Forums > General Industry > For those who work with 5.2' and under...



Posts: 243


May 22 06 11:37 pm Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

megafunk wrote:
They taste great.

Less filling

May 22 06 11:37 pm Link



Posts: 243

J Schumacher wrote:
They're so damn cute.


May 22 06 11:38 pm Link



Posts: 19

Toronto, Iowa, US

i like being short though I wish i was at least 5'! *sighhhhh*

May 22 06 11:40 pm Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

Mark Fellows wrote:


So if this is true how come so many short models say they only want to do fashion shots? I can list 6 or 7 I've come across, most of who live in SF and LA who have ALL fashion oriented shots in thier books. Beauty too I guess but I sort of link those together.
Don't get me wrong...I LOVE short models too. But I've stoped assuming they don't want to be fashion superstars as does any 5'8" and up model.


May 22 06 11:41 pm Link


Louis Guidone

Posts: 87

Woodside, New York, US

They look up to me ;-)

May 22 06 11:42 pm Link

Clothing Designer


Posts: 60

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

As a 5'2" designer, I love it!  It makes it easier for me to make something if I know the model is around my height.   Otherwise I have to remember to add extra material for taller models (especially for skirts, so they aren't too short!).

May 22 06 11:45 pm Link


Sheryll Pang

Posts: 14

New York, New York, US

I'm 5'2 and proud of it! tall models can't look short, but short models can look any way they want in pictures! It's all in the angles the photographer shoots in, because any petite models can look tall! props to all the beautiful petite models!! =]


May 22 06 11:46 pm Link


jerrell edwards

Posts: 78

Richmond, Virginia, US

lol i have a model i simply LOVE and she is 4'9
I likes em short and spunky tho Ive shot all ranges: 4'9-6'2 in women
Plus short girls can fit in spots where the taller ones cant : )

May 22 06 11:47 pm Link



Posts: 2594

Los Angeles, California, US

FabioTovar wrote:
Less filling

Thank you.

May 23 06 02:24 pm Link



Posts: 190

West Sacramento, California, US

Mike Walker wrote:

So if this is true how come so many short models say they only want to do fashion shots? I can list 6 or 7 I've come across, most of who live in SF and LA who have ALL fashion oriented shots in thier books. Beauty too I guess but I sort of link those together.
Don't get me wrong...I LOVE short models too. But I've stoped assuming they don't want to be fashion superstars as does any 5'8" and up model.


That is simple to answer.  There are some that will and some that won't.  Just because we don't doesn't mean others won't dream.  Not all of us fall under the same category, especially not the same mind set or mentality.  This forum is not a representation of all small models just some.  ^.^

May 23 06 08:33 pm Link


J Tate

Posts: 39

Nashville, Tennessee, US

They fit in my itty bitty studio wink

Seriously though ... I just find them more visually appealing over all, & easier to work with.  Plus I'm scared of heights, which makes things difficult when shooting down on a tall model!

May 23 06 08:46 pm Link



Posts: 190

West Sacramento, California, US

Super!  That's all folks...or is it?

anyone else have an input?

May 26 06 06:51 am Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

being 6'1 110lbs is fantastic if you're walking a runway, but you're more likely to find a 34C on a girl that's 5'2. i like curvy girls, and i've seen some girls who are 5'9+ who are curvy, but they're more rare than the short curvy girls.

was that hard to follow?

Hamza wrote:
Shorter girls are generally more proportioned than the tall 'Greyhound' girls...

May 28 06 02:22 am Link



Posts: 2594

Los Angeles, California, US

Dave Wright Photo wrote:
they're more rare than the short curvy girls.

was that hard to follow?

No. Makes sense.

Also shorties with skills cause spontaneous human combustion.

May 28 06 02:42 am Link


Francisco Nunez Alfaro

Posts: 49

Santa Barbara, California, US

there is always ways of making shirter models look taller by the camera angle and lens. smile Size doesn't matter as long as you look good...

May 28 06 02:49 am Link



Posts: 588

Tucson, Arizona, US

Noreen wrote:
i like being short though I wish i was at least 5'! *sighhhhh*

Why wish your beautiful how you are!

P.S remember I'm not much taller then you hee hee... :-)

May 28 06 02:57 am Link



Posts: 346

Charleston, Arkansas, US

i honestly feel that most short people have more determination then some of the taller people of the world.

May 29 06 01:27 pm Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I LOVE working with shorter models.  It means I don't have to stand on a box/ladder/semi-sturdy stacks of items to get eye level shots.  I'm 5'8" and working with models taller than 5'10" becomes a chore and downright humiliating when the only thing I have nearby is a kiddy slide or a speaker to stand on.

Once again.. shorter models rock!  smile

May 29 06 01:38 pm Link