Forums > General Industry > omg who the hell would let thier kids do this?!?


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Melissa Derr wrote:
"Child modeling sites, (i.e. are not illegal. ASACP does not accept child-modeling sites as Sponsors or Approved Members, but these sites are legal."

It's terrible. Then if we really want to shut them down, it forces us to go visit each girls site and report them individually

I told y`all they said that on their website,sheesh,lol. As for visiting each girls site, if it is not illegal it is not illegal. Going to each seperate site is like going to ASACP several times in a row, a waste of time reporting non illegal sites.

Apr 25 06 07:55 am Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
I have seen young girls in tops like this with no top under, and either in tight jeans, boy shorts or daisy dukes.often with heels.packs of girls dressed like this, lookin at boys, boys and men looking at them, the girls flirting back.

That thing in the picture ain't young, though. She's living proof that if you spend too much time in the sun u're skin will look like u're 40 by the time u're 25. And if you mess with u're hair too much it'll look like u're 60 by the time u're 25. Eeeeech.

Out where I live a bunch a parents were trying to get curfews at the malls and stuff and trying to get the malls to pass basically "no hot clothes for underage girls" rules. I dont have kids (like what selfrespecting girl would breed with me!?) but I went to the hearing just so I could loudly point out that the problem was cuz parents were treatin the mall like it was free daycare and that what was needed was less rules and more parenting.

I do totally not understand why everyone hates me. Really. sad

But cha know what? I bet a lot of girls take clothes and change in the car or the restroom at the mall. Thats what the girls did when I was a kid!

I was talkin' about this with my aunt the other day, who is like ancient (75!) and she was a kid in the 50s - she was a rockabilly chick and dated a hot-rodder behind my grandparents' back - they totally never knew. She'd leave home dressed up all proper and as soon as she got out of the driveway her sleeves were rolled up, her skirt was rolled up, and the top 3 buttons on her blouse were open.

Kids is kids. We was kids once too, I bet. Most of us anyhow. Some of us still are, right?


Apr 25 06 08:02 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

GWC wrote:

That thing in the picture ain't young, though.

Duh,lol I was just showing the pic as an example of a top I once saw a young girl, who looked to be maybe 13-14 wearing at a mall. Why else wear THAT to  a MALL unless you are wanting to be looked at?

Apr 25 06 08:08 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

This thread reminds me of the hysteria over that Calvin Klein billboard in New York several years ago that showed two kids jumping up and down on the couch wearing only their underwear.  It was more of a conservative issue back then, but I don't think anyone felt like the kids had been harmed or exploited.  The main fear people seemed to have was that someone somewhere might get their cookies off from looking at that billboard. 

As for the legality, according to surveys I've heard about, most people seem to think the First Amendment gives us way too much freedom.  Of course, that situation will eventually be rectified (probably in the name of saving children from evil).

Apr 25 06 08:18 am Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
Duh,lol I was just showing the pic as an example of a top I once saw a young girl, who looked to be maybe 13-14 wearing at a mall.

Didja get pictures? Daaaaamn, I bet she was SLAMMIN! Maybe I should do one of my "drive by shootings" workshops at a mall instead of cruising the streets of college towns.

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
Why else wear THAT to  a MALL unless you are wanting to be looked at?

I'd look like crap in that at a mall but I'm sure people would stare, point, and giggle.

Seriously tho - I doubt the girls mom made her wear that. In fact I'd bet you a dollar to a nikon that her mom had no IDEA she was wearing that because when she left home her mom was either:
a) ignoring her and watching TeeVee
b) ignoring her while surfing and posting in the forums
c) her little janie left the house wearing a nice demure sweater with that top hidden in a little corner of her purse.

Its like that ad "parenting: it's the anti-drug" - well its also the "anti-teen-ho"

I think that theres 2 issues here - one is the parents who are OK with their kids being teen-hos and even encourage it. That's weird. But if it's news to YOU that some people arent ready or smart enough to have kids it ain't news to ME. The other issue is the kids who want to be teen-hos. And that's just gonna happen if their parents don't raise 'em keepin an eye on 'em. I know: I dated a lot of those teen-hos when I was a teen-stud and I gotta say it was freakin' great (except for some reason the teen-hos never put out, it was always the quiet ones who dressed like a soccer goalie who were totally ready to get down to it) The gals who go to the mall or the movies or whatever dressed like that are 99% "look but dont touch Im saving my cherry for Justin Timberlake" city.

C'mon dude you were a teenager once, right? Is the GWC speaking anything but the unvarnished truth?


Apr 25 06 08:21 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

GWC wrote:

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
Duh,lol I was just showing the pic as an example of a top I once saw a young girl, who looked to be maybe 13-14 wearing at a mall.

Didja get pictures? Daaaaamn, I bet she was SLAMMIN! Maybe I should do one of my "drive by shootings" workshops at a mall instead of cruising the streets of college towns.

I'd look like crap in that at a mall but I'm sure people would stare, point, and giggle.

Seriously tho - I doubt the girls mom made her wear that. In fact I'd bet you a dollar to a nikon that her mom had no IDEA she was wearing that because when she left home her mom was either:
a) ignoring her and watching TeeVee
b) ignoring her while surfing and posting in the forums
c) her little janie left the house wearing a nice demure sweater with that top hidden in a little corner of her purse.

Its like that ad "parenting: it's the anti-drug" - well its also the "anti-teen-ho"

I think that theres 2 issues here - one is the parents who are OK with their kids being teen-hos and even encourage it. That's weird. But if it's news to YOU that some people arent ready or smart enough to have kids it ain't news to ME. The other issue is the kids who want to be teen-hos. And that's just gonna happen if their parents don't raise 'em keepin an eye on 'em. I know: I dated a lot of those teen-hos when I was a teen-stud and I gotta say it was freakin' great (except for some reason the teen-hos never put out, it was always the quiet ones who dressed like a soccer goalie who were totally ready to get down to it) The gals who go to the mall or the movies or whatever dressed like that are 99% "look but dont touch Im saving my cherry for Justin Timberlake" city.

C'mon dude you were a teenager once, right? Is the GWC speaking anything but the unvarnished truth?


Of course mom didnt make her wear it. she wore it on her own. and of course I was young once. I am not picking sides in my posts here,lol. I like playing devils advocate.

Apr 25 06 08:27 am Link


Steel City Retro

Posts: 5

Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, US

Just took a look at the site...pure pedophile paradise, huh?

Those poor children. They might think what they're doing is the greatest thing in the world right now, but I can only imagine the awful paths most of them are probably headed down. Some of the poses those 11-13 year olds are in, I wouldn't want *my* parents viewing in print, and evidently their parents approve of their girl's "career." How can a caregiver allow this sort of thing? How could you not be ashamed of yourself?

Just think about the issues those girls are going to have...what are they being taught about sex? What are they being taught about self-esteem? What are they being taught about their body, their body image, and other people's right to it? It's sickening. :*(

Apr 25 06 08:35 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Back when my kids were little, everyone was talking about how video games (Nintendo, Coleco, Atari, etc) were "destroying a whole generation of American children".  lol

Apr 25 06 09:14 am Link


Dark Before The Dawn

Posts: 91

studio36uk wrote:
May as well save your breath. This has been discussed here, and elsewhere, before and no matter how much YOU, personally, or I, or anyone else, may not like it the images are legal and the websites are legal. If they weren't they would have been shut down a long time ago.


If no one speaks out about how vile and evil such websites are. Then it's the same as encouraging more of them to go into business. I choose to speak out against them.

Apr 25 06 09:25 am Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Dave Krueger wrote:
Back when my kids were little, everyone was talking about how video games (Nintendo, Coleco, Atari, etc) were "destroying a whole generation of American children".  lol

Hey when I was a kid it was Dungeons and Dragons was going to turn us all into satanists, and listening to Jimi Hendrix' guitar playing was going to melt all of our brains. That was before there were video games so I've just showed you how ancient I am. wink The previous generation was going to be ruined by rock and roll music and the scandalous way Elvis Presley shook his butt.

Kids work it out and survive. It's in the nature of parents to forget that they were kids, once, and they get protective and want to freeze time - but that's not going to happen.

I checked out the site that's got this whole discussion going and I think it's really sad because it looks like a bunch of parents who are either stupidly cashing in on their pretty daughters (hey: you want money? work harder! don't pimp your daughter!) or are living some kind of fantasy life through their daughters (hey: it's her life not yours!) I find that whole thing sad.

I compare and contrast this with when I shot with MM's own Jessica Lorens - her mom was there the whole time (we shot in her living room) and helped with wardrobe and kept an eye on our emails while Jessica was negotiating the shoot with me, etc, etc. She was great, helpful, and obviously cares about her daughter (who was great, beautiful, and fun to work with) and - like GWC said earlier - "parenting is the anti-drug". She had a baseball bat handy next to the door, I noticed. If I had a daughter like Jess, it'd have been a shotgun. With a mom like hers, Jess will do fine - she may chafe a bit until she's 18 but if I had a dollar for every time my parents told me "you can do that when you're old enough to make your own decisions" I'd have been a teen millionaire.

In this country it's politically incorrect to say things like "some people shouldn't be allowed to breed" but, well, I'm politically incorrect. The problem is you get messed up parents and they produce messed up kids and those kids don't learn good parenting because they had messed up parents and it just goes on and on across the generations. I remember reading a criminological statistic that a huge percentag e of pedophiles were sexually abused when they were young - i.e.: pedophilia is "passed on." As a society we need to start examining people who are at risk and trying to help them before it's too late for them. I wonder about those kids on that site - what are they learning about sexuality?


Apr 25 06 09:32 am Link


Dark Before The Dawn

Posts: 91

Farenell Photography wrote:

The only correlation that I'm seeing is that the adult shaved model (theretically) has the maturity to make that choice. The underage model (therotically) does not.

Well said.

Apr 25 06 09:34 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Marcus J. Ranum wrote:
I compare and contrast this with when I shot with MM's own Jessica Lorens - her mom was there the whole time (we shot in her living room) and helped with wardrobe and kept an eye on Jessica's negotiating the shoot with me, etc, etc. She was great, helpful, and obviously cares about her daughter (who was great, beautiful, and fun to work with) and - like GWC said earlier - "parenting is the anti-drug". With a mom like hers, Jess will do fine

Jess and her mom are two of the people I adore most from this site. Jess(uary),don`t expect to get that, its an inside joke between her and I, is one of the most bright young ladies of her generation that I have had the pleasure of knowing.And mom is just plain awesome. I enjoy talking with both of them and can`t wait for the day when I can finally shoot Jessica.I see her going places.

Apr 25 06 09:40 am Link



Posts: 3

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Acid-Candy wrote:
im sicked actually.. i did a google search for model sites toplist and this is what i find:

**link removed so if you want to report it its childsupermodels**

why do children need pay sites?!?! these kids are like 9 and up and they look like little pornstars.. who the hell would let thier kids do this?!?!

happy now?

they are located in Canada

you should read 'why does it exist'

but I think someone should report it. I used to work for a foundation in Belgium for this sort of thing (to stop it!!). This is sick! :'( doest the parents know what the kids are doing!!!

Apr 25 06 09:52 am Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
I enjoy talking with both of them and can`t wait for the day when I can finally shoot Jessica.I see her going places.

You can imagine, considering how my portfolio consists mostly of nudes, that I had a bit of convincing to do, to get Jess in front of my camera!! I think what sold her was the fact that I was willing to haul my 8x10 down to maryland in the rain and did hollywood-style portraits with hot lights. I've still got to process the film - my darkroom is offline right now - but the digital "proofs" turned out great - click here.I thought it was a tasteful yet sexy portrait of a minor...

Wasn't there a pay website run by some guy who was taking telephoto shots of young girls playing in playgrounds and stuff like that? I think they managed to come up with some excuse for shutting him down, but that raises all kinds of questions. Would it be legal to do a pay site of photos of "shopping mall honeys" snapped as they walked by?


Apr 25 06 09:54 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Marcus J. Ranum wrote:

You can imagine, considering how my portfolio consists mostly of nudes, that I had a bit of convincing to do, to get Jess in front of my camera!! I think what sold her was the fact that I was willing to haul my 8x10 down to maryland in the rain and did hollywood-style portraits with hot lights. I've still got to process the film - my darkroom is offline right now - but the digital "proofs" [url=""turned out great - click here.[/url]I thought it was a tasteful yet sexy portrait of a minor...

Wasn't there a pay website run by some guy who was taking telephoto shots of young girls playing in playgrounds and stuff like that? I think they managed to come up with some excuse for shutting him down, but that raises all kinds of questions. Would it be legal to do a pay site of photos of "shopping mall honeys" snapped as they walked by?


Girls like Jessica, and moms like Jessicas mom, are wise enough to see that just because you do nudes does not mean that is all you are about or that you will try to talk the model into doing nudes. I have shot quite a few young girls and their moms and/or fathers have sat next to their daughter and went through my portfolio together, in person and online, and know about my nude work. They also knew I do not pressure a model into doing anything.
As for that guys site, there are still some like that. There is one where this guy uses his zoom lens on nude beaches allover the world to do the same thing.

Apr 25 06 09:58 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Marcus J. Ranum wrote:
In this country it's politically incorrect to say things like "some people shouldn't be allowed to breed" but, well, I'm politically incorrect. The problem is you get messed up parents and they produce messed up kids and those kids don't learn good parenting because they had messed up parents and it just goes on and on across the generations.

You're right about the breeding remark being unPC, but condemning parents has become a favorite national pastime.  People are even quicker to accuse others of bad parenting than Christians are to accuse people of not being "real Christians".

The nature versus nurture debate (which is what this is) isn't new and it isn't going to be solved on this forum.  Throughout history, there have always been predictions doom because kids aren't being raised properly.  And it's going to continue as long as humans walk the planet and morality can be used as a tool to force people to behave according to the wishes of others.

The idea that these kids are going to be permanently traumatized because someone is taking their picture in a bathing suit is just so far out there that it borders on irrational.   Also, I find it interesting that the tone here is such a stark contrast to the thread discussing the child nudes of Sally Mann and Jock Sturges.

Apr 25 06 11:18 am Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Dave Krueger wrote:
Also, I find it interesting that the tone here is such a stark contrast to the thread discussing the child nudes of Sally Mann and Jock Sturges.

That's a really interesting/good point!

Personally, I'm way "on the fence" about Sturges/Mann/Hamilton*. Frankly, pre-adolescent nudity doesn't bother me very much and I think that a lot of David Hamilton's stuff is quite beautiful. I think our society's attitude toward that particular topic is full of hypocrisy - in fact our attitude toward nudity and erotica in general is based largely on the christian heritage of our society, with its anti-sexual anti-nudity bias. Like most problems that really hurt, the child porn/child nudity issue hits home because it's an area where there really are some shocking abuses that I suspect none of us would defend. Unfortunately, out of fear of those abuses, perhaps we swing too far the other way. That's the problem with living in a society under the rule of law: the law has to be written to restrict the actions of the lowest common denominator.

(*I added Hamilton to the list; he makes me more uncomfortable than the other 2. Having read the way he writes about the pretty little girls, it's obvious that he's not JUST interested in them for their artistic merits. Sturges was never charged for sleeping with his 14-year-old student but only because the girl said she wouldn't testify...)

Apr 25 06 12:44 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Marcus J. Ranum wrote:
...Sturges was never charged for sleeping with his 14-year-old student but only because the girl said she wouldn't testify...)

Interesting you should mention that.  I just heard a story (on NPR I think) the other day about a guy who is a registered sex offender becaause he had sex with his 14 or 15 year old girl freind when he was 19.  They are now married, but he's stuck on that sex offender list.  It's particularly interesting to hear about the harrassment they have to put up with even though he's not considered to be a threat to anyone anymore.  For them it's just a form of legalized persecution.

Apr 25 06 01:35 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Dave Krueger wrote:
I just heard a story (on NPR I think) the other day about a guy who is a registered sex offender becaause he had sex with his 14 or 15 year old girl freind when he was 19.  They are now married, but he's stuck on that sex offender list.

I wonder what the statute of limitations on that is? I dated my wife briefly in 1984, when I was 19 and she was 14... Neither of us saw anything wrong with it. We still don't, 22 years later and 5 years into our marriage.


Apr 25 06 01:41 pm Link



Posts: 3153

San Francisco, California, US

my god, this makes me sick, i would never let my kids do this site. not only because my neice was sexually assulted at 14 ( wearing similar stuff), but because no one under 18 needs to dress that way! period!

Apr 25 06 01:50 pm Link


Stephen Dawson

Posts: 29259

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Dave Krueger wrote:

Interesting you should mention that.  I just heard a story (on NPR I think) the other day about a guy who is a registered sex offender becaause he had sex with his 14 or 15 year old girl freind when he was 19.  They are now married, but he's stuck on that sex offender list.  It's particularly interesting to hear about the harrassment they have to put up with even though he's not considered to be a threat to anyone anymore.  For them it's just a form of legalized persecution.

One of the killed in this story was a registered sex offender because he had sex with his underage girl friend. … /National/

Apr 25 06 01:53 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

More Dribble.....

Let's put it in perspective.

Child Erotica sites are NOT ILLEGAL. As much as some of you may wish it so.

Child Pronography is well defined as has been pointed out here a number of times.
none of the sites I saw even come close to that.

As for the Sturges Mann etc....
You do not like it, do not buy it, but it is legal and they make money off of it.

As for the sex with a minor... DUMB. getting married after being DUMB is not a defense for being DUMB....

Now, If we banned everything that people find offensive, then there would be nothing left.

As for what parent etc.....
Consider watching some movies that have children nude in them.
It is parents like that which allow their child to do sites like these.

They do not have the puckered up holes that others have.

Boy we as a society have swung way too far this time.

Apr 25 06 01:55 pm Link


Shauna Carlo

Posts: 367

Boston, Massachusetts, US

I remember a few years ago 20/20 did a story on child pay sites. They showed a 12 year old girl who was making tons of money off of her pay site. Very weird. BUT they had this thing on her site that anybody could send her an outfit to model and for an extra $100 she would model it on her page. They showed a school girl outfit that some 40 something year old guy sent her. It wasn't a trashy outfit in the least but still very very creepy. Her parents especially her father were very excited and way too into the site.

Apr 25 06 03:16 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Meg 784 wrote:
I remember a few years ago 20/20 did a story on child pay sites. They showed a 12 year old girl who was making tons of money off of her pay site. Very weird. BUT they had this thing on her site that anybody could send her an outfit to model and for an extra $100 she would model it on her page. They showed a school girl outfit that some 40 something year old guy sent her. It wasn't a trashy outfit in the least but still very very creepy. Her parents especially her father were very excited and way too into the site.

One of the first girls to take advantage of the teen site thing was very business minded. she even pretended to be 16-17  until she was in her early 20s and she looked 16-17. Now she is about 25 and says she just turned 18. She started her site when she was 13, by the time she was actually 18 she had enough money to pay cash for a HUGE home, a mercedes and such, with CASH.

Apr 25 06 03:20 pm Link



Posts: 2200

New York, New York, US

F-ing Nuts Benny wrote:
try this site to report, I already made one

I'll report this also to this site and any other I can find.  This is in no way acceptable!

Apr 25 06 03:24 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

lightsandshadow wrote:

I'll report this also to this site and any other I can find.  This is in no way acceptable!

You havent been reading this thread, obviously. wait until you get to and read the part where they specifically mention that is legal,lol

Apr 25 06 03:34 pm Link



Posts: 2200

New York, New York, US

True, I guess this site is not illegal.  I'd like to voice my opinions to someone though about this subject of 'child erotica'.  I might be one small voice but at least I will feel I did something.  I'm all about Artistic freedom but to have underage kids, boys or girls, pose suggestively is not good.  I've shot with teen models before, headshots, casual wear but these poses are a bit too much for me to stomach.  Sorry, it's how I feel.

Apr 25 06 04:08 pm Link


Tomi Hawk

Posts: 1649

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

area291 wrote:

That's what many say about MM's off-topic category in the forums.  Child's play of a different sort without any legitimate association.  Similar in that site ownership can't see it.


Acid-Candy wrote:
i mean comeon who else would buy memberships to these sites? normal people? i dont think so!

Oboy .. I gotta say sumthin here .. (putting on my suit of armor) wink BUT .. lol .. I just went to your page .. and, the port of .. *Acid Candy* a name I would not be too proud of if my 20 something year old daughter chose for an internet based model/photographer site  .. and well .. I gotta say .. (ducking) there's a 70 year-old grandmother somewhere that may see your images in your port and say  .. "OMG .. how could parents be so irresponsible ????" lol .. Trust me .. at 24 .. you're a mere mortal embryo .. to her.

You're a goth .. to her .. you're a freak .. I'm not saying that .. *she* is .. you're into fetish .. you even attend conventions .. to her? That's simply, utterly downright *not right* .. honestly .. I would hope that you run into her there at the convention .. be kina cool to know the old bag still has it in her tho .. huh? Or .. is *that* sick also? Hmmm ..

Who would buy memberships? Well, cetainly not myself .. I assure you .. however, if anyone thinks this is the only site of it's type .. rest assured .. or, ok .. umm, rest uneasy .. because, there are thousands of them .. and the reason is, is because they're quite the money maker .. otherwise .. they would'nt be around .. so, obviously .. there's alotta members .. ok .. sicko's then ..

What I'm saying tho Ms Candy ... is just this .. there are sicko's that prolly *get off* looking at images from MM ports .. there are sicko's at every corner. But what's sick ? Whats *wrong* ? If people wanna hang upside down .. and be tied up, and then photograhed .. heyyy .. have it .. just uhhh .. don't ask me to participate ..

Wanna be gay or lesbian .. or even bi .. ? Ha! .. kewl .. good for you .. just .. leave ... me .. out .. mmmmk? Is it right for little children to pose in such *provocative poses*? With such under developed lil bodies?
Guess none of us have ever heard of David Hamilton .. or .. Sam Haskins .. or today's Peter Herge .. only difference is, in the images that Hamilton or Haskins shot was .. it was soffft .. and most of everything was diffused lit .. from the left, or the right .. or even from behind .. the art of MET has children just as young as well .. the difference again being .. it's *artful* .. thing is tho .. the sick pervo masturbating  pedophile nutcase .. does'nt care about where the fawk the light is coming from .. the *sleezy* way in which the images are photographed on that site .. may be one of the huge reasons it does so well .. the fact that they're young .. is also another reason ..

I went to the page .. I surfed it around .. I did'nt see one nipple .. or a shaved race-track ..  most of these young girls are from Europe .. it's quite obvious .. Europeans look at things alot diffrently then we do here .. they also have pretty darn good parents .. and as children, are very, very articulate .. and quite intelligent for their small minds .. not to mention their bodies .. do they know what they're doing? You bet ya .. they know the power of the all mighty dollar .. and together with the internet .. they're makin it happen .. tons of them .. does it make it right? Ehh .. I dunno .. then again .. I'm not into goth, fetish, or my own blood for that matter .. tongue

It's different strokes .. for different folks .. dont wanna look? Don't look .. you aint gonna fight an agency that sells images to an offshore lil girlie site on the internet .. and win .. enjoy your conventions .. and stare at each others feet .. or whatever it is fetish conventioneer's do at a fetish convention ..

America has to stop judging other people for what/who they *think* they are .. I have a pretty *provocative pose* of a 15 year old that I made b/w .. she was completely alone with me in the studio .. (in my home .. re: other thread about *in home* studio's) and was quite *made up* (b/w foto) that landed her a hefty amt of money with an international rent a car agency, along with residuals .. and a couple a very happy parents .. quite proud parents I might add .. *Debbie* is now 32, the mother of 2, and and very loving mother/wife with a very succesful husband!

Sad .. yeah .. it's sad that we cant see though the portal also .. quit worrying about the rest .. it's there even if you think it's wrong ..

Apr 25 06 05:55 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Before I propose some ideas that "might" curtail what the majority here finds objectionable in websites, let's get some facts clear ... the website in question is what we call a "banner site" in webmaster terms.  There are banners there to many of the Webe web company's under age model websites.  They have been doing these sites for some five years or more now.  They don't shoot the girls nude, or having sex ... so they are not consider child porn. 

Warning: I'll catch hell for my sarcasm, ... excuse me! The FBI is already quite aware of Webe web and probably has passes for all the officers to check out or enjoy.  Believe me!  There are plenty of Homeland Security people enjoying these sites!  People have been complaining about these particular underage model paysites for years now.  Nothing short of electing Pat Roberts will eliminate them!  Actually Pat Roberts is probably a member!  In other words, complaints are going to deaf ears. It's actually the real child porn sites with girls nude and in sexual acts that our law enforcement is doing their best to shut down. 

The Supreme court will not outlaw pictures of girls who are not nude or doing anything sexual.  It would be very problematic for all of us as photographers and models IF they did.  Why?  All of this is very subjective ... meaning that the elements that make it seem like "child porn" to one may not be there in someone else's eyes. 

It's been mentioned about going to the shopping malls ... well in some ways that is more dangerous than if a pedo were viewing pictures on the Internet.  At least the law enforcement can keep track of those who are actually dealing with REAL child porn.  By the way, WE should NOT be blowing that link to the SuperChildModel site or what ever because it increases their traffic.  It improves the amount of business and dollars they are making.  It's not going to get taken down that way!  ALSO DO NOT SEARCH FOR REAL CP ... you could get yourself into serious trouble!  Why?  Try giving the excuse that you were only searching for research or that you were planning to report it.  Law enforcement hears that all the time and most of the time they don't believe it.  You don't want an arrest ... even without a conviction, it's still not something you want to have happen.  Stop looking for stuff to post here that you "think" is child porn.  You are helping the Webe Web people make more money and you could also get us all infected with computer viruses or worse. 

Want to "get" to these girls because you are worried about them?  The girls that are posing for this company that produced that banner page and websites are protected from any of us being able to contact them.  They don't use real or complete names.  The girls pose for a photographer that we can't reach either.  The server location wont help ... and very likely these are European girls anyway.  So can't very well call Child Protective Services on the parents, huh?  Are these girls going to be tainted for life?  I don't know that answer ... only Dr. Phil does, right?  lol

Things are different outside this country.  In many European and Asian countries it's common to see nudity in public and mainstream media.  As I've said before, something like Janet Jackson's clothing malfunction during the Superbore ummm Superbowl ... wont raise an eyebrow outside this country!  So where is the market for this Webe stuff?  Here in the USA?  Probably. 

One thing that can be done is to find out who provides billing for the Webe websites, then start a massive writing campaign to them.  However if the website owners are smart, they'll have their own merchant account ... then that means you have to locate the merchant account provider ... what I'm saying is go for the "money" they make.  If they are not able to accept credit cards, then they are dead in the water! 

Try to find those people who are clients to those sites.  Not to beat them up, but to work on making them realize how bad it is that they pay for that stuff.  It also helps to be knowing who is looking at the stuff ... the law enforcement does that I'm sure!  Not to scare anyone, we can all be tracked by our IP's, but to educate and hopefully change minds as to what is acceptable.  Sort of like a profiler, huh?

Another positive idea would be to form an association that promotes standards for Internet Modeling.  The "Internet" and "modeling" mentioned in the sentence is such a turn off to mainstream and people not educated about the 'net.  I believe that the adult porn industry is either disinterested or glad for teen/preteen websites.  To the adult industry these could be the future porn stars, right?  OK, let's get together to promote non nude, and non pornographic model websites!  Don't think there is a market for it?  Well think twice!  It is possible!  Look at the Stuff, Maxim, and Blender magazines ... even Sports Illustrated.  Sexy swim wear, lingerie and Alt style images do have a market.  Classy art and glamour nudes have a market, and most don't consider that to be porn.  Flood the market with better alternatives for viewing.  Market it! Market it! Market it! 

Look at MySpace ... two years later it is a multi million dollar website!  All the negative press has done is double the users of MySpace since Fox news bought it!  Bad news is good news to them!

I've heard about all the daytime shows with teen model Cindy or whom ever has a paysite get their website promoted because of the controversy.  There is plenty of disgust, drama, screaming, and puking to go around!  LOL   Instead of trying to attack and tear down what you don't like, build something better!  Let's develop an alternative to what is out there with standards. 

I commend Tyler and Model Mayhem for allowing us to have wide open discussion on these forum over issues like this! OneModelPlace does not have age limits for model portfolios, Model Mayhem does.  For very good reason, there are models of adult age here who are posing in the very things that they wouldn't dare let their daughters be posing in! Yet what those models are posing in is not considered "porn" by most standards. 

The porn industry is huge, and well funded.  In my opinion, the porn industry dominates OMP and the 'net in general.  It's going to take a strong united effort to change the image of what it means to be a model on the Internet.  Going to war against what you don't like is not always a good answer.  Education and building positive reinforcement in children is!  Stay tuned ....

Apr 25 06 08:04 pm Link


The Elfling

Posts: 68

Austin, Indiana, US

area291 wrote:

Actually, those busted are often the pillars of society often considered "normal."  Sick minds carry no class distinction.

"Normal" is not a class distinction.  A sick mind, as you put it, is not normal.

Apr 25 06 08:29 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Dave Krueger wrote:
Back when my kids were little, everyone was talking about how video games (Nintendo, Coleco, Atari, etc) were "destroying a whole generation of American children".  lol

Who says they haven't? I still go gaga whenever someone plays the Legend of Zelda theme on the piano.

Apr 25 06 08:52 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Farenell Photography wrote:
Who says they haven't? I still go gaga whenever someone plays the Legend of Zelda theme on the piano.

We have a Zelda for the game cube, looks just like  it did on the super nintendo. we love it. didnt realize how much we missed some of the sound effects,lol.and lets not forget that sound of loging in to aol or other online services way back when with the dial tone and such

Apr 25 06 08:57 pm Link



Posts: 213

New Haven, Connecticut, US

UGH! my god! whyyy?

These poor girls. Thos sick parents/ photographers...

I wish they would arrest these sickos, and let the girls get on with the rest of their lives like normal 7-15 year olds (because that is honestly how old these kids look)

I don't even want to know what goes beyond that main page.

* Justine * Danielle *

Apr 25 06 09:00 pm Link


Steel Fox Studios

Posts: 348

Hulmeville, Pennsylvania, US

Its a blatant Rip off of Christinamodel. The guys created other non-nude sites while some of the girls were in their teens, its still exploiting...however this site you provided us just disgusting....

Freakin America....

Apr 25 06 09:15 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Farenell Photography wrote:

Dave Krueger wrote:
Back when my kids were little, everyone was talking about how video games (Nintendo, Coleco, Atari, etc) were "destroying a whole generation of American children".  lol

Who says they haven't? I still go gaga whenever someone plays the Legend of Zelda theme on the piano.

Oh, no.  I wish you hadn't mentioned that.  I will be hearing that theme music in my head for at least a week now...

Apr 25 06 09:21 pm Link


Richard Brooks Photos

Posts: 95

Marietta, Georgia, US

I can only hope this is an FBI sting site.......

Apr 25 06 09:22 pm Link


Richard Brooks Photos

Posts: 95

Marietta, Georgia, US

I can only hope this is an FBI sting site.......

Apr 25 06 09:22 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Obviously the Read only the first post and comment on page 8 syndrome still exists.

Perhaps I should let you know exactly what the FBI is doing about that site, and others like it.

Really want to know?

Nor will they.

For the most part they do not even monitor sites like that.

Why not?

Because 95% of them are static.
Meaning the conent is uploaded once, and then that is it, sell sell sell.
Then the person does another site under another name and uploads the same content, or slightly different content, and then boom, more money.

However, let's give in for a minute and say that I agree that the exploitation of those models is wrong. (I do not think that, no more so than I think Exploiting Child Actors or actresses is wrong)
What exactly can we do about it?
Report it? Nope, not illegal.
Child Protective Services? Nope, Not illegal therefore CPS can not do anything because the child is truly protected, probably more so than your own child is.
You will never learn her real name, or her location, or who actually did the photography. And even if you do, I guarentee you that the parents of that girl have more than enough money to keep her safe from the likes of you.

Protest against it? Not smart, in order to protest against it, you must advertise for them. For every convert you make, you probably get them a new customer as well...

The best thing to do if you do not like it, is ignore it.

Now, Let's truly discuss the "Exploitation" aspect of it.
I am not sure the story I am going to tell is the same as the one above. But, Back in the early adys of the web, there was a beautiful redhead teen (I believe she was 14, or at least claimed to be) that put up some rather provocative pictures of herself on the web. She even posted in the Newsgroups etc...
to describe the pictures:
The first was her in a string bikini with her legs spread apart, the strips to the top pulled down the shoulders, and her thumbs in the bottoms at the strings.
The second was her in a tall field of grass lying on her stomach in the bikini, with the top untie, and arching her back a little (you could not see her breasts because of the grass, but even if you could, they were covered.)
the third was her in a short skirt and a tank top, getting out of a car, where her panties apeared to be showing. (It was actually a bikini bottom)

On each of these pictures at the bottom was the phrase, "Want to see more of me? Order the complete CD at"

You went to the site and it had a few more provocative pictures, including another one that suggested she was at least partially nude for the shoot.
The site offered the complete phootshoot collection for a mere $39.95
The site also offered the complete uncensored video of the shoot, with a guarentee that the video camera never stopped rolling during the shoot, and included bonus footage from the changing room for $129.95

The young girl made a virtual killing. Enough so that she gave a marketting presentation 4 years later about the whole thing.

Never once was she nude. Not once did she lie in the marketting of her material.
People simply assumed.
They simply paid. (Back then it was all check or money order, online ordering with a credit card was not available)

Now, This little genius, whom is set for life, based on a photoshoot her boyfriend did, and his best friend filmed, has absolutely NO regrets.

She was just so exploited.............

By the way, I was at the Marketting presentation she did, and I remember the early images of her being online, mainly because back then, some of us were already looking into the dark side of the internet.

Apr 26 06 07:13 am Link


Larry Niven

Posts: 20

White Rock, British Columbia, Canada

Terry Breedlove wrote:
I believe the new 2251 law addresses photos of this nature but this site might be located offshore.

The best thing to do is to report the site to a local police force. They can determine where the site originates and pass the info to Interpol to follow up.


Apr 26 06 11:11 pm Link



Posts: 50

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Tomi Images wrote:

area291 wrote:
That's what many say about MM's off-topic category in the forums.  Child's play of a different sort without any legitimate association.  Similar in that site ownership can't see it.


Oboy .. I gotta say sumthin here .. (putting on my suit of armor) wink BUT .. lol .. I just went to your page .. and, the port of .. *Acid Candy* a name I would not be too proud of if my 20 something year old daughter chose for an internet based model/photographer site  .. and well .. I gotta say .. (ducking) there's a 70 year-old grandmother somewhere that may see your images in your port and say  .. "OMG .. how could parents be so irresponsible ????" lol .. Trust me .. at 24 .. you're a mere mortal embryo .. to her.

You're a goth .. to her .. you're a freak .. I'm not saying that .. *she* is .. you're into fetish .. you even attend conventions .. to her? That's simply, utterly downright *not right* .. honestly .. I would hope that you run into her there at the convention .. be kina cool to know the old bag still has it in her tho .. huh? Or .. is *that* sick also? Hmmm ..

So i stopped reading your RANT about here... Who cares what GRANDMA thinks! Who cares if Acid Candy wants to be a freak, Which I'm not making judgement on bc I havent even checked out her portfolio... I don't care whats there, she put it there! These little girls didn't put up their pay sites! Their parents did!!!!!!

Are you serious? I think Acid Candy is mature enough to defend herself if she runs into grandma....

And the CHILDREN on these sites? Definately not mature enough to handle the situations they are without a doubt being put into!

Apr 27 06 02:22 am Link