Forums > General Industry > Which is Worse - Cheese or Porn ?


Natalie Photography

Posts: 161

Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

I like a good clean sharp image. If it makes me think "interesting" thats what I like in a photo. I really dont care if it's from the collections of Mapplethorp or Larry Flint Publications. I have done porn in the past and thought it was pretty fun. Just something I wanted to do. But I would pick not liking cheese if I had to pick a style.

May 27 06 06:35 am Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

shotbytim wrote:
Who SPENDS money on porn?
Who MAKES money?
With the explosion of self-promoting porn stars/producers, it seems that now, porn is more about women exploiting men. Show a little of this, that, and sqeeze more money out of the sucker.

Now ain't that a telling point ...

Expression of human sexuality, which I might add as an obvious fact, is hard-wired into the human genome. I've always wondered why humans spend so much energy trying to bury that fact, since IMO it always eventually surfaces ... manifested into porn, fetishes, fantasies, etc. If we just took it for what it is, would any of those manifestations even happen?

That being said, I give my personal thumbs down to CHEAP. (Cheesy can be fun as in an Ed Wood B-type movie.) And it's all subjective anyway.

May 27 06 07:23 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Meade Skelton wrote:
Im sorry but Porn is just wrong on all acounts

1.Exploitation of women
2.Gate way for addiction and lust
3. Hurts marriages and relationships
4. Encourages rape and molestation
5.Fantasies gone wrong.

Now beautiful pictures of lovely female nudes... That is art and is fine. Porn cheapens this.

As a teen boy I used to have some dirty magazines and Im lucky I didnt get hooked on them. Its pure and utter filth!

Wow you really think this way, huh?  Porn often gives adults a safe way to live
out their fantasies.  There have been no studies I know of that connect
rape and molestation to porn at least I know  accepted as proof postive.  As
far as hurting marriages, our divorce rate is over 50% and it didn't get there
because of porn at least that is NOT the factor listed in most divorce causes.
To some people those beautiful pictures of female nudes and whats intresting
about that quote is you don't say human nudes so I'm guessing in addition to
being a bit of a conservative your also homophobic anyway to some ANY
image of nudity is porn.  I think the biggest problem is people like you which
helps feed out hunger for porn after all if our acceptance that sex isn't something
dirty or something to hide we might not have such a desire for porn.

May 27 06 08:02 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

porn offends me more.  i love cheese, all sorts of cheese, bri, goat cheese, american cheese. yeah, it may be bad for you but i'm addicted to cheese! i'm also allergic to most cheese if it isn't made with a 2% ot skim milk but oh well! just means i can't have too much or it'll really bother and irritate me because i'm allergic to milk; not lactose intolerant, i'm really allergic to it!  it will irritate and make abbrasions and blisters sometimes or rash.

May 27 06 08:12 am Link



Posts: 796

Cheese can be really fun...
Porn can be really badly done...

May 27 06 08:19 am Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I love porn.  I love cheese too...I'm partial to pepper jack.  I like to eat cheese while watching porn on occassion too:-P

May 27 06 08:23 am Link



Posts: 51

New York, New York, US

Meade Skelton wrote:
Im sorry but Porn is just wrong on all acounts

1.Exploitation of women
2.Gate way for addiction and lust
3. Hurts marriages and relationships
4. Encourages rape and molestation
5.Fantasies gone wrong.

Now beautiful pictures of lovely female nudes... That is art and is fine. Porn cheapens this.

As a teen boy I used to have some dirty magazines and Im lucky I didnt get hooked on them. Its pure and utter filth!

Um, your scaring me buddy.

May 27 06 08:29 am Link



Posts: 8108

Ashland, Alabama, US

Meade Skelton wrote:
Im sorry but Porn is just wrong on all acounts

1.Exploitation of women
2.Gate way for addiction and lust
3. Hurts marriages and relationships
4. Encourages rape and molestation
5.Fantasies gone wrong.

Now beautiful pictures of lovely female nudes... That is art and is fine. Porn cheapens this.

As a teen boy I used to have some dirty magazines and Im lucky I didnt get hooked on them. Its pure and utter filth!

Oh my gosh. You beat me to it.

The "Promise Keepers" have taken up the cause. God save us women now!

May 27 06 08:33 am Link



Posts: 8108

Ashland, Alabama, US

Meade Skelton wrote:
No, Im not kidding. I think they should re-name "Adult" bookstores "Adolescent" bookstores. Because grown men going in there acting like teenaged boys.

I am a real man, and I dont need porn. I can appreciate a woman's beauty and body without being a dirty pervert about it.

No wonder you have no self-esteem. You let some woman trod on your nether regions.

For the record, cheese or porn is fine with me, as long as I'm hungry ;;D

May 27 06 08:34 am Link



Posts: 51

New York, New York, US

Actually, I think that pretty much all the posters on here have got the concept of 'explotation' of women through porn wrong... It is NOT about the exploitation of indervidual women doing porn... Some reasearch people please before you mouth off.... Jeesh! I can hear feminists scratching hairy armpits in disgust of your retarded educations!

May 27 06 08:36 am Link



Posts: 8108

Ashland, Alabama, US

aref wrote:
Actually, I think that pretty much all the posters on here have got the concept of 'explotation' of women through porn wrong... It is NOT about the exploitation of indervidual women doing porn... Some reasearch people please before you mouth off.... Jeesh! I can hear feminists scratching hairy armpits in disgust of your retarded educations!

(I would scratch my hairy armpits but I shaved yesterday)

May 27 06 08:41 am Link


Adams Photography

Posts: 177

Eufaula, Alabama, US

I love cheese and I like old porn because it looked more like real people having sex. I hate  porn music . HATE porn music. I think that there is need for someone to start making intellegent adult entertainment, because there are a lot of people who want intellegent erotic stimulation. As far as porn causing divorce ... PLEASE ... money , MONEY PROBLEMS is the main cause of divorce in this country. I've seen football addictions and bass fishing addictions cause more divorce than porn. If the Pat Robertsons in this country didn't try to preach and teach people to repress what is a God given natural desire, and didn't try to force a SEXUAL BEING to be a PRUDE then we would be a lot better off. But that is just my opinion.


May 27 06 08:41 am Link


Adams Photography

Posts: 177

Eufaula, Alabama, US

Politics is pornography and ignorance is the Devil and you need to get better educated Mr. Skelton.

May 27 06 08:45 am Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

really good porn and really good cheese both smell like dirty feet.

I was going to write a long diatribe about how completely foolish the "anti-porn" guy was... but mayan made my point more lucidly than I could have.

May 27 06 08:46 am Link



Posts: 242

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Cheese actually neutralizes bacteria on your teeth, so if you're far from a toothbrush... best way to fend off a cavity until you can brush is to eat some cheese... smile

May 27 06 09:01 am Link


Tom Sullivan

Posts: 210

Meade Skelton wrote:
Im sorry but Porn is just wrong on all acounts

1.Exploitation of women
2.Gate way for addiction and lust
3. Hurts marriages and relationships
4. Encourages rape and molestation
5.Fantasies gone wrong.

Now beautiful pictures of lovely female nudes... That is art and is fine. Porn cheapens this.

As a teen boy I used to have some dirty magazines and Im lucky I didnt get hooked on them. Its pure and utter filth!

Im 19 and male.  If I do porn who is exploiting who?

May 27 06 09:02 am Link



Posts: 242

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Thuy Anh wrote:
just means i can't have too much or it'll really bother and irritate me because i'm allergic to milk; not lactose intolerant, i'm really allergic to it!

Power to the milk allergy people! I'm allergic too, but nobody seem sto understand that you can be allergic, but not be lactose intolerant.... smile

May 27 06 09:04 am Link


Richard Tallent

Posts: 7136

Beaumont, Texas, US

Two pages of replies and NOT ONE picture of a nude female reclining in a bathtub full of queso.

I'm disappointed, people.

May 27 06 09:16 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

Envy wrote:

In his moms basement?

with his mom?!?...*j/k*

May 27 06 09:44 am Link


Christopher Wright

Posts: 11854

Lansing, Michigan, US

I'm sorry, but when I see cheddar and provolone have sex it is just plain wrong. The two should never mix. They should just stick to their own kind. wink

May 27 06 09:55 am Link


Christopher Wright

Posts: 11854

Lansing, Michigan, US

I learned some of my best moves from porn. I can't say the same about cheese. smile

May 27 06 09:56 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

Destree wrote:

Power to the milk allergy people! I'm allergic too, but nobody seem sto understand that you can be allergic, but not be lactose intolerant.... smile

w00t! another one of us! people always ask me when I tell them, they simply don't understand that you can actually simply be allergic to it.  I'm also allergic to wheat so I can't ever have any whole grain things because it'll basically do the same to me as the anything dairy.  dairy things taste so good though.  i only have as much as i can tolerate before it becomes a problem. lol

May 27 06 10:00 am Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

In California, happy cows make great cheese.  Yowsah, says the bull to Bessie!

May 27 06 10:00 am Link



Posts: 1559

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

Meade Skelton wrote:
Im sorry but Porn is just wrong on all acounts

1.Exploitation of women
2.Gate way for addiction and lust
3. Hurts marriages and relationships
4. Encourages rape and molestation
5.Fantasies gone wrong.

Now beautiful pictures of lovely female nudes... That is art and is fine. Porn cheapens this.

As a teen boy I used to have some dirty magazines and Im lucky I didnt get hooked on them. Its pure and utter filth!

filth is lovely, it's perfect and it drives technology. without porn there might not be an internet so G-d blass porn.

1. women in porn are not exploited, their empowered
2. addition and lust are lovely, wondeful parts of the human experiece
3. never one I've been in, porn is a valid outlet for sexual desires
4. porn facilitates valid outlets, reducing rape and molestation
5. then you need to get better tapes baby

maybe as a teen you just had the wrong type of porn?

May 27 06 10:06 am Link



Posts: 1559

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

i think cheese is more irritating than porn.

personally, i don't care for porn at all and find most of it complete rubbish but cheese shots get under my skin ...

May 27 06 10:08 am Link



Posts: 591

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Meade Skelton wrote:
Im sorry but Porn is just wrong on all acounts

1.Exploitation of women
2.Gate way for addiction and lust
3. Hurts marriages and relationships
4. Encourages rape and molestation
5.Fantasies gone wrong.

Now beautiful pictures of lovely female nudes... That is art and is fine. Porn cheapens this.

As a teen boy I used to have some dirty magazines and Im lucky I didnt get hooked on them. Its pure and utter filth!

About your first point:

Porn is wrong if it exploits women?  So we should stick to gay porn?  That's not really my thing though... what if I just reclassify my current collection as 'artistic' or 'erotica' instead... would it be ok then?  I sure hope so. 

Concerning your second point:

I've had lust in my heart since I was a kid.  Seriously.  I NEVER thought girls had 'cooties' or 'girl-germs' when I was growing up.  I was in love with my female teachers, the cute girl in front of me at bible study, and the friends my older sisters used to have sleep over. I didn't know what porn was at this stage in my life.

In relation to your third point:

Marriages and relationships are hurt by many things.  Extreme behaviour to any extent, lack of communication, differing values... a million reasons.

As a rebuttal to your fourth point:

To say that porn encourages rape or molestation is ludicrious.  There is documentation of  people in positions of authority molesting children in thier charges waaaayyyy before porn was as widely avaliable as it is now.  We can read in the news about charges being brought up from situations that happened 30 years ago.

Disagreement about your fifth point:

Fantasies often times remain as such.  Polls often show that most people do not act out sexual fantasies as they are too afraid of the fantasy not matching the reality.  I can not accept your point here.

Comments on your conclusion:

I think it's wonderful that you differentiate between artistic nude and pornography.  Often times, people are so scared of the naked form that they classify anything titillating as 'porn'  Perhaps your definition of porn is different then my own.  Many great works have been classified as pornography when first published, but later touted as works of art.  Henery Miller's novel 'Tropic of Capricorn' is one that immediately springs to mind. There are several images by Robert Mapplethorpe that cause controversy here as well. I, too,  feel that works of art and pornography are seperate catagories.  Don't ask me to always be able to define the difference.  I disagree with you seemingly spouting some right wing views on porn without backing it up in either your original text or in a follow-up message.

I am saddened that you feel that the magazines you had as a teen were 'dirty.'

I have very fond memories of swiping my ol' man's Playboy or Genisis mags.  I loved reading passages from my sister's Sydney Sheldon novels (often times more pornographic then Playboy circa 1982!). 

When my mom dragged me to the fabric store, I'd peruse the Butterick pattern catalogs for images that showed a bit of leg or mid-riff.  I've never felt that any of this was 'dirty' or wrong.  I'm still hooked.  Gimmie a pattern book from 1982 and I'll invariably show you the pages that show the most leg, although right now I'd prefer Met-Art or Blue Nudes, or Sapphic Erotica.

Yeah.. it's porn.  I like it.


May 27 06 10:16 am Link


Tessa Haviland

Posts: 76

Bellingham, Massachusetts, US

I have a really hard time not laughing my ass of at porn. I mean, most of that stuff you're never going to do in real life. Last time I checked, no one better spoodge in my face or he's going to get his dick slapped. But if you like it you like it. No biggey. But honestly when the actress's first line is a stuttering "Oops I dropped my blouse" while looking for the cue card, it's hard not to laugh.
Does cheese really not have much nutritional value? I think I'm going to cry.

May 27 06 10:24 am Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US


May 27 06 10:25 am Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

Meade Skelton wrote:

No, Im not kidding. I think they should re-name "Adult" bookstores "Adolescent" bookstores. Because grown men going in there acting like teenaged boys.

I am a real man, and I dont need porn. I can appreciate a woman's beauty and body without being a dirty pervert about it.

Your wife found your stash or is looking over your shoulder as you post!  Men and women that are still interested in sex, often enjoy porn, but most won't admit to such for fear of the neighbors.  The porn industry has bigger sales than can be accounted for by the polled percentage of people that admit to buying it (the super rich few would have to be pretty perverted to make the figures jive).

Cheese pictures show off a photographers sense of humor, but if not done well are about 5 seconds worth of entertainment (well done about 30 seconds).   Porn holds my attention a bit longer, more so when the woman is attractive.  I'd venture to guess there are more well made porn shots in fine art collections than cheese shots.

May 27 06 10:26 am Link


Rich Mohr

Posts: 1843

Chicago, Illinois, US

Mmmm.... cheesy popcorn with porn!! tongue

May 27 06 10:31 am Link


Carol Maria

Posts: 16

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

hrmmm, cheese is like a lump of fat that you slice and eat. ewww.

and porn is almost always VERY cheesy. sorry guys, but it's usually just not realistic in anyway and makes me laugh more than anything.

May 27 06 10:36 am Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Meade Skelton wrote:
Im sorry but Porn is just wrong on all acounts

1.Exploitation of women
2.Gate way for addiction and lust
3. Hurts marriages and relationships
4. Encourages rape and molestation
5.Fantasies gone wrong.

Now beautiful pictures of lovely female nudes... That is art and is fine. Porn cheapens this.

As a teen boy I used to have some dirty magazines and Im lucky I didnt get hooked on them. Its pure and utter filth!

People who think this way are people who don't work in the industry.

1.Every woman I've ever shot with has wanted to be there.  Hell, I have some models practically beg me for a shoot.  Some do it for the money--and the money ain't bad at that.

2.Hormones cause lust.  I had dirty thoughts about hot women long before I saw porn.  There again, I don't watch much porn myself.  It's kinda like working at Pizza Hut--gets to the point where you don't even want to think about pizza.

3.I've heard of marriages breaking up over money, gambling, and drinking--but have yet to hear of a marriage that broke up over watching porn.  Shooting porn--yes.  Watching porn--no.

4.Again, haven't heard of too many cases of people claiming porn caused them to commit sex crimes.  In fact, the only two that spring to mind is Ted Bundy--who only said so in a last ditch effort to stave off getting the death penalty--and Jimmy Swaggart, who had to blame Something for his lust (instead of himself).

5.Umm...exactly how is porn fantasies gone wrong?  That is the vaguest statement that could ever be made.

Remember, what's one man's beautiful artistic nudes is another man's porn.

May 27 06 12:25 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

BTW, I had a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch, so cheese doesn't offend me, either.

May 27 06 12:26 pm Link


Twisted Light

Posts: 362

Miami, Florida, US

Just on the Porn degrading women thing. Since Women in the porn industry make 2,3,4,5 or more times as much then men and have all the say on who and what they do. How is that degrading to women?

I say Equal pay for equal work!!!!!!!!

May 27 06 12:37 pm Link


Len Cook Photographer

Posts: 599

Fremont, California, US

Porn is a subset of cheese.

May 27 06 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

People won't look at cheezy pictures more than once, but they'll keep coming back to look at porn.

May 27 06 12:44 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Merlinstouch wrote:
Just on the Porn degrading women thing. Since Women in the porn industry make 2,3,4,5 or more times as much then men and have all the say on who and what they do. How is that degrading to women?

I say Equal pay for equal work!!!!!!!!

I know this is right!  Having never done a TFP shoot, I can say that most of my models have made more off of me than I have off of them!  I think I may have had only one truly profitable model so far--and some will likely NEVER turn a profit for me!

May 27 06 12:47 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Tape Her Up wrote:
BTW, I had a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch, so cheese doesn't offend me, either.

A cheese expert.

May 27 06 02:01 pm Link


Constance Hilory

Posts: 1706

Mobile, Alabama, US

Merlinstouch wrote:
Just on the Porn degrading women thing. Since Women in the porn industry make 2,3,4,5 or more times as much then men and have all the say on who and what they do. How is that degrading to women?

GREAT point! How then is it degrading? She is the one who opted for the job and it's her right to do so. No one is MAKING her do it. I see nothing wrong with it.

May 27 06 02:08 pm Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 13019

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Meade Skelton wrote:
Im sorry but Porn is just wrong on all acounts

1.Exploitation of women
2.Gate way for addiction and lust
3. Hurts marriages and relationships
4. Encourages rape and molestation
5.Fantasies gone wrong.

Now beautiful pictures of lovely female nudes... That is art and is fine. Porn cheapens this.

As a teen boy I used to have some dirty magazines and Im lucky I didnt get hooked on them. Its pure and utter filth!

With out lust marriage and relationships are pretty bland,
More like business partnerships that life long love affairs.
And there are pleanty of couples who use porn to up the spice factor in their love.

Addiction is addiction you don't need porn for that,

Your rape and molestation issue is factually flimsy and lacks any supporting documentation,

And there is plenty of porn made without exploitation,
So as always blanket statements are really quite silly.

May 27 06 02:10 pm Link