Forums > General Industry > Being rejected then wanted !! Question for all...



Posts: 702

Portsmouth, Virginia, US

Rebeca wrote:

thanks.. i like your port as well. I like how you portray yourself. You look confident, sexy, and fun! All the best qualities in a woman!

You're going to school, so I know you know what I mean. I admire your ambition! Good luck with your goals!

Thanks I really appreciate that, I try and have fun in everything I do...makes life a whole lot easier dont you think! Keep doing your thing girlfriend and good luck with your goals as well!

Apr 27 06 02:17 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

00siris wrote:
**thinking Nerlande must not be around. even though she's answered this a million times, this question is right up her alley - Luv you girl**

oops - see? that's what I get for not reading - There she is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
don't I feel like a jackass - lol


Apr 27 06 02:22 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Nerlande wrote:


Apr 27 06 02:25 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

dncphotos wrote:
Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

My whole project with modeling is to open and change minds, so I will absolutely work with them now.  Several photographers have said that when they first saw me, they couldn't even begin to conceive of how to photograph a fat model.  The longer I work and the greater diversity my portfolio contains, however, the more photographers become interested in working with me.  It's something about seeing the possibilities that opens up horizons for people.  As long as someone isn't nasty when they say no, I'm fine with them changing their minds.  It means I'm doing something right!

Apr 27 06 02:38 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

dncphotos wrote:
That person who you approached back then suddenly wants to work with you and is pratically begging to.

Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

Well, considering that I've only been doing photography for 2 years this happens quite a bit.  Would I work with them?  Of course!  And I do what any self-respecting photographer with a mouthful of sense and a little bit of decency should do in that situation: I send out a reply letter to their incessant begging that goes something like this:

Thanks a lot for snubbing me in the beginning, you obnoxious little shit.  Little did you know I'd use that to fuel my creative juices and improve.  You should've accepted the trade-off when you have the chance.  Time is money now; cough up some green if you want to improve that pathetic collection of shots you call a portfolio.  My rates are as follows...

I'm joking (um, sorta). 

I am flattered when people whose work I've admired enough to try and work with them, begin to appreciate my work enough to want to work with me.  That's quite a satisfying feeling in and of itself.  The people who turned me down a year and a half ago did it professionally and politely, and I didn't forget it.  Some have even gotten in touch with me later thinking it was first contact (my work looks dramatically different now) and I'm always open to shoot. 

Sure, I'd still work with them...

Apr 27 06 03:23 pm Link



Posts: 2200

New York, New York, US

I would work with the person.  Did you ever meet them in person before and got a bad attitude?  We have to get used to rejection a bit I think.  If you found them interesting before and they might have had doubts or been super busy the first contact.  Why not give it a try.  If you hit it off and make great shots you'll have a story to tell about how you two finally got to work together.

Apr 27 06 03:32 pm Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Models get rejected a lot, they're probably more used to it.

As a photographer, it really stings when you're told your work is not good enough by a teenage girl that wasn't even born yet when you picked up a camera.

But, the sting is only momentary, because for every one that doesn't want to work with you, there are two more that do, so how can you hold a grudge?

More than anything, this is a "right place, right time" vocation. I have both accepted and rejected offers that have "come around again". The only ones I've rejected were the one's that booked a shoot but then flaked. The ones that said "no" from the get go, didn't close any doors.

Jan 09 07 09:47 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


dncphotos wrote:
Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

This is a cool topic-

There were a few photographers that when I first started out, I contacted for TFP. Some ignored me and others said "no thanks...these are my rates." Both fine.

Over the past few months some of them have contacted me wanting to do TFP. Now, some of the photographers I feel it wouldn't benefit me to work with any more, some, I have set up TFP with....and the ones that ignored me in the past, got ignored right back...because even if I'm not interested in TFP, I will at least tell the person no thank you.

Jan 09 07 09:55 am Link



Posts: 775

New York, New York, US

I'd make them pay.

Jan 09 07 10:13 am Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

dncphotos wrote:
That person who you approached back then suddenly wants to work with you and is pratically begging to.

Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

I'd work with them...right after a consultation where they signed my contract and paid my deposit.
No problem. smile

EDIT: Ok, maybe I'd test with them...but that would depend entirely on the individual and on a case by case basis.
What it comes down to is how the person responded, if they were professional, and courteous. As long as they don’t burn bridges when they decline, it’s good.

Jan 09 07 10:16 am Link


Tiara Lestari

Posts: 11436

Jhanaydāh, Jhanaydāh, Bangladesh

dncphotos wrote:
Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

Depending if his/ her port is improving or just flat same..

But I said no twice.. so...
but very sincere no, thanks kinda deal

Jan 09 07 10:20 am Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

The only models that close a door for me are the ones that have flaked.  The models that said "No Thank You", have shown profesionalism.  The ones that didn't respond, showed bad manners, but I am able to forgive that kind of behavior.

Jan 09 07 10:23 am Link



Posts: 10302

Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US

Brandon Smith wrote:
I'd give them the time of day.  Why?  Maybe we just weren't a good fit back then.  No worries, as long as the person was professional about declining back in the day.  If he/she was an ass then, forget it now.  But if he/she was nice enough to be nice in the first place.... then coolness, more power to me :-)

That was kind of a ramble wasn't it? HAHA!

I agree wholeheartedly here with Brandon.
Life is about here and nows and tomorrows-yesterdays are the past.
Keep the past in the past and move on(with the assumption that the
rejection was amicable.

Jan 09 07 10:25 am Link



Posts: 504

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

DAX wrote:  "Difference, there are thousands of women readily available.. there are maybe 14 vogues..."

**There are also millions of Pro Photographers with similar or better skills than all of us here
for VOGUE out there "readily available"  wink

Jan 09 07 10:37 am Link


ChrisPaul- Chrispimages

Posts: 512

Los Angeles, California, US

dncphotos wrote:
This question is to both models and photographers.

How would you handle if you approached someone to do TFP or Paid shoot and they turn you down. Then some months or years pass by, you have gotten better at your craft and behold.......

That person who you approached back then suddenly wants to work with you and is pratically begging to.

Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

Just a question I haven't seen asked before so thought I would throw it out there and get some interesting replys...

happens to me all the time
I just shoot em

Jan 09 07 10:42 am Link


afterdarc studios

Posts: 1196

San Diego, California, US

Has happened to me.  I told her... so before you didn't want to work with me and NOW you do?  What's up with that?  She straight up told me that I'm better now... then I gave her my prices lolz

Jan 09 07 10:47 am Link


A Traveler

Posts: 5506

San Francisco, California, US

it depends. it's happened to me, and sometimes i will work with them if they are amazing. but now i find that wow....some of these people i wanted to shoot with before really wouldn't benefit me at all.

Jan 09 07 10:50 am Link


Kollisions Studio

Posts: 1897

Los Angeles, California, US

that happen to me actually- I said no.

dncphotos wrote:
This question is to both models and photographers.

How would you handle if you approached someone to do TFP or Paid shoot and they turn you down. Then some months or years pass by, you have gotten better at your craft and behold.......

That person who you approached back then suddenly wants to work with you and is pratically begging to.

Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

Just a question I haven't seen asked before so thought I would throw it out there and get some interesting replys...

Jan 09 07 11:15 am Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

Star wrote:
I have people contact me with a tag

I offer them a shoot

They ignore me

They than contact me a few weeks later asking if I want to shoot

I usually choose not to work with them, since they can't seem to reply to my messages

Exactly. This absolutely FUMES me. A polite "No, thank you." is perfectly acceptable in my book. This indicates the person can communicate which is top priority. If they came back later saying "Let's shoot." then great.

But no response in the first place? No fucking way in hell.

Jan 09 07 11:59 am Link



Posts: 243

dncphotos wrote:
This question is to both models and photographers.

How would you handle if you approached someone to do TFP or Paid shoot and they turn you down. Then some months or years pass by, you have gotten better at your craft and behold.......

That person who you approached back then suddenly wants to work with you and is pratically begging to.

Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

Just a question I haven't seen asked before so thought I would throw it out there and get some interesting replys...

I have been through this a few times and now i get emails telling me that they were wrong and they still want to work with me ..
But yet how to deal with the situation that you were wanted and now being ignored.

Jan 09 07 12:06 pm Link


DHayes Photography

Posts: 4962

Richmond, Virginia, US

I had a young woman approach me during the opening of a gallery show and she asked if I would photograph her.  I had seen her around at various shows and it turned out we had a mutual friend.  We set a date to talk about ideas for a shoot, but before the meeting she called to say that she had changed her mind about posing for me.  I learned through our friend that she had not changed her mind, but had backed out to keep the peace with her jealous husband.  About a year and a half later, I get a call from her asking if I was still interested in shooting her -- she had divorced her husband.  I shot with her on and off for about two years, then one day she told me she would not be modeling anymore.  She was about to get married again and her fiance objected to her posing nude...


Jan 09 07 10:07 pm Link


Rocky Media

Posts: 101

Norfolk, Virginia, US

This is a very good topic.  It is he who laughs last. however. I'd rather a person be very honest then to leave you waiting around. Somtimes people actually do have legit reasons for cancelling, not returning a call etc. As a communications major, I'v learned to stay out of peoples heads and don't assum you know the real reason.  As long as things are handled in a peacful way in the past, then things will be okay in the future. you get the chance of giving them the experience they would have had working with you back then, so its them that prob feels ackward anyway because of thier conscience

Jan 09 07 10:24 pm Link


Ed the Healer

Posts: 2384

Addison, Alabama, US

Pete Flanagan wrote:

Their money is no less "green" today than it was yesterday.  So, yeah, I'll take their money and shoot them.  Why not?  This isn't personal, it's a job.

Mega Dittos!

Jan 09 07 10:25 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

If they are that good then you have to put your pride aside and work with them.

Jan 09 07 10:25 pm Link


richard boswell

Posts: 1790

New York, New York, US

well imo if it is a business you are in than nothing should be personal,
and you re~evaluate your relative worth to each other and proceed accordingly.

if your interests here  are personal, do what ever you want to do,
but make it clear that you are not here professionally.


Jan 09 07 10:37 pm Link



Posts: 617

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Life is too short to hold a grudge - be a bigger person

Jan 09 07 10:45 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Pink Beauty

Posts: 127

Seattle, Washington, US

Sounds like you recognize that you have grown in your craft so I'd say that definately if there work is of a caliber that moves you forward, challenges or adds to your port there should be zero reason to not do it. We all have standards, you as a model have a standard of photographer you want to work with. It's not personal unless they attacked you verbally when they turned you down so, why not? (rhetorical of course smile

Jan 10 07 03:52 am Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

I remember anyone who has ever wronged me in this world.
I get out my voodoo doll with the special pins.
I chant my usual voodoo curse and then the person wishes they had never been born.
(but that's just me)

Jan 10 07 04:07 am Link



Posts: 43

London, England, United Kingdom

Star wrote:
I have people contact me with a tag

I offer them a shoot

They ignore me

They than contact me a few weeks later asking if I want to shoot

I usually choose not to work with them, since they can't seem to reply to my messages

I agree.

If they do respond professionally, then if we could agree on what we both needed for our folios, then yes


Jan 10 07 05:10 am Link


Jami Lea

Posts: 5747

Los Angeles, California, US

Brandon Smith wrote:
I'd give them the time of day.  Why?  Maybe we just weren't a good fit back then.  No worries, as long as the person was professional about declining back in the day.  If he/she was an ass then, forget it now.  But if he/she was nice enough to be nice in the first place.... then coolness, more power to me :-)

That was kind of a ramble wasn't it? HAHA!

I'm not experienced, but it's common sense(no offense)  Turning the "ass" down would be a lesson well learned.  They wont understand right away, but they will respect it later and you will be doing the next "inexperienced" photographer a favor when they email him/her

Jan 10 07 05:21 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

dncphotos wrote:
This question is to both models and photographers.

How would you handle if you approached someone to do TFP or Paid shoot and they turn you down. Then some months or years pass by, you have gotten better at your craft and behold.......

That person who you approached back then suddenly wants to work with you and is pratically begging to.

Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

Just a question I haven't seen asked before so thought I would throw it out there and get some interesting replys...

Absolutely "Yes!" I would work with them.  In fact, I've done so in similar circumstances.  Forget yesterday, it's today that is important!   I am a forgiving kind of guy though. I never hold grudges. Life is too short for that!

Jan 10 07 05:31 am Link



Posts: 3825

Cleveland, Ohio, US

We've noticed by networking with some other photographers that it seems like some people are better at visualizing what the "diamond in the rough" can look like. We can look at a person and see all these ideas of what they can be and get past any webcam shots they started their portfolio with. These are our favorite shoots.

Other people are great photographers but see just what they can see in front of them. I wouldn't hold it against them...if as the other person said...they were polite.

It all really comes down to "Do you still like his/her style?"

Jan 10 07 05:35 am Link



Posts: 3825

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
Absolutely "Yes!" I would work with them.  In fact, I've done so in similar circumstances.  Forget yesterday, it's today that is important!   I am a forgiving kind of guy though. I never hold grudges. Life is too short for that!

I don't hold many general I forgive things most people wouldn't -but there is a special circle of hell dedicated to the few people on my list...ha..ha..

Jan 10 07 05:38 am Link


J C ModeFotografie

Posts: 14718

Los Angeles, California, US

Me too.  I have the memory of an elephant.  I should have been a Mafioso.

JAY carreon

Jan 10 07 05:41 am Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

dncphotos wrote:
This question is to both models and photographers.

How would you handle if you approached someone to do TFP or Paid shoot and they turn you down. Then some months or years pass by, you have gotten better at your craft and behold.......

That person who you approached back then suddenly wants to work with you and is pratically begging to.

Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

Just a question I haven't seen asked before so thought I would throw it out there and get some interesting replys...

People are fickle.
People improve.
People change their minds.

Who cares?  I want to work with people.

Jan 10 07 05:48 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Wynd Mulysa wrote:
People are fickle.
People improve.
People change their minds.

Who cares?  I want to work with people.

Hi Wynd!  big_smile  I'm sure you can appreciate this, but I was telling my friend tonight about how I don't get mad, but I get disappointed in people.  The thing is that I am happy most of the time and I have witnessed the power of karma.  If someone tries to harm me either physically or whatever ... they often have some terrible things happen to them. For example, I was stuck in a love triangle when a guy who was dating the same girl as I attempted to rearrange my face with the butt of his knife. He gave me a pretty nasty beating, broke my nose ... but nothing compared to the beating he got from my friends.  I never asked them to do that to him, but they saw what he did.   Nothing I'm wishing on him, because I'm always wishing the best for everyone.  You just don't want to disappoint me!  wink  My friends have my back always!

Karma can be a bitch!  lol  Don't trip on people, just get over it and get to work!

Jan 10 07 06:04 am Link



Posts: 989

Brewster, New York, US

If a photographer who I really wanted to work with in the past wanted to work with me now, I'd take it as a compliment that I had improved. Chances are that I would work with them because if I really liked their work before, I believe I would probably still be a fan of it.
In the beginning, if I didn't like a photographers' work I probably would just not have answered back. I usually figured that they just sent out mass emails and were hoping to find a few people out of the bunch. Now I realize that it was rude not to at least respond, but honestly "back then" I didn't really give it too much of a second thought.
As long as the person is polite, it really shouldn't be a problem. If your work is not that great and you really cannot add to a person portfolio, therefore the person does not want to work with you ( well at least not for trade) do not take it so offensively, just realize that you may need to "step your game up" a little bit (or a lot).
On a last note,
I apologize to ALL of the photographers who I did not at least respond or respond back to. Please accept my apology out of the kindness of your heart smile
Smooches All

Jan 10 07 06:43 am Link


richard boswell

Posts: 1790

New York, New York, US

weeks and months isn't so long actually. 
in many cases a single assignment/job can often last months, the more pre/post production responsibilities the photographer has, the longer each job takes. throw in travel and many photographers, and models ...
(often in the same situation to a slightly lesser extent, as they rarely have production duties)

have limited time for their personal work.  i have personal projects that are/have been years in the making.  some of them i will not show publicly until they are "completed" at least enough to fill a gallery and secure the style as originating with me.

there are famous art photographers whose estates were working for years just on undeveloped film left behind by the artist.

not everything we do is that extreme, but i am sure some days everyone is more busy than other days, everyone should realize that some people are just too busy to stay on top of MM as much as others do.  this also changes depending where someone is in the span of a job.

i have no time while shooting to be on MM, however lots of time while i travel, and a lot of time while i an managing, editing, and retouching images ...
(i play on one computer, while another crunches pixels)


Jan 10 07 11:13 am Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

I would, most likely, pose for them.

Jan 10 07 11:16 am Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

wow, blast from the past lol I posted this in like April 2006 ha ha ha,

nice to see it still going however smile

Jan 10 07 11:23 am Link