Forums > General Industry > Models Offering Favors for Shoots! What the F--- ?


Sidney Etienne

Posts: 339

Brooklyn, New York, US

Just recently I contacted a model here on MM to shoot for one of my projects, I was even willing to compensate her for her time, but then I get a responce asking if she can do any "favors" for me so that I can shoot her port, and by "favors" I mean, sexual favors.

Of course I was taken by surpise, and told her that the only favor I'd need is for her to work with me on my project, in exchange, I would shoot her project for her port. Long story short, She supposedly got "wierded out" because apparently, the other photographers she has worked with either asked for payment or favors.

I was like what the F---? I've worked with over 30 models from here and this is definitely my wierdest experience yet.

I tend to give people the benefit of a doubt, especially here on MM, but seriously, how many low lives are out there giving other photogs a bad name? and how many models out there are 'selling themselves' short?

This is definitely going to be an interesting thread. please share your comments as well as experiences, because I still can't really figure out what the hell that was about.

May 03 06 10:46 am Link


Lorna Bailey

Posts: 45

Montreal, Wisconsin, US

She wasn't "wearded out". ..she was're too good for that...don't pay attention to it..indeed, I'm sure, as in any industry there are alot of "characters"..sooner or'll be able to hone in on the people who are and have a mutual vision and aspiration as to yours whether it be in photography as a whole or a specific project.

I'm so sorry to hear about that, It makes models look bad too. Who knows what might be expected of an unsuspecting model for that who doesn't do such "favors". Oh well..I'm finding myself less and less surprised of hearing such things hear..sad..but so!

May 03 06 10:52 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Ok, Send her my way, I will accept favors in lieu of ..... Nevermind. People will take me seriously! - I know they are already lining up to take pop shots at me!

May 03 06 10:52 am Link


Glamour1 Studio

Posts: 1279

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Very Sad ! ! !

May 03 06 10:57 am Link


Sidney Etienne

Posts: 339

Brooklyn, New York, US

Lorna Bailey wrote:
She wasn't "wearded out". ..she was're too good for that...don't pay attention to it..indeed, I'm sure, as in any industry there are alot of "characters"..sooner or'll be able to hone in on the people who are and have a mutual vision and aspiration as to yours whether it be in photography as a whole or a specific project.

I'm so sorry to hear about that, It makes models look bad too. Who knows what might be expected of an unsuspecting model for that who doesn't do such "favors". Oh well..I'm finding myself less and less surprised of hearing such things hear..sad..but so!

You're right, I mean, I've heard of some disgusting stories about photographers from models I've work with, but this is definitely a first.

May 03 06 10:59 am Link



Posts: 331

Beverly Hills, California, US

DJ wrote:
Very Sad ! ! !

I agree!

May 03 06 10:59 am Link


Sidney Etienne

Posts: 339

Brooklyn, New York, US

And Lorna, Thanks for the kind words.

May 03 06 11:00 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

SE Photo wrote:
Just recently I contacted a model here on MM to shoot for one of my projects, I was even willing to compensate her for her time, but then I get a responce asking if she can do any "favors" for me so that I can shoot her port.

Maybe she just wanted to paint your house?

May 03 06 11:00 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

or wash your car.

Which, if she did it in a nice white T-shirt and a G-string, could make for some awesome pics.... smile

May 03 06 11:02 am Link



Posts: 1201

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

I got told by a photographer that some models do that. i reckon he was fishing for some favours though..

i may be blonde (and now a fake red) but i ain't f*cking stupid K!!!

May 03 06 11:02 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

All I can say is you did the right thing by not accepting her "favors" as payment. There's no way I would, either. Professionalism is something I try to maintain at all times, and there is simply no reason for a model to feel she needs to offer "favors" in the first place. I'd like to know who these photographers are so they can be dealt with somehow. They certainly do their best to make all of us look bad...


May 03 06 11:03 am Link


Sidney Etienne

Posts: 339

Brooklyn, New York, US

Ty Simone wrote:
Ok, Send her my way, I will accept favors in lieu of ..... Nevermind. People will take me seriously! - I know they are already lining up to take pop shots at me!

LOL, you can have her!

May 03 06 11:04 am Link


Sidney Etienne

Posts: 339

Brooklyn, New York, US

UdoR wrote:

Maybe she just wanted to paint your house?

LOLOL, damn, guees I missed my chance for renovations

May 03 06 11:05 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Hmmmm. wonder if in leiu of payment I could get some of my photographers to do my dishes, wash my floors, clean and fold laundry, make the bed, cook some dinner...oh, I am looking for a wife, not a photographer.....

May 03 06 11:05 am Link


Sidney Etienne

Posts: 339

Brooklyn, New York, US

shelly1982 wrote:
I got told by a photographer that some models do that. i reckon he was fishing for some favours though..

i may be blonde (and now a fake red) but i ain't f*cking stupid K!!!

yeah, according to her, it was actually "wierd" for me not to want "favors"

May 03 06 11:06 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

send her to this photographer, they are on the barter system!

very soon there will be no need for rates

May 03 06 11:08 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Lapis wrote:
Hmmmm. wonder if in leiu of payment I could get some of my photographers to do my dishes, wash my floors, clean and fold laundry, make the bed, cook some dinner...oh, I am looking for a wife, not a photographer.....

you need a butler!

May 03 06 11:08 am Link


Sidney Etienne

Posts: 339

Brooklyn, New York, US

Pat Thielen wrote:
All I can say is you did the right thing by not accepting her "favors" as payment. There's no way I would, either. Professionalism is something I try to maintain at all times, and there is simply no reason for a model to feel she needs to offer "favors" in the first place. I'd like to know who these photographers are so they can be dealt with somehow. They certainly do their best to make all of us look bad...


Seriously, I constantly find myself having to make up for all these losers. MM is not an escort service!!!!

May 03 06 11:09 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

SE Photo wrote:

yeah, according to her, it was actually "wierd" for me not to want "favors"

You are a super-freak! lol. I have NEVER had this experience of either expecting or offering 'favors'. (Other than...make sure I get my coffee! before we shoot) I may not be a full time model, but I am way more professional than that.

May 03 06 11:09 am Link



Posts: 331

Beverly Hills, California, US

I actually feel sorry for her.  Sounds like she's prob gone thru life having noone do anything for her w/out wanting something in return.


May 03 06 11:10 am Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

What kind of favors? Like helping with the lighting or styling?

May 03 06 11:12 am Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

Wait, so you're complaining? lol. All kidding aside, I really hope people do not actually do that. Maybe she mixed you up with another person she had been corresponding with?

May 03 06 11:12 am Link


Sidney Etienne

Posts: 339

Brooklyn, New York, US

Eric S. wrote:
What kind of favors? Like helping with the lighting or styling?

didn't think I had to spell it out, but sexual favors, messing around, etc...

May 03 06 11:15 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:
Wait, so you're complaining? lol. All kidding aside, I really hope people do not actually do that. Maybe she mixed you up with another person she had been corresponding with?

Unfortunately, people do really do that, but cream always rises to the top.

Act professional, and expect nothing less from your photographers.

BTW, being professional in your behaviour has nothing to do with how you earn your money. Even the amateur photographers should maintain a code of conduct.

Ironically, I have heard more horror stories about 'professional' photographers for cheesecake mags pulling a 'casting couch' scenerio on the models...who are then afraid to press charges for the sake of their careers.

Of course, it goes both ways. There are models that once turned down become psychotic and press untrue charges against the photographer.

That is why all the smart photographers date the stylists.

May 03 06 11:16 am Link


Richard Cleveland

Posts: 62

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

I gotta say that I am totally amazed.  "Favors"  bad choice of words.  What the hell are people thinking.  Look before I even consider taking a shot of someone I interview them in person first.  I want them to know that I am professional about the craft and that I'm not doing this job to get dates or extra "favors".  If a model is interested in "favors" you are asking for a world of trouble and you need to move on to a model that is more serious about the craft.  If you are a Photographer with a "favor" clause then you need to get serious about what you expect.  In short never use the word "FAVOR".


May 03 06 11:17 am Link


Sidney Etienne

Posts: 339

Brooklyn, New York, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:
Wait, so you're complaining? lol. All kidding aside, I really hope people do not actually do that. Maybe she mixed you up with another person she had been corresponding with?

Nope, 100% no mix up because she asked for my screen name to "discuss." And she was even persistant in offering.

Good thing I back up my IMs, lol

May 03 06 11:17 am Link


Sidney Etienne

Posts: 339

Brooklyn, New York, US

Lapis wrote:

Unfortunately, people do really do that, but cream always rises to the top.

Act professional, and expect nothing less from your photographers.

BTW, being professional in your behaviour has nothing to do with how you earn your money. Even the amateur photographers should maintain a code of conduct.

Ironically, I have heard more horror stories about 'professional' photographers for cheesecake mags pulling a 'casting couch' scenerio on the models...who are then afraid to press charges for the sake of their careers.

Of course, it goes both ways. There are models that once turned down become psychotic and press untrue charges against the photographer.

That is why all the smart photographers date the stylists.


May 03 06 11:19 am Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

SE Photo wrote:
didn't think I had to spell it out, but sexual favors, messing around, etc...

No way! You mean Trix 4 Pix ?
That goes on here?

May 03 06 11:20 am Link


Sidney Etienne

Posts: 339

Brooklyn, New York, US

Richard Cleveland wrote:
I gotta say that I am totally amazed.  "Favors"  bad choice of words.  What the hell are people thinking.  Look before I even consider taking a shot of someone I interview them in person first.  I want them to know that I am professional about the craft and that I'm not doing this job to get dates or extra "favors".  If a model is interested in "favors" you are asking for a world of trouble and you need to move on to a model that is more serious about the craft.  If you are a Photographer with a "favor" clause then you need to get serious about what you expect.  In short never use the word "FAVOR".


Totally understandable Richard, I was simply quoting the model.

May 03 06 11:21 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Eric S. wrote:

No way! You mean Trix 4 Pix ?
That goes on here?

Shocking! isn't it.

May 03 06 11:21 am Link


Troy Council

Posts: 59

Brooklyn, New York, US

Eric S. wrote:
What kind of favors? Like helping with the lighting or styling?

Nah... I think she wanted to help with his Light meter or fix the backdrop smile

May 03 06 11:22 am Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

SE Photo wrote:

Nope, 100% no mix up because she asked for my screen name to "discuss." And she was even persistant in offering.

Good thing I back up my IMs, lol

Wow. That is wrong on so many levels.

May 03 06 11:23 am Link


Sidney Etienne

Posts: 339

Brooklyn, New York, US

Eric S. wrote:

No way! You mean Trix 4 Pix ?
That goes on here?

exactly my point, MM is the last place I expected to find this, although I've seen some other wierd things here, but for the most part, the moderators are doing their job.

May 03 06 11:24 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I'm often offered free yoga classes or makeup lessons or Croatian grappa for shooting.  I sometimes offer freshly baked pie.

May 03 06 11:24 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Seriously though, for any models that want to do that, I suggest they diversify a little bit. Photographers are notoriously cheap/poor, so they should put out an ad in their local alternative paper, earn 3-500 dollars a pop, and then PAY a good photographer to give them a portfolio. By my calculations, they will still come out ahead.

May 03 06 11:25 am Link


Sidney Etienne

Posts: 339

Brooklyn, New York, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
I'm often offered free yoga classes or makeup lessons or Croatian grappa for shooting.  I sometimes offer freshly baked pie.

yeah, I've gotten the yoga classes before, but pies? Maybe we all need to come to your place, lol

May 03 06 11:26 am Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

Lapis wrote:
Shocking! isn't it.

All things considered...... Nahhhh.
Now if she didn't show up for the session, now that's another story.

May 03 06 11:26 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
I'm often offered free yoga classes or makeup lessons or Croatian grappa for shooting.  I sometimes offer freshly baked pie.

Yes, Brian has shot me and theda TFS....time for spaghetti...home cooked no less!

May 03 06 11:26 am Link



Posts: 312

Huntington, Virginia, US

SE Photo wrote:

didn't think I had to spell it out, but sexual favors, messing around, etc...

Wow thats pretty sad...

I know there are some horrid photogs out there , but she should never lower herself like that...*shakes head*

May 03 06 11:27 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Last time a model did me a "favor" for helping with her port I got crabs.....

No seriously, she took me to the Red Lobster for an all you can eat crab fest wink

May 03 06 11:28 am Link