Forums > General Industry > Worst shoot ever


Vermont Figurative Arts

Posts: 212

Burlington, Vermont, US

Whats the worst shoot you ever did?
Models or Photographers.

Jul 12 06 09:50 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Probably the one where the old guy told me I gave him "starch in his shorts". Luckily he paid me way more than we had agreed on.

Jul 12 06 09:54 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

e-string wrote:
Probably the one where the old guy told me I gave him "starch in his shorts". Luckily he paid me way more than we had agreed on.

He paid you more cause you gave him a boner?

Jul 12 06 09:56 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Nerlande wrote:

He paid you more cause you gave him a boner?

Guess so. I would have stopped the shoot if he said or did anything more. As it was, I was purely shocked, and the rest of the shoot was uneventful. I walked away with the $ to make me feel better and later told him that he was very unprofessional.

Jul 12 06 09:58 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

Nerlande wrote:
He paid you more cause you gave him a boner?

e-string wrote:
Guess so. I would have stopped the shoot if he said or did anything more. As it was, I was purely shocked, and the rest of the shoot was uneventful. I walked away with the $ to make me feel better and later told him that he was very unprofessional.

You were shocked, but walked away with the money to make you feel better, and AFTER the incident told him he was unprofessional.


There are SO many things wrong with that.

Jul 12 06 10:02 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Nerlande wrote:

Nerlande wrote:
He paid you more cause you gave him a boner?

You were shocked, but walked away with the money to make you feel better, and AFTER the incident told him he was unprofessional.


There are SO many things wrong with that.

I was too shocked to know what to say at the time. Get it?

It's not THAT big of a deal. I got paid more for my discomfort, and I told him off later.

Jul 12 06 10:06 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

e-string wrote:
I was too shocked to know what to say at the time. Get it?

It's not THAT big of a deal. I got paid more for my discomfort, and I told him off later.

No it isn't that big of a deal. I'm not your mother, I don't care. I'm just saying that yes hindsight is 20/20 you may have been shocked, but apparently it's all good 'cause he gave you more money.

Jul 12 06 10:10 pm Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

A friend arranged a shoot for me with an exotic dancer. According to him, she wanted "headshots for her portfolio". I fell ill with the flu, clanging headache and nausea. I don't know why I didn't cancel, too sick to think clearly I guess. So we are having our shoot and from her conversation I come to realize that my friend has BSed her into thinking that he is an agent and can get her work in music videos in LA. We are in Fresno, land of nowhere and nothing and I guess people believe what they wish was true. For the record, she was a fun, cheerful person, and a stunning Asian lady with a nice new set of perfect plastic boobies. We shot some sans makeup headshots with flat lighting so the "video people" could "see what they are working with." And then some with makeup. About the time I am ready to either blow chunks or have my head explode she says "I like working with you, I've changed my mind and want to do some body shots." I told her I was not well and that we were finished for the day!!! When I spoke to her later she did not like any of the pictures but offered to pay me. I declined payment and swore I would never shoot while sick or bullshit anybody like that again. And I haven't and I won't. I did give my friend a rash of crap though.

Jul 12 06 10:11 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Nerlande wrote:

No it isn't that big of a deal. I'm not your mother, I don't care. I'm just saying that yes hindsight is 20/20 you may have been shocked, but apparently it's all good 'cause he gave you more money.

Um.. did I not say it was my worst shoot ever? I didn't say the money made it all ok. I said the money was a nice way to compensate for his bullshit.

Jul 12 06 10:12 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

The one where the photographer rubbed up against me.  That I got flamed for posting about in here.  [This is a pretty bad idea.  People are going to get flames for not handling things the way other people would have handled them.  It already is happening.  See: Starch Shorts.]

But, this makes a better story:

I was doing this commercial shoot for this woman's stitch patterns.  The whole thing was a mess.  We went to a park that you had buy a pass to park in.  She'd forgotten to bring the money, so I lent her $5.  She shot me in two sweaters and then the battery on her camera died.  So, we drove back to her house.  She kept apologizing because it was super messy [she has a two-year-old son] and the studio she sometimes usues wasn't set up.  She decided to not do it in there, after all.  We drove to her RV in this storage facility and she picked up a power source that has to be plugged into a car lighter.  So, then we drove in her car to this dead-end street with train tracks running next to it.  She had to pull over to the side of the road [but not cause a shadow with her car] and shoot will standing at the door!  Then we moved to take some photos on the train tracks with her car parked at the end of the road.  For some of it, I was lying on the tracks and a train started coming.  I saw it from far away because of the headlight.  I kept telling her about it, and she's like "Don't worry, they drive really slow!"  I was pretty scared, but she was right!  We still had like 15 minutes at that point.

She kept apologizing the whole time and I could tell she was pretty stressed out.  It was the most interesting photo shoot I had ever done - I had fun! - and I could tell that she's a great person.  We'll work together again.

Jul 12 06 10:16 pm Link



Posts: 7

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Nerlande needs to chillllllll...she got paid...that's what models do shoots for, she didnt get on her knees and take care of the starch in his pants so leave it alone..JEzeee!

Worst shoot...when the model kept telling my makeup person how to do makeup. as thought she didnt know herself? Then she questioned all the wardrobe and wanted it her way..while I was styling it. She thought she knew more than any of us...when she left we all looked at each other and agreed she was a pain in the ass.  ( and no...its not like she was paying me and had a say)

P.S. I should say I was the photographer at this shoot.

Jul 12 06 10:20 pm Link


Len Cook Photographer

Posts: 599

Fremont, California, US

Ooops, did it again, wrong thread.

Jul 12 06 10:21 pm Link



Posts: 1179

Freedom, New Hampshire, US

Model shows up, finally, seven hours late, for what was supposed to be a few "test shots" with three suitcases (one just for her shoes), a full length mirror, and her own "spcial" backdrop (4 black curtain panels), and proceeds to make her girlfriend/companion play run and fetch for two hours. She was rude to me, my wife, my guest (another model) and afterward, refused to even view the images claiming she 'just knew she had done a terrible job'.  I've never had such an experience in 22 years of shooting.

yeah, yeah, I know.... should have sent her away when she arrived 7 hours late.

Jul 12 06 10:22 pm Link



Posts: 93

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Hmmm Mental Note:

If I ever get a chance to work with E String, do not mention starch in any way shape or form....

I think I'll file that under the "DUH" files.


Jul 12 06 10:25 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

KingaNYC wrote:
Nerlande needs to chillllllll...she got paid...that's what models do shoots for, she didnt get on her knees and take care of the starch in his pants so leave it alone..JEzeee!

Worst shoot...when the model kept telling my makeup person how to do makeup. as thought she didnt know herself? Then she questioned all the wardrobe and wanted it her way..while I was styling it. She thought she knew more than any of us...when she left we all looked at each other and agreed she was a pain in the ass.  ( and no...its not like she was paying me and had a say)

P.S. I should say I was the photographer at this shoot.

Oh yes, I need to chill.

She got paid. That makes it all better.

I'm sure both your inboxes are filling up with requests right now.

"They won't care if I'm standing there hard. It'll make them uncomfortable, maybe, but all I gotta do is shell out some more money".


Jul 12 06 10:27 pm Link


Caroline Ann Martin

Posts: 1736

Williamsport, Pennsylvania, US

You certainly aren't alone here.... There was one photographer that I worked with who kept trying to get me to do full nudes. It's not that I'm not ok with nudes (I am), but with some of the comments he made, I felt as though he wasn't taking the photos for only artistic reasons... This was a TFP shoot and I still haven't received any of the photos yet from him.  And yes, it was shock and being speechless rg the comments, that I wasn't able to handle it right then and there....

I'm glad to say that this was only with one photographer. All the others I've worked with have gone wonderfully.

smile Caroline
-225 lbs @ goal

e-string wrote:

I was too shocked to know what to say at the time. Get it?

It's not THAT big of a deal. I got paid more for my discomfort, and I told him off later.

Jul 12 06 10:30 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

Nerlande wrote:

He paid you more cause you gave him a boner?

I wake up with one and it doesn't cost me a dime.

Jul 12 06 10:31 pm Link


Kinga LB

Posts: 95

Brooklyn, New York, US

Nerlande...first of ..your morals will not be the same as the next person so dont go around telling the next person how what they did is wrong. Sometimes when someone says a rude comment you're overwhelmed with feeling...wheather it be confusion or its easy to say AFTERWARDS what you would have done.

Jul 12 06 10:33 pm Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

Nerlande wrote:

Oh yes, I need to chill.

She got paid. That makes it all better.

I'm sure both your inboxes are filling up with requests right now.

"They won't care if I'm standing there hard. It'll make them uncomfortable, maybe, but all I gotta do is shell out some more money".


Oh My. Certainly that is the first thing I look for in a model. Please.

Jul 12 06 10:34 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

markcomp wrote:

I wake up with one and it doesn't cost me a dime.

You lose a day from your life every time you wake up with a boner.  Yesterday.

Jul 12 06 10:35 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

stonescorpion wrote:
Hmmm Mental Note:

If I ever get a chance to work with E String, do not mention starch in any way shape or form....

I think I'll file that under the "DUH" files.


Do you have that piano stuff worked out yet? smile

Jul 12 06 10:35 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Hey E-string! How's it going? And just so you all know; it was not me she was referring to! Actually, we had a great photo session just this past March. E-String rocks (and she's a total geek wink)!

  As for my worse session, it was entirely my fault. First of all, as is my habit it would seem, I had a nasty bout of insomnia the night before. So, I had absolutely no sleep. The shoot was going to be an outdoor shoot at one the lakes here in Minneapolis, but we weren't going to start until 11:00 or (i know you all know exactly where this is going). The model called lost, and wanted to take a very long route to get there when she was actually relatively close. So, I managed to direct her to the location to the lake. At around 12:30 we got started, and needless to say there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Typical. The model had brought a friend along, and so I had her hold the reflector and play the part of photo assistant, but the light was just too harsh. And besides all that, even though it was June, the temperature was really cold and the water was colder yet. So, I managed to take a bunch of crappy photo of a very beautiful model and freeze her all in the same day. We did get a few decent shots that day, but I never should have tried shooting when we did. Oh, and to make it worse, the police showed up. It seemed someone had called them when they thought I was photographing an underage girl (she was 22 I believe). The cops were actually very cool, but when they asked to see my license I discovered that I had left it at home. So, I explained to him it was at home right next to the front door and that I hadn't slept in 36 hours. So, I gave him a business card which seemed to be good enough. The cops checked the model and her friend's licenses, called my info in, and gave me back my business card and left. So, I guess the day could have been a whole lot worse.

  How's that?


Jul 12 06 10:36 pm Link



Posts: 1308

Portland, Oregon, US

In the middle of a particularly difficult shoot I once threw out my back.  I'm not talking just a little kink in my spine either; I'm talking sharp horrible pain to the point where I couldn't move, straighten up, or make it down to the floor.

I suppose it wouldn't have been so bad except it had to take place literally five minutes into the shoot with a brand new model I had just met.  I was so mortified I tried to hide it for about thirty seconds quickly realizing the pain was so bad it was obviously showing in my face.

Luckily it happened during a shoot in my own apartment and the model was an absolute doll about it.  She helped me to the couch and even went to the drug store to buy me some pain killers and a hot pack.

Jul 12 06 10:39 pm Link



Posts: 1308

Portland, Oregon, US

ooops, double post.

Jul 12 06 10:39 pm Link


Kinga LB

Posts: 95

Brooklyn, New York, US

Andrew Kaiser wrote:
In the middle of a particularly difficult shoot I once threw out my back.  I'm not talking just a little kink in my spine either; I'm talking sharp horrible pain to the point where I couldn't move, straighten up, or make it down to the floor.

I suppose it wouldn't have been so bad except it had to take place literally five minutes into the shoot with a brand new model I had just met.  I was so mortified I tried to hide it for about thirty seconds quickly realizing the pain was so bad it was obviously showing in my face.

Luckily it happened during a shoot in my own apartment and the model was an absolute doll about it.  She helped me to the couch and even went to the drug store to buy me some pain killers and a hot pack.

Wow that is so kewl of her!

Jul 12 06 10:40 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

Kinga Lewicka wrote:
Nerlande...first of ..your morals will not be the same as the next person so dont go around telling the next person how what they did is wrong. Sometimes when someone says a rude comment you're overwhelmed with feeling...wheather it be confusion or its easy to say AFTERWARDS what you would have done.

(IMO) It's so wrong.

Is that better?

It's not the fact that she didn't know what to say until afterward.

"I got paid more for my discomfort."

Seems like that made it all better to me. Maybe we're reading two different threads here.

Jul 12 06 10:40 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Nerlande wrote:

Oh yes, I need to chill.

She got paid. That makes it all better.

I'm sure both your inboxes are filling up with requests right now.

"They won't care if I'm standing there hard. It'll make them uncomfortable, maybe, but all I gotta do is shell out some more money".


Did you not see where I said "money doesn't make it all better, it's compensation for my discomfort"?

I told him off in a major way, and I won't ever work with him again. He's pretty much a GWC, which I don't go near anymore anyway.

Try to pick your inane internet fights elsewhere; you won't get me riled up. smile

Jul 12 06 10:40 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

Wynd Mulysa wrote:

You lose a day from your life every time you wake up with a boner.  Yesterday.

That make me dead and buried for a lot of years.

Jul 12 06 10:41 pm Link


Kinga LB

Posts: 95

Brooklyn, New York, US

Nerlande wrote:

(IMO) It's so wrong.

Is that better?

It's not the fact that she didn't know what to say until afterward.

"I got paid more for my discomfort."

Seems like that made it all better to me. Maybe we're reading two different threads here.

Alright if you would have stopped the shoot and stormed out of there then great for you. Woohoo

Jul 12 06 10:44 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Pat Thielen wrote:
Hey E-string! How's it going? And just so you all know; it was not me she was referring to! Actually, we had a great photo session just this past March. E-String rocks (and she's a total geek wink)!

  As for my worse session, it was entirely my fault. First of all, as is my habit it would seem, I had a nasty bout of insomnia the night before. So, I had absolutely no sleep. The shoot was going to be an outdoor shoot at one the lakes here in Minneapolis, but we weren't going to start until 11:00 or (i know you all know exactly where this is going). The model called lost, and wanted to take a very long route to get there when she was actually relatively close. So, I managed to direct her to the location to the lake. At around 12:30 we got started, and needless to say there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Typical. The model had brought a friend along, and so I had her hold the reflector and play the part of photo assistant, but the light was just too harsh. And besides all that, even though it was June, the temperature was really cold and the water was colder yet. So, I managed to take a bunch of crappy photo of a very beautiful model and freeze her all in the same day. We did get a few decent shots that day, but I never should have tried shooting when we did. Oh, and to make it worse, the police showed up. It seemed someone had called them when they thought I was photographing an underage girl (she was 22 I believe). The cops were actually very cool, but when they asked to see my license I discovered that I had left it at home. So, I explained to him it was at home right next to the front door and that I hadn't slept in 36 hours. So, I gave him a business card which seemed to be good enough. The cops checked the model and her friend's licenses, called my info in, and gave me back my business card and left. So, I guess the day could have been a whole lot worse.

  How's that?


Hello my wonderful uber-nerd! smile

Jul 12 06 10:48 pm Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

Had trouble setting up a shoot with a model, and we finally got a schedule worked out. It was the day after a major party.

Went to the shoot on time hung over. Very unprofessional - luckily, I'm not a professional.

She was late. She'd had a major party the night before. She was hung over. Had an unannounced escort with her. I told her what we were doing, asked her if she had an problems, she said no, I asked to her ask the guy to take a hike for a while, and she did, and he did.

Struggled through the shoot. We were both pretty dulled. I was trying to work through ideas, and she wasn't exactly rising to the task.

After the shoot, did some editing and found a few rhinestones in the coal. Edited, resized, e-mailed them to her: Do you like them? Do you want more? No response.

A bit later, had a hard drive crash. Lost that folder.

Wasn't meant to be.

Jul 12 06 10:50 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 684

New York, New York, US

Nerlande wrote:

(IMO) It's so wrong.

Is that better?

It's not the fact that she didn't know what to say until afterward.

"I got paid more for my discomfort."

Seems like that made it all better to me. Maybe we're reading two different threads here.

Please, be quiet

Jul 12 06 10:53 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

Let's play my favorite mayhem game:

"If you don't agree with me, you're automatically wrong."

I can have my opinion.

Spare me the bull.

Jul 12 06 10:58 pm Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

My worst shoot...

Model showed up on time. Sky was clear and blue.. We drove to a mall nearby to shoot in their outdoor amphitheatre.. it has different area with different looks.. a desert area, a grassy park with fountain area, a tropical garden area...etc.. We got there.. construction crews were there.. amphitheatre was totally destroyed.. they were changing everything .. all torn up and no access.

We drove to a park that had a lake, waterfall, and lots of trees and plenty of grass.. it had been annexed to a golf course. couldnt get in.

We drove to a housing development I had shot at.. with a bridge, trees, water fountain and waterfall.. torn down and houses being built.. fences all over the place..

Now it starts to get a little cloudy and looks like rain.. we out run the rain.. get to a park.. as we get set up.. we just get started and the rain shows up..

so we drive to a Hotel.. I get a suite on the top floor. we set up to shoot some lingerie, and she mentions she wants to do some sexy boudoir and some nudes.. we get started.. we hear a loud crack of lightning.. and the power goes out.

Oh well... she moved a few weeks later.. we never got to shoot again.

Jul 12 06 10:59 pm Link


Kinga LB

Posts: 95

Brooklyn, New York, US

I hate it when cops or park rangers or whoever comes around asking about your shoot like they want to stop it. It makes me nervous because planning a shoot is so much work and then when you can't finish the job ...its just so frustrating!

Jul 12 06 11:00 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Nerlande wrote:
Let's play my favorite mayhem game:

"If you don't agree with me, you're automatically wrong."

I can have my opinion.

Spare me the bull.

Of course you can have your opinion. But if you base it on something that someone (me) has already told you is not true ("money made it all better"), you will get corrected.

Jul 12 06 11:02 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 684

New York, New York, US

Nerlande wrote:
Let's play my favorite mayhem game:

"If you don't agree with me, you're automatically wrong."

I can have my opinion.

Spare me the bull.

No it is not agree or diss agree. I am new to MM and have been reading this forums and I am sorry, you are beautiful girl, but you like to pick fights a lot.
That is just my observation however. I might be wrong.

Jul 12 06 11:03 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

e-string wrote:

Hello my wonderful uber-nerd! smile

I'll have you know, I am not an "uber-nerd!" I am a geek, and one with several distinct areas of specialization. Being a geek, it does allow me some social skills. And I'm not nearly smart enough to be a nerd... Those guys scare me. All those brainz and stuff.

  BTW -- E-String was actually the third model I nearly froze. The second was a girl doing an "Ophelia" pose in a pond in October (hey -- she agreed to it), and E-String got to do some outdoor photos in March. It was warm; I think it was in the upper 20's that day.

  Models rock.


Jul 12 06 11:03 pm Link


Kinga LB

Posts: 95

Brooklyn, New York, US

Dont we all just want to hire Nerlande for our next shoot? YEAYYY! She must be so much fun to work with.

Jul 12 06 11:04 pm Link


Glenn Francis

Posts: 347

Los Angeles, California, US

e-string wrote:
Probably the one where the old guy told me I gave him "starch in his shorts". Luckily he paid me way more than we had agreed on.

You're worst shoot was because the guy told you you gave him "starch in his pants"????  You're a nude model for Christ's sakes - that's you're suppossed to do!  That is why people take photos of you - that is the business you are in. 

A bad shoot is when your poses "DON'T" get anyone exicited. Cause then - you're out of business.


Jul 12 06 11:07 pm Link