Forums > General Industry > Enough with friend's request from MMers w/ "porn"

Makeup Artist


Posts: 89

New Milford, Connecticut, US

Hope this is in the right section. I'm really tired of getting friends requests from MMers with ports that could easily be classified as porn. If that's what people want to feature on their ports - that's their business but I've clearly indicated I am not interested in that but get many MMers with that stuff repeatedly requesting my friendship. When I recognize them I delete instead of clicking on the avatar but sometimes I don't recognize them and click. Recently a male MMer made a request and when I clicked there was total frontal nudity. My children are often around me when I'm on my computer but besides I think it's a gross lack of respect to basically expose such pics to someone with no interest. I wish I could actually block those ports from mine but I can't so I'm kindly asking those of you who know who you are not to contact me. Thank you.

Apr 20 06 06:03 pm Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway


You started off saying porn then you ended saying just nude modeling.

There is a bit of a difference between porn pics...(which aren't even allowed on here supposedly) and nude or artistic nude modeling.

So not sure which one you are referring to.

either way...they obviously can't read or think you are referring to porn and not just plain nude modeling.
but just continue to deny them.

They will get the hint evenually

Apr 20 06 08:00 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

dncphotos wrote:

You started off saying porn then you ended saying just nude modeling.

There is a bit of a difference between porn pics...(which aren't even allowed on here supposedly) and nude or artistic nude modeling.

So not sure which one you are referring to.

She is complaining about how her virgin eyes are seared when she opens up the portfolio of someone who displays images that she finds offensive. She shows the standard tactic of the easily offended by using a very strong term (porn) to label any display of skin beyond what is shown by burkhas.

Apr 20 06 08:03 pm Link


San Francisco Nudes

Posts: 2910

Novato, California, US

It should be a setting to not show anything marked 18+.

Apr 20 06 08:07 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

San Francisco Nudes wrote:
It should be a setting to not show anything marked 18+.

That is an excellent idea.

Apr 20 06 08:10 pm Link


Joe Koz

Posts: 1981

Lititz, Pennsylvania, US

How about simply denying the "friend" request? If you don't want them as "friends" and you don't want there to be a link to them on your Friends List ... you can always use that option.

Apr 20 06 08:11 pm Link



Posts: 111

Houston, Texas, US

Yep I agree

Apr 20 06 08:13 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Theresa George MUA

Posts: 556

San Francisco, California, US

I don't equate nudity with porn. I don't think most people do. It's all about the message, the way something is shot, the intent/ body position. I have nudes in my portfolio...personally as a makeup artist I could not see limiting myself to clothed photos only. You certainly have a right to, at the same time, in a place we are all focused on creating art, you have to keep in mind that for many that does include the beauty of the human body.

Apr 20 06 08:20 pm Link



Posts: 102

York, Pennsylvania, US

nudity is definitely not porn... to me, porn means sexual acts and unless someone is like actively masterbating in the pic, then it isn't porn.  If you don't want to be friends with someone who has nudity in their port, then just decline it. 
Also, a hint of advice..the internet is a dirty place.. maybe just stop checking MM with your kids around.

Apr 20 06 08:27 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I think this is officially the stupidest post of the day.  If you're afraid your kids will see something on the internet that's so horrible that they'll start to think nudity and sexuality are normal, the swictch is right there on the front.  There's also a fail-safe device called a plug:  Grasp firmly, pull toward you, repeat when necessary.

Apr 20 06 08:32 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I fart in this posts general direction!

Apr 20 06 08:34 pm Link



Posts: 2211

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
I think this is officially the stupidest post of the day.

I disagree. The stupidity of this post reaches far beyond one day.

Apr 20 06 08:35 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

MarkMarek wrote:

I disagree. The stupidity of this post reaches far beyond one day.

You may very well be correct about this post's transendental stupidity, but I can say that this type of stuck-up, haughty "me, so f*ck you" attitude [both here and on her profile] is why I avoid working with stylists whenever possible...It seems to be a painfully common charachter trait among them.

Nudity...on the internet...I'm shocked.

Apr 20 06 08:38 pm Link



Posts: 1187

Nelsonville, New York, US

Ohhhhhh the nude body is soooooooooooooooo
DIRTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  God blessed YOU "clean" ...

Apr 20 06 08:41 pm Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
I think this is officially the stupidest post of the day.  If you're afraid your kids will see something on the internet that's so horrible that they'll start to think nudity and sexuality are normal, the swictch is right there on the front.  There's also a fail-safe device called a plug:  Grasp firmly, pull toward you, repeat when necessary.

lol see...i was trying to be nice with my post but I wanted to say  something similar to what you just said lol

Apr 20 06 09:08 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

dncphotos wrote:

lol see...i was trying to be nice with my post but I wanted to say  something similar to what you just said lol

I just woke up and have to leave for work in 40 minutes, which absolves me from having to be nice.

Apr 20 06 09:19 pm Link


Adria W.

Posts: 776

Sacramento, California, US

Ransom J wrote:
I fart in this posts general direction!

I'd join you, but that would ruin my reputation. Models don't fart tongue

But we do say ni. So "NI" at this post.

Apr 20 06 09:21 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Deirdre wrote:
Hope this is in the right section. I'm really tired of getting friends requests from MMers with ports that could easily be classified as porn.

Hey, I'm sure you've convinced everyone you want their friend requests, now. wink


Apr 20 06 09:26 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 89

New Milford, Connecticut, US

Amazing that all of you who agree that others have the right to express themselves without clothes should get so heated up that I express my right not to have nude pics linked to my port.

I didn't resort to name calling as many of you did and I did say you have to right to post whatever you want just as I have the right not to view them. Is anything wrong with the human body? Of course not - it's beautiful! However how many of you walk out of your front door completely naked - if you don't why not? The reality is there are as many standards in the world as there are people some set by individuals some set by society.

Call me stuck up or use any of the other obscene terms you may choose - the fact is we all have rights. I was not impeding on anyone's right by exercising my right  to control what I view.

Maybe you should take the time to read the post carefully and actually listen to what is being said instead of lashing out.

Apr 20 06 09:30 pm Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Deirdre wrote:
Is anything wrong with the human body? Of course not - it's beautiful! However how many of you walk out of your front door completely naked - if you don't why not?

I can answer that....because its illegal to be starck naked in most states in the US maybe.
If it wasn't illegal, Im sure we would see wayyyyy more nudists out and about doing everything naked lol.

Some women don't like the fact that we cant go shirtless in public without people getting ignorant and guys can do it no problems. like when they play sports.

I can get the fact that you don't want nude folks on your friends list.
I think everyone is giving you a hard time, because you made a post about it openly warning everyone,(even those who don't care) to NOT send you a request because you dont like nude images.
Almost like this is a an email address or your private page...
If they didn't read your page then they aren't going to read this.

Apr 20 06 09:39 pm Link


Adria W.

Posts: 776

Sacramento, California, US

Deirdre wrote:
Amazing that all of you who agree that others have the right to express themselves without clothes should get so heated up that I express my right not to have nude pics linked to my port.

I didn't resort to name calling as many of you did and I did say you have to right to post whatever you want just as I have the right not to view them. Is anything wrong with the human body? Of course not - it's beautiful! However how many of you walk out of your front door completely naked - if you don't why not? The reality is there are as many standards in the world as there are people some set by individuals some set by society.

Call me stuck up or use any of the other obscene terms you may choose - the fact is we all have rights. I was not impeding on anyone's right by exercising my right  to control what I view.

Maybe you should take the time to read the post carefully and actually listen to what is being said instead of lashing out.

I think it's more you calling the nude photos Porn than anything really.

I think you have the right to be upset, but maybe you could take this up with a mod instead? Ask that all 18+ pictures have a replacement on them, until someone clicks them to full view? Like an '18+' sign instead of a thumbnail of the picture?

That would solve your problem, I believe.

Apr 20 06 09:44 pm Link


Nathan Sol

Posts: 784

Oshkosh, Wisconsin, US

Speaking for myself here.  I have done (and hope to do more) artistic nudes, but that is certainly not the only thing I am interested in (not even my primary interest).  I would like to build up my portfolio and experience with more portrait and fashion work, but mostly I want to do more rock&roll and artistic long exposures (which doesn't quite fit here).  The fact that someone is not interested in posing nude, in full or in part, would not deter me from requesting them as a "friend," my focus is not that narrow.  I don't know why the fact that I have nudes in my portfolio would deter someone from posing for me within their own sphere of comfort, especially when they can see there is more to my work than that.  But that is their choice to make.
My $.02

Apr 20 06 11:02 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Deirdre wrote:
Maybe you should take the time to read the post carefully and actually listen to what is being said instead of lashing out.

I did read it. You have a problem with looking at nudity in other people's portfolios. It offends you to actually get a friend request from someone wiith a nude image. You wannt them to stop because YOU can't take the tiime to filter out the requests, and because YOU judge them as not suitable as a 'friend' on this site if they show any skin. If yoou have a problem with seeing nudity, you are on the wrong site. Scrub the account and head to

Apr 21 06 12:52 am Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Deirdre wrote:
Enough with friend's request from MMers w/ "porn"

Perhaps you should have browsed the site a little more thoroughly before signing up.  You might have seen what you were in for...

Apr 21 06 12:58 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries, now go away before I taunt you a second time!

Apr 21 06 01:02 am Link


AU fotografia

Posts: 1723

Houston, Texas, US

ok.. first off.. I AM SORRY.. but your kids got bodies too.. and guess what!?!?!?! they got the same stuff! well there's 2 different kinds, but i guess your education goes far beyond that (i hope)

Anyways.. I believe that the body can be such an interesting subject to photograph. If you believe that sunsets photography is good let me tell you it's probably the lamest since you pretty much gotta snapshot it, and it an look nice, but it's BLAH, CLICHE!!!

Tough!!!!!!!!, the body has all kinds of textures and so many different volumes that can be amazing to photograph.

I will agree with the fact that some pictures are horribly taken and the 'art' content in them is minimum. but the fact that there are nudes shouldn't bother you, i don't think, i think that can work. Porn may bother you but just because of them 'being suggestive' that's what i think is okay to feel bothered by..and what you can do is get the link for the picture and note it to a MOD the picture will get reviewd and if it's really offensive be removed.... otherwise..either live with it, or don't type when you are getting an address in your browser address wink that will protect you and your children aswell..

Apr 21 06 01:10 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I disagree in that not all nudity (even male nudity) is porn, but I do think that MM should give the option of viewing 18+ images.  Or at least give a warning before entering one's portfolio page that 18+ are included within.

Apr 21 06 01:23 am Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US


Apr 21 06 01:27 am Link


AU fotografia

Posts: 1723

Houston, Texas, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
I disagree in that not all nudity (even male nudity) is porn, but I do think that MM should give the option of viewing 18+ images.  Or at least give a warning before entering one's portfolio page that 18+ are included within.

well they are 'thumnails' and there's a bolded 18+ under the picture.. unless it's a 'genitalia close up' you can hardly tell..specially if you ar enot in front of the computer (like her kids) so.. if you don't wanna see, just don't click... yeah maybe having an option of 'wanna see 18+ or not would work for some people..but i don't think it's THAT important..

Apr 21 06 01:27 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

I state that you might find my pics offensive, so if you than do well I can't feel bad can I?


Apr 21 06 02:37 am Link



Posts: 74

Vista, California, US

this might not be the best idea, but why dont you change your age in your MM info to under 18. but make it clear on your profile of your real age, and why you changed it. that way, you wont be able to see those types pictures at all. smile

Apr 21 06 04:36 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

In my opinion, if you are a stylist and simple nudity offends you, there is going to be a lot of business you will miss out on.

Apr 21 06 04:41 am Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
In my opinion, if you are a stylist and simple nudity offends you, there is going to be a lot of business you will miss out on.

Shes a make-up artist to...well what her port says
I think shes the only MUA I know that won't work with nude clients....
So im sure she misses out on quite a bit of biz if she's making this big a deal on nude friend requests.

Apr 21 06 05:00 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

dncphotos wrote:

Shes a make-up artist to...well what her port says
I think shes the only MUA I know that won't work with nude clients....
So im sure she misses out on quite a bit of biz if she's making this big a deal on nude friend requests.

My point exactly.

Apr 21 06 05:01 am Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Its really quite simple..dont add them as friends and hit the deny/no button rather than the yes one.

I also suggest that if nudity offends you and you are afraid that your kids may see it that you DONT log into a site that holds 18+ pictures in the first place.
The responsibility for your kids maybe seeing anything you dont want them to nude wise lies firmly with you on that one.
Wait until they are not around to log onto the site.

I am having flashbacks to that simpsons episode all of a sudden.

Apr 21 06 05:12 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Brian Diaz wrote:
I disagree in that not all nudity (even male nudity) is porn, but I do think that MM should give the option of viewing 18+ images.  Or at least give a warning before entering one's portfolio page that 18+ are included within.

Yah... Maybe an avatar of the Rev Jerry Falwell or possibly Pat Robertson




Apr 21 06 05:30 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US


Apr 21 06 05:31 am Link



Posts: 175

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

San Francisco Nudes wrote:
It should be a setting to not show anything marked 18+.

I sencond thrid and fourth the motion and then people can just well,,move on:)

Apr 21 06 05:51 am Link



Posts: 779

Flushing, New York, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
I disagree in that not all nudity (even male nudity) is porn, but I do think that MM should give the option of viewing 18+ images.  Or at least give a warning before entering one's portfolio page that 18+ are included within.

I agree with you Brian, as always!

Apr 21 06 06:31 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Deirdre wrote:
Amazing that all of you who agree that others have the right to express themselves without clothes should get so heated up that I express my right not to have nude pics linked to my port.

I didn't resort to name calling as many of you did and I did say you have to right to post whatever you want just as I have the right not to view them. Is anything wrong with the human body? Of course not - it's beautiful! However how many of you walk out of your front door completely naked - if you don't why not? The reality is there are as many standards in the world as there are people some set by individuals some set by society.

Call me stuck up or use any of the other obscene terms you may choose - the fact is we all have rights. I was not impeding on anyone's right by exercising my right  to control what I view.

Maybe you should take the time to read the post carefully and actually listen to what is being said instead of lashing out.

Oh I read it...I just think it's equally "obscene" to expect an entire website to contour itself to you and your kids.  This is why we have the US government wasting time and resources "protecting children" from "predators" on the internet.

  I strongly recommend the program "parental discretion 1.0" for your internet problem.

Apr 21 06 06:37 am Link