Forums > General Industry > Photogs shot at, beaten up by model's boyfriends?


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

Leonard Gee Photography wrote:
I had one married model that didn't read or understand our e-mail exchange. She also managed to not listen to my discussion about my test policies. After the session, she decided on her own version of the agreement and when I didn't agree with her, the husband call. He got his blood pressure up and kindly mentioned that he was a ex-marine.

I said that was nice, but didn't affect my agreement with his wife and referred him to the e-mails. Now, I'm very calm, but after thinking about this, I mentioned it to a friend who's husband is a ex-marine and a sargent in the local police department (we go to the range every week). Later that week, I got another call from the model's husband who apologized profusely.

Glocks OK, but a bit over rated. A Colt Combat Commander in .38 Super customized by Wilson Combat with nice handloads or a Sig 228 is a tad better.

I like my cz 75.  We have a few glocks and berreta's on the compound but i'm not a huge fan of them.

Jul 16 06 05:36 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45321

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Leo Howard wrote:
Never had an issue with an escort/boyfriend/husband. . .

Dont have a gun, and I dont need one

Right on!  No need for a gun!

Jul 16 06 05:38 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Dominick-Destruction wrote:
Yu've also got to look at it from the model's partner's point of view though...
They only doing it becuase they care about them & want to make sure they come to no harm. I agree it's annoying as hell when they get in the way of a good shot be whining about the pose etc. But yu do need to respect the fact that they may not be comfortable with it.

Whut it really boils down to at the end of the day is that the model & her b.f need to sort out their ground rules before hand... not half way through a shoot!


Uhm, no, what it often comes down to is that the boyfriend is jealous, controlling, and potentially violent/abusvie.
We're not talking about well-meaning slightly overprotective guys here, we're talking about the vast number os us that've been threatened or assaulted by boyfriends/husbands.
In 18 years of doing photos seriously, I know more photographers than models who've been assaulted or threatened.  And since I know a lot more models than photographers, that's saying something.

Jul 16 06 05:50 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
You have a very valid point. 90% of my personal experence with guns in Cali has not been good. Yet the husband from GA has a very diffrent view on guns and how they are used.
Someday I need to get to the range and learn to use one. bleh yuck

Plus we still have a lot of hunting & all here, & I don't mean sport/trophy hunting.
Back in the early 90's I was working a late night job & we had some pervert peeping in the house at my ex.  We lived in an area whre we could not get fast police response times, and after the 3rd incident (with, let's just say, "sticky" evidence against the wall under the window that someone had been there) the cops told us there was a real chance the guy would escalate & they recommended I buy her a shotgun & teach her to use it.  I did so and the next time she heard the guy at the window she simply picked it up and cocked it (they're VERY loud) and he took off & didn't come back.
Guns're a tool, like anything else.  It's unfortunate they're so often used for ill putpose.  I think we'd be a lot better srved addressing the societal conditions that lead to people USING them so much rather than worrying about the guns themselves tho.
There've been places where guns've been outlawed & knife & axe murders go up 'cause the underlying problems haven't been touched.
Until those problems are fixed taking guns away won't help any more than censoring a video game.

Jul 16 06 05:54 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Ransom J wrote:
Are you guys SERIOUSLY having that much of an issue with jealous boyfriends/ husbands, that you fear for your saftey?  Where are you picking your models from?  High  School lunch rooms?  Seriously?

I don't know, not trying to be condescending, but I just can't see fearing  for my safety just because some bonehead doesn't want his S/O to model.  Worse comes to worse I WILL kick your ass if I feel threatened, but I'm a pretty amicable guy and try to make everybody comfortable, so even the most jealous boyfriends have sat idy by with a sour grapes face till the shoot was over .  If anything I've feared for the safety of the MODEL when she got home because of his seething rage that he was too insecure to be able to properly deal with, luckily that has yet to be a problem (that i know of).

Ass-kicking would be tough in the case of a photographer I know in NYC who had a BF show up brandishing a hand gun & demanding his girlfriend's pics & negs.  It wouldn't have done me much good if the guy I mentioned had carried out his thread & showed up where I worked with a shotgun & shot me.
A lot of times we don't find out about these issues till after the fact.

Jul 16 06 05:57 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

I have found that I can do a lot to minimize risk of this sort of thing occuring.
I always make it clear a model is welcome to bring an llama herder as long as the llama herder doesn't interfere.  I try to meet with the model first somewhere public for a pre-shoot dicsussion and INSIST they bring a friend if possible.  I ALWAYS work with at least 1 assistant, usually female.  And I try to ask questions

Jul 16 06 06:05 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

funny, I had to give my tazer to a model - for her protection against her stalker BF.

Jul 16 06 06:10 pm Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

Navid wrote:
lots of tough guys with guns here...what happened to the good old days when all you need was a west side story and a knife...

We're short and not very tough, besides we have to compensate for our smaller and shorter.... Whoa! Where is it? I can't find it anymore!.... Yicks! It's shrunk!

Oh, never mind.

Yes, knife is fine too. Besides, it keeps finger nails clean.

Mostly I've had an easy time and every one shows up and gets home fine. Friends or escorts have been great. Only one art director got kicked off the set. He got on everyone's nerves.

HK's are great, the Barretta's I still don't trust. They have a history of going off when you're not expecting it. They're supposed to have fixed it. And what's this "gun" word? It's a sidearm, revolver or semi-automatic weapon.

Jul 16 06 06:46 pm Link



Posts: 876

New York, New York, US

Ok, here is my view on all this. I am the husband and my wife is the model. It is all about trust. My wife and I have an excellent relationship, and we trust each other. She has done nude stuff and erotic stuff and also some fetish stuff and I must say I think she looks great! I am not a photographer so I can't make her look the way she does for the camera, but I love the results. She always tells me when and where her shoots are, shows me the photogs portfolios before a shoot if it is with someone new, and if she is running late or something she will always let me know. Everyone that she has worked with has been very professional with no problems whatsoever. I have had the pleasure of meeting several photographers that she has worked with and never had any problems.

My wife does not do the modeling full time, but I think she would if she could make a living at it. But she does work a full time job and we have a 2 year old daughter that we take care of. To her, modeling is a creative outlet, a hobby and makes her feel good about herself. I would never want to take that away from her because I care about her and like to see her happy, which modeling does. After a shoot we look at the pictures together and it is always exciting to see the results of a shoot.

I cannot speak for all the models or their s/o's but if the b/f's or husbands don't like to see their wives or g/f's doing modeling then they should find someone different to be with. And if the wives or g/f's want to model and they are good at it and the s/o's have a problem with it, then they should send the guys packing. A healthy relationship is based on trust, understanding, and being able to let go of the reins enough to let the wife enjoy her modeling.

Well, that is my opinion. Hopefully it will give some insight to anyone who has a problem with this whole thing.

Jul 16 06 07:16 pm Link


R Sierra

Posts: 1533

Plano, Texas, US

I applaud you, StaciF's husband.  You seem to have a true understanding of why she models.  If only all husbands totally understood.

Mine is ok with it, but hardly wants to be involved.  It's great that you offer support and interest in something she enjoys.

Jul 16 06 07:26 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45321

San Juan Bautista, California, US

StaciF wrote:
Ok, here is my view on all this. I am the husband and my wife is the model. It is all about trust. My wife and I have an excellent relationship, and we trust each other. She has done nude stuff and erotic stuff and also some fetish stuff and I must say I think she looks great! I am not a photographer so I can't make her look the way she does for the camera, but I love the results. She always tells me when and where her shoots are, shows me the photogs portfolios before a shoot if it is with someone new, and if she is running late or something she will always let me know. Everyone that she has worked with has been very professional with no problems whatsoever. I have had the pleasure of meeting several photographers that she has worked with and never had any problems.

My wife does not do the modeling full time, but I think she would if she could make a living at it. But she does work a full time job and we have a 2 year old daughter that we take care of. To her, modeling is a creative outlet, a hobby and makes her feel good about herself. I would never want to take that away from her because I care about her and like to see her happy, which modeling does. After a shoot we look at the pictures together and it is always exciting to see the results of a shoot.

I cannot speak for all the models or their s/o's but if the b/f's or husbands don't like to see their wives or g/f's doing modeling then they should find someone different to be with. And if the wives or g/f's want to model and they are good at it and the s/o's have a problem with it, then they should send the guys packing. A healthy relationship is based on trust, understanding, and being able to let go of the reins enough to let the wife enjoy her modeling.

Well, that is my opinion. Hopefully it will give some insight to anyone who has a problem with this whole thing.

That is exactly the attitude I love from the escorts of models!  You remind me of the husband to a model I shot with who had won Miss Peru earlier. He met her because he was a judge at the pageant.  He was a professional soccer player at time.  They married and moved to the Bay Area where he worked as a consultant for corporations.  She has modeled plenty of times in Peru. 

Anyway, we were out shooting at a location near a walk way with a creek, the husband was holding a reflector and I the camera.  Some boys came by and started taunting us with stupid things like "why don't you f**k her right there?" Stupid little shits that they were, the husband is able to run after them and catch them.  He then threatens to use their heads for soccer balls if they don't get their asses out here!  LOL 

Photography is not to be done while getting sexual unless it is for pornographic pictures. I don't shoot porn!  You ask any of the greatest photographers what they are thinking about while "working" and most will tell you it's composition, equipment, lighting, and most anything else before they would find enough room in their brain to think of sex.  At least that is the way I am during a shoot. (before or after could be a different story, but that's normal human instinct.) even while shooting nudes, there just isn't much time for sex to enter into the "picture", right?

So why all this crap about guns, mace and duct taping the escorts?  LOL  It's not necessary! If a model and her significant other do not have the ability to trust each other, then it's not the photographers fault.  Talk to people who are going to be at the shoot.  If you are not able to trust that the model or the escort wont kidnap you and have their way with you ... umm oh that might be fun!  I mean if you fear for your life so much that you have to carry a gun, get out of photography!

I hope that most people involved with this industry are able to be secure enough to enjoy it!

Jul 16 06 07:43 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45321

San Juan Bautista, California, US

All this stuff about carrying guns, mace and knives cracks me up!  You can step out on the street and get killed by being hit by a car ... that's more likely to happen anyway!  Escorts have a JOB to do, regardless if they are a boyfriend or not. I have been an escort for exotic dancers and character/message deliverers who have to go to strangers houses, etc.  That is why I actually encourage models to bring escorts at shoots.  They have a purpose and it can be done well if they want to learn how to be an escort.

Now as far as relationships go, I am single so I understand how some guys my be insecure with me at first but they get over it. Also it would take a strong woman to love me because in a general way ... I LOVE ALL WOMEN!  It's ok to be that way, it doesn't mean I'm going to take some mans woman away from him while she is shooting with me! It means that I completely respect all women and their relationships too.  It means that I can be trusted to be honest and explain anything or everything in detail as to what goes on with photo shoots.  It means that it is an occupation or career just as modeling is. It is an issue of trust, respect and honesty.

If a couple has a relationship where it is dangerous for a person to work as a model because the other person will not accept it, then they need to deal with that.  They should not drag an innocent person who is only doing their job as a photographer. This goes for any people who live without trust.  I believe that anyone who is unable to trust their significant other is one who lives in fear. 

Life is too short to live in fear!

Jul 16 06 07:57 pm Link


Southwest Photography

Posts: 288

Boston, Massachusetts, US

I had a "model" pull out a revolver several years ago in LA. He showed up for the shoot and was about 20 years older than the photos he sent me prior to the shoot. He didn't aim it at me, but it was clear we were going to do the shoot, whether I wanted to or not.

Got really great pics that day.

Jul 16 06 08:02 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Thomas Watkin wrote:
I had a "model" pull out a revolver several years ago in LA. He showed up for the shoot and was about 20 years older than the photos he sent me prior to the shoot. He didn't aim it at me, but it was clear we were going to do the shoot, whether I wanted to or not.

Got really great pics that day.

TFCD (Trade For (no) Cartridge Discharge)?

Did you tell him what type of "shoot" you were doing?

Jul 16 06 08:45 pm Link



Posts: 2281

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Of course, I find it interesting that this only seems to be an issue with the American photographers. I have yet to see input from Europe or Canada on this thread.
   I have shot fashion, glamour and fine art nudes with girls 18+ for 24 years, and have never been threatened by a boyfriend, father, brother, cousin or clergyman. In this matter I arm myself only with wit, charm and common sense. I qualify all new models in regard to who might react to their work with me, and if I get a sense that a model is "steppng out" on someone, I usually decline to shoot with her. There have been very few of these in that time, no more than three.
   In Canada we have very firm laws about concealed weapons, and while gun ownership ranks, per capita, almost at the same level as the US, the vast majority are rifles and shotguns.
   Tasers, pepper spray and other impliments of "personal protection" are also illegal here, so people tend to be more conservative about false bravado.
   Marquis of Queensbury rules only...;o)

Jul 16 06 09:21 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Bah.... contrary to horror movie antics, a ballpoint pen to the eyesocket or trachea will slow just about anyone down.

Jul 16 06 09:25 pm Link


Vermont Figurative Arts

Posts: 212

Burlington, Vermont, US

The only thing I want to shoot somebody with is my Canon

Jul 16 06 09:29 pm Link


D Geoffrey Hill

Posts: 995

Los Angeles, California, US

Gosh. I thought I would get to read lots of stories.  but didn't see too many so I will share one of my own from last summer.

I had spent the entire summer doing shoots with a local model in town. Just for fun. She loved makeup and dress-up so it was fun to invent and shoot.  She is 21 years old.  One day she told me her parents found the photos on her computer.  We did not do any kind of nudes. Just intersting clothes and bikini's and related stuff.  Then her parents found the photos.  3 hours later her parents, her dad (the local high school football coach (relation to the largest photo studio in the city)), his wife and his Brother all show up on my doorstep screaming obscenities at me. This was a Sunday afternoon at 1pm. Suddenly the uncle jumps at me and swings a pipe at me. he slams the door open and shoves me clear back into the family room and proceeds to beat me with the pipe.  My wife jumped on him screaming. The football coach and wife (the mom and dad) stand there screaming F*** this and that.  The uncle jumps up, runs out and bashes the windshield in on my van. smashes the headlights. then the 3 of them get in their car and burn rubber away.

I was in bad shape but not dead.  Wife calls 911.  many hours later the cops show up for reports.  After checking ID's and photos of the model with HER ID and records they determine that I am not doing illegal things.  Then they take the story down.  A few minutes later the lady across the street knocks on the door.  Tells her side of the story. Witnessed everything to the cops.  Well. the cops leave, go to the model's parents house and arrest them and the uncle for assault and battery with a deadly weapon, vandalism and several other things. After due process of law....parents and uncle are doin time and I am happy.  My body was very very very sore for a long time but no permanent damage. 

About 2 months later that same girl contacted me asking to do more shoots.....No way in hell am I gonna do that with her....she's insane..

well. there you have it. A true story.

Jul 16 06 09:56 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
All this stuff about carrying guns, mace and knives cracks me up!  You can step out on the street and get killed by being hit by a car ... that's more likely to happen anyway!
Life is too short to live in fear!

Well, fear can be a healthy reminder to be safe & take precautions.  I've been hit by a car (more than once) AND had my life threatened by a BF.
So now I take precautions against both  smile

Jul 16 06 10:31 pm Link


House of Indulgence

Posts: 585

New York, New York, US

If I find that I am in trouble with a Bf or Husband ii just put on the gay voice. It ususally disarms the men very quickly. Especially when I ask if they ever considered modeling. No macho man man wants to model for a gay male phorographer. Then when the angry lunk head is gone and the model asks if I am really gay I just tell her my Girlfriend doesn't think I am.

I personally don't like guns. Only weak men use guns. I prefer using my hands. That or the old skool Brooklyn way. A baseball bat. The Furies gang from "The Warriors" movie had it right all along. A little Louiseville slugger up in the grill can do wonders for making an angry man think. But that is just me.


Jul 16 06 10:45 pm Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

SLE Photography wrote:

Plus we still have a lot of hunting & all here, & I don't mean sport/trophy hunting.
Back in the early 90's I was working a late night job & we had some pervert peeping in the house at my ex.  We lived in an area whre we could not get fast police response times, and after the 3rd incident (with, let's just say, "sticky" evidence against the wall under the window that someone had been there) the cops told us there was a real chance the guy would escalate & they recommended I buy her a shotgun & teach her to use it.  I did so and the next time she heard the guy at the window she simply picked it up and cocked it (they're VERY loud) and he took off & didn't come back.
Guns're a tool, like anything else.  It's unfortunate they're so often used for ill putpose.  I think we'd be a lot better srved addressing the societal conditions that lead to people USING them so much rather than worrying about the guns themselves tho.
There've been places where guns've been outlawed & knife & axe murders go up 'cause the underlying problems haven't been touched.
Until those problems are fixed taking guns away won't help any more than censoring a video game.

thats why i like shot guns for home pertetion you realerly have to shoot them people get the point at the the CH-CLICK smile

i have never had any problems so far (crossing fingers)

Jul 16 06 11:47 pm Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

agency girls only.  no bullshit. 

sometimes they are hot lesbians, and get very flirty with your lesbian mua.  it's been a good day....

Jul 16 06 11:53 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

House of Indulgence wrote:
If I find that I am in trouble with a Bf or Husband ii just put on the gay voice. It ususally disarms the men very quickly. Especially when I ask if they ever considered modeling. No macho man man wants to model for a gay male phorographer. Then when the angry lunk head is gone and the model asks if I am really gay I just tell her my Girlfriend doesn't think I am.

I personally don't like guns. Only weak men use guns. I prefer using my hands. That or the old skool Brooklyn way. A baseball bat. The Furies gang from "The Warriors" movie had it right all along. A little Louiseville slugger up in the grill can do wonders for making an angry man think. But that is just me.


That's great if you live in NYC where only criminals have guns.
Around here everyone has one, so if you're the one without you're likely to lose.

Jul 16 06 11:59 pm Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

House of Indulgence wrote:
A baseball bat. The Furies gang from "The Warriors" movie had it right all along.

i saw some dude the other night in furies garb.  i still like to put my fingers in clanking bottles and chant....warriors...

Jul 17 06 12:03 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45321

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
All this stuff about carrying guns, mace and knives cracks me up!  You can step out on the street and get killed by being hit by a car ... that's more likely to happen anyway!
Life is too short to live in fear!

SLE Photography wrote:
Well, fear can be a healthy reminder to be safe & take precautions.  I've been hit by a car (more than once) AND had my life threatened by a BF.
So now I take precautions against both  smile

I stand by what I said.  There is a BIG difference between taking logical or smart precautions and living in fear.  If someone is living with fear, they are not able to enjoy life! 

I've been threatened many times, and even had a guy attack me with a knife (we were seeing the same woman ... even though we both knew she was two timing us.)  He was drunk and I survived.  No one has been able to "take me out" yet!  I have stood up while taking every punch.

I've been in many car wrecks.  The worst one was when I rolled my car down a hill.  It was amazing I survived ... more amazing that I walked away without a scratch since I was not wearing a safety belt!  Today I'm a better driver!

Most recently in 2002, I survived congestive heart failure.  At first I thought I just was getting out of shape and needed to work out.  Then I thought I was sick with some sort of virus. Heck, I had no idea how close I was to being dead!  My heart was functioning at 10% by the time I drove myself to the hospital that night.  I had to finish a photo session that day.  You could say I was dyeing to shoot!  The doctors were sure if I lived long enough I'd need a heart transplant.  I proved them wrong! 

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!  I am in better health than ever in my life!  I know that I am going to die someday and don't fear death.  But I am start about taking care of myself because I'm having such a GREAT TIME with my life that I don't want to go just yet! LOL  tongue

Don't live in fear, enjoy life!

Jul 17 06 01:56 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

Being killed by an angry boyfriend would, by definition, kill you  smile
I'm not living my life in fear of it, just taking some reasonable precations like I mentioned with the shoot I decided to cancel.

Jul 17 06 01:59 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

SKPhoto wrote:
Bah.... contrary to horror movie antics, a ballpoint pen to the eyesocket or trachea will slow just about anyone down.

Ahhh...someone after my own personality.....use what's handy......and if things get really bad......I'd rather end up buying a new 300mm lens because I used my old one to bash the brains out of any pain in the ass....

I think people are too fixated on guns, guns, guns......there are so many weapons just laying around if you stop and think, which unfortunately, most do not do......threatening situaitions throw the average person into a panic......realistically the person who can think and then react is much more dangerous in my's always the quiet ones I'm on the defensive with....the loud, obnoxious tough guy is easy to already know what's on his mind......the quiet bookworm type with the intense look is who you should worry about because you never know from what directions he's coming....

I can't remember a case when a serial killer ran around proclaiming how tough he was......

Jul 17 06 07:13 am Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

Jose Luis wrote:
whats your man go to do with me?

I ain't tryin to hear dat, see? (please tell me someone else remembers Positive K)

Jul 17 06 07:22 am Link



Posts: 18

New York, New York, US

I get the girl nekkid all the time and they want to kill me-
But they haven't yet-
I run very fast-

Jul 19 06 12:11 am Link



Posts: 18

New York, New York, US

2 black eyes to prove it-
But the shots were really good!

Jul 19 06 12:22 am Link


MAD Creativity, Inc

Posts: 29

Tampa, Florida, US

Justin N Lane wrote:
I ain't tryin to hear dat, see? (please tell me someone else remembers Positive K)

It's right next to my Pharcyde album=)

Jul 19 06 12:28 am Link



Posts: 251

Yorba Linda, California, US

John Jebbia wrote:

Usually they're too crushed by watching their girlfriend moan with pleasure to do anything.


Jul 19 06 12:32 am Link



Posts: 251

Yorba Linda, California, US

Geof wrote:
I had spent the entire summer doing shoots with a local model in town... her parents found the photos.  3 hours later her parents, her dad... his wife and his Brother all show up on my doorstep screaming obscenities at me. This was a Sunday afternoon at 1pm.

NICE religious family...


Jul 19 06 12:37 am Link


Visual Into-xXx-ication

Posts: 83

Senecaville, Ohio, US

im glad you brought this up mark i agree it needs to be let out more ive had some pretty crazy experiences with jealous boyfriends and then some are like please take her away its like hey buddy all i want is pictures dont want your suffering lol but back in january i had just got set up with some lights and reflectors and a new cam and some other equipment i asked a friend that is very much into getting her picture taken if she was interested she was extremely excited about it... i was gonna set it up for the next day but she was out in about and decided she wanted to take a few that night which was about midnight so im pretty much a night owl so i decided it was cool ive known her since i was 15 or so well she gets there and we're talking and we decide to do just a few different shots and im trying to get everything arranged and im shooting some pictures when her cell rings its her boyfriend which me not understanding it was a new boyfriend i said sure he can come over not knowing the hell i would endure by this she was simply posing on her knees showing abit of her stomach when he walked in from behind me... he wasnt very pleasant and kept making comments to me and her and was making her uncompfy so when i asked him to leave she decided she would go with him because she's somewhat of a submissive and so on.. well before he left he decided he would thrash my new camera break it basically in half knock me outta my wheelchair and break up all my equipment i called the cops he was arresred and charged with a few diff things now i believe he's still spending alil time behind bars for the mess and now ive had to pretty much start over and its been quite rough so i do encourage a model to bring someone with them just would prefer not the boyfriends or husbands i dont have time to waste getting in the middle of some game they are playing with each other like many have stated here... but thats my little story..

Jul 19 06 12:43 am Link



Posts: 152

San Diego, California, US

Ive never had any problems shooting.  Never been threatened or anything.  Also the fact that I fight on a regular basis and weigh a bit over 250 dosent hurt either in the thought process of the "escort".  I dont think a gun is a good camera bag item though.  Most people untrained in daily use are going to end up dead by their own weapon.

Jul 19 06 12:53 am Link


Einem Photography

Posts: 178

Burbank, California, US

Depends on shoots. If for a model I take my wife and this makes husbands / boyfriends "cooler" and makes the shoot much easier even for the model.

Jul 19 06 03:06 am Link


J C ModeFotografie

Posts: 14718

Los Angeles, California, US

Christopher Bush wrote:
agency girls only.  no bullshit. 

sometimes they are hot lesbians, and get very flirty with your lesbian mua.  it's been a good day....


JAY carreon

Jul 19 06 03:46 am Link


Scott Bragg

Posts: 115

Smyrna, Georgia, US

The strangest experience I've had with a model was one of my first model shoots about 4 years ago.   The model shows up a few minutes late, but had called ahead.  She introduces her boyfriend who sticks around for a little while helping out then has to go to work.   

I asked her how's she getting home and offer her a ride when the shoot's over.  She says she's got a ride who'll be there in a couple of hours. 

The shoot progresses and after a couple of hours I see a car pull up and a rather tall imposing man gets out and comes into the studio.   She introduces him and I'm thinking to myself; "self, how fast can you get the 1000 yards to the neighbor's house?" when I hear the word "husband".   

Yes, her boyfriend drops her off, the husband picks her up.   Both know about the shoot.  I start breathing again when I find out both know about each other too and are cool about it.

Beyond that, nothing really out of the ordinary on any shoot.

Jul 19 06 07:35 am Link