Forums > General Industry > What do you think of shorter models?


Aztec Doll

Posts: 2164

Winnetka, California, US

I've been checking out people's profiles, and it seems like I'm the shortest person I've seen by far on MM.... 4'11". *insert "aww how cute" here*  It seems to be that the only paid work a model can get that isn't nude is through an agency.  But will agencies (or anyone, really) want to hire someone not only under 5'8", but under 5'0"?
What is your take on shorter models?
Is height ever really an issue, and if so, why?

May 12 06 11:02 pm Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

I keep repeating this story here on MM, but it's true:  I knew a very short pair, a male model and a female model, who got lots of work posing for boating ads because their short heights made boat interiors look huge. 

Success in modeling is about finding your niche and marketing yourself to those jobs.  Failure may result from trying to compete in the wrong arena.  If the agencies in your town don't hire models who look like you, then you may have to look farther away for an agency who's clients are seeking models like you.

May 12 06 11:15 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Height is only a problem if you try and force yourself into modeling that you just aren't bulit for. I will never be a fashion model,and I will never change the industry to let people like me into high fashion, so what's the use in trying?

Don't put up shots that make you look small, or stubby. Don't stand near obvious points of reference that will make people say "DAYUM SHE TINY". I often get messages asking if my listed height is a mistake, they think I meant to write 5'10 not 5'0. 

It's all in how you represent yourself.

May 13 06 12:22 am Link



Posts: 23

Santa Fe, New Mexico, US

you can always do commerical modeling or pettie runway shows with your height. I did some!

Whenever i meet a photgraphers, they always tell me" ooh, i thought you was tall" because all my picture i posed to make myself  appear taller and i tell them 100's times, they should of have read my bio. I'd mention 5'4".

They still shoot me.

May 13 06 12:29 am Link


Sugar Von Tassels

Posts: 27

Austin, Texas, US

While not nearly as short as some, I only come in at 5'2. I always am sure to bring heels and platform shoes just in cause I need to be taller.

May 13 06 12:30 am Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1303

Chicago, Illinois, US

At 4'11 you have no chance as an adult model signing with an agency. Since you are 18, try going into a children's division. If you look young enough you may find some success. you can also try hair modeling as you can get work without being singed. I'm sure there are other areas to find some work.

I don't mean to be cruel but sometimes you have to face certain truths so that you can head down a more promising path.

May 13 06 12:33 am Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1303

Chicago, Illinois, US

Faeawynn wrote:
While not nearly as short as some, I only come in at 5'2. I always am sure to bring heels and platform shoes just in cause I need to be taller.

The required height is for a proper fit of the clothing. Not just a rule that someone made.

May 13 06 12:35 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US - Short Models in General Mayhem - Too short and too fat???? What?! in Model Matters - Short and Naked in Model Matters - About Models being too short sad in Model Matters - Short Models? in General Mayhem - When you're short AND chubby.. in General Mayhem - Success and Short Models in General Mayhem - how do short models go about getting signed? in General Mayhem - Short Models.... in General Mayhem - Too short in Model Matters - us shorter ladies in Model Matters - This one goes out to all the short models out there in Off-Topic Discussion

May 13 06 02:46 am Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

Uhhh...back to the discussion...

I prefer short models cause I'm going for a specific look that's easier to achieve with a shorter model.

I also know some short models that photograph tall by the way they hold their legs long, etc....

You probably won't do Fashion Week in NYC. But that goes for most tall models too.

May 13 06 02:52 am Link


Eros Artist Photography

Posts: 1562

Green Cove Springs, Florida, US

I do plenty of work that short models are well suited for -

As others have said, remain realistic about the industry expectations and standards for the various styles and genres....


Bill Ballard
Blue Water Photography
Savannah, GA

May 13 06 06:34 am Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Lidia M wrote:
it seems like I'm the shortest person I've seen by far on MM.... 4'11".

This girl is 4'9:
So is she:

May 13 06 10:30 am Link


Vatic Perceptions Media

Posts: 676

Swanton, Vermont, US

As long as your not trying to do runway work, or working with another model then height really shouldnt matter as long as everything is in proportion.  Any quality photographer should be able to work with you without having to compensate for lack of height.  Just take a look at random photos of different models, just by looking at them, in 75-80% of them you cant tell how tall the model is without looking it up.  Being short does hinder your chances somewhat, but it shouldnt be the end of the world.

May 13 06 10:37 am Link



Posts: 2

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Short slim girls are cute as a button! There is no reason they couldn't do some sweet pin-up modelling...!


May 13 06 10:39 am Link


Timeless Photos

Posts: 305

Peterborough, New Hampshire, US

Lidia M wrote:
I've been checking out people's profiles, and it seems like I'm the shortest person I've seen by far on MM.... 4'11". *insert "aww how cute" here*  It seems to be that the only paid work a model can get that isn't nude is through an agency.  But will agencies (or anyone, really) want to hire someone not only under 5'8", but under 5'0"?
What is your take on shorter models?
Is height ever really an issue, and if so, why?

You are a great model just as you are. Height is never an issue with me.
IMHO there are only two types of models... "Relaible" and "No-Shows"

A 4'11" Reliable model is always more desirable than a 5'11" "No-Show" no matter which way you sloce it!

Maybe not the answer you were looking for but I hope it still helps. smile

May 13 06 10:44 am Link


Visual E

Posts: 215

Wellington, Colorado, US

I use reliable attractive short models as long as their legs are not too short and their figure is in proportion, for mid-range boutique fashion.

May 13 06 10:48 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

I use them as tripods - they are best for attaching  reflectors.

May 13 06 11:41 am Link



Posts: 56

New York, New York, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
I use them as tripods - they are best for attaching  reflectors.

Now that was way harsh!

May 13 06 11:56 am Link


Seth Mitchell

Posts: 1457

Long Beach, California, US

Don't let the height thing bother you.  True, you won't do runway work, but there is plenty of commercial print out there.  You are not short - YOU ARE POWERFULLY COMPACT smile

May 13 06 12:02 pm Link



Posts: 26

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I am 5 ft!!!!!! naaaa there is no issue so far.........everyone seem so friendly so far...

May 13 06 12:10 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Lidia M wrote:
What do you think of shorter models

I don't think highly of them (couldn't resist)...

People here at MM seem to think positive to an unhealthy degree.  People are going to tell you that it's all about finding your niche and name isolated success stories etc, etc.

The truth is that only a select few of the models who actually meet the overall industry height standards actually earn a living modeling.  Even a model who's 5'5" and considered too short is 6 full inches taller than you.  If they pose you next to some guy who's 5'10" (which is short for male models) he's going to look freakishly taller than you in the photo.  Height presents compositional issues when you introduce someone who's significantly shorter than the other models. 

My personal opinion is that you should think beyond modeling.  It'll save you a lot of money, trouble and disappointment.  If you want to be a part of the industry, do something else where height doesn't matter.  Photography, make-up artistry, hair-styling, fashion-styling, etc. 

But if you still feel like you have a shot at making it in front of the camera then try parts (still a gamble).  Or learn how to act.  There are talent agencies that get lots of requests for lifestyle models who may not have a height requirement.  Or try glam... but be ready to shed those clothes...

May 13 06 12:14 pm Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

Lidia M wrote:
I've been checking out people's profiles, and it seems like I'm the shortest person I've seen by far on MM.... 4'11". *insert "aww how cute" here*  It seems to be that the only paid work a model can get that isn't nude is through an agency.  But will agencies (or anyone, really) want to hire someone not only under 5'8", but under 5'0"?
What is your take on shorter models?
Is height ever really an issue, and if so, why?

It's no reason to look down on a model...

May 13 06 12:16 pm Link



Posts: 405


Short models usually work well for swimsuit and glamour shots, because they look curvier than tall fashion models.

Along the same lines, models with small hands are preferred for fast food hamburger type commercials, because small hands make the burger look bigger.

May 13 06 12:23 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US - height requirement in modeling Industry in General Mayhem - What's height got to do with it? in Model Matters - Height in General Mayhem - Does height really matter? in General Mayhem - height...arrrgh! in Newbie Forum - Gripe about height issues in Model Matters - Has anyone tried those supplements for height? in Model Matters - height in General Mayhem - Does a model's height really matter to you? in General Mayhem - height-lying models...i'm not really mad :-) in General Mayhem

May 13 06 12:31 pm Link


Burnz F

Posts: 162

San Diego, California, US

Seth wrote:
Don't let the height thing bother you.  True, you won't do runway work, but there is plenty of commercial print out there.  You are not short - YOU ARE POWERFULLY COMPACT smile

i agree, and which division pays MORE..?? COMMERCIALS... besides that, you can do MTV's as well... so find an agency that will take you in and make use of what you got... goodluck smile

May 13 06 12:48 pm Link



Posts: 796

those little wiley rascals...

May 13 06 12:55 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Mostly I think "no."

May 13 06 12:56 pm Link


Timeless Photos

Posts: 305

Peterborough, New Hampshire, US

Lidia M wrote:
I've been checking out people's profiles, and it seems like I'm the shortest person I've seen by far on MM.... 4'11". *insert "aww how cute" here*  It seems to be that the only paid work a model can get that isn't nude is through an agency.  But will agencies (or anyone, really) want to hire someone not only under 5'8", but under 5'0"?
What is your take on shorter models?
Is height ever really an issue, and if so, why?

As long as you are "proportional" any good photographer will have no problem making you look tall.  On top of that, a lot of studios don't have an abundance of height and will often have the ceiling showing in some shots with tall models.

You got more going for you than you think!

May 13 06 01:16 pm Link


CTD- NYC Model

Posts: 969

Fairfield, Connecticut, US

they need to grow smile j/k lol

May 13 06 01:57 pm Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Ha, personally, I love shorter models.... 4'10 to 5'2 is kinda my preferred range.

(look, if nothing else, the backdrops can be smaller.....)

May 13 06 02:02 pm Link


Dark Star Photography

Posts: 254

Portland, Maine, US

I recently worked with a 16-year-old Asian girl who is about 5'4.  I knew her height ahead of time but wasn't concerned.  And thank God I wasn't, because she turned out to be the most talented girl I've ever shot!  She spends a lot of time practicing her poses and facial expressions, and the only direction I had to give her as a photographer was to hold a certain pose that she'd gotten into.  She was recently passed over by a cattle-call but I think that if she finishes her portfolio and agencies find out how talented this girl is, she'll find herself signed - and busy- soon.

May 13 06 02:03 pm Link



Posts: 203

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Lidia M wrote:
I've been checking out people's profiles, and it seems like I'm the shortest person I've seen by far on MM.... 4'11". *insert "aww how cute" here*  It seems to be that the only paid work a model can get that isn't nude is through an agency.  But will agencies (or anyone, really) want to hire someone not only under 5'8", but under 5'0"?
What is your take on shorter models?
Is height ever really an issue, and if so, why?

May 13 06 02:08 pm Link


Nick Ryder

Posts: 317

Walnut Creek, California, US

It's a simple case of "finding you nitche" and if you cannot find one, then "carve yourself a nitche"... anything is possible, especially now with MAXIM, FHM, they are not so "fashion oriented and are more friendly toward models that don't meet the 5-9 and over height requirements.

We are working with models that are short and some of them are pulling down $250K annually, a lot more that most fashion models in their first year at Elite.

The probabilities of a short model getting signed with a major agency is practically nill, but, there are so-o-o many other avenues for a model to pursue besides high fashion.

May 13 06 02:15 pm Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Lidia M wrote:
seems like I'm the shortest person I've seen by far on MM.... 4'11"

Dark Star Photography wrote:
I recently worked with a 16-year-old Asian girl who is about 5'4.

granted, there's quite a bit of difference between 4'11" and 5'4" but still, although neither will likely go into mainstream runway work, there might be some opportunity for editorial work for the young women in question; depends a lot on how they photograph & the needs of the respective agencies.

just two cents ...


May 13 06 02:16 pm Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

Height is like age.  Who cares as long as you can do the job.  bs

May 13 06 02:19 pm Link



Posts: 203

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Hey listen every one who is going back and forth with this issue ,I ve been shooting for more
years than I can remember (25 - 30 years) and the word Model means a person who gets
something ,money etc. for performing a  job like advertisements etc .now in my 25 - 30 years
a can say that a  person under 5'5" or below can never earn any amout of money unless
the thing they are doing is some kind of a freak show something odd and not a modeling job which is normal .a model earns her living doing legit jobs not taking her clothes off and exposing her fake boops.yes you can say anything you like  hey I'm a handsome movie star
it may make me feel good but guys she is still a midget and no offense to little people.
so i think all these wanna be models should stay out of these sites so a real girl with the right
qualifications can be seen easier and not with these fakes who think and say there MODELS

May 13 06 02:30 pm Link


Operation Glam

Posts: 10

Chicago, Illinois, US

I am proud to be a "shorty". Many times I bypass the taller girls and end up in the front because I am short, and the producers want me to be seen. I have gotten alot of camera time because of my height. Most of the Hip Hop and R&B artists are short and they request shorter models to be by their side in productions. If your having an issue with your height try print work! (SOFT AND PRETTY) What many shorter models lack in height they make up for in curves. You better work what you are blessed with and quit crying.Acting is where the money is anyway. Try acting and use it to your advantage. Play a voluptuous sexy mistress one day and make millions on a highscool sitcom the next. Ask Jada Will Smith loves every tiny inch! Ask Nia Long, Jessica Simpson, Janet Jackson, Halle Berry, Shakira, Eva Longoria, Raven Simone, and the list goes on. Yeah,they might be short but their cash flow ain't!!!

May 13 06 02:54 pm Link



Posts: 1939

Fairfield, California, US

Lidia M wrote:
I've been checking out people's profiles, and it seems like I'm the shortest person I've seen by far on MM.... 4'11". *insert "aww how cute" here*  It seems to be that the only paid work a model can get that isn't nude is through an agency.  But will agencies (or anyone, really) want to hire someone not only under 5'8", but under 5'0"?
What is your take on shorter models?
Is height ever really an issue, and if so, why?

This has been discussed alot. I am 5'4" and just have each of my kids pull on a leg and stretch everyday LOL

May 13 06 03:06 pm Link



Posts: 221

Largo, Florida, US

Hey listen every one who is going back and forth with this issue ,I ve been shooting for more
years than I can remember (25 - 30 years) and the word Model means a person who gets
something ,money etc. for performing a  job like advertisements etc .now in my 25 - 30 years
a can say that a  person under 5'5" or below can never earn any amout of money unless
the thing they are doing is some kind of a freak show something odd and not a modeling job which is normal .a model earns her living doing legit jobs not taking her clothes off and exposing her fake boops.yes you can say anything you like  hey I'm a handsome movie star
it may make me feel good but guys she is still a midget and no offense to little people.
so i think all these wanna be models should stay out of these sites so a real girl with the right
qualifications can be seen easier and not with these fakes who think and say there MODELS

Nice...Im surprised you can see a keyboard what with your nose so high in the air.

How else to you expect models to get a start? Sites like this are just the thing. Get over yourself.

May 13 06 03:10 pm Link


Sienna Hambleton

Posts: 10352

Toledo, Ohio, US

Personally, I like 'em. Means I don't have to grab a stool to do headshots. tongue

May 13 06 03:13 pm Link


Wolf 189

Posts: 4834

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Lidia M wrote:
I've been checking out people's profiles, and it seems like I'm the shortest person I've seen by far on MM.... 4'11". *insert "aww how cute" here*  It seems to be that the only paid work a model can get that isn't nude is through an agency.  But will agencies (or anyone, really) want to hire someone not only under 5'8", but under 5'0"?
What is your take on shorter models?
Is height ever really an issue, and if so, why?

I love short models for commercial, life style and certain editorial works. I have never worked with a 4', 11"  but I have worked with a few 5'-5,3" . They've been always very expressive, live and interesting people...I think because they usually have more energy in such a small package.



An amazing 5',1" (or 5, 2" maybe) model:

May 13 06 03:28 pm Link