Forums > General Industry > Unlikely excuses for cancellations


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

1. Model on phone: Hi Craig, I’m in the area early, do you mind if I come over now, since I don’t know where else to go and wait for our appointment.

2. Or better yet, this new model I’m working with brings her own personal assistant that organizes her wardrobe, fixes her hair, helps with makeup, each time we’ve shot, the new model asks if it’s ok if Maya comes with her to the shoot.

3. Same new model tells me during a phone conversation that her friend has been admiring my work and would love for me to photograph her dog.
As it turns out, we were planning on shooting with a dog so this will be the best of both worlds.

Damn these internet models.

Aug 12 06 11:39 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US


Aug 12 06 11:39 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

"I died."

Aug 12 06 11:42 am Link


Josue Pena

Posts: 595

Los Angeles, California, US

Unlikely cancelations....mmmm....lets see........
" the aliens took me????.."
that would be unlikely......hahaha

Aug 12 06 11:43 am Link


North Pole Photography

Posts: 1935


Aug 12 06 11:48 am Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

I had a friend cancel meeting for a school project because she thought she wan gonna get laid...the meeting was at give her some credit.

Aug 12 06 11:48 am Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Christine Summers wrote:
Are you calling me a professional?  Thanks but I'm not.  All my shoots are TFP, and I am a full time student at USC.

You bring up a great point- this is one of the reasons I ask models what their goals are.  If a girl just wants fun, attention, to look pretty, to look like a model- its definitely a consideration in my decision whether I wanna book her or not.

Aug 12 06 11:49 am Link


Cardillo Photography

Posts: 1360

Palm Coast, Florida, US

I once had a model no-show for a shoot.....i drove 90 minutes to the shoot, was passing a kidney stone at the time.  I waited an phone model...I drove home...passed my stones  (2 of them)

I emailed her and said it was a great day for shooting...slightly cloudy, cool temps and noone at the location to bother us.  3 days later i receive a response.  She lost her internet access...her phone had been shut off...she was sick....had a miscarriage...lost my number...had no money for food or broke down....just moved...needed money....ALL IN ONE PARAGRAPH of the email.

I could understand the car breaking down or the miscarriage...but please be kind and give me just 1 excuse...NOT 6 or 7.

Aug 12 06 11:49 am Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

Jose Luis wrote:
You bring up a great point- this is one of the reasons I ask models what their goals are.  If a girl just wants fun, attention, to look pretty, to look like a model- its definitely a consideration in my decision whether I wanna book her or not.

Just?  Isn't that what every girl wants?

EDIT: and maybe guy too...

Aug 12 06 11:51 am Link


Ye Olde Photographer

Posts: 547

San Juan, San Juan-Laventville, Trinidad and Tobago

How about this excuse ?:

My hair is being FEDEXED from the states.

Aug 12 06 05:13 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Christine Summers wrote:
Are you calling me a professional?  Thanks but I'm not.  All my shoots are TFP, and I am a full time student at USC.

Actually your profile called you a professional, and I quote:

"I am interested in doing COMMERCIAL, GLAMOUR, and PRINT modeling. I am looking to build my portfolio, and hopefully get an agent.

I am also looking for Makeup Artists, Hair Stylists, and Wardrobe Stylists that I would be able to work with for shoots. I usually bring an escort."

If you present yourself as a professional we will treat you like one,


Aug 13 06 03:09 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Fuzzybear Photography wrote:
How about this excuse ?:

My hair is being FEDEXED from the states.

that is the BEST !  wonder if she got it past customs.

Aug 13 06 03:15 am Link



Posts: 173

Spokane, Washington, US

oh duuuude I have one of my own excuses for this one, only it wasn't an excuse it really happenned.  I was in the bathroom running the blow dryer and I heard something slam against the door.  I have four room mates and they're always pounding things so I didnt think much of it at the time.  I finished drying my hair, then went to open the door, and the damn thing wouldn't budge.  I thought one of my roomies was holding the door shut so I pushed harder, then started kicking the door and screaming.  No response whatsoever.  Not even a giggle.  I looked under the door through through the crack expecting to see a pair of feet.  What I saw was the ironing board.  My room mate wedged it into the door frame, locking me in the bathroom.  It was meant as a practical joke, but he went outside to smoke a cigarette and forgot.  Meanwhile, his brother pulls up to drive him to work, he gets in the car, and I'm stuck in the bathroom.  Its 12 o clock, the photo shoot starts in forty five minutes.  So I'm the only one home, locked in the bathroom with no phone for two and a half hours.  at almost three o clock, another room mate comes home, and when I hear the front door open I start screaming again, (and I am livid and screaming all sorts of obscenities at this point).  He lets me out, I call the photographer and attempt to explain, but he totally didn't believe it.  Not that I blame him or anything.

Aug 13 06 05:30 am Link


tommy nikon

Posts: 138

Seattle, Washington, US

My all time fave was..... "But my horse AND dog are sick".
I'm not kidding.

This was after two weeks of luke to very warm appt. set, cancellations with other work affected....and she cancelled the night before.

No follow-up thereafter.  That was 4 months ago!

Aug 13 06 05:39 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Art Schotz wrote:
Maybe we ought to start a few new groups here: One so that all of those gorgeous models who've been cancelled on could ocme shoot with me. And the other for all of those photogs who've been cancelled on could go somewhere to cry on each others shoulders!

Your most likely not a busy photographer out there in Lima so time is not an issue for ya.
Just my guess on that comment.

Aug 13 06 10:26 am Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

Star wrote:
Actually your profile called you a professional, and I quote:

"I am interested in doing COMMERCIAL, GLAMOUR, and PRINT modeling. I am looking to build my portfolio, and hopefully get an agent.

I am also looking for Makeup Artists, Hair Stylists, and Wardrobe Stylists that I would be able to work with for shoots. I usually bring an escort."

If you present yourself as a professional we will treat you like one,


Nowhere does that say I'm a professional model, if you care to look at my profile, it says I am a student at USC.  That hasn't changed, nor will it for the foreseeable future!

Aug 13 06 06:42 pm Link



Posts: 8756

Dallas, Texas, US

Amanda Schlicher wrote:

She was shooting me FOR THE WEBSITE.  We had not had other arrangements or conversations, she wasn't seeking any portfolio work, she doesn't shoot anything but porn.  I didn't want to do it.  I WOULDN'T do it.  I changed my mind.  I'm sitting there talking to my boyfriend, I'm crying, "I said I would pose nude for this website but now I don't want to do it but I have to because I told her I would!"  and he said "No you don't.  People can't tell you you have to pose nude if you don't want to."  It's not like I took money for something I didn't do.  It's not like I could have showed up and shot anything but porn.  It's not like she rented equipment or a studio.  She and her (male) roommate (!) were sitting around drinking beer waiting for me to show up at her apartment and get naked.  I didn't want to do that, so I didn't go.  So I didn't go... now, you're saying that I HAVE to drive 2 hours to see this photographer when I don't intend to shoot with her at all?  And you're... A WOMAN?

If you felt that strongly about it, I guess I wonder what goes through your mind to say, yeah, ... yeah, porn, uh huh.... I'll shoot porn.  Sounds GREAT!

And then no, I refuse to do it?  Huh?

Aug 13 06 09:15 pm Link


Prestons Realm

Posts: 7

Copperas Cove, Texas, US

A few weeks ago the model called me from right down the street. She needed directions to my studio and had gotten lost. I gave her directions and was expecting her within a few minutes.

After about thirty minutes I called her back on her cell and asked what happened. She said that she couldn't talk because the police officer had pulled her over and she was driving on a suspended license.

The next day I found out she was arrested for a warrent.

I have since worked with her - and I honestly believe she was arrested - but that's the weirdest one I've had so far.

Aug 13 06 09:21 pm Link



Posts: 1050

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

I dunno. I'm still waiting to hear from Ms. No Response-No Show from today! sad

Dog ate the cell phone? Naw she had my email too.

Dog ate the cell phone AND chewed thru the computer cord?

Sigh ....a gorgeous day in ATlanta, near 80 degrees and partly cloudy and it was wasted.

Aug 13 06 09:26 pm Link



Posts: 8756

Dallas, Texas, US

OK, well having read this thread through, I have a couple of comments to make.  Some seriously weird shit really does happen, LOL.  But I'll say this and you've heard me say this enough times before so its starting to sound redundant but its worth an observation.

When I was an engineer, I worked with true professionals.  They were assholes, dicks, incompetent fuckers, and very irritating dumbasses, but they were almost always professional, courteous, methodical, structured, and organized.  Also ugly, hairy, and very intelligent.  And they made a shit load of money.  They didnt have car troubles.  When they did, they pulled out the spare car.  They GOT there.  Because they were professional.  They really took the job seriously, they took their title of professional seriously.

In this industry its like the extreme opposite end of the scale.  Disorganization galore.  Beautiful beautiful people.  Young.  Inexperienced.  No offense, but not very bright much of the time.  They live on the edge of society -- often penniless, nearly evicted.  Enamored with the term "professional" without having the slightest idea what that means.  Things always go wrong in their lives because there is no cushion, no plan B.  They cant afford it.

I've learned to accept it and work around it.  In the stage of career I'm at, I dont work with Kate Moss.  I work with young people at the edge of society.  Weird shit happens, as documented here.  Its a different world than where I came from.  But I choose this world over that one.  Beauty in chaos is more fun that professional stagnation.

I'm being objective in my judgement, observing the trade off, and making an informed choice to enjoy this industry for what it is, at least at my level.

Aug 13 06 09:39 pm Link