Forums > General Industry > Being rejected then wanted !! Question for all...



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

This question is to both models and photographers.

How would you handle if you approached someone to do TFP or Paid shoot and they turn you down. Then some months or years pass by, you have gotten better at your craft and behold.......

That person who you approached back then suddenly wants to work with you and is pratically begging to.

Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

Just a question I haven't seen asked before so thought I would throw it out there and get some interesting replys...

Apr 27 06 12:03 am Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

I'd give them the time of day.  Why?  Maybe we just weren't a good fit back then.  No worries, as long as the person was professional about declining back in the day.  If he/she was an ass then, forget it now.  But if he/she was nice enough to be nice in the first place.... then coolness, more power to me :-)

That was kind of a ramble wasn't it? HAHA!

Apr 27 06 12:07 am Link


Belle OHara

Posts: 162

Louisville, Kentucky, US

I would like to think that I would be able to see that I had progressed to a level of ability that they want in their portfolio and accept their offer as a compliment and a nod to my increased skill.  It would just depend on how they turned me down previously.  If they were kind about it, I'd be more likely to work with them.  If they were rude, I'd be much less likely to work with them, no matter how they begged, lol.

Apr 27 06 12:10 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

dncphotos wrote:
This question is to both models and photographers.

How would you handle if you approached someone to do TFP or Paid shoot and they turn you down. Then some months or years pass by, you have gotten better at your craft and behold.......

That person who you approached back then suddenly wants to work with you and is pratically begging to.

Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

Just a question I haven't seen asked before so thought I would throw it out there and get some interesting replys...

Simply put,  If British, French or Italian Vogue, ID,  Visionaire(despite it's pretensious nature I would submit and work or them),  or other mags that escape me at this late hour,

If they rejected you but a year later said okay, what would you say?

If JEd Root said no but a year later said they would be your rep the what would you say?

Apr 27 06 12:14 am Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

dncphotos wrote:
This question is to both models and photographers.

How would you handle if you approached someone to do TFP or Paid shoot and they turn you down. Then some months or years pass by, you have gotten better at your craft and behold.......

That person who you approached back then suddenly wants to work with you and is pratically begging to.

Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

Just a question I haven't seen asked before so thought I would throw it out there and get some interesting replys...

I approached many photographers when I was just starting out with digicam images on my portfolio. I was either turned down or was given rates that I couldn't afford. A year and a half later some of those same photographers approached me for TFP.

  It actually makes me feel good to know that I have progressed. I never say ''no you had your chance'' because at that time it was understandable. No one knew my potential; I had to prove it, and I did. I worked with amateurs. The images sucked but goddammit I looked good and photographers saw that. Then I worked with semi-pros; I got a little better. Now I work with whoever I freakin-- Just kidding. I'm very appreciative of those who have worked with me. A model should never be bitter if a photographer won't work with him/her. Stressing out over it will only waste time. Time that can be spent improving that portfolio with someone else, so those that said no will want to work with you in the future.

Apr 27 06 12:15 am Link


C and J Photography

Posts: 1986

Hauula, Hawaii, US

Straight up there is one consideration for TFP.

Will they help me improve my portfolio?

You need to shoot better models than you have in the portfolio and the model needs to shoot with better photographers that he/she has shot with in the past.

Models I would have jumped at 6 months ago aren't all as interesting for a TFCD today because:
1. I have shots waiting to be polished. (so I don't need any TFP till I am not busy)
2. I have shot models that brought more to the party than I anticipate they will bring.

If you would have approached this model today about TFP were they new on your radar then you should still be interested.

Don't waste your life trying to make sure you never help someone who missed an opportunity to help you last year. That attitude is vindictive. Be selfish about TFP but don't be vindictive about anything.

Apr 27 06 12:17 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

If the bridge is burned then I don't go back.

Apr 27 06 12:19 am Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Just in case anyone thinks Im asking this question for me, Im not lol
Just a general question I wanted to ask smile

but I forgot to answer the question myself...
I would probably work with the person again as long as they rejected me politely the first time

Im loving all the answers so far....Keep them coming

Apr 27 06 12:24 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

This is exactly why nos should be polite.  Burned bridges should be reserved for real douchebags.

Apr 27 06 12:25 am Link


Fotographic Aspirations

Posts: 1966

Long Beach, California, US

In modeling or life this applies : When I was young I made a lot of mistakes, it was the wise old timers who took me to the side and said " learn from this, admit your mistakes and work hard to make it right " , these people became my mentors and provided me with the integrity and respect to mature as a human .  I was always admonished with one simple request, when you are in a position to help others do as I have done for you !

Always extend that gift to others in your life. It will make you a better person. And in some small way the world will become a better place.



Apr 27 06 12:25 am Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

MHana wrote:
Simply put,  If British, French or Italian Vogue, ID,  Visionaire(despite it's pretensious nature I would submit and work or them),  or other mags that escape me at this late hour,

If they rejected you but a year later said okay, what would you say?

If JEd Root said no but a year later said they would be your rep the what would you say?


Funny... nice way to put things in perspective... Vogue can turn me down 10 times and if 5 yrs later they come to me.. I'll take them in a second.. now change that to some woman... blah!

Difference, there are thousands of women readily available.. there are maybe 14 vogues...

Apr 27 06 12:40 am Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

dncphotos wrote:
Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

Very good topic, dncphotos.  smile

As long as the photographer rejected me in a nice way before, I would shoot with him and I'd be happy that he notices my improvement.

If, on the other hand, he rejected me by saying something f-ed up like "You should give up modeling 'cause you suck!" then no, I wouldn't shoot with

Apr 27 06 12:43 am Link


Alex Mercatali

Posts: 453

Forlì, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

well well well, it's happening to me more than I want in these recent months.
when I started last year, I had to spend a damn amount of money cause no one would trust
me enought to take picture, only a few people, and after really long time spent convincing them.
so I booked online models that asked a lot of money, because they knew I was starting and didn't had a clue about nothing.
Did they declined in a good manner? No. They simpled refused to reply back or they always said that they were really busy.
As an examples, yesterday I got an sms that would read like this "I found your bussiness card only now, is it this still, your phone numbers? I'm "holycow", do you remember me? we were supposed to take picture together last year, but I had to move out."
Is it this true? Absolutely NO. I remember perfectly her, and I did not gave her my number, coz I tought she was too much of a diva when they tried to introduce me to her.
Cmon, a friend of you is introducing me, and you simply say hi, then walk away while I'm speaking with you? And after 1 years you still have my number? Nah, you simply saw some picture on the web, perhaps even on myspace, where I was credited as the photographer, and you googled my name...
Will I take picture with her? Absolutely YES. 
Why you may ask? !  Ah, sweet sweet vendetta... tying her up, making her cry, using damn cold fake blood, making some kind of a monster out of her, do you think I can pass this opportunity to someone else? NO.  And the worst is, she will enjoy this!

Apr 27 06 01:05 am Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

If someone has something of value to offer you today, then today is all that counts.  You thought they were good before; if you still think so, then accept the TFP offer and overlook the past.

Apr 27 06 01:08 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

I have people contact me with a tag

I offer them a shoot

They ignore me

They than contact me a few weeks later asking if I want to shoot

I usually choose not to work with them, since they can't seem to reply to my messages

Apr 27 06 01:30 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

I actually had this happen to me.  When I 1st started shooting models my work was ok... by the next month it was better than most of the people in my area, then the model i was trying to shoot with 1st that i had gone out of my way to contact and ask to shoot who had refused had come back asking to set up a shoot. Did I shoot with her? No. Why? There are ton of other models who I shoot now and who I would rather shoot with.  Plus, it's not like I don't have a look similar to her's in my portfolio so she is no new addition.  Also, she had set up the shoot with me and then cancelled at 4am sending me 11 text messages in a row.  All the same message.  Am I a bit immature? Maybe.  But still, I was starting out shooting models.  It was new territory yes. But I had also done a lot of different shooting before just not models.  She did not want to shoot with me and shot with  different photographer the day she had set up with me.  How do I know? I'm friends with him.  I don't think that he has shot with her since and does not even have her picture up in his portfolio now.

My number one thing is that I do not shoot with a model that flaked out on me, simply because it is unprofessional and I don't like it.  If a model refuses me then ok I just won't ever consider her for work.  I can always find someone else with her look.

All of my shoots are TFP right now because I'm building portfolio still.

Apr 27 06 01:35 am Link


Pete Flanagan

Posts: 310

Chicago, Illinois, US

dncphotos wrote:
This question is to both models and photographers.

How would you handle if you approached someone to do TFP or Paid shoot and they turn you down. Then some months or years pass by, you have gotten better at your craft and behold.......

That person who you approached back then suddenly wants to work with you and is pratically begging to.

Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

Just a question I haven't seen asked before so thought I would throw it out there and get some interesting replys...

Their money is no less "green" today than it was yesterday.  So, yeah, I'll take their money and shoot them.  Why not?  This isn't personal, it's a job.

Apr 27 06 02:06 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

i wish i had a penny every time this has happened to me....then i would have about 7 more cents then i do now...

one girl was exceptionally vicious when she declined my initial request...

after about 6 months, she contacted me telling me how great my work was and how she'd love to get together...soooo...i replied to her using the old email where she slammed me (good to save emails)..she responded by telling what a bitch she was and how sorry and humliliated she was...and can we work together now....

funny stuff...

Apr 27 06 07:46 am Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Thuy Anh wrote:
Also, she had set up the shoot with me and then cancelled at 4am sending me 11 text messages in a row.  All the same message.

Sprint and nextel have that problem sometime. You send a message that doesn't show up for hours, (until the middle of the night often) and then repeats about a dozen times. Has happened to me a few times, sending and receiving. But, that's besides the point. smile

Apr 27 06 07:48 am Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

dncphotos wrote:
This question is to both models and photographers.

How would you handle if you approached someone to do TFP or Paid shoot and they turn you down. Then some months or years pass by, you have gotten better at your craft and behold.......

That person who you approached back then suddenly wants to work with you and is pratically begging to.

Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

Just a question I haven't seen asked before so thought I would throw it out there and get some interesting replys...

It depends.

Do I have a USE for this model? I mean, I may have progressed, but has SHE? Maybe I've moved beyond her level, and want something better, like she did when I approached her a while back.

If she's paying, that's one thing. Sure, I'd work with her, especially if she was civil towards me in turning me down. If it's a TFCD, I mean, isn't there an expiration date on those things? LOL

It's all about HOW I got turned down that will dictate whether I'll work with her.

Apr 27 06 08:16 am Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

I don't burn bridges. Oh, I learn lessons, and sometimes it's a good idea to not go back. But I've recrossed enough bridges to learn not to burn them.

Yeah, I'd follow up, depending on the tone, language, and circumstances of the initial refusal.

Apr 27 06 08:21 am Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

dncphotos wrote:
This question is to both models and photographers.

How would you handle if you approached someone to do TFP or Paid shoot and they turn you down. Then some months or years pass by, you have gotten better at your craft and behold.......

That person who you approached back then suddenly wants to work with you and is pratically begging to.

Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

Of course! I would assume that this person felt that my photography had improved to the point where they now wanted me to shoot them. Wouldn't it be self-defeating to turn them down?

Apr 27 06 08:25 am Link



Posts: 248

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I too am understanding that there are a lot of flakes, and to a certain extend i've had to prove myself, and prove to the photogs that Im not a flake and that I have more than potential, but ability.
Granted Im still in the process of provin myself now, but there are some photogs that have turned me down, or asked what im willin to pay (which i believe is retarded because it shows selectivity on price). If they were to approach me right now, screw burned bridges, an opportunity is still an opportunity...

and on a random note, im sure all models are EXTREMELY appreciative of the photgs who gave them a chance from day 1 and got the progressive ball rollin

Apr 27 06 08:25 am Link



Posts: 812

Brooklyn, New York, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
This is exactly why nos should be polite.  Burned bridges should be reserved for real douchebags.

Exactly, as long as whoever it was wasn't rude about the "no" then I don't see why I wouldn't work with them in the future.

Apr 27 06 08:26 am Link


Cassandra Panek

Posts: 1569

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

the mantra at my workplace: The ass you kick on the way up is the ass you kiss on your way back down.

Apr 27 06 08:28 am Link


Chasing The Light

Posts: 44

Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada

Doug Swinskey wrote:
one girl was exceptionally vicious when she declined my initial request...

after about 6 months, she contacted me telling me how great my work was and how she'd love to get together...soooo...i replied to her using the old email where she slammed me (good to save emails)..she responded by telling what a bitch she was and how sorry and humliliated she was...and can we work together now....

funny stuff...

Well ... did you have a shoot with her or not?
I am not here only to improve myself but also to help others along the way. I have learned that life has a way of crossing paths. The person you insult today may be person you want to do business with in the future. Keep your words soft and sweet because from day to day you never know what ones you will have to eat.

Apr 27 06 08:49 am Link


B Ellis Photography

Posts: 368

Arlington, Texas, US

dncphotos wrote:
This question is to both models and photographers.

How would you handle if you approached someone to do TFP or Paid shoot and they turn you down. Then some months or years pass by, you have gotten better at your craft and behold.......

That person who you approached back then suddenly wants to work with you and is pratically begging to.

Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

Just a question I haven't seen asked before so thought I would throw it out there and get some interesting replys...

I kinda like it because I feed off of rejection to get better.  Sort of like Michael Jordan not being picked on the 9th grade basketball squad.   I'm like, "Wow, who are they to turn me down?  I must not be as good as I think.  I better work harded, longer and with more creativity."  Just like all who have posted earlier, if they did it in a way that suggested that they weren't interested at the time and not mean and snotty, I would definitely work with them.  Hell, it is an ego boost and let's you know that you might be progressing.  If they were mean, oh, beware of the wrath!  LOL  No, just a polite, "I'm crazy busy right now and if there is an opportunity to fit you in, in the future, I would like to work with you.  Thank you for your interest and good luck."

Apr 27 06 09:00 am Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

dncphotos wrote:
This question is to both models and photographers.

How would you handle if you approached someone to do TFP or Paid shoot and they turn you down. Then some months or years pass by, you have gotten better at your craft and behold.......

That person who you approached back then suddenly wants to work with you and is pratically begging to.

Are you the type to say no, you had your chance??
Or would you work with them now??

Just a question I haven't seen asked before so thought I would throw it out there and get some interesting replys...

Situation 1 - I approach for TFP and was rejected - now model hints or indicates my work is better and now wants to work. I'd set it up with my new rates (but not always).

Situation 2 - I approach for TFP and was rejected - Model clearly indicates that her book is not in harmony with my style at the time - now it is. I'd set it up for TFP if I had the time for certain.

Situation 3 - I approach for TFP and was rejected - Model either ignores request or give a DIVA attitude at the time and now wants to work with me - I'd laugh my ass off.

Situation 4 - Model approaches me and I reject TFP - Now model has stepped up his/her game to the point that I liked/needed - I'd re-approach and totally understand if model now rejected me.

No egos here - just plain ol' business mixed in with great experiences for the most part.

Apr 27 06 09:00 am Link


David Scott

Posts: 5617

Marion, Iowa, US

Oddly, I did some pictures for someone after a fashion show (several of the models actually) and I am guesssing she sent emails out to a bunch of photographers as she was new to the site saying she was looking to build her portfolio, etc.  I replied to it, let her know who I was and that I was the one who did those pictures and.. lo and behold.. haven't heard back from her.  To that, I say, "oh well"    It amuses me  :-)

Apr 27 06 09:12 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Chasing The Light wrote:
Well ... did you have a shoot with her or not?

i poliltey declined....

Apr 27 06 09:13 am Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

I don't think I'd turn down the person even after having been rejected because, as others have said, maybe they see that now I've improved and they want what I bring to the table plus any experiences can be turned to good experiences, it's just a matter of what we take from them. However, depending on how I was rejected the first time I might just be inclined to only do paid shoots with that person.

Apr 27 06 09:16 am Link


Fred Beeson

Posts: 272

Birmingham, Alabama, US

I would dump them and then move on.......companies and magazines are in a different category all together.

there is too much of the playing hard to get in the modeling world.....

Apr 27 06 09:26 am Link



Posts: 702

Portsmouth, Virginia, US

Synthetic Shadows wrote:
the mantra at my workplace: The ass you kick on the way up is the ass you kiss on your way back down.

That is so true...thanks Synthetic!

I dont think that I would turn someone down even if they were rude to be before! Even though it was probably really f**ked up the way that they handled the situation in the first would just make me feel even better that they are begging me they see what they missed! And I might even charge them for this one, or at least let them know (if they dont remember) how rude they were to me in the past! Is that called rubbing it I wrong for that! LOL! tongue

Apr 27 06 09:28 am Link


Rebeca Misha

Posts: 32

Detroit, Michigan, US

I find this topic interesting because I am new and haven't ever been approached this much before. I am not the kind of person who likes to disappoint anyone. I find it a true compliment that someone wants to work with me. But I am a single mom. And I do work long hours on my day job 6 days a week. If I do a TFP I am taking away time from something else that is very important: work/kids. and I have to be selective with time. I am serious enough about doing this that I will adjust where I can, and need to, but it has to benefit my career goals. Sure I wish I lived the kind of life that I could afford to run around doin shoots for every nice photog who expressed an interest. But I just can't. & If a photographers work doesn't look like it can add to my portfolio, how can I justify losing that time, just to be nice..? And sometimes a photographer is up to par, but I seriously have been working long hours and really can't get back to him until I free up a bit. (I send a message letting them know that, but by reading these posts I see that it probably is just taken as a rejection.. ha) I mean, just to be on here, I am usually cutting into sleep time. Right now, had a cancellation at work smile.

I mean how many photographers would take every whack mouth, overweight, bad skin model with nothing to offer, just cuz they seemed sweet? But if she lost weight, went to a dermatologist, and got her teeth fixed and was suddenly hot, wouldn't want to...? Would it be realistic for her to hold a grudge to that photog for not using her before?

Everyone is busy, and trying to advance themselves. I agree you have to be a little selfish when it comes to TFP's, but you can also be gracious in how you handle it. How can anyone ever expect more from you than that?

Apr 27 06 09:37 am Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

**thinking Nerlande must not be around. even though she's answered this a million times, this question is right up her alley - Luv you girl**

oops - see? that's what I get for not reading - There she is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
don't I feel like a jackass - lol

Apr 27 06 09:42 am Link



Posts: 702

Portsmouth, Virginia, US

Rebeca wrote:
I find this topic interesting because I am new and haven't ever been approached this much before. I am not the kind of person who likes to disappoint anyone. I find it a true compliment that someone wants to work with me. But I am a single mom. And I do work long hours on my day job 6 days a week. If I do a TFP I am taking away time from something else that is very important: work/kids. and I have to be selective with time. I am serious enough about doing this that I will adjust where I can, and need to, but it has to benefit my career goals. Sure I wish I lived the kind of life that I could afford to run around doin shoots for every nice photog who expressed an interest. But I just can't. & If a photographers work doesn't look like it can add to my portfolio, how can I justify losing that time, just to be nice..? And sometimes a photographer is up to par, but I seriously have been working long hours and really can't get back to him until I free up a bit. (I send a message letting them know that, but by reading these posts I see that it probably is just taken as a rejection.. ha) I mean, just to be on here, I am usually cutting into sleep time. Right now, had a cancellation at work smile.

I mean how many photographers would take every whack mouth, overweight, bad skin model with nothing to offer, just cuz they seemed sweet? But if she lost weight, went to a dermatologist, and got her teeth fixed and was suddenly hot, wouldn't want to...? Would it be realistic for her to hold a grudge to that photog for not using her before?

Everyone is busy, and trying to advance themselves. I agree you have to be a little selfish when it comes to TFP's, but you can also be gracious in how you handle it. How can anyone ever expect more from you than that?

Great portfolio Rebeca...and I agree with you wholeheartedly!

Apr 27 06 09:43 am Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

I shoot primarily for my art.  I will shoot models for my art or their portfolio.  I only shoot on a TFP/CD basis at this time.  I have only one criteria to determine whether I will shoot with someone.  Can this be of use for at least one of us.  If so, work with the model.  I will give any model a second chance.  What i won't do is arrange to work with a model that failed to show.  Those models have to get one of my previous models to set up a double shoot and then show up.

Apr 27 06 09:50 am Link


Rebeca Misha

Posts: 32

Detroit, Michigan, US

Porchia wrote:
Great portfolio Rebeca...and I agree with you wholeheartedly!

thanks.. i like your port as well. I like how you portray yourself. You look confident, sexy, and fun! All the best qualities in a woman!

You're going to school, so I know you know what I mean. I admire your ambition! Good luck with your goals!

Apr 27 06 09:50 am Link


Frank Tammen

Posts: 203

Sacramento, California, US

...had this happen last week; a model was heavily tattooed, powerfully shouldered and using her boyfriends email and her images were way underexposed--but gorgeous; almost too gorgeous...was this really a guy?...I lived in SF for 4 years and worked in a bar...sheesh, I thought I was asking a smokin' hot babe out, but the bar owner dissuaded me from meeting her/him...when confronted, yep, she was a he!

anyhow, I, I ask her, "are you a guy"?...never did get a solid response, but thought, "what the hell, if he is a she and this is art, why not?" So I emailed back with the go-ahead and never got a response...

...ain't this a complicated internet/world?

Apr 27 06 10:09 am Link


James Schlecht

Posts: 16

Newport Beach, California, US

I would not waste to much time on the issue, I ask than let it go there is awalys someone new coming up in the business. I've never been turned down for a tfp lucky i guess. i think if your engery is good in your asking and how you go about it, it should work out fine.

Now on the other side i was paid to shoot a job and they left all the set up to me. Now
let me tell you, i went all out with all the tricks in the book. This was a client that could of kept me busy every month. I did the shoot the girl was not really model material in the real world but I treated it like every other shoot, I did my best. They like the images
but not the poses, Life is ying and yang.

What does this have to do about the tfps, nothing really it just came to mind. lol

take care

Apr 27 06 10:30 am Link