Forums > General Industry > Unlikely excuses for cancellations


Amanda Schlicher

Posts: 1131

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Renee Photography wrote:
Bottom line-there are no good excuses for cancelling with so little time remaining that the photographer is on the hook for their time and can't reschedule something else. It's inexcusable. Period. If you had qualms about doing nudes, you should have talked to the photographer about that from the beginning-giving her the option of saying, no, I don't want to risk losing my precious time. If there's a model I really want to shoot and she's uncomfortable about nudes, I'm perfectly willing to work with her on something else. Yesterday's shoot was for headshots. Luckily, I had pencilled in another model at the last minute and I kept the MUA and we did some great work that will add to all three of our books. But there are at least two other models I would have scheduled to shoot that day specifically for my needs had I not set aside the time for the no-show.

She was shooting me FOR THE WEBSITE.  We had not had other arrangements or conversations, she wasn't seeking any portfolio work, she doesn't shoot anything but porn.  I didn't want to do it.  I WOULDN'T do it.  I changed my mind.  I'm sitting there talking to my boyfriend, I'm crying, "I said I would pose nude for this website but now I don't want to do it but I have to because I told her I would!"  and he said "No you don't.  People can't tell you you have to pose nude if you don't want to."  It's not like I took money for something I didn't do.  It's not like I could have showed up and shot anything but porn.  It's not like she rented equipment or a studio.  She and her (male) roommate (!) were sitting around drinking beer waiting for me to show up at her apartment and get naked.  I didn't want to do that, so I didn't go.  So I didn't go... now, you're saying that I HAVE to drive 2 hours to see this photographer when I don't intend to shoot with her at all?  And you're... A WOMAN?

Aug 12 06 10:09 am Link



Posts: 1050

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Art Schotz wrote:
Maybe we ought to start a few new groups here: One so that all of those gorgeous models who've been cancelled on could ocme shoot with me. And the other for all of those photogs who've been cancelled on could go somewhere to cry on each others shoulders!

How about if we had ONE group where the models could cry on the photographer's shoulder? More efficient! Just kidding models, don't throw that light stand-CRASH!

Aug 12 06 10:11 am Link


Amanda Schlicher

Posts: 1131

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

repost, sorry.

Aug 12 06 10:12 am Link


Amanda Schlicher

Posts: 1131

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

repost, sorry.

Aug 12 06 10:12 am Link


Sara Beth

Posts: 487

New York, New York, US

i have a car that's becoming increasing's a 98 cavalier w/ 120,000 miles and the alternator died this past weekend, proving my point. Anyways, about 2 months ago, I was scheduling a tfp shoot w/ a photogrpaher about 3 hours from me (so 6 hr round trip) and i told him it would depend on my i noticed my car becoming less reliable, i cancelled the shoot, telling him exactly what the problem was.

now, i cancelled the shoot about 3 weeks ahead of time, so i think that's fine. i told him if i got the car fixed or found transportation i would get back to him, otherwise i didn't think it would work out. i thought i was being responsible and all, seeing as how my excuse was legit and he had plenty of time to find other models. since then, i've seen this photographer on the forums bitching about models that cancel w/ lame excuses (mine listed amongst them...and he never mentions that i didn't cancel last minute or anything like that)...AND, he keeps spamming me with generic, form letter style emails asking about working with me. the first two times, i answered politely, reminding him who i was...the next 4 times, i just deleted them. so yeah...even if that's not a no-show on the photog's part, it's still bloody annoying!

PS. I don't cancel last minute. Period.

Aug 12 06 10:16 am Link


Sara Beth

Posts: 487

New York, New York, US

PPS. for the photographer with the shoot on sat the 29th....sat July 29th was MY birthday. I was in a fashion show. I would think that if I could be in a fashion show on my own birthday, as prearranged months in advance, then your model could come for a shoot on her fiance's birthday (ignoring for a moment that she got the date wrong and thought it was a friday...)

Aug 12 06 10:17 am Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

ericphotonyc wrote:
"Unfortunately, I cannot meet with you tomorrow morning. I have a subcaeuous cyst (I think that's how you spell it) that has become somewhat enlarged and irritated. I'm going to the doctor around 10 to see if I can get it removed somehow. I don't know how long it will take."

Good one, right up there with my posted "raccoon excuse".

Yes, those flakey models can get under your skin!

Aug 12 06 10:19 am Link


Amanda Schlicher

Posts: 1131

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

*sigh* well, I don't shoot for any porn sites, but if I did, I would accept ANY excuse a model gave me at any time before or during a shoot without questioning it.  Doing porn is kind of a big decision for some people, and while I think everyone should accept responsibility for their actions, doing it and almost-doing-it-but-changing-your-mind are two different things.  In one instance, there are photos.  I would never fault a girl for deciding that she didn't want to be immortalized in sexual situation no matter how closer we were to shooting, and I think anyone who guilts or pressures someone into doing something they don't want to do 'because they said they would' is a total asshole.

Also, there are many (not all) photographers who would be pissed and cancel a shoot if a model who agreed to do nudes showed up and refused.  I guess people assume that a photographer is always willing to shoot "something else" which is not the case.  It would also be pretty presumtuous for me to have showed up for the shoot, refused to get naked, and expect that would be a-okay and we'd just do headshots instead.  She scheduled the shoot expecting to get some content for her website.  She wasn't going to get that so... why go?

Aug 12 06 10:20 am Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

This thread is why I absolutely do not reschedule shoots with 1st time models.

Aug 12 06 10:22 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

I've had to cancel shoots because I could not get all the information needed from the photographer.

What date?
What is the theme of the shoot?
What is my compensation?

And yes I did postpone a few because my dad was sick once.....
It does really happin.

I postponed last minute too it went from he's ok, to well maybe, to buy a ticket now!!!!

Aug 12 06 10:24 am Link



Posts: 378

Houston, Texas, US

A MM model stood me up 3 times:1.first time a pre-shoot meeting because she broke her leg in an auto accident the weekend before our meet 2.her boss at her other job would not let her leave a meeting to met with me at our reschedulled meeting 3.she was suppose to be off the day of our scheduled shoot-but her boss called her in on her off day for a meeting-leaving me and my MUA waiting for hrs-if she did not want to shoot with me-should have the courtesy to tell me

Aug 12 06 10:28 am Link


candace marie

Posts: 822

Athens, Ohio, US

I have been cancled on about 4 times, i put all there names on my omp and reasons for them cancleing, but the best one is when a guy told me his dog broke his camera smile too funny ... hey maybe it did happen but its just to funny...

Aug 12 06 10:30 am Link


Conceptually Black

Posts: 8320

Columbus, Ohio, US

I have just cancelled my long weekend(8 different people), because of the current conditions at the airports. It was very last minute. Amazingly all of the models understood, some even thanked me for what I do. But I still felt like a flake, since I've been flaked on. I mean someone has to be trusting to get the email "Due to the current raised terror alert, I am unable to shoot on saturday, I will be in touch as soon as the alert lowers and I am allowed to have days off."

Aug 12 06 10:33 am Link


EA Photographics

Posts: 12743

Reading, Pennsylvania, US

One of my personal favorites was the model that had already cancelled on me once before and called the day of our shoot (that was confirmed the day before by phone) and told me her mom was in the hospital for having drank two bottles of Listerine.  I mean, I had to be sorry for her just in case it was true, but at least it wasn't the same tired old excuses you usually hear.

Aug 12 06 10:34 am Link


MF productions

Posts: 2064

San Jose, California, US

my dog ate my homework

Aug 12 06 10:37 am Link


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Amanda Schlicher wrote:
She was shooting me FOR THE WEBSITE.  We had not had other arrangements or conversations, she wasn't seeking any portfolio work, she doesn't shoot anything but porn.  I didn't want to do it.  I WOULDN'T do it.  I changed my mind.  I'm sitting there talking to my boyfriend, I'm crying, "I said I would pose nude for this website but now I don't want to do it but I have to because I told her I would!"  and he said "No you don't.  People can't tell you you have to pose nude if you don't want to."  It's not like I took money for something I didn't do.  It's not like I could have showed up and shot anything but porn.  It's not like she rented equipment or a studio.  She and her (male) roommate (!) were sitting around drinking beer waiting for me to show up at her apartment and get naked.  I didn't want to do that, so I didn't go.  So I didn't go... now, you're saying that I HAVE to drive 2 hours to see this photographer when I don't intend to shoot with her at all?  And you're... A WOMAN?

Yes. I am a woman. And a busy woman at that. Great. You changed your mind. Did you offer to compensate the photographer for her time? Did you not recognize at the outset you might have issues? Oh wow, even worse. I just noticed you're a photographer? How would you feel if someone did it to you and left you hanging?

Aug 12 06 10:38 am Link


Aesthete Studios

Posts: 2088

Oakland, New Jersey, US

One caution to models scheduling shoot. Once a shoot is scheduled, it seems there is about a 5% chance there will be a death in the family. Of course this could just be my curse. ;0)

Worse excuse I ever got: "I got really drunk last night and passed out. When I woke-up
they had chaged my hair color to orange." Upon telling her that was fine, will convert to B&W she upped the ante, "Besides the hair color, they also gave me a mohawk."

Clever girl, that one.

Aug 12 06 10:38 am Link


San Pedro Photo

Posts: 144

Los Angeles, California, US

It seems that all photographers have suffered from "flaky model syndrome." Many years ago the only way to find models was to do testing for the big agencies. The stakes were much higher for models because they had to work hard to make it in the agency and rarely showed up late or canceled. Now with the internet model web site things have changed dramatically. Between OMP and this site I have had a frustrating time booking models. Best excuses: "I'm having my period", "My boyfriend beat me up", variation on that theme "My boyfriend won't let me", "I got lost", and many more. One other thing, it makes no sense to me to pay a model with out doing a test shoot to find out if they can actually model. I've hired two internet models and neither one of them could model their way out of a paper bag.

Aug 12 06 10:40 am Link


Ryan Colford Studios

Posts: 2286

Brooklyn, New York, US

As an aside, I'm thinking the reason there are so many flaky excuses is becasue a lot of "internet" models and photographers are doing this on the side and not part of their full time job.  Therefore scheduling becomes very tight and in some cases really unpredictable.

I try to mentally build in acceptance for cancellations.  With that in mind, I don't mind cancelling but really would prefer advance notice.  If it's short notice and you're going to give me a BS excuse I now demand that you at least are creative enough to come up with a wildly fantastic and humorous story.  I recently stopped a model giving me a lame excuse and told her, "nope not acceptable."  You must come up with a better excuse and dammit I want to laugh.  Call me back when you do.  The resultant excuse involving a train wreck, zebras and dancing disco fish worked.

Aug 12 06 10:45 am Link


montgomery photographic

Posts: 162

Sunnyvale, California, US

How about::::
I did a stupid thing, I was doing burnouts in the garage on my Harley and I had my beer on the gas tank.  It started to fall and I let go of the front brake and shot my self and the Harley into the opposing wall.  Needless to say I didn't want to scratch the paint on the Harley so I threw my body underneath it. Nothing broken but very stretched.  So I'm afraid I am crippled for another month or so.  Sorry about that but I can't move very well.  I do want to catch your next trip if OK with you.

Aug 12 06 10:46 am Link


Amanda Schlicher

Posts: 1131

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Renee Photography wrote:
Yes. I am a woman. And a busy woman at that. Great. You changed your mind. Did you offer to compensate the photographer for her time? Did you not recognize at the outset you might have issues? Oh wow, even worse. I just noticed you're a photographer? How would you feel if someone did it to you and left you hanging?

I just told you how I would feel.  I said I would understand.  I wasn't paying her to shoot me, or shooting TFP or anything...I was getting paid to shoot. I didn't want to do it.  I feel it's my prerogative (and anyone else's as well) to change my mind about something like shooting porn.  It's like you don't even read.

btw, I use the word "photographer" loosely when talking about this situation so I'm not even sure how it compares to booking a shoot with a photographer who has things like studio expenses, lighting equipment, talent, etc who deserves compensation.  She asked me to pose nude for her website.  I said yes.  Then I changed my mind.  End of story.  You can throw as many guilt trips as you want at me but I'm never going to feel bad for having chosen to not do porn, and I would never hold it against a model who chose not to shoot with me because I expected her to do it.

Aug 12 06 10:49 am Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

" I dont have anything to wear"

Aug 12 06 10:51 am Link



Posts: 274

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

rp_photo wrote:

Especially here in Texas, where any brand of carbonated beverage can be called "Coke".

same over here in VA, babe.... ask if someone wants a coke, they say yes... then proceed "ok.... we've got sprite, dr pepper, some cheap grape shit..."

Aug 12 06 10:54 am Link


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Amanda Schlicher wrote:
Then I changed my mind.

No guilt trips at all. And if the descriptions of the "photographer" and her boyfriend sitting around drinking beer are accurate I can certainly understand your discomfort. But if it was legit (porn, nude or otherwise), and you changed your mind-I'm still not hearing what you think would be fair to the photographer? She's just out her time and that's that?

Aug 12 06 11:00 am Link


North Pole Photography

Posts: 1935

Are there any LIKELY excuses for cancellations?

Aug 12 06 11:01 am Link


Amanda Schlicher

Posts: 1131

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

In Wisconsin, carbonated soft beverages are SODA and you ask for THE KIND YOU ACTUALLY WANT.

Aug 12 06 11:01 am Link


Amanda Schlicher

Posts: 1131

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Renee Photography wrote:

No guilt trips at all. And if the descriptions of the "photographer" and her boyfriend sitting around drinking beer are accurate I can certainly understand your discomfort. But if it was legit (porn, nude or otherwise), and you changed your mind-I'm still not hearing what you think would be fair to the photographer? She's just out her time and that's that?

if it was legit i wouldn't have changed my mind.

Aug 12 06 11:02 am Link


North Pole Photography

Posts: 1935

A MM model stood me up 3 times:1.first time a pre-shoot meeting because she broke her leg in an auto accident the weekend before our meet 2.her boss at her other job would not let her leave a meeting to met with me at our reschedulled meeting 3.she was suppose to be off the day of our scheduled shoot-but her boss called her in on her off day for a meeting-leaving me and my MUA waiting for hrs-if she did not want to shoot with me-should have the courtesy to tell me

Took you three hits to figure it out, eh?
Courtesy?   Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Aug 12 06 11:03 am Link


Richard Tallent

Posts: 7136

Beaumont, Texas, US

Two minutes ago, my 1pm appointment called and told me her car was broken into, so she's going to have to spend the day at the dealership and with the police.

This is after my 9:30am appointment called and postponed due to I-10 being shut down in Houston, slowing traffic to a crawl.

This makes the THIRD WEEKEND in a row with nothing but cancelled shoots.

Aug 12 06 11:05 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Ok, so this is an excuse I gave for not coming to work while I worked at Disneyland. All of it is true, except for one lie, can you spot the lie?

"Hey, I can't come to work today. There was a kitten stuck to my television. She jumped in through the window and got stuck to one of those sticky traps, and than the trap got stuck to the TV. It took a whole bottle of Crisco to get her unglued, she is really unhappy so I am taking her to the vet instead of coming to work...."

Aug 12 06 11:08 am Link


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Richard Tallent wrote:
Two minutes ago, my 1pm appointment called and told me her car was broken into, so she's going to have to spend the day at the dealership and with the police.

This is after my 9:30am appointment called and postponed due to I-10 being shut down in Houston, slowing traffic to a crawl.

This makes the THIRD WEEKEND in a row with nothing but cancelled shoots.

And they wonder why we get a leeeeetle testy about it after a while. We're adults and should act professionally. If you make a commitment, keep it. If you have to break it, offer some tea and sympathy to your photographer. Maybe even offer to [shocker] compensate them for their lost time. Don't turn around and get pissed that it might really, actually have inconvenienced the photographer

Aug 12 06 11:09 am Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

Renee Photography wrote:
Wow, then please come shoot with me. I've been here a little more than a month. First scheduled MM shoot called to reschedule. On day of reschedule, she called to push shoot up by more than an hour. I agreed, busted my ass to make it--no show, no call, no email-nothing. Second MM shoot has rescheduled twice and I'm hoping it happens today (her excuses were valid). Then, three successful MM shoots. Then, a model was supposed to show up yesterday. I hadn't heard from her in a few days so day before the shoot, I emailed to confirm. No response. Day before, I emailed and said "need to hear by 3 today or Im cancelling the MUA". At 430 I heard yes, yes I'll be there. Day of shoot at 8:30 am--oops, sorry, some relative broke something and I can't make it. Whatever the crisis was, it didn't stop her from being on MM later that day. Folks, time is precious and if we're scheduling something, it means I've set aside the time (and maybe someone else's like an MUA). Trust me, I've got other things to do

Oh look, a photog is bitching behind my back.  You are so horribly insensitive it makes me sick.  I was stuck at her house with her son which is why I was on MM, not that I need to justify anything to you.  She broke her coccyx would you like me to get you a doctors note mommy?  You told me you scheduled a model before you even heard from me.  Obviously it really wasn't that big of a deal for you because you had another model before you even talked to me, you jsut wanna complain about it.  And then you are too scared to talk to me directly about it so you post on a forum about me.  I have never had a photog treat me with such disrespect as you.

P.S.  I called you at 8 AM and the shoot was at 11AM.  You weren't even awake yet.  If I'de have known sooner I would have called you sooner. 

Edit: I had to turn down another photog I wanted to work with so I could work with you that day.

Aug 12 06 11:09 am Link


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Christine Summers wrote:
Oh look, a photog is bitching behind my back.  You are so horribly insensitive it makes me sick.  I was stuck at her house with her son which is why I was on MM, not that I need to justify anything to you.  She broke her coccyx would you like me to get you a doctors note mommy?  You told me you scheduled a model before you even heard from me.  Obviously it really wasn't that big of a deal for you because you had another model before you even talked to me, you jsut wanna complain about it.  And then you are too scared to talk to me directly about it so you post on a forum about me.  I have never had a photog treat me with such disrespect as you.

Actually, I would not have out-ted you as someone who cancelled. I don't know why you felt the need to. I scheduled the back up at the very last minute the day before when I hadn't heard from you for several days after I asked you to confirm. I got lucky.

Aug 12 06 11:10 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

I've posted before but my best was "Sorry, I'm in the hospital with a raging case of gonnorhea, can we reschedule?"
And I JUST had a model who up & vanished on me & quit answering e-mails contact me last night to say she found out the day after our planning meeting that she was pregnant, so she vanished for 11 months.
Those 2're up at the top.
(btw, in both cases the models could prove it was true & they rescheduled)

Aug 12 06 11:14 am Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

You can out me all you want.  I cancelled for a family emergency, told you I was sorry several times, and you were nothing but cruel and insensitive to me.  And then you passive agressively bash me on a forum.

Aug 12 06 11:14 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Christine Summers wrote:

Oh look, a photog is bitching behind my back.  You are so horribly insensitive it makes me sick.  I was stuck at her house with her son which is why I was on MM, not that I need to justify anything to you.  She broke her coccyx would you like me to get you a doctors note mommy?

What is a coccyx? And I side with the photog on this Christine, she hired an MUA for the shoot, and put aside her time for you. Are you going to compensate her for that?

Aug 12 06 11:15 am Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

It's the butt bone.  She fell.  My cousin could have compensate her if that's what she wanted.  But she didn't come to me, she went to the forum instead.

Aug 12 06 11:17 am Link


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Star wrote:

What is a coccyx? And I side with the photog on this Christine, she hired an MUA for the shoot, and put aside her time for you. Are you going to compensate her for that?

Thank you Star. Christine is absolutely right that I sound way too harsh for a legit family emergency, which she obviously had. And if that's the tail end of what happens after numerous flakes and cancellations and no-shows, she's right I shouldn't take it out on her. I would not have identified her. However, people need to realize their actions have consequences. And for all those on here, that really think they're launching into a career, they have to realize that if they don't show or act professionally, they're not going to be taken seriously. For those folks for whom this is just a sideline or a game, no harm, no foul I guess.

Aug 12 06 11:19 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Quick note, if your photographs are at such a level that you pick and choose your people to work with, like Miya for instance. Or you are easily one of the most interesting faces I have seen and are model tall to boot, like Juliette my avatar, than you can cancel with excuses like my mother broke her foot.

HOWEVER, if you are obviously just starting out. Your images are just ok, and nothing suggests you are someone that I need to work with and you cancel with 2 hours warning I am at the point where you are getting a bill for my time.

Why not if the first two, well for the first one I assume that you are professional due to your overwhelming professional portfolio, and if you are number two I know you are just starting out and I want to photograph that face most desperately.

If you are three I most likely booked with you because you either a, asked me to, or b I really needed to shoot something and I thought you might be ok to work with. I am at a level that I usually get something worth keeping from every shoot I do.

So that is why if your work is only ok photographers get annoyed with excuses. So if you cancel a lot and have a lot of mad photographers think about what that means for the level of work you are presenting,


Aug 12 06 11:21 am Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

Are you calling me a professional?  Thanks but I'm not.  All my shoots are TFP, and I am a full time student at USC.

I have only cancelled once in my life because of my cousin.  I'm sorry you think that makes me an unworthy flake.

Aug 12 06 11:28 am Link