Forums > General Industry > Photogs shot at, beaten up by model's boyfriends?



Posts: 205

Miami Beach, Florida, US

lots of tough guys with guns here...what happened to the good old days when all you need was a west side story and a knife...come on people if you get calls just say" I'm sorry who are you holding for ?" and put them on ignore.

Jul 16 06 03:15 pm Link


Dominick D

Posts: 164

Norwich, England, United Kingdom

Yu've also got to look at it from the model's partner's point of view though...
They only doing it becuase they care about them & want to make sure they come to no harm. I agree it's annoying as hell when they get in the way of a good shot be whining about the pose etc. But yu do need to respect the fact that they may not be comfortable with it.

Whut it really boils down to at the end of the day is that the model & her b.f need to sort out their ground rules before hand... not half way through a shoot!


Jul 16 06 03:16 pm Link


Newlite Studio

Posts: 4

Madison, Wisconsin, US

Guns...mace...2" spikes on the tripod? Wow...I thought my day-job was bad! At least I won't die from boredom shooting models with crazy boyfriends huh?

Jul 16 06 03:23 pm Link



Posts: 660

San Francisco, California, US

honesty is the best policy and who you callin a tough guy?

Jul 16 06 03:24 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

SLE Photography wrote:

You have to keep in mind that the southeast & southwest US are VERY different than the east & west coast
Most of the states here have VERY liberal ownership & carry laws.  It's always safe to assume someone is packing.  Keep in mind in Fl the law says you can nwo shoot FIRST if you feel threatened instead of backing away, so broader ownership actually HELPS...the idea that the other guy might be packing & shoot you tends to keep people from escalating confrontations.
Contrary as it may seem, states & localities that have easier rules on gun ownership have less violent crime and FAR less gun crime.
In NYC (or San Francisco), if I have an illegal gun I can feel pretty safe mugging somone.  Here in Orlando, he's likely to have one too & shoot ME.

You have a very valid point. 90% of my personal experence with guns in Cali has not been good. Yet the husband from GA has a very diffrent view on guns and how they are used.
Someday I need to get to the range and learn to use one. bleh yuck

Jul 16 06 03:26 pm Link


Ivy Jo

Posts: 2188

Amarillo, Texas, US

I grew up in a very rural area where county cops actually advocated citizens shoot first and ask questions later. Same officers explained how to quickly and easily stage a breaking and entering to insure said stranger at our door doesn't get off lightly.

As for shoots, I do sometimes request to bring my BF, but thats cause hes a sane human being (although he does look like a neandartal, lol). I request that he be allowed to come, but I hardly ever bring him. When I do, Hes very good at holding reflectors, and getting me water, and runing out for sushi, etc. If he was the jealous kind of guy who freaked out everytime someone looked at me, I wouldn't be with him. Caleb's certainly protective of me, but not possesive at all. He understands that I'm a professional and only shoot with other professionals. I've never had a shoot go badly, or had a photographer act innapropriately.   

It still is a cosmic wonder to me why some women allow the BFs to controll them.

Jul 16 06 03:28 pm Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

John Jebbia wrote:

I use the opposite approach. I tie them up then screw their girlfriend while they are forced to watch.

For some reason.. I figured it would be you to say that.. LOL.. at first I just thought.. someone from Arizona would say that.. then I said to myself.. nope.. only John would say that... LOL

Jul 16 06 03:40 pm Link



Posts: 6065

Columbia, Maryland, US

I haven't had this problem in years, because I watch for a whole list of warning signs that the model plays games, has a jealous boyfriend, or has other "issues".

One of the best things to do is watch the way communications goes while setting up the shoot.  If the model is too terse, then she is looking purely for money in fist, and won't work with you.  She is also likely to surprise you with last minute demands.  If the model is too suspicious, then she has too many issues to get past.

But caution is good.  It shows the model is smart.  And smart models make good pictures.  No matter what they may think in New York.

Watch the forums as well.  Much can be learned there about the overall character of the people.

Jul 16 06 03:42 pm Link



Posts: 2978

New York, New York, US

Navid wrote:
lots of tough guys with guns here...what happened to the good old days when all you need was a west side story and a knife...come on people if you get calls just say" I'm sorry who are you holding for ?" and put them on ignore.

That is a good idea.



Jul 16 06 03:48 pm Link



Posts: 175

Manassas, Virginia, US

wow...there are a lot of photographers out there with guns.....

understandable in SOME situations, but wow.

On a related note: if a model is going to bring a jealous boyfriend to the shoot, she needs to think twice. if she is worried about her protection and whatnot and has a jealous boyfriend, think about bringing a male friend instead, or any friend for that matter. lol
I had to deal with a VERY jealous boyfriend at one point. He hated that i modeled. Would try to talk me out of shoots, would just generally make life hard.
i would tell him if he came with me to a shoot to just  not cause drama with the photographer, we are professionals and its senseless to bring the drama of his/our personal fight about modeling in front of him.
And when shoot time came, that boyfriend ended up being helpful and holding a reflector, or our bags, or almost anything for that matter. If a model wants to bring a boyfriend that has jealous tendencies and not another friend, tell them to keep their fight/issues at home and leave the photographer out of it, BOTH of them need to come to the shoot as professionals, or in the very least respectful.

(and on an unrelated note regarding all these photographers with weapons... i had a photographer who happened to carry a gun get upset with ME for bringing a knife with me *sigh*  I bring a knife/weapon with me to ALL shoots, i dont flash it around, it usually stays hidden and not talked about unless needed..and yes, i have run into the instance where it has been needed...)

Jul 16 06 03:49 pm Link



Posts: 2978

New York, New York, US

I photographer here in NYC was shoot to death a ew months ago by a boyfriend.

Jul 16 06 04:02 pm Link



Posts: 2978

New York, New York, US

I photographer here in NYC was shoot to death a ew months ago by a boyfriend.

Jul 16 06 04:02 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Are you guys SERIOUSLY having that much of an issue with jealous boyfriends/ husbands, that you fear for your saftey?  Where are you picking your models from?  High  School lunch rooms?  Seriously?

I don't know, not trying to be condescending, but I just can't see fearing  for my safety just because some bonehead doesn't want his S/O to model.  Worse comes to worse I WILL kick your ass if I feel threatened, but I'm a pretty amicable guy and try to make everybody comfortable, so even the most jealous boyfriends have sat idy by with a sour grapes face till the shoot was over .  If anything I've feared for the safety of the MODEL when she got home because of his seething rage that he was too insecure to be able to properly deal with, luckily that has yet to be a problem (that i know of).

Jul 16 06 04:09 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Bullhead Photography wrote:
I got a nasty call from a husband asking if I was shooting nudes of his wife.   It was hot as hell and she was wearing a tube top and since she is tall and lanky .. and the headshot photo was cropped it did look like she could have been nude..

But.. it her husband doesn't trust her.. I figure that's his issue not mine

And of course the husband has no legal say in the matter.

It has been my experience that boyfriends or spouses that come to the shoots are never problems and often helpful. It is the ones that are indirectly involved that can be problems. Watch out for ones that didn't go to the shoot but call on the model's behalf or want to become involved after the fact. This is never good.

Also, the older ones (30's and 40's) can be worse than the younger ones. This is especially true if the BF is older than the model.

Lurking inside many men is a Sluggo just waiting to come out.

I did manage to shoot one BF who wanted to "discuss" things afterwards:

I'm sure some of you have met him as well!

Jul 16 06 04:11 pm Link


Jefferson Dorsey

Posts: 648

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I had a model who brought her husband to a shoot. He knew as much about photography as I did but he was an asshole and a space-case.  Oh, wait...that was my wife and me...

Jul 16 06 04:22 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Tracey Masterson

Posts: 553

Shelton, Connecticut, US

I work with a photographer that sends ME in for the kill.  I am not threatening, being a female makeup artist.  This poor guy was beaten up once by a "manager".
I will do anyone's scouting as long as i get a per model fee.  I think one pint would be appropriate.

Jul 16 06 04:28 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45328

San Juan Bautista, California, US

I have not had a problem with it.  Most dads, boyfriends or husbands are cool with me.  I've had one model with a jealous b/f who dropped in unannounced at a session. I had to ask him to leave and he did, but he has long since been her ex. 

Dads usually like me, except for one step dad who was not wanting me to talk with his 15 year old step daughter about what seemed to be abuse going on by him.  He did make some threats, and I had to stop contact.  Hopefully the female contacts I introduced her to can help her.

The problem I have is with models who kidnap me and tear my clothes off!  LOL  (I'm dreaming!)  No, but really I had a model from Germany who kidnapped me until I produced the black and white proof sheets from the session we just did.  It was a while back, but she couldn't even wait for digital technology to be developed!  She wanted it right now!  LOL

Jul 16 06 04:30 pm Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
*Takes notes on who on MM keeps guns in studios and carries them about*

What do newly married (or about to be) models who are supposed to be on vacation (til Aug. 10) take notes with and on what? The new husband's backside? You didn't (plan to) run away did you?

Jul 16 06 04:32 pm Link


Michael Bell Studio

Posts: 429

Warrington, Pennsylvania, US

I don't allow boyfriend ,husband or lovers in to my studio for shoots. I have a female makeup artist.
If the model ask if the BF can come to the shoot I say no. and don't photograph the model that's it.


Jul 16 06 04:33 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
I had a model from Germany who kidnapped me until I produced the black and white proof sheets from the session we just did.  It was a while back, but she couldn't even wait for digital technology to be developed!  She wanted it right now!  LOL

Jul 16 06 04:34 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45328

San Juan Bautista, California, US

While in college, I took mostly psychology and sociology classes. Since I photograph weddings too, with the combination of life experience and school I've a wealth of knowledge in how to work "with" people! 

I always invite the model to bring an escort!  I always want to provide for the comfort of the model while I work WITH the model to produce excellent results in photos. 

Maybe because the fact that I LOVE what I do, it shows in all my being.  Any one who gives me a chance will find that I am not threatening or competitive towards others because I'm having such a good time being alive!  No one attacks me because they know they can't even hurt my strong spirit for life!  It's overwhelming at times when you know that any minute could be your last!

No one can beat me down!  Not even the grim reaper!  big_smile

Jul 16 06 04:42 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45328

San Juan Bautista, California, US

rp_photo wrote:

Well .. that sort of looks like her!  I met her at a night club!  Beautiful, blond, and sexy!  She had that German accent and said she worked as a nanny.  I was manager of the band playing that night, and my studio was the same place my band rehearsed. 

She brought a female escort who was also from Germany, but more submissive.  After the shoot, they asked me how long before the pictures could be viewed. She also told me that she had a fake id, and that she was not 21 but older than 18?  I told her that the release she signed was false then, and that I probably wont give her any pictures. She said that in Germany, the photographers give her the pictures!  That I should pretend I'm in their country for a moment.  I nearly shit my pants at that point when they took their whips out and told me to get in their car where they asked for directions to my photo lab.  She got on the freeway where she drove like she was on the Autobahn going 100 mph in a car not meant for it!  I thought I was going to die or hoped for a police officer to pull us over.  Once at the lab, I quickly developed the film, dried it and then printed proof sheets.  Gave her the negatives and proofs sheets.  Then I asked her to leave me there, and never come back!  I never saw her again!  That is a true story!  It happened about 15 years ago.

Jul 16 06 04:52 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45328

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
While in college, I took mostly psychology and sociology classes. Since I photograph weddings too, with the combination of life experience and school I've a wealth of knowledge in how to work "with" people! 

I always invite the model to bring an escort!  I always want to provide for the comfort of the model while I work WITH the model to produce excellent results in photos. 

Maybe because the fact that I LOVE what I do, it shows in all my being.  Any one who gives me a chance will find that I am not threatening or competitive towards others because I'm having such a good time being alive!  No one attacks me because they know they can't even hurt my strong spirit for life!  It's overwhelming at times when you know that any minute could be your last!

No one can beat me down!  Not even the grim reaper!  big_smile

I have to take that back!  A sexy German babe with a whip could do it! tongue

Jul 16 06 04:53 pm Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

Ransom J wrote:
Are you guys SERIOUSLY having that much of an issue with jealous boyfriends/ husbands, that you fear for your saftey?  Where are you picking your models from?  High  School lunch rooms?  Seriously?

No kidding.

Jul 16 06 04:57 pm Link



Posts: 150

John Jebbia wrote:

I use the opposite approach. I tie them up then screw their girlfriend while they are forced to watch.


Jul 16 06 04:59 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Number 1. No tag-a-longs.
Number 2. I'm 6'0" and 210 lbs.
Number 3. If number 2 doesn't do it, I have a Glock 21 (.45 auto) handy.

Haven't ever been bothered and certainly never threatened.

Jul 16 06 05:00 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45328

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Mike Bell wrote:
I don't allow boyfriend ,husband or lovers in to my studio for shoots. I have a female makeup artist.
If the model ask if the BF can come to the shoot I say no. and don't photograph the model that's it.


I take it that you've turned down some potential model shoots then just because she wanted to bring an escort?  I've always put the men and women escorts to work for me.  They all know that I am extremely outgoing and that I love to have an audience while working.  About half my shoots are at public locations.  I have not ever had any equipment stolen while on location.  That should tell you something?  The more people, the more eyes watching stuff!

You probably don't shoot weddings, and that requires working with many people together.  You have not seen the excitement of a joyful wedding or the horror of a wedding gone bad!  I was not the photographer for this one, but the worst was when the groom and the father of the bride got into a fist fight starting a chain reaction of fights that lead to the cake getting dumped on the floor and the police getting called!  That was a horrible wedding!  Thankfully I escaped that one!

Why can't we all get along?

Jul 16 06 05:00 pm Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

Jealousy is a disease.

Jul 16 06 05:00 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45328

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Michael Kirst wrote:
Number 1. No tag-a-longs.
Number 2. I'm 6'0" and 210 lbs.
Number 3. If number 2 doesn't do it, I have a Glock 21 (.45 auto) handy.

Haven't ever been bothered and certainly never threatened.

Two sexy big blond German models could take you down with their whips!

Jul 16 06 05:01 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

Never had any problems.....first, I hand out business cards....act professional....even if husband or boyfriend were problems.....I think schoomzing goes a long way.....especially when I tell them how lucky they are for having such a beautiful S.O......and how much I envy them...yada yada yada....

And maybe the other reason is I'm 6'2"...300lbs and when dressed in photog vest all matted down...I look like a freakin drug dealer...LOL....

Jul 16 06 05:03 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:

Two sexy big blond German models could take you down with their whips!

Now your just tempting me with a good time! big_smile

Jul 16 06 05:04 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45328

San Juan Bautista, California, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:
Never had any problems.....first, I hand out business cards....act professional....even if husband or boyfriend were problems.....I think schoozing goes a long way.....especially when I tell them how lucky they are for having such a beautiful S.O......and how much I envy them...yada yada yada....

And maybe the other reason is I'm 6'2"...300lbs and when dressed in photog vest all matted down...I look like a freakin drug dealer...LOL....

I'm a wimpy 5' 8" and 150 lbs. .. not threatening at all.  When it comes to approaching female models, I am professional in manner, know the right things to say and try to talk with the male too if there is one present with her.  Never presume that he is going to be jealous or protective if you are not a bad person to begin with.

Yes, I'm quite the shmoozer too!

Jul 16 06 05:08 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

What has been the longest it has taken for anyone to train an escort to operate a reflector? Or an MUA? Or a second model?

Jul 16 06 05:13 pm Link


dexter fletcher photo

Posts: 397

Atlanta, Georgia, US

ADGibson wrote:
HK USP compact .40 and Concealed Carry Weapons permit.


Me too, I got the exact same thing

Jul 16 06 05:17 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45328

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Rich Davis wrote:

I have also had very good luck.  I had an escort come over that wouldn't sit down - just had to watch.  Turns out he was a photographer seeing what he could learn.  We struck up a nice conversation.  It couldn't have been more pleasant once we got to know each other.

I've enjoyed working with other photographers.  There is one buddy who I'm able to either shoot with him assisting or he shoots while I assist. But not all guys are comfortable shooting around other photographers.  I remember one time that I went to a model call in Carmel, CA from a couple "Hollywood" photographers. These two guys had books out so I was thumbing through their portfolios. They thought I was there as a potential male model (nice compliment.) but when I told them I was a photographer too, they asked me to leave immediately!  They were not that great of photographers and were not doubt insecure about it. 

In concert and music photography, it was two female photographers who helped me the most in the Bay Area by introducing me to promoters and bands!

Jul 16 06 05:18 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45328

San Juan Bautista, California, US

rp_photo wrote:
What has been the longest it has taken for anyone to train an escort to operate a reflector? Or an MUA? Or a second model?

About 5 seconds?  LOL

Jul 16 06 05:18 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45328

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Select Models wrote:
All uncooperative boyfriends are sold into photo slavery.  We superglue reflectors into their hands, turn them into prop gophers and force them to drag the cooler full of drinks up and down the beach... wink

YES!  The b/f's become slaves to us, and they LOVE IT!  (Photographer with shit eating grin!)

Jul 16 06 05:20 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45328

San Juan Bautista, California, US

John Jebbia wrote:

I use the opposite approach. I tie them up then screw their girlfriend while they are forced to watch.

Duct tape works well wrapped around b/f's legs and mouth ... add some around the hands where they grip the reflector.  Oh and some across the eyes might be ok too ... if you don't want witnesses!

Jul 16 06 05:23 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45328

San Juan Bautista, California, US

azelessar wrote:
honesty is the best policy and who you callin a tough guy?

Works for me!

Actually "humor" can be very disarming!  Robin Williams has never made a move to punch me, but he has sure caused me gut wrenching pain! 

I thought about calling the police on those two German women who kidnapped me  ... but sometimes you just have to grin and bare it!  big_smile 

If you're having a bad day, hell, it's only one day!  Tomorrow will be better!

Jul 16 06 05:29 pm Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Never had an issue with an escort/boyfriend/husband. . .

Dont have a gun, and I dont need one

Jul 16 06 05:29 pm Link