Forums > General Industry > Enough with friend's request from MMers w/ "porn"



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

studio36uk wrote:

Yah... Maybe an avatar of the Rev Jerry Falwell or possibly Pat Robertson




I think I need to steal these for my blog!

Apr 21 06 06:38 am Link


William Kious

Posts: 8842

Delphos, Ohio, US

You're making value judgements about other people based on the presence of nudes in their portfolios?  Interesting.  Who are you to judge?  Does that also mean you won't work on a shoot where nudity is involved?

As for your kids - if you're that worried about nudity, why not hold-off on surfing Model Mayhem until after the kids are in bed?

For those of you who are that worried about the 18+ images... LOG OFF!!!  Surf Model Mayhem without logging in.

Apr 21 06 07:11 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

ashleyxo wrote:
this might not be the best idea, but why dont you change your age in your MM info to under 18.

Oh yea, there ya go. She`s already screwed herself by obviously not being comfortable with nudity. That alone will make her lose lots of business. Add in the factor that her profile says she is a minor? She might as well quit altogether,lol.If I see someone stating they are underage, then somewhere else in their profile stating they are an age over 18, I automaticly stay away from them.

Apr 21 06 07:18 am Link



Posts: 61

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:

I did read it. You have a problem with looking at nudity in other people's portfolios. It offends you to actually get a friend request from someone wiith a nude image. You wannt them to stop because YOU can't take the tiime to filter out the requests, and because YOU judge them as not suitable as a 'friend' on this site if they show any skin. If yoou have a problem with seeing nudity, you are on the wrong site. Scrub the account and head to


Apr 21 06 07:32 am Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

dncphotos wrote:

You started off saying porn then you ended saying just nude modeling.

There is a bit of a difference between porn pics...(which aren't even allowed on here supposedly) and nude or artistic nude modeling.

So not sure which one you are referring to.

either way...they obviously can't read or think you are referring to porn and not just plain nude modeling.
but just continue to deny them.

They will get the hint evenually

Exactly! Nudity and porn are not anywhere near being on the same playing field. I can understand not wanting your children to see that but eventually they will take a school field trip to the museum. And guess what's their? Nude art! Sure there are people on here who push boundaries, but full nudity is not a bad thing, nor is it porn.

Apr 21 06 07:33 am Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

You might just want to take a look at your tags, too... You know those nice comments on the front of your portfolio? You've got some folks with nude images in their portfolios linked to you. Go through each one of them. There are even some with implied nudes, extreme booty shots, see through tops, etc. For shame! How could you even take a chance and allow your children to see women in thongs! Women don't walk out of the house in clothes like you see there.

Besides, what is pornographic to me is bad images.  You know, images that are not sharp, not color-balanced or exposed well. Having bad images in your portfolio is going to keep away good work, as will any demonization of nudes.

Apr 21 06 07:48 am Link


James Perrin

Posts: 180

Scarsdale, New York, US

Let's take a deep breath for a moment......

The author expresses similar reservations about friends' requests on her port narrative, only there she simply refers to nudity.
It was only her use of the term "porn" in the original forum post that raised (justified) hackles with so many. Had she stuck to "nudity", as in her port, there would have been no controversy - after all, it's a matter of personal choice.

As several people pointed out, porn is not allowed on MM. However, the definition of porn may be quite subjective (and I assume that most classical statuary, or a large number of the paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art are off limits to her kids too). In that vein, one might consider "implied", "suggested", or just partly undressed equally offensive - heck, a lingerie catalog might even do (how many young boys got their start with one of those?). That would ban most of MM.

The simplest answer may be to either block access to or not review MM in the presence of the kids. I realize her professional activities require her to do so, but if she were a doctor would she allow the kids in the examination room during business hours?

Apr 21 06 07:49 am Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

James Perrin wrote:
Let's take a deep breath for a moment......

The author expresses similar reservations about friends' requests on her port narrative, only there she simply refers to nudity.
It was only her use of the term "porn" in the original forum post that raised (justified) hackles with so many. Had she stuck to "nudity", as in her port, there would have been no controversy - after all, it's a matter of personal choice.

As several people pointed out, porn is not allowed on MM. However, the definition of porn may be quite subjective (and I assume that most classical statuary, or a large number of the paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art are off limits to her kids too). In that vein, one might consider "implied", "suggested", or just partly undressed equally offensive - heck, a lingerie catalog might even do (how many young boys got their start with one of those?).

The simplest answer may be to either block access to or not review MM in the presence of the kids. I realize her professional activities require her to do so, but if she were a doctor would she allow the kids in the examination room during business hours?

Excellent point! *clapping*

Apr 21 06 07:56 am Link


Strahd SA

Posts: 77

Pontefract, England, United Kingdom

I have enjoyed reading this thread and would like to state for the record that Diedra Will probably not like my profile. Allthough it is certainly not porn there are some images that will probably shock her and her kiddies.

I promise however that I will not send her a friend request so she will not need to worry about refusing me ( I do so hate to be refused it bruises my ego and makes me feel sooooo unwanted.)

T oeveryone that does like my pix and is not offended by them I would love to be your friend cos I am such a friendly guy.

Anyone visiting South Africa drop me a line and I will gladly show how friendly I am by meeting for a chat and buying you a beer or the alcopop of your choice.

For those wondering yes its late Friday afternoon and yes I have had a beer or two already.

Apr 21 06 10:36 am Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Deirdre wrote:
Amazing that all of you who agree that others have the right to express themselves without clothes should get so heated up that I express my right not to have nude pics linked to my port.

Sorry Dierdre, I have to pile on.

First, nude images and "porn" (YOUR term) are hardly the same thing. Right there, that shows you have a social bias against public nudity - even though this is not a public site (you must be a member to view nude images).

Deirdre wrote:
However how many of you walk out of your front door completely naked - if you don't why not? The reality is there are as many standards in the world as there are people some set by individuals some set by society.

This site (a modeling site that DOES have nude filters for non-members) is hardly the same as walking around outside naked, which is unfortunately illegal in the U.S.

Deirdre wrote:
Call me stuck up or use any of the other obscene terms you may choose - the fact is we all have rights. I was not impeding on anyone's right by exercising my right to control what I view.

But this is what you're complaining about. This site isn't ESP Mayhem. People submitting friends requests do not know you are nude-sensitive. Gimme a break. BTW - if you're surfing this site with your kids around, perhaps that's not the best idea. smile I allow my 11-year old stepdaughter to view some of my artistic nude work (SOME of it), but I sure as heck don't let her sit near me while I'm on this site.

Deirdre wrote:
Maybe you should take the time to read the post carefully and actually listen to what is being said instead of lashing out.

We did - you called nude pictures "porn", regardless of the content of the image. "Profiles that could easily be classified as porn" were your exact words. Anytime I see something so anti-ANYTHING just for the sake of it, it's a little scary to me. A simple "Please do freind request if you have nudity in your portfolio, thank you" would be suffieicent. Yes, there will be people that don't read it and do it anyway. That's life. I still have solicitors come to my door even though I have a sign there that says "No Soliciting". Get over it. Delete the request and move on.

Apr 21 06 11:00 am Link



Posts: 725

Merrimack, New Hampshire, US

I'm a male who does some nude work (Disclosure, port includes 2 that show "It All" before clicking...) I'd mention that MM has recently clarified it's policy regarding male frontals. I have to admit, there have been a couple of models who kind of gone a little crazy with having like 14 out 20 pics that some would consider just exhibitionism. If you honestly think that it may be inapropriate stuff, click the Info tab, and Contact a Mod to let them know. I'd hate for things to get so out of control to the point where MM simply forbids them, outright....

Apr 21 06 12:08 pm Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Deirdre wrote:
However how many of you walk out of your front door completely naked - if you don't why not?

The reason I go on vacation in the carribean is so I can stay at resorts where I can walk out my front door completely naked.  It's alot more fun I promise.

Apr 21 06 12:16 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Susi wrote:
The reason I go on vacation in the carribean is so I can stay at resorts where I can walk out my front door completely naked.  It's alot more fun I promise.

I think it's high time me and Susi take a vacation together.

Apr 21 06 12:20 pm Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Envy wrote:

I think it's high time me and Susi take a vacation together.

Ohhhweeee!  Sounds like a plan.  Now who can we bring along to take some pictures???  lol:-)

Apr 21 06 12:28 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Susi wrote:

Ohhhweeee!  Sounds like a plan.  Now who can we bring along to take some pictures???  lol:-)

You called? big_smile

Apr 21 06 02:13 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Susi wrote:

Ohhhweeee!  Sounds like a plan.  Now who can we bring along to take some pictures???  lol:-)

As much as I'd like to I know I'd burst into flames the second I stepped off the plane. Just don't foregt to post them! wink

Apr 21 06 02:15 pm Link


Rick Athearn

Posts: 492

Boulder, Colorado, US

For God sake, don't look at MY port!!!

Apr 21 06 02:17 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Rick Athearn wrote:
For God sake, don't look at MY port!!!

Mine either! I've got several porn images there... er, I mean nude images. See what you made me say?


Apr 21 06 02:37 pm Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

So my question to you is -- where does it all end? How much can you remove yourself from the real world. I remember talking to a sales rep from RR Donnelly -- one of the largest printers in the world. One of their biggest customers was Zondervan publishers -- a huge Bible publisher. Another big customer was Playboy. He said they had to be very careful -- they ran both Bibles and Playboy in the same shops, and needless to say, the Bible people wouldn't be happy to have this shoved in their face.

If you don't want to deal with photogs who sometimes shoot nude or even erotic material, that's certainly your perogative, but the fact is, a lot of the best fashion, advertising, and editorial photogs may also shoot nude and erotic stuff. Maybe you're just in the wrong business?

Apr 21 06 02:55 pm Link


Mockingbird Girl

Posts: 193

New York, New York, US

Deirdre wrote:
Hope this is in the right section. I'm really tired of getting friends requests from MMers with ports that could easily be classified as porn. If that's what people want to feature on their ports - that's their business but I've clearly indicated I am not interested in that but get many MMers with that stuff repeatedly requesting my friendship. When I recognize them I delete instead of clicking on the avatar but sometimes I don't recognize them and click. Recently a male MMer made a request and when I clicked there was total frontal nudity. My children are often around me when I'm on my computer but besides I think it's a gross lack of respect to basically expose such pics to someone with no interest. I wish I could actually block those ports from mine but I can't so I'm kindly asking those of you who know who you are not to contact me. Thank you.

Exercise discretion and don't "click" on the avatars/profiles of people you don't know when your kids are around and always have a kid friendly window open to click to in case there is an image you don't want your kids to see.

I'm a nude-porn-unclothed model.  I'd suggest you check out my port, but you might get offended.

I am good friends with several models and photographers on this site who shoot nude-porn-unclothed .

I am also the mother of 4 year old twins.

I exercise parental responsibility when it comes to what my kids see. I don't mind nude pics, however bdsm-tinged ones are not allowed.  I don't believe that the naked body and sexuality are necessarily one and the same, although they are of course, inextricably linked.

And it really is a shame that you think that nude/porn shoots and shooters are "lesser than".  Just in my avatar alone is a ridiculous amount of styling in terms of accessories and makeup.  Subtle yet striking.  But then, if you equate nudity with porn, subtlety is not perhaps something you are very keen on.

Apr 21 06 03:05 pm Link



Posts: 311

Canton, Ohio, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
Oh yea, there ya go. She`s already screwed herself by obviously not being comfortable with nudity. That alone will make her lose lots of business. A

Exscue me? not acepting nudes is screwing you elf.  That's asfar  overbaord inthe other direction buddy.

Live and let live My parent's don't particuarly  like me suring trough here, but they know that that's part of viewing pcitures online, you're going to get idiots with porn, and when using art galleries, YOU'RE GOING TO GET NUDES.

But that deons't mean that nudes are good or proper to ahve very where tehre a REASON peopele get bent out of shape and that reason is you can't hardly go anywhere arwise without getting plastered with nudes.  Most workplaces/public access terminals blok this site right of the bat. Not everyone ahs braod band at home.  Hek I'm sure tehre's some film photogrpahers that don't even have a Internet capable computer.

Which this comes down to is that while you have a right to your nudes, you also have a reposibility to not display themin public whinh a lot of poeple this site violate by setting thier avatar to a nude picture.

Also I STRONGLY advise people with a portfolio full of nudes (not one or 2, but are exlusively nude models/photographerss) to SAY THAT in their profile, so that way people know before hand.  I hate nothing worse then a profile that ays  "I'm a glam/fashion Model photographere" and its NOTHING but nudes.  I don't mind nude being around, but I want to be able to aviod them if I so choose, not have them all come before I ever know they are there.

ALso sending a friend request tosome one you'e never talked to at is a bit presumptiuos you should really note/comment the peron first or have worked with them some how.

Apr 21 06 05:08 pm Link


EAD Productions

Posts: 197

New York, New York, US

This is so easy.
#1 Don't have your kids look at the computer when you are on MM
#2 don't accept people you don't want as friends.

Apr 21 06 05:21 pm Link


TR Fox Photography

Posts: 44

Maumee, Ohio, US

I have been shooting porn and not knowing it.
My mother will be so disappointed in me; I have been telling her it is art.

I am guess that her kids will never be able to go on a field trip to see any of the great renaissance painter. I am very sorry for their loss.

Apr 21 06 05:23 pm Link


EAD Productions

Posts: 197

New York, New York, US

studio36uk wrote:

Yah... Maybe an avatar of the Rev Jerry Falwell or possibly Pat Robertson




I want studio36 to start a fundamentalist right wing modeling photography website! No skin allowed, only backs of hands and face (no makeup of course....that's the work of the DEVIL!)

Apr 21 06 05:25 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 89

New Milford, Connecticut, US

Thank you to all my fellow MMers, both clothed and unclothed, who took the time to answer and express their views. No malice or judgement was intended in the post nor was I requesting that anyone conform to my views. It was simply a personal request so that I could retain my right to choose what I view.

Apr 22 06 02:57 pm Link


The Thorny Rose

Posts: 14142

Chicago, Illinois, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:

I did read it. You have a problem with looking at nudity in other people's portfolios. It offends you to actually get a friend request from someone wiith a nude image. You wannt them to stop because YOU can't take the tiime to filter out the requests, and because YOU judge them as not suitable as a 'friend' on this site if they show any skin. If yoou have a problem with seeing nudity, you are on the wrong site. Scrub the account and head to

Oh no you didnt... disney?  haha

Apr 22 06 03:18 pm Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Deirdre wrote:
Thank you to all my fellow MMers, both clothed and unclothed, who took the time to answer and express their views. No malice or judgement was intended in the post nor was I requesting that anyone conform to my views. It was simply a personal request so that I could retain my right to choose what I view.

You had that right whether you posted in here or not. Seems like a cheap shot way to call nudity porn. But oh well. smile

Apr 22 06 03:53 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

First off, no one has forced or coerced anyone else to sign up here or do business here or on any other site.  That I know of.

Second, don't like what you see, change the channel, let you fingers do the walking, pull the plug, build a cocoon and climb in, start your own site, I know, sign up and list your age as 13 and wullah no nudes.  What's the old adage - First look is temptation, 2nd is the sin.  As the parent you control the computer and any childs access to it.  Falling down on the job?  How about using it as a time to teach the difference between things like nudity, lust, love, and art.  A little growing up never hurt anybody.

Thirdly, the religious stereotype that is against the nude human form "may" have been the case in the 1950's but it is certainly not today.  Hello, welcome to the 21st century.  I've experienced far more opposition to the nudes I do from high and mighty more evolved than thou pc liberals than from religious and spiritual folks any day.  And yes I am, to use a more modern term, a "Christer".

There is no moral, religious, spiritual, liberal, statutory, or constitutional right that says anyone has the right go thru life and not be offended.

Apr 22 06 04:19 pm Link


J C ModeFotografie

Posts: 14718

Los Angeles, California, US

I am in Monty Python heaven - I love all of you!!! 

This thread makes me want to change my name to Joseph, move to an economically-depressed part of Britain and become a shrubber!  Deirdre - your attempts to shut out porn are akin to chopping down a large tree with a herring!  What is your favorite color (I hope you give a wrong answer)?

Would somebody please squeeze Deirdre into the two halves of a coconut and have an African Swallow fly off with her?!!!  Oh for the Holy Hand Grenade!!!

The Black Knight,
JAY carreon

Apr 24 06 03:40 am Link


J C ModeFotografie

Posts: 14718

Los Angeles, California, US

Ransom J wrote:
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries, now go away before I taunt you a second time!


JAY carreon

Apr 24 06 03:45 am Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

This post has got to be a joke...

Apr 24 06 09:37 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

JAY carreon wrote:
I am in Monty Python heaven - I love all of you!!! 

This thread makes me want to change my name to Joseph, move to an economically-depressed part of Britain and become a shrubber!  Deirdre - your attempts to shut out porn are akin to chopping down a large tree with a herring!  What is your favorite color (I hope you give a wrong answer)?

Would somebody please squeeze Deirdre into the two halves of a coconut and have an African Swallow fly off with her?!!!  Oh for the Holy Hand Grenade!!!

The Black Knight,
JAY carreon

I think you meant Roger the shrubber.

  Sorry... I couldn't resist.


Apr 24 06 11:28 am Link


J C ModeFotografie

Posts: 14718

Los Angeles, California, US

Pat Thielen wrote:

I think you meant Roger the shrubber.

  Sorry... I couldn't resist.


Really!?  I could have sworn it was Joseph.

Warmest Wishes,

Apr 25 06 01:27 am Link


k duske

Posts: 106

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Deirdre wrote:
Hope this is in the right section. I'm really tired of getting friends requests from MMers with ports that could easily be classified as porn. If that's what people want to feature on their ports - that's their business but I've clearly indicated I am not interested in that but get many MMers with that stuff repeatedly requesting my friendship. When I recognize them I delete instead of clicking on the avatar but sometimes I don't recognize them and click. Recently a male MMer made a request and when I clicked there was total frontal nudity. My children are often around me when I'm on my computer but besides I think it's a gross lack of respect to basically expose such pics to someone with no interest. I wish I could actually block those ports from mine but I can't so I'm kindly asking those of you who know who you are not to contact me. Thank you.

i say if you dont want to see it ppl should deffinatly not send it

but if its just nude photos not derogatory or fantastical porn is it that abd for your children to see nudity is the body problamatic to a child? i am not asking is it problamatic to see crude porn but maybe even soft core porn or most all of the nude photos on here i have not ran across to many tastless ones some veyr talentless ones for sure but are we not all sexual creatures and have bodies our selves

Apr 25 06 01:53 am Link