Forums > General Industry > Her excuse for cancelling was a chipped nail! lol


Dave Blecman

Posts: 1080

Annapolis, Maryland, US

I had a shoot scheduled with a professional model well over a month ago. She is a former Playboy model and very well established and published.

A couple of days before the shoot, I started to e-mail her to confirm. keep in mind I was driving from MD to Ohio to do the shoot. Make note of the date of my e-mail:

From: [email protected] (David M. Blecman)
To: #$%^&*())*&^%$%^&*(
Subject: Photo Shoot Tues
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 13:42:08 +0000


Hope all is well. I need to know if we're still on for Tuesday morning?

I need an address and phone number for you please.

I FINALLY received an e-mail from her YESTERDAY...first correspondence since June 11th:

Hi David, Sorry I fell off the face of the earth for awhile.  My %&(*&* was diagnosed with cancer but he's all better now.  I was in (*&*^ taking care of him after his surgery.  I hope I haven't caused you too much trouble with your schedule.  I apologize.  I am back in &^%%^ for good now if you are still interested.  Thanks for your patience, %$%^^I^.

So, it can happen to anyone.

I wrote her back this morning, told her I am glad her &%$% is better now, and told her if she'd like to try to reschedule a shoot, she has to come to ME!!


Jul 15 06 12:36 pm Link


EdwinR Photography

Posts: 3154

Gainesville, Florida, US


At least you didnt get up at 6 am and ready the wardrobe, equipment, drive to the location...and sit on your ass waiting for her for 20  minutes!!!  Even with a call the night before to confirm......She never showed up or even bothered to tell us what the deal was...just pffftt....disappeared....I see her answering model castings all the time....I usually contact the photog to let them know our experience.  Not all models no show on all photogs....but nice to know the ones who do...

I feel for ya'......

Jul 15 06 12:44 pm Link


Stan The Man

Posts: 733

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

now  thats y i do go to that agency for time to time....... its worth my money  sign up for those workshop where u get  a group of 10 photog + 5 models  for 5 hours.... good money for value + no brain surgery......

Jul 15 06 12:52 pm Link



Posts: 627

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

I appreciate all your comments. smile

So instead I did this shoot but no editing or cropping yet. It's just the full shoot all as shot.

Or for a slide show go here but be patient

Nic smile

Jul 15 06 01:27 pm Link



Posts: 900

New York, New York, US

wat a sorry excuse for a model....

Jul 15 06 03:52 pm Link


Michael Barrett

Posts: 1149

Upland, California, US

Holy cow...if they only knew what we go through to set up a shoot. I'm only available to shoot like twice a week, so when someone doesn't call or show, ouch!

But I've heard it all...getting thier period, getting a divorce ( all of a sudden ).

It's almost like they like the attention and conversation leading up to ashoot.

Nothing bugs me more than a wasted day, sorry dude!

Jul 17 06 01:09 pm Link



Posts: 10053

Orlando, Florida, US

EdwinR Photography wrote:

At least you didnt get up at 6 am and ready the wardrobe, equipment, drive to the location...and sit on your ass waiting for her for 20  minutes!!!  Even with a call the night before to confirm......She never showed up or even bothered to tell us what the deal was...just pffftt....disappeared....I see her answering model castings all the time....I usually contact the photog to let them know our experience.  Not all models no show on all photogs....but nice to know the ones who do...

I feel for ya'......

Hey, I broke a nail the night before our shoot. Did you notice? It was horrible, right? wink

And I was still a bit early, wasn't I? I guess not all of us models are so bad.

Jul 17 06 01:35 pm Link


f4 Photo

Posts: 96

Morristown, New Jersey, US

Some models are flakey because they can be. It's supply and demand.

If an attractive young model posts a message that she'd like a photographer to take pictures of her in her lingerie, she'll get 50 replies on the first day.

If a photographer posts a message that he'd like a model to pose (TFP) for him in her lingerie, he'd be lucky to get one response in a week (Just look at the casting calls forum).

If it's a nude shoot, the differential is maybe 200:1

I think there's something of an attitude that photographers are like buses. If you miss one, there'll be another one along in a few minutes.

From the average model's viewpoint (especially beginners), the difference between a photogapher and a GWC isn't apparent.

Obviously these are generalizations and there are some models who are not flakey and who can tell the difference between good and bad work, but I'm afraid they seem to be in the minority on sites like MM, OMP, AMZ etc.

Jul 17 06 01:56 pm Link


Cynthia Hayes

Posts: 56

Chicago, Illinois, US

geez sorry to hear it, I tend to only cancel days ahead, not the same day.  I've even postponed one particular fetish session a few times, because of paying gigs that came up, but still gave notice days to a week ahead.  And I really DO want to do the those photos.  And even when I changesd my mind in route for other sessions I still went through with it.  It's a business stigma, you just don't bs your gigs. 

In the business of being an independent contractor not everyone will be understanding, but I live mostly from my promotional gigs so for me... it's a no brainer what comes first. 

Only thing I cancelled the same day was an art session, I was to pose for a beginners art class and started my ... that morning, an hour to class began, needless to say the teacher wasn't understanding.

Jul 19 06 12:03 am Link



Posts: 74

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Broken nail?  That's just insulting!  Here are mine in alphabetical order:

Allergy attacks, bleach allergy*, cancer, car blowing up, dead best friends, expired ID, family issues, forgetting, injuries, left town, pain, pregnancy, "transportation" issues, work injuries.

Hmm, I never looked at the list before.

*My favorite, so it's not included within the allergy attacks category

Jul 21 06 09:52 am Link


Jenelle The Model

Posts: 26

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Roxann wrote:

I don't really think it has anything to do with age. It's about commitment and the determination to get the job done. As of yet I've only had to cancel on one shoot on short notice and I felt horrible. It certainly wasn't because of my nails either! smile

I agree!  Age has nothing to do with it. it's about dedication, determination and commitment.

There have been times when I've scheduled a shoot for after work.  and yes I was extremely exhausted and tired....but I never cancelled the shoot....
if modeling is your passion, it will revive and wake you up once you start doing it.  take a few minutes to get yourself together and pray that the make up artist can make you look awake LOL
but seriously...if you have the kind of job where you know you are going to be tired after you get off, don't schedule a shoot for after work.

Jul 21 06 10:11 am Link

Makeup Artist

Loretta Kendall A Salon

Posts: 148

Ohio, Illinois, US

I think she was just fishing for excuses.

I went to a shoot three hours away and the photographer and I sat at the studio and waited a model who never showed. (this was after she confirmed that day she would be there) He called and she wouldn't even answer her phone. I'm also a plus model so he ended up using me. I had no clothing changes and I had just took off my acrylic nails so mine were jacked up too. But I did it anyway. So what if your nails are messed up that is what photo shop is for. She never showed. I just felt bad for the Photographer. He was embraced that she was a no show because, it put him in a bad situation by hiring me and having me drive so far.

I think no matter what the situation is its just common courtesy to call if you have to cancel. Not just not show up.  Things happen and you can't help life but excuses just make you seem like a coward.

Jul 21 06 10:41 am Link


Krysta Gabrielle

Posts: 3828

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Obviously this 'model' wasn't serious about it. As a determined, driven, professional model (not in experience, I mean, just actions/attitude), I would have called the night before and rescheduled, or not scheduled at all. If she knew that she doesn't like to be rushed, why schedule a shoot right after work, especially if you have a job where it is possible to have to work late?

Anyways, I say that if she were really worth the time (and money you COULD'VE made), she would have been able to make herself look good in less than a half an hour. I know I can do it, and so can most really serious models. A true, good model, can make pics look good even if she was stressed and rushed!

That was a really crappy, lame excuse! I mean at least use the dead gramma bit! lol...

Don't waste your time on stupid models. I have to agree with another MMer who posted though. Not ALL models think that photogs are stupid. I am very professional, and never reschedule unless absolutely necessary, and I haven't flaked on any shoots yet. Wanna shoot? lol

Jul 21 06 04:25 pm Link