Forums > General Industry > Which is Worse - Cheese or Porn ?


Ivan Aps

Posts: 4996

Miami, Florida, US

Envy wrote:

He is allowed to his opinion, but he is stating his opinions as facts. That is what bothers me.

I agree.  However, did you know that most criminal psychologist when describing the personalities of serial rapist/killers actual include that they feel the exact way he does about these topics?  Scary huh?  OK everyone, nice and easy, slowly step away from the model.......... RUN

May 27 06 02:15 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

A fine Virginia Ham stumbles into a thread on porn and the dogs turn on him like he was a wheel of Wisconsin Cheddar.. (Ok, I suck at puns..)

May 27 06 02:16 pm Link


That Look Photography

Posts: 1581

Clearwater, Florida, US

I am still trying to find out what porn is. I have not found it yet..


May 27 06 02:18 pm Link


Ivan Aps

Posts: 4996

Miami, Florida, US

DreamPretty wrote:

No wonder you have no self-esteem. You let some woman trod on your nether regions.

For the record, cheese or porn is fine with me, as long as I'm hungry ;;D

Don't forget the crackers!

May 27 06 02:18 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

That Look Photo wrote:
I am still trying to find out what porn is. I have not found it yet..


You're soaking in it..

May 27 06 02:19 pm Link



Posts: 279

Palo Alto, California, US

WG Rowland wrote:
A fine Virginia Ham stumbles into a thread on porn and the dogs turn on him like he was a wheel of Wisconsin Cheddar.. (Ok, I suck at puns..)

LOL..........Been eating cheese reading this whole thread!

May 27 06 02:33 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Meade Skelton wrote:
Im sorry but Porn is just wrong on all acounts

1.Exploitation of women
2.Gate way for addiction and lust
3. Hurts marriages and relationships
4. Encourages rape and molestation
5.Fantasies gone wrong.

Now beautiful pictures of lovely female nudes... That is art and is fine. Porn cheapens this.

As a teen boy I used to have some dirty magazines and Im lucky I didnt get hooked on them. Its pure and utter filth!

You know...if you have an opinion something you should probably state it as just that...and OPINION.

1. Many would argue that porn is no more an exploitation of women than fine art...both objectify women and display them as something other than a person (not in all cases of course)...the only difference is that porn displays them as a sexual object and fine art displays them as something beautiful to look at. Women are both sexual objects and something beautiful to look if it's ok to show them as pretty things, why is it wrong to show them as sexual things too?
2. What is wrong with lust? People will lust regardless of what you present them with. Back in the day when women were fully covered if a woman accidentally flashed a little ankle that would inspire lust. Lust is a natural human feeling that will exist whether porn does or not.
3. I challenge you to find me a relationship that was destroyed solely by porn. Relationships are destroyed by a lack of security, a lack of trust, and a lack of compromise. If a woman is hurt by her fella watching porn, odds are it's because she feels insecure because of the competition, or perhaps she finds it morally wrong. If a woman can't overcome those issues then it is the man's unwillingness to take her feelings to heart that's the problem. The porn isn't the problem, it's a catalyst.
4. THIS is absurd. I watch porn on a fairly daily basis and I've never raped or molested anyone in my life. You have no scientific evidence of this, so it is rediculous for you to state this as a fact. Rape existed long before porn. Those who respect the lives of others will never rape someone no matter how much porn they watch, and those who do rape people probably would've if they watched porn or not. This is just an excuse for rapists' lack of control.
5. Fantasies are never wrong. It's when you act on harmful fantasies that there's a problem. That is a lack of control...not a problem caused by porn.

You made yourself look really ignorant with those statements you should probably think a little harder before you say something with no scientific backing.

May 27 06 02:48 pm Link


Constance Hilory

Posts: 1706

Mobile, Alabama, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

You know...if you have an opinion something you should probably state it as just that...and OPINION.

1. Many would argue that porn is no more an exploitation of women than fine art...both objectify women and display them as something other than a person (not in all cases of course)...the only difference is that porn displays them as a sexual object and fine art displays them as something beautiful to look at. Women are both sexual objects and something beautiful to look if it's ok to show them as pretty things, why is it wrong to show them as sexual things too?
2. What is wrong with lust? People will lust regardless of what you present them with. Back in the day when women were fully covered if a woman accidentally flashed a little ankle that would inspire lust. Lust is a natural human feeling that will exist whether porn does or not.
3. I challenge you to find me a relationship that was destroyed solely by porn. Relationships are destroyed by a lack of security, a lack of trust, and a lack of compromise. If a woman is hurt by her fella watching porn, odds are it's because she feels insecure because of the competition, or perhaps she finds it morally wrong. If a woman can't overcome those issues then it is the man's unwillingness to take her feelings to heart that's the problem. The porn isn't the problem, it's a catalyst.
4. THIS is absurd. I watch porn on a fairly daily basis and I've never raped or molested anyone in my life. You have no scientific evidence of this, so it is rediculous for you to state this as a fact. Rape existed long before porn. Those who respect the lives of others will never rape someone no matter how much porn they watch, and those who do rape people probably would've if they watched porn or not. This is just an excuse for rapists' lack of control.
5. Fantasies are never wrong. It's when you act on harmful fantasies that there's a problem. That is a lack of control...not a problem caused by porn.

You made yourself look really ignorant with those statements you should probably think a little harder before you say something with no scientific backing.

The perfect response!

May 27 06 02:50 pm Link



Posts: 78

New York, New York, US

I feel exploited by cheese.

May 27 06 03:09 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

johnkphotography wrote:
I feel exploited by cheese.

It just makes me kind of phlegmmy..

May 27 06 03:15 pm Link


Collin J. Rae

Posts: 7657

Winchester, Virginia, US

I like porn...I like cheese...I like cheesie Porn...I like pornie cheese...

May 27 06 03:18 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Collin J. Rae wrote:
I like porn...I like cheese...I like cheesie Porn...I like pornie cheese...

pornie cheese?  Is that the string kind that comes in somewhat phallic shapes?

May 27 06 03:27 pm Link


Collin J. Rae

Posts: 7657

Winchester, Virginia, US

WG Rowland wrote:

pornie cheese?  Is that the string kind that comes in somewhat phallic shapes?

Yess some of that and a nice block of a good Swiss....hours of fun = )

May 27 06 03:33 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Meade Skelton wrote:
Im sorry but Porn is just wrong on all acounts

1.Exploitation of women
2.Gate way for addiction and lust
3. Hurts marriages and relationships
4. Encourages rape and molestation
5.Fantasies gone wrong.

Now beautiful pictures of lovely female nudes... That is art and is fine. Porn cheapens this.

As a teen boy I used to have some dirty magazines and Im lucky I didnt get hooked on them. Its pure and utter filth!

Hey Falwell,

1. How can you exploit willing participants? And what about the male performers. Are they exploited too? Or are you suggesting that women are dumb and need proper male guidance in life?

2. What's wrong with lust? Have you never had sex for reasons other than procreation?

3. Porn alone does not hurt a healthy marriage. If it does then the marriage is weak and there are much larger factors at hand. Porn is simply one of the antagonist factors.

4. Bullshit. If anything, it creates an outlet for people who have such desires without having to act on them. Before the advent of the television and photography there were plenty of rapes.

5. Not an argument. We all have fantasies. Some of us fantasize about our next meal. Should we ban KFC ads on TV?

The hidden American Taliban is hard at work. But thank you for your opinion. Thank god you are not in the majority.

May 27 06 03:47 pm Link


That Look Photography

Posts: 1581

Clearwater, Florida, US

WG Rowland wrote:

You're soaking in it..

What the heck does that mean ? I need to get out of the studio more..

May 27 06 03:54 pm Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

Tape Her Up wrote:
BTW, I had a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch, so cheese doesn't offend me, either.

What kind of cheese... Colby-jack makes a fine grilled cheese sandwich.

May 27 06 07:00 pm Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

Tape Her Up wrote:

People who think this way are people who don't work in the industry.

1.Every woman I've ever shot with has wanted to be there.  Hell, I have some models practically beg me for a shoot.  Some do it for the money--and the money ain't bad at that.

2.Hormones cause lust.  I had dirty thoughts about hot women long before I saw porn.  There again, I don't watch much porn myself.  It's kinda like working at Pizza Hut--gets to the point where you don't even want to think about pizza.

3.I've heard of marriages breaking up over money, gambling, and drinking--but have yet to hear of a marriage that broke up over watching porn.  Shooting porn--yes.  Watching porn--no.

4.Again, haven't heard of too many cases of people claiming porn caused them to commit sex crimes.  In fact, the only two that spring to mind is Ted Bundy--who only said so in a last ditch effort to stave off getting the death penalty--and Jimmy Swaggart, who had to blame Something for his lust (instead of himself).

5.Umm...exactly how is porn fantasies gone wrong?  That is the vaguest statement that could ever be made.

Remember, what's one man's beautiful artistic nudes is another man's porn.

Well said.

May 27 06 07:01 pm Link



Posts: 1939

Fairfield, California, US

Garry k wrote:
If you dont know what I am talkin about - just keep doin what you are doin ( but dont ask the rest of us to critique it )

OBviously  cheesy porn the aboslute worst - but between cheese and porn - which offends you more ?

They both stink but I can't get enough LOL!

May 27 06 07:03 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Cheese, unless the porn feels like it's meant to be demeaning, which a lot of porn often feels like. Good porn (rare) on the other hand is... well, good.

May 27 06 07:04 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

I like to eat aerosol cheese while watching porn sometimes.

May 27 06 07:31 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Garry k wrote:
If you dont know what I am talkin about - just keep doin what you are doin ( but dont ask the rest of us to critique it )

OBviously  cheesy porn the aboslute worst - but between cheese and porn - which offends you more ?

Well, porn doesn't offend me at all, but I'm sorry to hear you have a problem with it, though. 

As for cheese, I generally don't assign it enough importance for it to offend me.  When I come across it I usually just ignore it and move on.  I try to limit the things that offend me to stuff that really matters, like censorship laws and shit like that.

May 27 06 07:32 pm Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

Cheese is the best. Gouda, Cheddar, Swiss....any of them with a good wine.

May 27 06 07:39 pm Link


Wolf 189

Posts: 4834

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Marko Cecic-Karuzic wrote:
Cheese, unless the porn feels like it's meant to be demeaning, which a lot of porn often feels like. Good porn (rare) on the other hand is... well, good.

Like some of the works of Dahmane Benanteur....

And a probably an offensive sample by him: (do not click if you are not comfortable with sex!)

May 27 06 07:54 pm Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

If the choices were:  a world without cheese or a world without porn?

I'd rather live in a world without cheese.  I'd miss it occasionally, but that's all.  But a world without porn would be scary.  How would all that energy get released?  I think the sex crime rate would shoot through the roof.

May 27 06 09:16 pm Link


Meade Skelton

Posts: 27

Richmond, California, US

Ok, first of all I am as far from a feminist as one can get. I am a single guy although my last relationship was pretty bad after my girlfriend dumped me she moved out to Las Vegas to be a show girl. And I havent heard from her since.

Porn is a gateway- its like a drug. There was a Gospel singer on the 700 Club- I cant remember his name. He said he was so addicted to porn he would spend hours online. It made him not want to be with his wife. Because the porn had infiltrated his mind and was a form of mind control to him. It almost consumed him.

He finally broke the chains of porn and recovered from his addiction.

People say lust is caused by hormones- well guess what? Porn is like a karosene lamp that keeps those fires burning and before you know it, its raging out of control. And this is really sad because many marriages are destroyed by porn addictions.

Porn does exploit women. Women should be respected and treated nice and put on a pedastool. Porn does the opposite of this.

May 27 06 09:56 pm Link


Isys Entertainment

Posts: 1420

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I feel filthy and degraded........

Because I dont know what porn is and I have never eaten cheese sad

I think I am a prude who is celibate and wears spotless white panties, and what is up with cunnalingus is that like  being a canibal?

I guess none of this really matters because I am a closet freak smile

Please note that all of what I said is fictional I was only trying to up my post count...LMAO

EDIT: Shit I have all the luck, Look above

EDIT EDIT: Isys cries, wanted to be classed easy by Vivus...I am really a prude..smacks head and pops in some porn

May 27 06 09:59 pm Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

Too easy.  No comment.   smile

Edit:  Not in reference to you, Isys.   smile

May 27 06 10:00 pm Link


Isys Entertainment

Posts: 1420

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Meade Skelton wrote:
Porn does exploit women. Women should be respected and treated nice and put on a pedastool. Porn does the opposite of this.

That is when she runssssssssssss like hell and pops in a GREAT porno and eats ice cream...U need some OOMPAH..pull her hair, bite, lick, talk dirty, tell her you hate her, then give it to her hard....

I hate it when I talk out loud....

Please note this is all fictional as I was trying to up my post count smile

May 27 06 10:07 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Meade Skelton wrote:
Porn does exploit women. Women should be respected and treated nice and put on a pedastool. Porn does the opposite of this.

Again. What about the men who are in porn. Does it exploit them too?

May 27 06 10:10 pm Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

Isys Entertainment wrote:
EDIT EDIT: Isys cries, wanted to be classed easy by Vivus...I am really a prude..smacks head and pops in some porn


May 27 06 10:13 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Personally I think cheesy fashion and art is the worst.  We've becomed conditioned to bad porn and glamour,m but jeeezus, have you seen what passes for "art" and "fashion' photography nowadays?  If I'm going to look at a bad photo, at least throw some T and A in it to make my click redeemable lol.

May 27 06 10:13 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Personally I think cheesy fashion and art is the worst.  We've becomed conditioned to bad porn and glamour,m but jeeezus, have you seen what passes for "art" and "fashion' photography nowadays?  If I'm going to look at a bad photo, at least throw some T and A in it to make my click redeemable lol.

May 27 06 10:14 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Constance Hilory wrote:

GREAT point! How then is it degrading? She is the one who opted for the job and it's her right to do so. No one is MAKING her do it. I see nothing wrong with it.

That's one thing I've never understood about the feminist philosophy.  Apparently the slogan "My body, my choice" is only selectively applied.

May 27 06 10:15 pm Link


Rick Dones Photo

Posts: 269

Los Angeles, California, US

I love cheese but i have a lactose problem and it gives me big time gas........
Porns always been good to me......

May 27 06 10:19 pm Link


Craig A McKenzie

Posts: 1767

Marine City, Michigan, US


May 27 06 10:22 pm Link


Pacific Beach Pictures

Posts: 112

Love, Saskatchewan, Canada

Vivus Denuo wrote:
If the choices were:  a world without cheese or a world without porn?

I'd rather live in a world without cheese.  I'd miss it occasionally, but that's all.  But a world without porn would be scary.  How would all that energy get released?  I think the sex crime rate would shoot through the roof.

I don't know. In the "olden days" life went on without real modern porn. Just maybe suggestive stories and drawings or something. There was no Jenna Jamieson or Ron Jeremy in the renaissance. A world without cheese however, would cause a dairy power vacuum. War would ensue, I'm sure of it. BTW, this thread sent me out to buy a small block of imported swiss today. MM has officially entered my real world life - that can't be good.

May 27 06 10:24 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Meade Skelton wrote:
Im sorry but Porn is just wrong on all acounts

1.Exploitation of women
2.Gate way for addiction and lust
3. Hurts marriages and relationships
4. Encourages rape and molestation
5.Fantasies gone wrong.


Hugh Hefner argued against everyone of these reasons back in the fifties.

Meade Skelton wrote:
Now beautiful pictures of lovely female nudes... That is art and is fine. Porn cheapens this.

What about a beautiful image of a male nude?

May 27 06 10:31 pm Link


Isys Entertainment

Posts: 1420

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Farenell Photography wrote:
What about a beautiful image of a male nude?

Send them to [email protected] ASAP my man aint home smile

May 27 06 10:34 pm Link



Posts: 51

Wilmington, Ohio, US

Come on people, give poor Meade a break. Everything he knows about porn he learned from "The 700 club". That wonderfully myopic, pious world where the men dress like "Boss Hogg" and the women are painted like clowns. It's no wonder the poor boy is confused.

BTW, what the heck is a "pedastool"

Meade, you might want to stay away from the off topic forum. A lot of open minded (and occasionally twisted) individuals here. Might be a bad influence on ya.

-Dave S.

Oh yeah, bad cheese is definately worse than bad porn. You just turn off bad porn, bad cheese stinks up the whole house.

May 27 06 10:47 pm Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

ArgentImagery wrote:
Come on people, give poor Meade a break. Everything he knows about porn he learned from "The 700 club". That wonderfully myopic, pious world where the men dress like "Boss Hogg" and the women are painted like clowns. It's no wonder the poor boy is confused.

BTW, what the heck is a "pedastool"

Meade, you might want to stay away from the off topic forum. A lot of open minded (and occasionally twisted) individuals here. Might be a bad influence on ya.

-Dave S.

Oh yeah, bad cheese is definately worse than bad porn. You just turn off bad porn, bad cheese stinks up the whole house.

You tell 'em, Dave!   smile

May 27 06 11:55 pm Link