Forums > General Industry > put a model in her place


Scott Evans

Posts: 385

Cypress, California, US

theda wrote:

How log ago were you working on your PhD? By the time I teetered my way into college, Almost all of Freud was considered a quaint historical factoid.  Actually, I think he's been discredited too much. But the oral/anal/gental phase thing is still pretty out there.

Back in 1989 I defended and you want to know what my general conclusion is?  I truly think that we don't really know!  We guess, make judgments and throw metaphorical dart at a dart board when it come to the human brain.  If it is a material issue, chemical imbalance etc that is one thing but as for behavior it is a crap shoot.  My final conclusions is; most people will never get well if they do nto want to.  It is like saying I am not an alcoholic, I just drink too much!

Freud had is own issues I say! LOL  I say want to and it will happen.  Enable it and things remain the same.  Ignor it, it worsens!

Jun 02 06 06:34 pm Link


Shadows and Shapes

Posts: 49

Rome, Georgia, US

Not very good  PR for know ''it's a small world'' and 50% of us have heard  of , or worked with each other or know someone who has, don't screw up your rept.

Jun 02 06 06:38 pm Link



Posts: 2200

New York, New York, US

What pushed you over the edge?  Funny story but email text can seem pretty harsh even if you're trying to be nice.
I guess you won't be working with her?

Jun 02 06 06:40 pm Link


Natalie Photography

Posts: 161

Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

what snapped? And what is your point?

.... and if you dont really care, why bother to post at all?

Jun 02 06 06:41 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

A model's place is in front of a camera. Looks like you failed miserably to do that.

Jun 02 06 06:45 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

The model/photographer dialectic is tricky and often treacherous.  That said, I always try to err on the side of niceness with models...even in i'm totally pissed off.

Jun 02 06 06:52 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Okay, let me understand this.  She asked to see samples of your work and you flipped out?  For God's sake, why???  What the hell did she do wrong by asking to see samples of your work.  Maybe she just wanted to find out if you were the type of photographer she would want to work with or if you were a sleaze merchant (like me big_smile ).

Son, I think you not only burned bridges with her, but every model that's read this thread.

Take a few pills, see a psychiatrist, get laid--do something.  Just relax.  Asking to see samples of your work ain't that deep.

Jun 02 06 06:57 pm Link


Dark Star Photography

Posts: 254

Portland, Maine, US

Nemi wrote:
Uhm, it's craigslist...
Do you know how many fucking weirdos are on that site?

She was right to call you a jackass. You didn't put her in her place, you just burned a bridge for no good reason, and made yourself look crazy in the process.

If you think TFCD is so "STUPID" you should never have answered her ad in the first place. Don't be so proud of yourself for being smarmy asshole.

Smarmy asshole...  LMFAO!!  Can I borrow that phrase in describing my mother-in-law???

Jun 02 06 07:05 pm Link


BCI Photo

Posts: 938

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

This post is funny.

Jun 02 06 07:10 pm Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

I know someone I won't be referring models in New York too

Jun 02 06 07:14 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Digital M A G I C wrote:
Don’t act like your some super model setting up a top secret photo shoot, refusing to give out any info until your high standards are reached.

She asked for the help not me.

And it'd be GREAT if photographers can stop acting like god's gift to models!

I certainly hope you like working alone with your camera, because after this post it certainly seems like thats all you'll be doing.

Jun 02 06 07:15 pm Link


Natalie Photography

Posts: 161

Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

Tape Her Up wrote:
Take a few pills, ... get laid--do something.

And let the congregation say a-men to that!

Jun 02 06 07:17 pm Link


Antoine McAdams

Posts: 781

Irvington, New Jersey, US

Digital M A G I C wrote:
I know this is going to start a lot of drama, but it’s not like I give a shit so…….

Here’s my story, fell free to share yours.

I answered a New York Craig’s list ad the other day “TFCD Photographer needed for outdoors shoot“

My Email to the Model:
“I would like more info on this... Like; What type of project is this? Where will it be shot? Who’s the model? Where can see some of her photos? Where will my photos be used? Things like that and any other info you can give.â€?

I thought this was a simple request on my behalf, for information that should have been in the ad.

“I would be happy to furnish that information if you would provide samples of your work.â€?

Ok no problem there.

Now I’m no pro, but I am proud of the work that I do, and I’m not afraid to show it.
So I started to replay (out of reflex) with a link to my Model Mayhem page along with some photos of shots I don’t have posted.

Then something just snapped, LOL I don’t know why but I ended up posting a replay to her ad on Craig’s list.

That went like this…
“You expect an experience photographer to carry equipment around the hot city all weekend; taken photos of your STUPID ASS. (While paying for their own transportation, lunch, and water)

You want the photos retouched so that no one can see that STUPID look in your one good eye. (Hours of work, just to make you happy)

You want the photos on a CD in different formats that you can use for your CD cover or whatever. (The Photographer / Photo Editor / Designer, won’t see a dime form the sell of his/her work)

Not only do you want all of this and most likely more. You want it all for FREE

But only after you view the photographers work, and decide if their good enough to work for you.

All of this before you give-up any real info on this project of yours

Read this over a few times... maybe the focus will come back into that eye of yours, and you’ll start to see how STUPID you really are.â€?

She ended up calling me a jackass.

But it’s not like I give a shit so……..

Sorry to tell you but, she is are a Jackass....more like a Dumbass...that was a very stupid move...your camera should be taken away and you should be put in a corner...wink

Jun 02 06 07:20 pm Link



Posts: 319

Miami, Florida, US

Digital M A G I C wrote:
Read this over a few times... maybe the focus will come back into that eye of yours, and you’ll start to see how STUPID you really are.â€?

She ended up calling me a jackass.

I read it over a few times. 

She's right.

Jun 02 06 07:23 pm Link


Twisted Light

Posts: 362

Miami, Florida, US

theda wrote:
You want a cookie?

Is this offer available to me? Cause a cookie sounds really good right now.

Jun 02 06 07:26 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

I skipped everyone's replies after reading the first few...I wanted to see if the OP had the balls to come back...I guess not.

Jun 02 06 07:27 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

The funny thing is that I don't see all that much drama. We've got the OP on one side, and the rest of the world on the other. wink

Jun 02 06 07:27 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

What a total bitch! Wanting to see samples of your work? How dare she!

I did note on your profile that you ask for TFP and  are looking for someone to grow with, or words to that effect. "She ended up calling me a jackass." Ummm, maybe she was right? Most photographers I know are eager to show samples of their work and do so at the drop of a hat, esp with a potential free model.

Jun 02 06 07:30 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Nemi wrote:
She was right to call you a jackass. You didn't put her in her place, you just burned a bridge for no good reason, and made yourself look crazy in the process.

If you think TFCD is so "STUPID" you should never have answered her ad in the first place.

I'm gonna have to agree here.

None of that was justified OR professional.

Jun 02 06 07:32 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

theda wrote:
You want a cookie?

Can I get a cookie too?  I haven't been mean to any models, but I don't have any cookies in my house, either, and I could really go for one.

Jun 02 06 07:34 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

A photog would want to see a model's stuff right before working with her? At least a polaroid. Why would not the rules apply both ways?

Jun 02 06 07:34 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

I'm always down for some chocolate chip.  smile

Jun 02 06 07:36 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I do have Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream (Ben & Jerry's) in the house.  I should go have a bowl.

Jun 02 06 07:38 pm Link


LaToya TOYFASH Baber

Posts: 2

Los Angeles, California, US

theda wrote:

Ooh! C! C! The answer is always C.

And I loved Slapstick.

Yeah I agree the answers  definitely C!!


Jun 02 06 07:38 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


“You expect an experience photographer to carry equipment around the hot city all weekend; taken photos of your STUPID ASS. ...............

She ended up calling me a jackass.

Looks like she was only talking to you -using  your own language .....

Jun 02 06 07:38 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Digital M A G I C wrote:
I knew this was going to start a lot drama
Don’t act like your some super model setting up a top secret photo shoot, refusing to give out any info until your high standards are reached.

Which part of

Digital M A G I C wrote:
“I would be happy to furnish that information if you would provide samples of your work.â€?

sounded like "some super model setting up a top secret photo shoot, refusing to give out any info until your high standards are reached."?

When did "Ok no problem there. " become something you couldn't accept, and went on a rampage over?

And where did you find out that the model had a "STUPID look in your one good eye", or that she wanted "the photos retouched" "on a CD in different formats"? Was that before or after you said you might be interested?

Pot. Kettle. 0R+0G+0B.

Or, in your own words: "Read this over a few times... maybe the focus will come back into that eye of yours, and you’ll start to see how STUPID you really are."

Jun 02 06 07:39 pm Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

Dude, here's a tampon and some midol. Looks like you need it more than I do.

The girl posted a casting call wanting a tfp/tfcd photographer, and you responded to her casting call. She had every right to ask to see your work. I wouldn't want to shoot with a photographer without seeing what he can do, so why do you think she would? If you didn't want to shoot with her, you should have let her know in a bit nicer way, instead of making it seem like she was just out to get free photos. Models have expenses, too, you know.

If you didn't give a shite about the whole thing, why are you posting this in the first place? If I were the model in question getting a reply like that, I'd tell you I didn't care if you were friggin' Ghandi, and that with an attitude like that, it's going to be VERY difficult to find models willing to work with you. Then again, I can be a real "b" sometimes...

Jun 02 06 09:34 pm Link



Posts: 880

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Hey, if you did not want to do a TFP shoot, why did you respond to the ad?  Do you really expect for a model to want to shoot with you without even seeing your work??

Jun 02 06 09:41 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

I think the OP already realized his response was asshole-ish "something snapped". I dunno I found it very funny.

Jun 02 06 09:43 pm Link


Digital M A G I C

Posts: 13

My original post seems to have hit a nerve with a lot of people, especially the female models, no big surprise there “I know this is going to start a lot of dramaâ€?...

What did surprise was that some people took my posting personally as if I was speaking directly to them. And in return, attacked me.

I’ve heard of people thinking the guy in the TV was talking directly to them, but damn.

So anyway….. I was sitting here reading all of this and thought to myself.
Would I be wrong if struck back at them on a personal level, like they did to me?
I mean anything I say will be twisted to make me the bad guy anyway...

Someone said “wait where is the link to your high quality photography" 
Would I be wrong if I told her I’ve seen blind kids that figure paint better than she can take a photograph?

Someone else said I was “Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Schizotypalâ€? “Maybe he was breastfed for too longâ€?
Hmmm a nude model with a PHD in psychology, now that’s something you don’t see everyday. LOL

Would I be wrong if I ask her what makes her pose nude so much?
Is it because daddy didn’t pay her enough attention as a little girl? Or did he pay her too much?

It doesn’t take “Freudâ€? to figure out this chick has got some issues. The 5,484 post in least than 14 months is a dead give away.

One chick said “I don't have a bad eye and my ass isn't all that stupidâ€?
Where in MY original posting does your name show up??

And then there’s the one eye photographer LMAO.
I’m going to give him a pass.

There’s the model who said “Dude, here's a tampon and some midolâ€?
I really want to make fun of her. I really do, but something tells me people have been laughing at her for a long time. No need for me to add to it.

Anyway these are just some of the thoughts that went threw my head

Maybe I should be a comedian, this shit is funny.

I have a funny felling a lot of people are going to want to play nice after this.

Jun 03 06 02:52 am Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Well, I'm not going to want to play nice with you.  There again, I can be as big an asshole as the next guy.

First off, learn how to spell.  Your STUPID, uneducated, misspelled posts give me a headache.  " I have a funny felling"?  What the hell's that?  You fall down a lot?  Maybe you got dropped on your head as a kid.  Could explain your rampant STUPIDity.

You've told us repeatedly that you don't give a s--t, and yet here you are trying to defend the undefendable.  You deserve to never have another model work for you for the rest of your life with the attitude you have.

Jun 03 06 06:45 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Digital M A G I C wrote:
I have a funny felling a lot of people are going to want to play nice after this.

You are a legend in your own mind my friend...

Jun 03 06 06:54 am Link


Mechanical Whispers

Posts: 153

Brooklyn, New York, US

Digital M A G I C wrote:
So anyway….. I was sitting here reading all of this and thought to myself.
Would I be wrong if struck back at them on a personal level, like they did to me?
I mean anything I say will be twisted to make me the bad guy anyway...

I don't know what your definition of "wrong" is, but you've made it clear that you don't have a problem with being immature. Now, instead of getting mad about what I just said, or laughing your ass off, hopefully you will read on...

Digital M A G I C wrote:
Anyway these are just some of the thoughts that went threw my head

Maybe I should be a comedian, this shit is funny.

I have a funny felling a lot of people are going to want to play nice after this.

I read through this entire thread as well. And I find it interesting that your choice was to flame people instead of making any valid points to those who were just generally confused by your extreme reaction. Maybe you don't think the people replying are "worth your time", but then why post this here in the first place? Maybe you SHOULD try to be a comedian, because you sure aren't going to get much work after choosing to "strike back" on this thread. Now, my recommendation would be to answer the general question people have for you... "What made you snap?"

I don't really get the whole "playing nice" comment. Do you feel like you've been sufficiently intimidating? Again, your definition of "playing nice" is, no doubt, subjective. People are nice to those they respect. A lot of people tend to ignore those they don't. Where do you think you fit in?

(I'm not even going to call attention to specific typos and grammatical errors in his posts. I think quoting them emphasizes them enough.)

Jun 03 06 08:14 am Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

Sounds to me like she dodged a bullet by not working with you.

Jun 03 06 08:22 am Link


Jack Curtis

Posts: 224

Westlake, Louisiana, US

photowoody wrote:
Not very good  PR for know ''it's a small world'' and 50% of us have heard  of , or worked with each other or know someone who has, don't screw up your rept.

Uh....too late.

Jun 03 06 08:29 am Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

BTW, I think I'll do an impersonation of this jackass.

"Yeah, I bees cool.  I tell it like I fell.  F not agree wit me I fell you STUPID so make funny of you.  I should be a comedian bee cause I ain't no photog."

I'll be this guy doesn't know the difference between a digital camera and a film camera.  Hell, he probably doesn't even know what film is!

Jun 03 06 08:31 am Link


Isaac Photography

Posts: 393

Conyers, Georgia, US

Digital M A G I C wrote:
I have a funny felling a lot of people are going to want to play nice after this.

I have a funny feeling the flood gates are now going to be open!

Jun 03 06 08:52 am Link


CurvyPixels Photography

Posts: 195

Saratoga, California, US

Digital M A G I C wrote:
What did surprise was that some people took my posting personally as if I was speaking directly to them. And in return, attacked me.

*** scratching head, almost certain this is all for affect ***

Okay, I'll bite.  The RESULTS are that you have no pictures to add to your portfolio and a model (or someone wanting to break into the ranks of a model) is insulted and will now be twice as leary about approaching the next photographer.  As a photographer (or wannabe, however you care to classify me), I take it personally when someone in my community is doing things that make it harder for the rest of the community. 

I'm curious ... what sort of response did you want (other than personal)?  A critique of the way you handled the situation?  A judgement call on whether the model was justified in asking for examples of your work before providing you details?  It seemed like what you were asking for was to stir up shit (your words, not mine).

Jun 03 06 09:08 am Link


Sindy Vidal

Posts: 22

Miami, Florida, US

Digital M A G I C wrote:
Maybe I should be a comedian, this shit is funny.

I have a funny felling a lot of people are going to want to play nice after this.

The only thing funny about your original post and follow-up is that you don't see how stupid, childish, and immature you're making yourself look.

Jun 03 06 09:17 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Digital M A G I C wrote:
My original post seems to have hit a nerve with a lot of people, especially the female models, no big surprise there “I know this is going to start a lot of dramaâ€?...

Maybe I should be a comedian, this shit is funny.

I have a funny felling a lot of people are going to want to play nice after this. should just give up...right should remove all your photos and ask a mod to delete your profile...because I can safely assure you that any model who's seen this will have no interest in working with you. With this post you have proven yourself to be a prime candidate for the "World's Biggest Asshole" contest. For someone who doesn't give a shit, you sure seem to. And by the way...TFP is something both photographer and model are supposed to benefit from, so it kind of makes sense for her to want to make sure that the photographers contacting her are worth shooting with. You wouldn't do TFP with an ugly chick, well a model's not going to do TFP with a shit photographer. shouldn't be a comedian...because nothing you said was at all funny (except maybe because of the sheer stupidity of it), and generally people don't laugh at jokes when the comedian can't even figure out that it's finger paint...not figure paint. Oh were wrong again...that didn't make me want to play nice...what a shocker.

Jun 03 06 09:37 am Link