Forums > General Industry > Photographers need to realize!!



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Darkdesire wrote:
P.S its not that hard to make a model look tall its a matter of common sense.

It's all a matter of perspective... and sometimes using undersized props wink


Aug 23 06 05:11 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna


Aug 23 06 05:14 am Link


Scott Meyer

Posts: 87

Cincinnati, Iowa, US

Darkdesire wrote:
Ok so I get this email tonight saying that a photographer gets his best work from tall thin models. Understood, but my perspective is a lot of photographers do not know how to make us petite models look tall. I have had many photographers make me look shorter then what I am, and with that said I have had some awesome ones that were wiiling to get down on the ground and make me look tall. No offense to models who are thin or tall. I just think people need to realize how versatile a model can be!! As far as weight goes I do photographery as well I have shot some of those twigs, and I hate the fact they have no curves!! What is your opinion on this as photograper or model??

Im tired of models trying to telling me what I should and shouldn't shoot!

Thats what paying clients are for.

Aug 23 06 08:12 am Link


LNV Innovations

Posts: 174

Spring, Texas, US

I personally think, if I can't be happy and work with what I have or you have given me to work with then I should not be a photographer.

I guess nature has taught me to find beauty in whatever I am looking at and capture its spirit to the best of my ability.

Aug 23 06 08:16 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

PhotoBob wrote:
Photographers job is to take what is at hand and make the best image possible.  Does it have to be a tall thin leggy thing to make a good image?  Not if they know what they are doing.  Not if they care what they are doing.

Use the light, use the angle, use what is at hand.


Agreed.  I was fortunate to spend my beginner days working with ballet/modern dance majors at a performing arts college, most of whom are taught me a lot about making a smaller model look 10ft tall.

Aug 23 06 08:24 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Well you could get down on the ground, or put the model on a box. Then the model has a bunch of images looking up his/her nose. This will lead the viewer to realize you are short.
Then you could just do 3/4 length images or maybe just head shots. I like um tall and thin with great skin and a beautiful head of hair,clear eyes and a toned body.
For the model it is of course no problem to have these images,for me they are useless for the most part.
Now if your footing the bill it's all you lady.

Aug 23 06 08:31 am Link


Wade Henderson

Posts: 1068

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US

Nihilus wrote:
Meh...not bad. According to guesses, I've succeeded in adding from 3-7 inches to the model's actual height (4'9").

Perhaps I need to work harder...granted it wasn't my predominant intent to focus on suggesting a greater height...but it kinda goes to show ya. smile

Wow, I was guessing 4' 8". Not a bad wag. I went by visual cues around her though, not just her look.

Aug 23 06 08:53 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
Agreed.  I was fortunate to spend my beginner days working with ballet/modern dance majors at a performing arts college, most of whom are taught me a lot about making a smaller model look 10ft tall.

5' 4" for a ballet dancer is almost too big. One of the dancers in Russia [at the Kirov-Mariinsky?] was much too tall... and heavy... and kept injuring her male dance partners during lifts. They sacked her and she sued to get her job back... but few, if any, of the men will dance with her even today.


Aug 23 06 09:05 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

Darkdesire wrote:
Ok so I get this email tonight saying that a photographer gets his best work from tall thin models. Understood, but my perspective is a lot of photographers do not know how to make us petite models look tall. I have had many photographers make me look shorter then what I am, and with that said I have had some awesome ones that were wiiling to get down on the ground and make me look tall.

Simple matter of laws of geometry. I can make you look tall or short quite easily, I agree. However, I cannot make a model 4'11" tall look good in a dress made for a model 5'10" tall. I cannot make a model with extremely thick thighs look like she has extremely thin thighs without changing something else about her which I may not want to change. I cannot make a model with a hand beam of 3" look convincingly restrained by a bracelet with an ID of 2.75". I am a photographer, not a magician, and light moves the way light moves, and that is all there is to it.

Also, there is always a trade off when you use perspective distortion to alter apparent ratios. There are no free lunches in photography any more than in anything else. So, while I can get a good picture using that technique, I will, all other things being equal, get a *better* picture if I do the exact same thing and don't have to use perspective distortion. If I want perspective distortion, fine and dandy. A petite model made to look tall may be the very thing. But if I don't, I'm reducing the quality of my image to accomodate a model who is not optimal for the purpose. I decline to do that just to make you feel better about yourself.

I wanted to be an astronaut: I'm too tall and I wear glasses. I don't get to be an astronaut. I moved on. I commend the same course of action to you: find what you can do and do it well, don't insist on the world altering itself to allow you to apparently do what you in actuality cannot.

No offense to models who are thin or tall. I just think people need to realize how versatile a model can be!! As far as weight goes I do photographery as well I have shot some of those twigs, and I hate the fact they have no curves!! What is your opinion on this as photograper or model??

Insult photographers all you like, but calling thin models "twigs" is just as rude as calling non-thin models "chunks." As a very wise woman once said, none of us can help the way we're made.


Aug 23 06 11:12 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

oldguysrule wrote:
macro photography?

You are a bad, bad man.

I like you.


Aug 23 06 11:14 am Link


Royal Photography

Posts: 2011

Birmingham, Alabama, US

In 1997 I put a model on the front cover of a national publication.  She was paid $500.00 for it and got tons of exposure and work offers.  She worked as a professional, freelance, full time model for the next 8 years.  She was 4 ft 8.
It is all in how you shoot it.....if it is short...get on a knee....good isnt that hard

Aug 23 06 11:16 am Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

I realize that short models know they cannot do fashion but why do they show up at a photographers doorstep and demand the art jobs???

If I have a vision in my head for art photography and one or two models will fit that ideal in MY HEAD then I'm not going to hire a model that does not fit that ideal.

This is not just about height this is about overall esthetics as well.

If you have photographers who likes your look go shoot with them stop pestering the ones who do not want to shoot with you.

Aug 23 06 11:37 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Experimental Photoworks wrote:
I realize that short models know they cannot do fashion but why do they show up at a photographers doorstep and demand the art jobs???

It has been my experience (truthfully not with any model, but other work coworkers) that being unecessarily aggressive, intrusive, pushy and whiny can and will work to get you what you want more than being quiet and effective.

What's that adage about the squeaky wheel?

Aug 23 06 11:40 am Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

There is a diffrence between showing your book to clients and hitting them over the head with it.

Aug 23 06 11:45 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

models need to realize, a 4' nothing model does not ever look 5'10"... I've proven this over and over again with other photographers by accurately calling a model's height to within 6" from random photos pasted in a thread.

You can make a petite model look "tall" and long, but if another photographer or someone used to looking at photographs looks at that photograph they'll be able to tell it's a short model.

Additionally you need to realize that when I show *my* book to bookers, art directors, and other perspective clients that my choice of models is as critiqued and valuable as my shooting skills.  If you're a short, fat, or ugly model and I put you in my book, those clients will turn me away faster than I can explain away my poor model choices.

Aug 23 06 11:51 am Link


Ana Paula

Posts: 61

Iris Swope wrote:

But you're still taller than the OP, and you didn't post any pictures that gave you midget arms smile

Because I dont have midget arms, my limbs are very long just like a person that is 5'6-5'7, also I had very good photographers:) Not all short girls have short legs and arms.

Aug 23 06 01:16 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US



Aug 23 06 01:19 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Darkdesire wrote:
Ok so I get this email tonight saying that a photographer gets his best work from tall thin models. Understood, but my perspective is a lot of photographers do not know how to make us petite models look tall. I have had many photographers make me look shorter then what I am, and with that said I have had some awesome ones that were wiiling to get down on the ground and make me look tall. No offense to models who are thin or tall. I just think people need to realize how versatile a model can be!! As far as weight goes I do photographery as well I have shot some of those twigs, and I hate the fact they have no curves!! What is your opinion on this as photograper or model??

Isn't it just easier to work with the model that already has the look you opposed to handing one stilts and crouching down on the floor?

I'm thinking yes.

I also don't think being a versatile model means you can be 5'9 and 4'11. I think it means you can be commercial-glam- etc.


Aug 23 06 01:19 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Darkdesire wrote:
My only opinion on the weight issue is that I think girls who have curves are desired more.

yes. they are. in the glam/bikini market.

Tall thin are desired more in the fashion market.

Girls willing to take their clothes off are desired more by GWC's.

It depends on the market.

Aug 23 06 01:22 pm Link


Ana Paula

Posts: 61

Darkdesire wrote:
Ok so I get this email tonight saying that a photographer gets his best work from tall thin models. Understood, but my perspective is a lot of photographers do not know how to make us petite models look tall. I have had many photographers make me look shorter then what I am, and with that said I have had some awesome ones that were wiiling to get down on the ground and make me look tall. No offense to models who are thin or tall. I just think people need to realize how versatile a model can be!! As far as weight goes I do photographery as well I have shot some of those twigs, and I hate the fact they have no curves!! What is your opinion on this as photograper or model??

Don't get too stressed out about this, since you are interested in glamour/artistic modeling, I don't see a problem with your height. Tila Tequila is one of the most successful glamour models and is only 4'11. You have to work twice as hard when you are shorter and don't give up. Also I would recommend that you workout your arms and legs, it will make them look leaner and they will appear longer, tanning is also a good trick.

Good luck with your career!

Aug 23 06 01:25 pm Link


Amy J Jones Photography

Posts: 524

Fallston, Maryland, US

No offense but why should we have to get on the floor and shoot up at you?  There are too many people out there trying/modeling already and photographers don't always want to work around things.  Photographers are more likely to just book a tall model (if that is what they want) and not be restricted to only shooting up on their subject.

Aug 23 06 01:42 pm Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

studio36uk wrote:
It's all a matter of perspective... and sometimes using undersized props wink

I've had Spinal Tap in my head since this thread began.

Aug 23 06 01:48 pm Link


Mistriss de morte

Posts: 620

Wilmington, Delaware, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:



let me work with you! please... lol if you can do that to someone whos 3'8" shhhieet. great job

Aug 23 06 02:41 pm Link


Mistriss de morte

Posts: 620

Wilmington, Delaware, US

so my idea on the post.
i wrote a whole shitload but MM lost it so i'm just going to put it in a nutshell.
if you have great portportion it's very difficult to tell height in pictures.
it all depends on the projects and what your looking for. we need short and tall models!

Aug 23 06 02:51 pm Link


Food 4 Less

Posts: 378

Los Angeles, California, US

while yes you can make anyone tall, it really is painful to be hindered in the angles you can take. plus, while your body may look nice from a bottom angle, it is often not so flattering for the face, especially if you are on the thicker side.

so unless we're speaking of someone exceptional like audrey hepburn or kate moss (who has tall person proportions) i'll just take the easy way out.

Aug 23 06 03:03 pm Link



Posts: 588

Tucson, Arizona, US

Allen Coefield wrote:
In 1997 I put a model on the front cover of a national publication.  She was paid $500.00 for it and got tons of exposure and work offers.  She worked as a professional, freelance, full time model for the next 8 years.  She was 4 ft 8.
It is all in how you shoot it.....if it is short...get on a knee....good isnt that hard

I see some photographers know what they are talking about and work hard that good image as a model should! smile

Aug 23 06 03:41 pm Link



Posts: 588

Tucson, Arizona, US

Ana Paula wrote:

Don't get too stressed out about this, since you are interested in glamour/artistic modeling, I don't see a problem with your height. Tila Tequila is one of the most successful glamour models and is only 4'11. You have to work twice as hard when you are shorter and don't give up. Also I would recommend that you workout your arms and legs, it will make them look leaner and they will appear longer, tanning is also a good trick.

Good luck with your career!

First off tanning is not good if you look at most irish women and dutch they don't have tans really! As far as working harder this is true I work my ass off for an image. I have had some photographers call me crazy for either poses or locations I would chose. I try to do things out of the ordinany that other models will not dare do cause they are either scared or just don't feel the need too. As far as some phototgraphesr this is just what I observe is that some of you get the impression if you get a tall model you won't have to work hard am I right?? IF a model works her ass off shouldn't a photographer??

Aug 23 06 03:46 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Miz Beth wrote:
let me work with you! please... lol if you can do that to someone whos 3'8" shhhieet. great job

He's a big fibber.  That model is 6'2", he's just being goofy.  wink

Aug 23 06 03:50 pm Link



Posts: 588

Tucson, Arizona, US

Scott Meyer wrote:

Im tired of models trying to telling me what I should and shouldn't shoot!

Thats what paying clients are for.

nobody is telling you what you should or should not shoot.

Aug 23 06 03:56 pm Link


Daniel Norton

Posts: 1745

New York, New York, US

Why would a photographer want to make a short girl look tall or a tall girl look short for that matter, if the photographer likes a model's look I'd say they'd have no problem with the height of the model.

2 reasons I can think of that the making someone taller or shorter might be mentioned....

#1 the model hires a photographer and says " I want to look tall in my pictures"
#2 the model wants a job that the photographer has posted that asked only for tall girls "I have a great look for your project, can't you make me look taller? you could if you where not a GWC, let me go b*tch about you on MM" wink

in any case if a photographer has a preference to a certain model type, why is this a sin?


Aug 23 06 03:59 pm Link


Mistriss de morte

Posts: 620

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Shyly wrote:

He's a big fibber.  That model is 6'2", he's just being goofy.  wink

damn lol....

Aug 23 06 04:02 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Shyly wrote:
He's a big fibber.  That model is 6'2", he's just being goofy.  wink


Ok.. 6'2"

Does this make her look short?

Aug 23 06 04:02 pm Link



Posts: 588

Tucson, Arizona, US

Daniel Norton wrote:
Why would a photographer want to make a short girl look tall or a tall girl look short for that matter, if the photographer likes a model's look I'd say they'd have no problem with the height of the model.

2 reasons I can think of that the making someone taller or shorter might be mentioned....

#1 the model hires a photographer and says " I want to look tall in my pictures"
#2 the model wants a job that the photographer has posted that asked only for tall girls "I have a great look for your project, can't you make me look taller? you could if you where not a GWC, let me go b*tch about you on MM" wink

in any case if a photographer has a preference to a certain model type, why is this a sin?


Nobody is saying its a sin. for instance say if a photographer liekd a models looks or figure but she is short would that stop a photographer from shooting her?

Aug 23 06 04:05 pm Link


Mistriss de morte

Posts: 620

Wilmington, Delaware, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:


Ok.. 6'2"

Does this make her look short?

no lol

Aug 23 06 04:05 pm Link



Posts: 83

Atlanta, Georgia, US

As far as weight goes I do photographery as well I have shot some of those twigs, and I hate the fact they have no curves!! What is your opinion on this as photograper or model??

You don't need to be chubby/overweight i  order to have curves. You can have waist that is quite smaller than your hips, and there you go- it creates curves.

Aug 23 06 04:08 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Darkdesire wrote:
Nobody is saying its a sin. for instance say if a photographer liekd a models looks or figure but she is short would that stop a photographer from shooting her?

If the photographer has a specific need, and height is part of the requirement to meet that need, then yes.

Aug 23 06 04:13 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Short and Petite is ALWAYS sweet! 

Not one model in my port is over 5-6!

A couple may say they are, but they are NOT!

It has nothing to do with height, it's all about PROPORTIONS!

If a model is proportionate, she can be 4-11 or 6-7...

Aug 23 06 04:16 pm Link


Daniel Norton

Posts: 1745

New York, New York, US

Darkdesire wrote:
Nobody is saying its a sin. for instance say if a photographer liekd a models looks or figure but she is short would that stop a photographer from shooting her?

If he wants a tall girl and you are not, he does not like your looks and figure.. the only time this would be the case is if he booked you after looking at your complete portfolio, then when you showed up on set he was like "wow you are way to short for me" and sent you packing.

- I should point out that I personally like to work with models of all shapes and sizes and that is actually one reason why I am on MM.. If I wanted all tall thin girls, I would just get 'em from the agencies.

Aug 23 06 04:19 pm Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

there are two categories of short girls -

girls who are short but super thin, who look EXACTLY like 5'11 fashion models in photos.
girls who are short and chubby, who look short and chubby.

no photographer can make a girl who is short and chubby look like a fashion model, no matter how much time he spends crawling on the ground, shooting from low angles, blah blah blah. and even if he could - wouldn't it be easier just to work with a model who is 5'11?

Aug 23 06 04:20 pm Link


Daniel Norton

Posts: 1745

New York, New York, US

Urban Eclipse Studio wrote:
1.) Height Perspective.....if a model is 6 foot tall, an ideal height for the camera to be is 3 ft off the ground.  If is model is 5 foot tall, then approx 2 to 2 1/2 off the ground.


Does this mean I need to invest in a yard stick before I can shoot properly?

Aug 23 06 04:22 pm Link