  He's never once gotten mad about my modeling.  In fact, he uses one of my implieds as his screen saver.  I feel so unloved. sad

That's horrible, Melissa!  Why don't you come over to the real escort thread. We'll love you over there!

Nov 15 06 08:35 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

I like what Twisted Mind has done in his bio about the escort issue....

Nov 15 06 08:37 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

EdwinR Photography wrote:
Been Lucky,  Only one bad "escort" who pulled out a video camera and started taping the model AND directing her for the shoot.  LOL...I just waited till he was done (cut down their shooting time) and then got my shots....Wont work with them again...and I make sure that no escort brings a video cam or any  camera ever again to any shoots.

Check all attitudes and cameras at the door when they come to a shoot.

you actually waited until he was done shooting the video?????


Nov 15 06 08:41 pm Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

The guy with the tattooed neck who came along with the model to our cafe meeting and where ya gonna take these pictchers??

Never had a chance to find out if he would have been a "bad escort".

Nov 15 06 08:42 pm Link



Posts: 866

Los Angeles, California, US

SLE Photography wrote:
Perfect, and well reasoned.
Nice work handling the perv, too.

THANKS! When he started smelling me, I remember thinking to myself, "Why is he smelling me like that... because I know he's not thinking MMMM dinner." And then he opened his mouth and started talking about my phermones... and I was like oh please, this guy is a 40 year old virgin"

Nov 15 06 08:47 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

I know a photographer who I have worked with and has worked with another model friend of mine. He pays great- buys wardrobe..... the whole nine yards. And when he shoots he becomes aroused and gets a hard on. The last time I shot with him- after the shoot he started smelling me and told me that my "pheromones" were out of control and couldn't stop telling me how beautiful I was and blah blah blah. I told him you can get the same effect by buying Herbal Essances shampoo and I told him it was time for me to leave. He paid me and I left. Even though I was compltly creeped out and wouldn't work with him again. Some models would shoot with him just because he pays and bring a guy- so perhaps the photographer wouldn't act so weird during a shoot.

This sounds more like a prostitute & john than a model and photographer...

Honestly, there really isn't a need to bring an escort. And I agree, if you don't feel comfertable, don't shoot with the guy.


Nov 15 06 08:47 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Darci Giovani wrote:
Have you seen Unsolved Mysteries?

yes. what's your point??

Nov 15 06 08:48 pm Link



Posts: 866

Los Angeles, California, US

Curt Burgess wrote:

I know a photographer who I have worked with and has worked with another model friend of mine. He pays great- buys wardrobe..... the whole nine yards. And when he shoots he becomes aroused and gets a hard on. The last time I shot with him- after the shoot he started smelling me and told me that my "pheromones" were out of control and couldn't stop telling me how beautiful I was and blah blah blah. I told him you can get the same effect by buying Herbal Essances shampoo and I told him it was time for me to leave. He paid me and I left. Even though I was compltly creeped out and wouldn't work with him again. Some models would shoot with him just because he pays and bring a guy- so perhaps the photographer wouldn't act so weird during a shoot.

This sounds more like a prostitute & john than a model and photographer...


Well in a way I guess it does sound like prostitution, however, it's not like the model is preforming sexual acts with the photographer. Usually the shoots are casual to tasteful lingere. However, that's just what I know from people I know... I know there are other models out there who do more promiscuous things.

Nov 15 06 08:51 pm Link



Posts: 1190

Winnetka, California, US

eric krumm wrote:

which is why all the crying about escorts makes no sense to me either...

a real shoot involves a team; MUA, stylist, hair, etc. so the model wouldn't really need an escort to come to that..but what kind of idiot model wouldn't want an escort to meet some "photog" who contacts her online and who she didn't know without anyone around?

Hmmm, i pretty much never use an mua, stylist, hair, assistant

I guess I'm not doing "real shoots"

screw u pal

Nov 15 06 08:52 pm Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

Not many but a few.
The BF was standing next to me and the model kept looking at him. I pulled the camera away and watched him shaking his head telling her NO. This went on for the whole shoot.  I was new and didn't know any better.

The BF was supposed to be a look out.  We were in a state park in Calif.  While the model was nude on the picnic table he was beating a tree with a stick and the park ranger came up.  The ranger just told the model to get dressed and to get out. WHICH WE DID in one quick hurry.

A model wanted to bring her BF to the hotel to sleep over with her since it would be a nice VACATION for them.  No the shoot did not happen.

I hire models for my trip shoots.  One who was hired for a Big Bend Trip wanted to bring her BF with her so he could visit the area.  But he wanted to stay in the cabin with the other model also.  He did not want to pay for his own room.  SHE DID NOT GO either.

I have been lucky but I will not hire any model who has to have somebody come and baby sit with her.  bs

Nov 15 06 09:33 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

I know a photographer who I have worked with and has worked with another model friend of mine. He pays great- buys wardrobe..... the whole nine yards. And when he shoots he becomes aroused and gets a hard on. The last time I shot with him- after the shoot he started smelling me and told me that my "pheromones" were out of control and couldn't stop telling me how beautiful I was and blah blah blah. I told him you can get the same effect by buying Herbal Essances shampoo and I told him it was time for me to leave. He paid me and I left. Even though I was compltly creeped out and wouldn't work with him again. Some models would shoot with him just because he pays and bring a guy- so perhaps the photographer wouldn't act so weird during a shoot.

Curt Burgess wrote:
This sounds more like a prostitute & john than a model and photographer...

Well in a way I guess it does sound like prostitution, however, it's not like the model is preforming sexual acts with the photographer. Usually the shoots are casual to tasteful lingere. However, that's just what I know from people I know... I know there are other models out there who do more promiscuous things.

It just seems that if the models understand that what they're doing has this effect and the guy has a history of this ... well, it's a whole 'nother layer of relationship.

Nov 15 06 11:35 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US


Well in a way I guess it does sound like prostitution, however, it's not like the model is preforming sexual acts with the photographer. Usually the shoots are casual to tasteful lingere. However, that's just what I know from people I know... I know there are other models out there who do more promiscuous things.


Nov 15 06 11:36 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

( ANT ) Mgaphoto wrote:
It really is unprofessional to bring an escort when you are hired by a legit company you can look up and most will throw the person out if they bring one, or just toss the model and hire someone new.

I totally agree that it is unprofessional to bring an escort to a legitimate shoot--

Let me see if I understand correctly .... you do want to take the escorts to the illegitimate shoots then.  Can you define an "illegitimate shoot" for us?

but sometimes there are some creepy photogs out there... some models just don't know if a shoot is legitimate or not.

If a model exercises due diligence, why wouldn't a model know if a shoot is legitimate or not?

I've actually had a photographer from FL send me a document from his psudo-photography company saying that he would pay me for a shoot, pay me for hotel, rental car, food, mua etc... to come down and shoot with him. He also included 5 model and make up artist refrences which I checked out- and the photographer and his girlfriend were pretending to be!

So did you go to FL and get raped and murdered?  Or did you check him out, found out this weird stuff, and decided not to go? If it's the second, then that supports the need for due diligence and does not support the argument for an escort at all.

Nov 16 06 01:14 am Link


Blasi Photography

Posts: 18

Tampa, Florida, US

OK So I have to admit and every photographer out there dose have to admit it is scary how many people these days can go and but a DSLR and claim to be a professional.  That said I can see why some may like to make the argument for a escort.  However when a model looks for a photographer how many "professional" models do no check on the photographer first?  I mean I would think it common sense to contact a few models the photographer has shot with and a few of the publications from the work done.  You could see right there, from other peoples opinions and experience if this is a person you want to shoot with.

Now as a photographer if they want to bring an escort why not try to meet a few days before the shoot w/ model and escort and lay down those ground rules, and just get to know each other.  By the end of that you would know if the escort is going to be a problem or not.

Just my thoughts, don't kill the new guy wink

Nov 16 06 01:37 pm Link