Forums > General Industry > most models = brain dead


Chris H

Posts: 629

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Shouldnt have vented here, my apologizes

Aug 27 06 01:58 am Link


Chris H

Posts: 629

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

for ur info, she is not on modelmayhem so im not callin out names.. just look at the quality of the photos...

Aug 27 06 01:59 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US


Aug 27 06 02:00 am Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

And this is going to help you find more models to work with HOW?

Aug 27 06 02:01 am Link


Chris H

Posts: 629

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

what do u mean huh?

Aug 27 06 02:01 am Link


Jessica - The Peach

Posts: 89

Los Angeles, California, US

first of all, you might consider taking those down if she's an MM member.  slander and what not.

second of all, i firmly resent being prejudiced because of my line of work.  i am an art history major at UCLA.  we arent brain dead; its just that... who doesnt like hearing "oh, youre perfect, we'll use you in our ads"?  it sounds too good to be true, and sometimes it is, but let us live the dream!

youre gonna get a lot of smart, angry models posting on here.  basically things fell through with one model; time to move on and find someone else.  theres certainly no shortage.

Aug 27 06 02:01 am Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Yes most models are brain dead.

I am entering my third year of college and first year as an RA because I have no brain.

Maybe that one model is not smart...but rash generalizations aren't smart either ya jackass.

Aug 27 06 02:01 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

that was harsh dude !  maybe you should back off a little.
maybe she did a test; maybe you dont have the whole story.
she may just decided no more TFP ; that all.

we have a people here who get harsh, but save it for the political rants.

I think you are pissed because she does NOT shoot with you.

Aug 27 06 02:02 am Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

these are great photos ....for myspace

Aug 27 06 02:02 am Link



Posts: 6129

yikes, dude. i'm having a hard time finding any functioning grey matter between your ears here, too.

Aug 27 06 02:03 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

brain dead apparently runs on both sides of the lens...

Aug 27 06 02:04 am Link


Jessica - The Peach

Posts: 89

Los Angeles, California, US

The Don Mon wrote:
these are great photos ....for myspace

AHAHAHHAA genius.  you made my day.

Aug 27 06 02:04 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US


Aug 27 06 02:04 am Link


Chris H

Posts: 629

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

My goal is not to find 1000 models to work with me my friend.  My goal is to create art. 

When you are really hungry any food put infront of you will look good.  Im not hungry right now, i pick and choose my models.  Its just a hobby.

My point is:

I like basketball.  If i got a call tomorrow saying i made the raptors starting line up, i would think somone is pulling my leg.  Yet when "models" meet a "photographer" on mm they believe anything they say.

How can you truely believe a photo of that quality can be used for a major ad campaign?

Aug 27 06 02:05 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

ChrisHughes wrote:
Well most models I meet on this site and others are brain dead!

Ive been talking to one model for about 3 months about TFCD and today she messaged me like "I cant do tfcd now cause im a professional model now".

She told me she did a shoot for a major condom company, a major add.  Then she sent me these pics:

I saw these pics and thought - "wow most models i know are pathetic, they belive anything they hear." How can an average person take photos like this and truely believe they are going to be used for a major ad campaign?

Models please do not believe everything u hear from a "photographer". You must be realistic with your goals.  If you like taking photos, so be it.  Dont think you are going to become a supermodel from it... Modeling is a hard business and doesnt happen over night.

What are your thoughts on these brain dead models?  How many big headed newcomers have u met?

Here's what I don't get: Why would you waste three months talking to a model about TFP? And when she turns you down you post the pictures she sent you. Granted, these are hardly ad campaign quality images, but why do you care? Why not simply move on and not waste so much time and energy on a model who doesn't want to work with you? If I don't get positive responses and a meeting set up with a new model within a couple weeks I move on. There is always another person to work with...


  Also, I've met some exceptional models on this and other sites. I've also met and worked with extremely good makeup artists. There are some very talented people here, and most I would not refer to as "brain dead." It just isn't true.

Aug 27 06 02:05 am Link


Laurie or Lori

Posts: 52

Los Angeles, California, US

I'de like to make a comment on this.

I find sometimes photographers get mad about this type of thing, and although I do understand where they are coming from I also think that it should be kept in mind that most models are young women or girls, and still figuring out what they are about and how to do business properly...they are older teenagers mostly, maybe 18 -22, 23...and the average photographer tends to be older and more experienced in life...there will of course be some stupid blunders along the way..growing pains..but somtimes I think it's good to keep that in mind when one gets frustrated.

I am not making excuses for ridiculous behaviour, I just think that age may play a factor. And on the flipside I have also met a few ridiculously smart models,young or old...which i am always overjoyed to become aquainted with and learn from how they have develped their careers.

That's just my 2 cents, have a good night


Aug 27 06 02:06 am Link


Chris H

Posts: 629

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

im not wasting 3 months talking to the model.  She is merely on my msn for 3 months.  I dont search for models.....

Aug 27 06 02:06 am Link


Chris H

Posts: 629

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Once again, the point of this thread is:

Why do models believe everything they hear from a "photographer".  Doesnt common sense kick in at some point?

Aug 27 06 02:07 am Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

How do you know those photos aren't being used for a condom ad?
Some advertisement photos are pretty crappy.  Haven't you ever looked at packaging in drugstores?  Or looked in newspapers?
Maybe American Apparel is starting a condom line.

Anyway, you're pretty much a douche.

Aug 27 06 02:08 am Link


Jessica - The Peach

Posts: 89

Los Angeles, California, US

uh, you said "ive been talking to one model for three months about tfp".  i think thats an exact quote.  cut your losses, move on, and consider posting a little apology to saying that "almost every model on this site is brain dead".

Aug 27 06 02:09 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

ChrisHughes wrote:
im not wasting 3 months talking to the model.  She is merely on my msn for 3 months.  I dont search for models.....

Not everyone is going to work with you. It is their choice.

See Theda has not worked with me, but for  KFC superbucket she just might.

Aug 27 06 02:09 am Link


MF productions

Posts: 2064

San Jose, California, US

man those are the photos of a gwc.

Aug 27 06 02:10 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

ChrisHughes wrote:
Once again, the point of this thread is:

Why do models believe everything they hear from a "photographer".  Doesnt common sense kick in at some point?

I believe you've been talking to this model for three months about TFP but you haven't.

I believe this because you're a photographer and as a model, I believe everything you say.

Aug 27 06 02:11 am Link


Chris H

Posts: 629

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

"missing fingers product" is the first person that understands... the photographer lied about an add campaign and the brain dead model believed.

Aug 27 06 02:11 am Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Jessica - The Peach wrote:
i think thats an exact quote.  cut your losses, move on, and consider posting a little apology to saying that "almost every model on this site is brain dead".

Almost and most are practically the same thing.
The irony.

Aug 27 06 02:11 am Link



Posts: 10

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

Wow! You must be really a really smart guy to insult all models on a modeling site! Good Job!

Aug 27 06 02:13 am Link


Chris H

Posts: 629

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Bottom line models..... dont believe everything you hear.  Be realistic with your goals.  I know im not a great photographer, therefore if GQ or Vogue calls me tomorrow with a 4 million dollar contract I will take it at face value.

Aug 27 06 02:14 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

I am going to sit back and watch the women smoke you out.

Aug 27 06 02:14 am Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

Jessica - The Peach wrote:

AHAHAHHAA genius.  you made my day.

why does that song "back that ass up" come to mind...?

maybe her boyfriend probably took them and she dumped him the next day.?

put them on myspace and everyone is hitting her page telling her "your so hot your a my space model and you should model for real." ?

"maybe her boyfriend is the one you been talking to anyway?"

maybe shes just having a bad day ?

dont know .....dont really care just thought i could make some people laugh tonight

Aug 27 06 02:14 am Link


Chris H

Posts: 629

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

and im not insulting all models on this site, im saying the models i meet....

Aug 27 06 02:14 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28728

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Envy wrote:
Almost and most are practically the same thing.
The irony.

Lets play Pachisi

Aug 27 06 02:15 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

ChrisHughes wrote:
and im not insulting all models on this site, im saying the models i meet....

you meet stupid people all day ?

Aug 27 06 02:15 am Link


Chris H

Posts: 629

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

the don made me laugh.. as did the model with her "ad campaign photos"

Aug 27 06 02:16 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Wynd Mulysa wrote:
How do you know those photos aren't being used for a condom ad?
Some advertisement photos are pretty crappy.  Haven't you ever looked at packaging in drugstores?  Or looked in newspapers?

Anyway, you're pretty much a douche.

Seriously, I don't think those are photos destined to go anywhere but some guy's PC. They really are bad quality images, and I daresay below even poor quality condom ad photos. However...

  Most models are not "brain-dead." Some people want to believe what they're told; people fall for Nigerian money scams, TV preachers, used car salesmen, penny stock traders... Why do these people fall for these scams? It's not just "brain-dead" models; it's people pretty much anywhere. The reasons are the same; they want instant success and will try anything to get it. But you're also assuming the model actually believes those shots are going to be used in an ad campaign. Maybe she simply didn't want to work with you...

  Being turned down by someone doesn't make "most models" brain-dead. Move on and find someone interested in working with you. But I wouldn't suggest you try photographing Wynd; I don't think she likes you for some reason. wink


Aug 27 06 02:16 am Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

John Jebbia wrote:

Lets play Pachisi

I'm brain dead and am about to go to bed.


Aug 27 06 02:16 am Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

The Don Mon wrote:

why does that song "back that ass up" come to mind...?

maybe her boyfriend probably took them and she dumped him the next day.?

put them on myspace and everyone is hitting her page telling her "your so hot your a my space model and you should model for real." ?

"maybe her boyfriend is the one you been talking to anyway?"

maybe shes just having a bad day ?

dont know .....dont really care just thought i could make some people laugh tonight

by the way just joking around

Aug 27 06 02:17 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

ChrisHughes wrote:
and im not insulting all models on this site, im saying the models i meet....

If internet interaction is meeting, then models who rerspond to this thread have been met by you and therefore, are mostly brain dead.  If you're trying to pry your foot out of your mouth,  you should try something else.

Aug 27 06 02:17 am Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

ChrisHughes wrote:
and im not insulting all models on this site, im saying the models i meet....

Actually you said:

ChrisHughes wrote:
most models=brain dead


models I have met thus far= brain dead

Aug 27 06 02:17 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28728

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Envy wrote:
I'm brain dead and am about to go to bed.


Not tomorrow. My computer gets packed tomorrow night. But go to bed. I need to finish cleaning anyways.

Aug 27 06 02:18 am Link


Jessica - The Peach

Posts: 89

Los Angeles, California, US

stop stop stop!  its time to lock this thread up.  that dude made a huge mistake and insulted a pretty large crowd (not to mention his potential clients...), we've lashed back, now its up to him what to do with the info.

i think what he was trying to say, if you look past the myriad of insults, is that make sure you check out scams and stuff.  also, if that girl got PAID for those photos, who frickin cares if theyre an ad campaign or just some GWC having fun?

we want to believe that everyone in this industry wants the best for us, but sadly, its almost the exact opposite.  too many scams to count.  we at least need to be able to rely on our MM community to support one another.

and to know when to stop.

Aug 27 06 02:19 am Link