Forums > General Industry > Momma doesn't like the shots!!


Alicia McReynolds

Posts: 26

Houston, Texas, US

ack double post, goofy computer, sorry

Aug 21 06 05:41 pm Link



Posts: 332

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Vance wrote:
Morality ..WHATEVER!

I say the girls and mom need a lesson in life and business..

1. The pictures should go righ tback up.
Folowed by a letter and a copy of the contract.

They either pay..or go away..
This is the best thing you can do for these people. TEACH THEM A LESSON..

Ive had my share of life lessons and I am all the better for it.

As a photographer, I would never be bullied in that situation, REGARDLESS of who asked me to take the photos down.

Dont wanna be a model? Dont friggen shoot.

Wanna be a photgrapher..stand by your work.


BINGO ... It's not personal, it business.  If they entered into an agreement, they need to honor it.  Let them hire a lawyer and take action, then you can counter with public embarassment not having control of their kids who are not adults PLUS its PR for you.  Most threats of legal action is hot air. 

LAST WEEK a previous subject demanded that I take her pic down, and I told her to slow her roll.  She knows that I own the images and that she has no recourse.  If she asked me decently and was a lady about it, I would have right then and there.  But, take the bitch 'tude and I am a prick.  Now, guess which pic she is in my port.

Aug 21 06 05:41 pm Link


re- photography

Posts: 1752

San Francisco, California, US

MY MOTHER didn't like these shots posted on my portfolio (very strict/religious parents) but they are still posted there because the models wouldn't be too happy if I took them down, and certainly wouldn't take them off THEIR portfolios if I asked, the guitar one has been printed/signed and given out to a few friends by the model......I have it printed 10x20 on my studio framed print wall (but I take it down when shooting child, family, and senior portraits.....LOL)

Aug 21 06 05:48 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

re- photography wrote:
MY MOTHER didn't like these shots posted on my portfolio (very strict/religious parents) but they are still posted there because the models wouldn't be too happy if I took them down, and certainly wouldn't take them off THEIR portfolios if I asked, the guitar one has been printed/signed and given out to a few friends by the model......I have it printed 10x20 on my studio framed print wall (but I take it down when shooting child, family, and senior portraits.....LOL)

I love this shot.

Aug 21 06 05:59 pm Link


Le Beck Photography

Posts: 4114

Los Angeles, California, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:

I almost hit the floor.  I love it a shoe enema.  Too funny.

There's an old WW2 era Navy saying my high school drafting instructor who was first officer on the Enterprise, used to use about a size ten shoe, your ass, and your mouth. That would get their attention

Aug 21 06 06:14 pm Link



Posts: 997

New York, New York, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
the dreaded Mama threat!   

wait for the dreaded BF "dont let me come over there " phonecall
and the model
"I changed my mind" phone call

I laugh at the BF (don't let me come over there), I then give him my address, he could very well wish his mom and dad did something else the night he was conceived.

Aug 21 06 06:25 pm Link



Posts: 667

Baltimore, Maryland, US

This whole situation is kind of unfortunate.  I think it was the good, right thing for you to do taking them down.  I don't in any way mean that in a legal way, the law has its own funny way of dealing with everything, but I think it was good of you, and I definitely respect that a lot.  I feel really bad for the models who this has happened to, but if it happened in my family, I would really want the photographer to treat me like a person and not only a business venture (although I realize its kind of both, but I think you know what I mean).

On an aside, and I am in no way going to start something up here on this thread, but it seems a number of forum junkies have major issues against moms in the business, and I think that's really unfair.  Come on MM people, lets not make "mom" a modelling bad word.  Everyone has a mom, or someone in their life, who cares about them and is trying to help guide the people in their life toward positive decisions.  Anyone wanna back me up on this, just a little?

Thank you, jwaun for being a good person, all industry mumbo-jumbo aside.  As you can clearly see from the responses, lots of people can relate to your problem.

Aug 22 06 10:52 am Link


Blackmirror Photogenics

Posts: 198

New York, New York, US

Nihilus wrote:

This is much better than the version I was concocting.

Preach on. If he had paid them, there won't be any problems. He got punked by the mom and the models still got to keep your photographs.

Aug 22 06 11:14 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Gingerwings wrote:
On an aside, and I am in no way going to start something up here on this thread, but it seems a number of forum junkies have major issues against moms in the business, and I think that's really unfair.  Come on MM people, lets not make "mom" a modelling bad word.  Everyone has a mom, or someone in their life, who cares about them and is trying to help guide the people in their life toward positive decisions.  Anyone wanna back me up on this, just a little?

You also have a lot of moms who're controlling & biased and will do anything to steer their kids away from living their own lives due to the mom's predjudices rather than anything actually having to do with the child's welfare or dreams & ambitions.  I'm speaking of those who're of legal age, btw.  Too many parents see their children as extensions of themselves and not as real people.

Aug 22 06 11:18 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Gingerwings wrote:
On an aside, and I am in no way going to start something up here on this thread, but it seems a number of forum junkies have major issues against moms in the business, and I think that's really unfair.  Come on MM people, lets not make "mom" a modelling bad word.  Everyone has a mom, or someone in their life, who cares about them and is trying to help guide the people in their life toward positive decisions.  Anyone wanna back me up on this, just a little?

I defer to your vast experience in the field.

Aug 22 06 12:44 pm Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

Gingerwings wrote:
This whole situation is kind of unfortunate.  I think it was the good, right thing for you to do taking them down.  I don't in any way mean that in a legal way, the law has its own funny way of dealing with everything, but I think it was good of you, and I definitely respect that a lot.  I feel really bad for the models who this has happened to, but if it happened in my family, I would really want the photographer to treat me like a person and not only a business venture (although I realize its kind of both, but I think you know what I mean).

On an aside, and I am in no way going to start something up here on this thread, but it seems a number of forum junkies have major issues against moms in the business, and I think that's really unfair.  Come on MM people, lets not make "mom" a modelling bad word.  Everyone has a mom, or someone in their life, who cares about them and is trying to help guide the people in their life toward positive decisions.  Anyone wanna back me up on this, just a little?

Thank you, jwaun for being a good person, all industry mumbo-jumbo aside.  As you can clearly see from the responses, lots of people can relate to your problem.

3 moms have come to shoots. Two expected, one unexpected. Only one was relaxed, the other 2 were so high strung and wired as to make shooting impossible.

Aug 22 06 12:48 pm Link



Posts: 34

Houston, Texas, US

My naked form got one of my best friends a photography scholarship. my mommy didn't like that I was poseing naked for one of my friends even. *gasp* I was 18 then, I'm 19 now and I still pose topless ect. I say that mommy can kiss my ass..

You should keep the pictures up unless the model absoultly insists and wants to pay you to take the pictures down.

Aug 22 06 12:58 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Gingerwings wrote:
On an aside, and I am in no way going to start something up here on this thread, but it seems a number of forum junkies have major issues against moms in the business, and I think that's really unfair.  Come on MM people, lets not make "mom" a modelling bad word.  Everyone has a mom, or someone in their life, who cares about them and is trying to help guide the people in their life toward positive decisions.  Anyone wanna back me up on this, just a little?

Thank you, jwaun for being a good person, all industry mumbo-jumbo aside.  As you can clearly see from the responses, lots of people can relate to your problem.

Industry Mumbo Jumbo..LOL

All I can say is, once I let Parents or any other outside inluences control my company, I might as well hang it up. It's not about "BAD MOMS"..It is about business and establishing your own particular boundries.

This particular parent has had her ego fed and will certainly try doing it again. She will come across a photgrapher wo will tell her to stuff it and she wont have a leg to stnd on.

When we as professionals do everything right, we have then earned the right to stand our ground. The OP asked a question, and received many answers. It just goes to show we are all different.

I've second guessed decisions in my life and have been in a situation where I "changed my mind"....TOO late...There are no redos in real life.....

I'd love to see the images and see what the fuss is all about.

Simply sounds like an over controling parent..AFTER THE FACT...

Aug 22 06 01:05 pm Link


Myopic Earache

Posts: 1104

Chicago, Illinois, US

Gingerwings wrote:
This whole situation is kind of unfortunate.  I think it was the good, right thing for you to do taking them down.  I don't in any way mean that in a legal way, the law has its own funny way of dealing with everything, but I think it was good of you, and I definitely respect that a lot.  I feel really bad for the models who this has happened to, but if it happened in my family, I would really want the photographer to treat me like a person and not only a business venture (although I realize its kind of both, but I think you know what I mean).

On an aside, and I am in no way going to start something up here on this thread, but it seems a number of forum junkies have major issues against moms in the business, and I think that's really unfair.  Come on MM people, lets not make "mom" a modelling bad word.  Everyone has a mom, or someone in their life, who cares about them and is trying to help guide the people in their life toward positive decisions.  Anyone wanna back me up on this, just a little?

Thank you, jwaun for being a good person, all industry mumbo-jumbo aside.  As you can clearly see from the responses, lots of people can relate to your problem.

The unfortunate part of this situation is that he DID take the images down thus further enabling a meddling overprotective mother and telling the world that he can be pushed around.  The images belong to J-waun, period.  The only one who should have any say in it is J-waun.  His actions set a bad precedent.

Aug 22 06 01:14 pm Link


Muse Anya

Posts: 344

Sunnyvale, California, US

J-waun Photography wrote:
So, I got an interesting phone call today from a mother...Let me backtrack...Last weekend I did a shoot. Two young ladies aged 19 & 20. I had been in communication with one of the girls for a few weeks about the shoot that we did. I even met her about 3 weeks before last weekend so we could get a feel for each other-typical stuff.
     We discussed that we were going to do lingerie, swimsuit, other various articles of clothing, and covered nude...everything was all good. The 2nd girl was all good with it as well.
We did the shoot, everything was great... I had even posted some of the shots on this website (notice I said I "had" posted shots). I had them sign a release saying that they gave me permission to shoot them, and that they were at least 18 yrs of age, and that I could use the photographs to post on various websited like this one. I even took a snapshot of their ID's to furtehr verity. As I edited some of the shots, I would send them to the girls through email...and they absolutey loved them. Said they wanted to get together again and do more...and that they had a 3rd friend that wanted to do some as well.
     So, back to the phone call...apparently some family members had seen some of the shots (one of the girls had put them on MySpace), and everyone was irate. 1st Mom called me and we discussed the matter saying that her daughter should not have entered into any contract, and that she wanted the shots to be taken down (she had not seen the shots yet, but was going by what other people had said about them). About 20 minutes later, the girl calls me saying that she wanted me to take the shots down, and Momma (who was evidently looking at the shots at the time) was cursing her out screaming "Look at this SH*T!!" What were you thinking!! etc...
     I am a nice guy so I did take the shots down...anybody have an experience like this before?

That's why you DON'T post pictures from photoshoots that might not be family and relative safe on MYSPACE!!!!!  People, get a brain!!!

Aug 22 06 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 301

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

As a photographer if "yo mama/bf/papa..... calls me, i'm gonna make sure you never be a model! but fat lady with 10 kids'' because every agency you applied for I'm gonna let them know your shit.

Anyways wow this made me realize I should be more careful of the things that might happen to me. I am like a mirror of you, if you're nice, then I'm nice if not then well I'm the devil!

Aug 22 06 01:25 pm Link