Forums > General Industry > put a model in her place


Craig Seay

Posts: 8606

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Well, one good thing has come from all of this. The OP has gotten more views on his work than he'll ever see for the rest of his life. That's something isn't it??? smile

Jun 03 06 09:45 am Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Fascinating.  For someone who professes to not care, you certainly appear to give a shit...

Jun 03 06 09:57 am Link



Posts: 366

Bowie, Maryland, US

Digital M A G I C wrote:
I know this is going to start a lot of drama, but it’s not like I give a shit so…….

Here’s my story, fell free to share yours.

I answered a New York Craig’s list ad the other day “TFCD Photographer needed for outdoors shoot“

My Email to the Model:
“I would like more info on this... Like; What type of project is this? Where will it be shot? Who’s the model? Where can see some of her photos? Where will my photos be used? Things like that and any other info you can give.â€?

I thought this was a simple request on my behalf, for information that should have been in the ad.

“I would be happy to furnish that information if you would provide samples of your work.â€?

Ok no problem there.

Now I’m no pro, but I am proud of the work that I do, and I’m not afraid to show it.
So I started to replay (out of reflex) with a link to my Model Mayhem page along with some photos of shots I don’t have posted.

Then something just snapped, LOL I don’t know why but I ended up posting a replay to her ad on Craig’s list.

That went like this…
“You expect an experience photographer to carry equipment around the hot city all weekend; taken photos of your STUPID ASS. (While paying for their own transportation, lunch, and water)

You want the photos retouched so that no one can see that STUPID look in your one good eye. (Hours of work, just to make you happy)

You want the photos on a CD in different formats that you can use for your CD cover or whatever. (The Photographer / Photo Editor / Designer, won’t see a dime form the sell of his/her work)

Not only do you want all of this and most likely more. You want it all for FREE

But only after you view the photographers work, and decide if their good enough to work for you.

All of this before you give-up any real info on this project of yours

Read this over a few times... maybe the focus will come back into that eye of yours, and you’ll start to see how STUPID you really are.â€?

She ended up calling me a jackass.

But it’s not like I give a shit so……..


Well, im not gonna be a big ole meany...
But I will list this...

1. That could have been me...(I know it isn't) and the amount of stress ive been under lately with health issues im sure that would be made me even sicker then ive already been the past few weeks.

2. You fail to realize some peoples life have to talk to people the way you would want to be talked never know what someone is going through.

3. Would it hurt to assume the best?

4. Im sure you hurt that person...don't you think so?

5. Did you gain anything from this? She could be someones matter what she looks one likes to see momma cry.

6. You couldn't have waited to see what her responce would have been?

7. It sounds like your heart isn't in tfcd/tfps why pretend?

8. Don't you know word spreads like wildfire?

9. You could get hurt...don't you know that? Its not wise...these days you only throw blows to defend yourself...leave the attacks for the old days when people won't go and shoot you over a stick of gum.

10. Do you mimick such behavior for your kids?

11. How do you think you would feel?

12. Why look down on her?

13. Don't you think that sounds thuggish??? Where's the class???

14. That didn't seem gentlemanly...would you want someone to talk to your mom that way?

15. If you are a female...(I doubt but I can't remember your name right now) would you want to be spoken to in that way?

16. If such a miniscule thing could set you off...good Lord...Id hate to see you actually go through a real life do you handle more important issues?

17. How are you doing? How do you feel? Are you taking care of yourself and your own inner issues so that you won't inflict pain on others? People do care ya know...but you might drive them away with such rants...especially unprovoked.

18. Did anything she say really warrant what you said? No, thats messed up.

Jun 03 06 10:09 am Link


Israel Kendall

Posts: 641

Trenton, North Carolina, US

Even if you were frustrated by her refusal to furnish you with info about the shoot until after she saw your work, you handled this situation with immaturity and rudeness. It's never a good idea to burn bridges, and an even worse idea to post this in a public forum. You've probably just ruined your chances for TFP shoots with any model in your area who reads your post. It was entertaining tho, I give you that much.

Jun 03 06 10:27 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Digital M A G I C wrote:
My original post seems to have hit a nerve with a lot of people, especially the female models, no big surprise there “I know this is going to start a lot of dramaâ€?...

What did surprise was that some people took my posting personally as if I was speaking directly to them. And in return, attacked me.

I’ve heard of people thinking the guy in the TV was talking directly to them, but damn.

So anyway….. I was sitting here reading all of this and thought to myself.
Would I be wrong if struck back at them on a personal level, like they did to me?
I mean anything I say will be twisted to make me the bad guy anyway...

Someone said “wait where is the link to your high quality photography" 
Would I be wrong if I told her I’ve seen blind kids that figure paint better than she can take a photograph?

Someone else said I was “Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Schizotypalâ€? “Maybe he was breastfed for too longâ€?
Hmmm a nude model with a PHD in psychology, now that’s something you don’t see everyday. LOL

Would I be wrong if I ask her what makes her pose nude so much?
Is it because daddy didn’t pay her enough attention as a little girl? Or did he pay her too much?

It doesn’t take “Freudâ€? to figure out this chick has got some issues. The 5,484 post in least than 14 months is a dead give away.

One chick said “I don't have a bad eye and my ass isn't all that stupidâ€?
Where in MY original posting does your name show up??

And then there’s the one eye photographer LMAO.
I’m going to give him a pass.

There’s the model who said “Dude, here's a tampon and some midolâ€?
I really want to make fun of her. I really do, but something tells me people have been laughing at her for a long time. No need for me to add to it.

Anyway these are just some of the thoughts that went threw my head

Maybe I should be a comedian, this shit is funny.

I have a funny felling a lot of people are going to want to play nice after this.

I have a funny feeling no one is going to be playing with YOU at all.

They were laughing WITH the person who made the midol/tampon comment, a not-so-subtle difference. That's while you'll never be a comedian. You don't uinderstand comedy.

Darling, I have this many posts because I am a moderator. I run this place. Hi. It was actually a different naked chick that suggested you had a personailty disorder. I was merely going through the list. I'm also not the one who suggested But attempt to "flame" the moderator.  By all means. Excellent idea.

Nekkid ladies never done goed to school and have daddy issues.  Which reminds me: I gotta call my Dad and ask him if he's coming to my Burlesque show. Thanks.

Jun 03 06 10:34 am Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

Once again, the Village Idiot has been revealed.
And the crowd cheered and went back about their chores.

Jun 03 06 10:39 am Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

Well this is certainly an interesting place to expose one's raw nerve endings and penchant for irrational hostility!!! Your reply to the model was bizarre in the context of your presentation. Considering the quality of the work in your port, maybe not the best idea to chase off models.

Jun 03 06 10:40 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

I have to admi9t that I get tired of the show me yours and than I will show you mine. I always post links to my work when making a craigslist ad, models never do. They want you to respond with no idea of what they look like.

I think this is so the can guilt you into shooting them once they see your pictures. I don't respond to those ads for just that reason, I don't want to end up shooting with someone I have no intnetion of using.

Models, lets flip it. How would you react if a photographer refused to show you his work until he saw what you looked like. I think it is the responsibility of the person posting the ad to show what they look like first. Like in dates, it is the responsibility of the person who asked the other person out to pay for the date.

Not that I think his reply was at all mature. I probably would have posted something to the effect that:

"I am tired of the games people try to play on craigslist. I am not your boyfriend, or your mother and I don't have to love you no matter what. When you are ready to build relationships in the fashion field please feel free to post ads with some sort of link to what you look like. 

This way you might just get responses from people who think you are beautiful and want to work with you, instead of people who want to work with anyone and anything and don't care what you look like as long as you will let them put you in a bikini, or less!, and play out the fantasy of being a photographer.

Of course, this is all up to you. I cannot control what you do, or how you present yourself. Well, maybe I could, but as I said I am not your Mother so I just don't care enough to."

of course I wouldn't post this but if I felt I had to post something nasty, that is how I would put it,


Jun 03 06 10:40 am Link



Posts: 3772

Las Vegas, Nevada, US


Jun 03 06 10:42 am Link



Posts: 366

Bowie, Maryland, US

Wake up call...especially with your first statement I copied and pasted out of three...

----->I mean anything I say will be twisted to make me the bad guy anyway...
Would I be wrong if I ask her what makes her pose nude so much?
And then there’s the one eye photographer LMAO

You are seemingly new and you are attacking people you don't know...people empathize with her (this other human being with feelings) because that is what they were raised to do by their parents...

They just can't believe how you savagely ripped into her and attacked her on so many personal levels for no other reason but because you didn't feel like doing tfcd/tfp.

They are trying to show you that what you did was not only wrong but not normal behavior.
They are trying to help you understand that.

They feel sorry for this person...she didn't do anything to you...I mean she didn't even slight you on a professional level...and even if she did you attacked her on a (personal) level.

Then look at it in our are trying to evoke sympathy (which you already have from me) but I can understand why its not the underlying feeling for ya right you are kinda looking like you are more fragile then she is...good lord if she can take the abuse you put on her then you should be a fortress. lol

Just trying to explain away your shock and amazment that people are empathizing with this lady...what you said was just abusive...I mean...Iyke(ish), thuggish on so many levels...ill break it down further if you need more clarification but I don't see how it could be brocken down any further.


Jun 03 06 10:45 am Link



Posts: 366

Bowie, Maryland, US

Star wrote:
I have to admi9t that I get tired of the show me yours and than I will show you mine. I always post links to my work when making a craigslist ad, models never do. They want you to respond with no idea of what they look like.

I think this is so the can guilt you into shooting them once they see your pictures. I don't respond to those ads for just that reason, I don't want to end up shooting with someone I have no intnetion of using.

Models, lets flip it. How would you react if a photographer refused to show you his work until he saw what you looked like. I think it is the responsibility of the person posting the ad to show what they look like first. Like in dates, it is the responsibility of the person who asked the other person out to pay for the date.

Not that I think his reply was at all mature. I probably would have posted something to the effect that:

"I am tired of the games people try to play on craigslist. I am not your boyfriend, or your mother and I don't have to love you no matter what. When you are ready to build relationships in the fashion field please feel free to post ads with some sort of link to what you look like. 

This way you might just get responses from people who think you are beautiful and want to work with you, instead of people who want to work with anyone and anything and don't care what you look like as long as you will let them put you in a bikini, or less!, and play out the fantasy of being a photographer.

Of course, this is all up to you. I cannot control what you do, or how you present yourself. Well, maybe I could, but as I said I am not your Mother so I just don't care enough to."

of course I wouldn't post this but if I felt I had to post something nasty, that is how I would put it,


Whoa...this could lead to so many other being that guy that went on a myspace date and killed her...*gasps*

Now, im not going to comment on the love thing...that is religion and ethics and this forum doesn't necessarily touch on that.

What I will address is professionalism and your example of dating...

Why have I (never) been on a blind or regular date and totally berrated, embarrassed, humiliated, murdered, killed, tortured, ranted, raved, cussed, fought with any of these dates unprovoked???

Because im sane.

I mean we all agree on the professionalism...put up a link...
But if a link can drive one over the edge then they need to consider how close they already are to that edge and why would anyone (who cares how unnattractive) want to shoot with someone that close to the edge??? lol

She should be thrilled that she didn't shoot with this guy...for all we know it could have ended in tragedy...what if she forgot her makeup??? lol :-P

Jun 03 06 10:51 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

CUnique wrote:

Whoa...this could lead to so many other being that guy that went on a myspace date and killed her...*gasps*

Now, im not going to comment on the love thing...that is religion and ethics and this forum doesn't necessarily touch on that.

What I will address is professionalism and your example of dating...

Why have I (never) been on a blind or regular date and totally berrated, embarrassed, humiliated, murdered, killed, tortured, ranted, raved, cussed, fought with any of these dates unprovoked???

Because im sane.

I mean we all agree on the professionalism...put up a link...
But if a link can drive one over the edge then they need to consider how close they already are to that edge and why would anyone (who cares how unnattractive) want to shoot with someone that close to the edge??? lol

She should be thrilled that she didn't shoot with this guy...for all we know it could have ended in tragedy...what if she forgot her makeup??? lol :-P

I am not refering to the posters response, I am referring to craigslist ads asking for tfp dork!


Jun 03 06 11:25 am Link



Posts: 366

Bowie, Maryland, US

Star wrote:

I am not refering to the posters response, I am referring to craigslist ads asking for tfp dork!


Im not a dork...ima super duper dork. :-P
And I saaaaaid...
*Put up a link*

So you are mad cuz I what? Agreed?

The super dork rules the day...once again. lol

Jun 03 06 11:30 am Link



Posts: 366

Bowie, Maryland, US

This is for all the constipated grumpies...

Oh, yook...he is soooo cute. :-)

Jun 03 06 11:36 am Link



Posts: 6703

Tampa, Florida, US

Uhm... yeah, you sure showed her... and all of us... what a total unprofessional looks like. It's probably good that you don't 'give a shit' what anyone else thinks... because if you did, you might stand a chance of getting some clients who are willing to pay. But, as you don't 'give a shit', that is not too likely to happen. I can't say I know many clients who want that kind of standard in the professionals that they hire.

I mean, how unreasonable for a model to want to ensure that the person responding to her ad on CL is actually a photographer and not some psycho predator looking for his next victim. How dare a model who possibly doesn't do TFP often herself have any sort of standards. I mean, she should just jump on anyone who responds, regardless of who they are, or their motives! DOH!

I think you may want to spend a little time thinking your next response to an ad, and your next post here in the forums, through, before you type. Because, in all honesty, this one really does make you look like an unprofessional ass. And, really, I would not be surprised if you lost a whole lot of business with that chip on your shoulder. (Must make it hard to hold a camera anyway!) Oh, but wait.... you don't care what anyone thinks.... or how much business you lose, so nevermind. As long as you're happy doing landscape photography for fun, who needs models or client anyway! ;-)

Jun 03 06 12:00 pm Link



Posts: 366

Bowie, Maryland, US

Especially when they have super pooch. :-)

Jun 03 06 12:11 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

CUnique wrote:
This is for all the constipated grumpies...

Oh, yook...he is soooo cute. :-)

AWWW! I love pugs! Random fact...did you know New Jersey recently changed it's state dog to the pug? My grandparents have 2...I love them big_smile

Jun 03 06 12:16 pm Link


Cliff W Estes

Posts: 482

Redmond, Washington, US

Is it so wrong to ask to see your photos?  For all she knows you are just a DOMWC (Dirty old man with camera).  She'd like to know if you are for real as much as you'd like to know if she's for real.

How would you feel if you got to the shoot expecting 6'-0" x 125 lb and found 5'-0" x 200 lb?  She'd feel just that way if you showed up to the shoot with a cell phone camera.  A few pics would have reassured her and would have reassured you. 

Her wanting to know the quality of your work was reason enough not to bother answering any of the other q's.

I always put links to my stuff in any request I send to a model for TFP work.  It's just good practice.  That way, when she responds, I know it's out of more than curiousity and that fact in itself is validation of my work.

Cliff W Estes
Borrowed Light Images

Jun 03 06 12:17 pm Link



Posts: 366

Bowie, Maryland, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

AWWW! I love pugs! Random fact...did you know New Jersey recently changed it's state dog to the pug? My grandparents have 2...I love them big_smile

They will take over the world! :-)

Jun 03 06 12:28 pm Link


studio L

Posts: 1775

Oakland, California, US

Digital M A G I C wrote:
I know this is going to start a lot of drama, but it’s not like I give a shit so…….

Here’s my story, fell free to share yours.

I answered a New York Craig’s list ad the other day “TFCD Photographer needed for outdoors shoot“

My Email to the Model:
“I would like more info on this... Like; What type of project is this? Where will it be shot? Who’s the model? Where can see some of her photos? Where will my photos be used? Things like that and any other info you can give.â€?

I thought this was a simple request on my behalf, for information that should have been in the ad.

“I would be happy to furnish that information if you would provide samples of your work.â€?

Ok no problem there.

Now I’m no pro, but I am proud of the work that I do, and I’m not afraid to show it.
So I started to replay (out of reflex) with a link to my Model Mayhem page along with some photos of shots I don’t have posted.

Then something just snapped, LOL I don’t know why but I ended up posting a replay to her ad on Craig’s list.

That went like this…
“You expect an experience photographer to carry equipment around the hot city all weekend; taken photos of your STUPID ASS. (While paying for their own transportation, lunch, and water)

You want the photos retouched so that no one can see that STUPID look in your one good eye. (Hours of work, just to make you happy)

You want the photos on a CD in different formats that you can use for your CD cover or whatever. (The Photographer / Photo Editor / Designer, won’t see a dime form the sell of his/her work)

Not only do you want all of this and most likely more. You want it all for FREE

But only after you view the photographers work, and decide if their good enough to work for you.

All of this before you give-up any real info on this project of yours

Read this over a few times... maybe the focus will come back into that eye of yours, and you’ll start to see how STUPID you really are.â€?

She ended up calling me a jackass.

But it’s not like I give a shit so……..

Well, I'd say she achieved her goal nicely-to filter those like you out of her future.

Smart girl.

Jun 03 06 12:44 pm Link



Posts: 558

Digital M A G I C wrote:
I know this is going to start a lot of drama, but it’s not like I give a shit so…….
But it’s not like I give a shit so……..

Man, you have my deapest sympathy.

Wheres most photographers would be proud to show their work and would include  a link to it by default, you are so obviously ashamed at your work that the hint of the model wanting to see it breaks you out in hives and has you running for cover.

Get a life, always include a link to your work, or go do something else. No one will work with you if you are not proud enough of your images to show them on request. And shitting on people because they dont agree with you wont get you work or models.

GROW UP !!!!!!!!

Jun 03 06 12:49 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

CUnique wrote:

They will take over the world! :-)

By licking your face and then sneezing on you as soon as your gaurd's down...I swear...they ALL do's the most adorably disgusting thing ever.

Jun 03 06 12:52 pm Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Jun 03 06 12:52 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
By licking your face and then sneezing on you as soon as your gaurd's down...I swear...they ALL do's the most adorably disgusting thing ever.

So Kaitlin...if I decided to do a shoot where I tied you up and had a pug licking your face then sneezing on might do it? big_smile

Jun 03 06 12:54 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Tape Her Up wrote:

So Kaitlin...if I decided to do a shoot where I tied you up and had a pug licking your face then sneezing on might do it? big_smile

If the pug was dressed as Batman and has his head inquisitively cocked to one side...yes. Yes I would.

Jun 03 06 12:56 pm Link


CurvyPixels Photography

Posts: 195

Saratoga, California, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

If the pug was dressed as Batman and has his head inquisitively cocked to one side...yes. Yes I would.

ROFLMAO ... I'll buy the poster!

Jun 03 06 12:59 pm Link



Posts: 366

Bowie, Maryland, US

Adrienne Aurora wrote:

This is hillarious!!!!!


Jun 03 06 01:00 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Digital M A G I C wrote:
One chick said “I don't have a bad eye and my ass isn't all that stupidâ€?
Where in MY original posting does your name show up??

When you post in a forum, you're talking to everyone.  You're free game.  The exception might be in a specific forum like Photography.  Then if you want, you can bitch at the stylists and models and tell them to go to their own forums (if you want to be a dick like that).  But General Mayhem?  Dude, you're talking to everyone.  Suck it up like a man and take it.

Jun 03 06 01:02 pm Link



Posts: 21

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Funniest post this week! lol

Jun 03 06 01:03 pm Link



Posts: 366

Bowie, Maryland, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

By licking your face and then sneezing on you as soon as your gaurd's down...I swear...they ALL do's the most adorably disgusting thing ever.

Our dog sneezes when someones doing something that gets on his nerves...he will cough and sneeze just like people cough when they are trying to get someones attention...or *clear their throat*.

He is a attention glut...but gotta luv em...he is a chihuahua though...part chihuahua..part...uh...

Hold on lemme ask him...

*going to ask him*

Okay, he said he is part chihuahua and part don't mess wit em. lol

But he has an enflated ego so id take anything he says with a grain of salt.


Jun 03 06 01:04 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Digital M A G I C wrote:
So anyway….. I was sitting here reading all of this and thought to myself.
Would I be wrong if struck back at them on a personal level, like they did to me?

Since you seem to believe you put the model in her place with your original rant, I suspect you'll believe it's not wrong to "strike back" at those who pointed out the flaws in your approach.

Buy a clue. There's even a number of them scattered throughout this thread that you can use for free.

Digital M A G I C wrote:
Anyway these are just some of the thoughts that went threw my head

They didn't slow down any as they went through, though, did they?

Digital M A G I C wrote:
have a funny felling a lot of people are going to want to play nice after this.

Why? Because you think being illogical and rude accomplishes something?

You chose to answer a TFP ad.
You then went ballistic about doing a shoot "for free".
You projected a number of beliefs on the part of the model you haven't shown any justification for.

You may want to get help.

Jun 03 06 01:05 pm Link


Christina Ilise

Posts: 319

Saint Albans, New York, US

Digital M A G I C wrote:
I knew this was going to start a lot drama

But it's not like I give a......… Well you know how it goes

Anyway it’s not about the money, and I don’t mind helping someone who needs the help.

But that’s just it, if you need help act like it.

Don’t act like your some super model setting up a top secret photo shoot, refusing to give out any info until your high standards are reached.

She asked for the help not me.

I don't really see why asking for samples of your work is "act[ing] like you're some supermodel". If a photographer were conducting a TFP shoot, he would probably want to see samples of the model's work as well. You are probably not the only person who responded to that ad. If several photographers applied, then the only way to decide which one to use would be see their work. It just makes sense. In any case, if she doesn't like your work, then all of the details of the shoot don't even matter because she won't use you.

Jun 03 06 01:08 pm Link



Posts: 400

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

I think except in a case of physical assault, everyone -- model and photographer alike -- is expected to behave professionally.  I personally see no reason to have written something like this to her.  Some here may find your remarks funny, and I don't want to get up on my high horse, but if you expect to continue working with people you're going to have to develop a more professional attitude. 


Jun 03 06 01:09 pm Link



Posts: 2

Los Angeles, California, US

Wowzers! That was a little too much, I see now why you only have one friend.

Jun 03 06 01:18 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
If the pug was dressed as Batman and has his head inquisitively cocked to one side...yes. Yes I would.

Damn...if I only owned a pug and a pug Batman costume...

Jun 03 06 01:20 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

Ouch C wrote:
Wowzers! That was a little too much, I see now why you only have one friend.

actually the one friend is Tyler and hes automatic when you join.

Jun 03 06 01:21 pm Link



Posts: 558

Mary wrote:

actually the one friend is Tyler and hes automatic when you join.

And even he is regretting it !

Jun 03 06 01:29 pm Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

Hmmm...may just be me, but this guy truly seems to be the typical GWC that everyone warns about. He shows the signs...crappy photos, big ego, bad attitude...HUGE this guy won't last long in the industry.

Before his last reply, I thought this guy was a jerk. Now, I'm certain that his mama must not have smacked enough sense in him when he was younger.

This guy makes Howard Stern look like a friggin' angel.

Answer this Mr. Magic many models do you think you will have working with you after you made this thread? How much work do you think you will get from legitimate companies after they hear of how you treat models (and everyone in general)?

I can honestly say with that attitude, and the stupidity you have shown, you are in the wrong business. If you really want to be a photographer, maybe you should stick to trees and buildings.

I don't know any other models who would want to work with a mediocre (at best) photographer who thinks he's God's gift to everything anyhow.

As far as your asinine comment about myself: Real smart of you. Really. I applaud the fact that you at least tried to be funny. You tried...that's all. Honestly, I'm fat, I don't care. I could bet that I have more talent and beauty (inner and outer) than you have in your little finger. I think that you feel you have to poke fun at others to make up for the lack of your own self-esteem, and make up for your own inadequacies. Maybe you didn't get love as a child, or maybe you went through a nasty divorce...or maybe you just have crappy work and know it. Either way, it doesn't give you the right to treat complete strangers as you do. I bet you wouldn't have the balls to act the way you do face-to-face with any of these people. If you did, I bet many people would be standing in line to kick your ass...just a hunch.

Jun 03 06 01:31 pm Link



Posts: 366

Bowie, Maryland, US

BeccaNDSouth wrote:
Hmmm...may just be me, but this guy truly seems to be the typical GWC that everyone warns about. He shows the signs...crappy photos, big ego, bad attitude...HUGE this guy won't last long in the industry.

Before his last reply, I thought this guy was a jerk. Now, I'm certain that his mama must not have smacked enough sense in him when he was younger.

This guy makes Howard Stern look like a friggin' angel.

Answer this Mr. Magic many models do you think you will have working with you after you made this thread? How much work do you think you will get from legitimate companies after they hear of how you treat models (and everyone in general)?

I can honestly say with that attitude, and the stupidity you have shown, you are in the wrong business. If you really want to be a photographer, maybe you should stick to trees and buildings.

I don't know any other models who would want to work with a mediocre (at best) photographer who thinks he's God's gift to everything anyhow.

As far as your asinine comment about myself: Real smart of you. Really. I applaud the fact that you at least tried to be funny. You tried...that's all. Honestly, I'm fat, I don't care. I could bet that I have more talent and beauty (inner and outer) than you have in your little finger. I think that you feel you have to poke fun at others to make up for the lack of your own self-esteem, and make up for your own inadequacies. Maybe you didn't get love as a child, or maybe you went through a nasty divorce...or maybe you just have crappy work and know it. Either way, it doesn't give you the right to treat complete strangers as you do. I bet you wouldn't have the balls to act the way you do face-to-face with any of these people. If you did, I bet many people would be standing in line to kick your ass...just a hunch.

Really agree with the (complete strangers) part...
And I personally think that plus size models are just as important as any other type of model...they add something different to an already too polarized/limited and pigeon-holed industry. I also find some people of larger frame to be some of the most caring, loving and wonderful people anyone could ever know or have the privilege of knowing. Plus, many of them give me food...and that makes them an automatic friend in my book. :-)


Jun 03 06 02:34 pm Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Digital M A G I C wrote:
Maybe I should be a comedian, this shit is funny.

I have a funny felling a lot of people are going to want to play nice after this.

Yes.. you should be a comedian... cause your photography 'career' is about to go down the shitter like last night's chinese food.  But don't plan on being a comedian too long either... cause your comedy isn't as high quality as your images.

Jun 03 06 02:53 pm Link