Forums > General Industry > 100 signs you are an internet model


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

Take a number, any number .....   Your internet manager "manages" 189 other girls, posts all of their profiles, 98% of which have never been updated and 70% of which are over a year old. He also links every email to himself and posts variations of a very annoying and childish statement on all the profiles that pretty much says that any photog without a studio is worthless and that absolutely all TFP offers will be ignored because they are just like porn offers. And .... of course this absolute prohibition on TFP shoots has nothing to do with the fact that he can't get paid on them - he is just protecting his models. Really. He swears. On his momma's bag of cheetos.

Apr 08 06 01:06 am Link



Posts: 146

Clearwater, Florida, US

Sign you are an internet photographer... you are on this site.

Apr 08 06 12:19 pm Link



Posts: 876

New York, New York, US

If you read this whole thread and could relate to more than 75% of the posts.........

But not that it's a bad thing(the internet is just a way of gathering the non-mainstream models in one place)......and If the photographers and the models would just learn to play nice together things could be accomplished instead of all this pettiness

Apr 08 06 12:42 pm Link


Pamela Osbourne

Posts: 9

Los Angeles, California, US

you'll show your tits, then take off your pants
after 10 clicks of the shutter....and hope the photos are not used for any other reason
than the photographers portfolio.

Apr 08 06 12:49 pm Link


Geary Enterprises

Posts: 663

Rochester, New York, US

101 This is too funny.... ROTFLMAO ;P

Apr 08 06 12:51 pm Link


Greg Kolack

Posts: 18392

Elmhurst, Illinois, US

If you are a nw model to the site and list some experience than post this in your profile:

i'm a very open-minded model and i'm willing to discuss any type of assignment. however i am on this site to find paying shoots only, no TFP. my rates vary depending on the type of shoot that it is, with a minimum of 3 hours shooting time. i normally charge around $100 per hour, but that can be left open for discussion. i do have experience and i'm looking to broaden my horizons. i travel with an escort and only shoot in studios (not out of a home). i will consider 'on location' shoots.

Apr 08 06 07:14 pm Link


F-1 Photo

Posts: 1164

New York, New York, US

63 - you have in caps " I DON'T DO NUDES SO DON'T EVEN ASK" and then you portfolio is almost exclusively nudes...

Apr 08 06 07:25 pm Link


Chu Toi

Posts: 84

Los Angeles, California, US

Greg Kolack wrote:
If you are a nw model to the site and list some experience than post this in your profile:

i'm a very open-minded model and i'm willing to discuss any type of assignment. however i am on this site to find paying shoots only, no TFP. my rates vary depending on the type of shoot that it is, with a minimum of 3 hours shooting time. i normally charge around $100 per hour, but that can be left open for discussion. i do have experience and i'm looking to broaden my horizons. i travel with an escort and only shoot in studios (not out of a home). i will consider 'on location' shoots.

HA! There are so many fun reasons to lurk around MM but reading crap like this? Oh yeah. They could charge admission for stuff like this.

Apr 08 06 07:35 pm Link



Posts: 146

Clearwater, Florida, US

Chu Toi wrote:

HA! There are so many fun reasons to lurk around MM but reading crap like this? Oh yeah. They could charge admission for stuff like this.

Gotta love the cut-throat unprofessionalism from some people

Apr 08 06 09:29 pm Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

majoy wrote:

let's hope she's not a bunnyboiler on top of fug!!

I thought is was "fugly"

Apr 08 06 09:47 pm Link



Posts: 534

Martinsburg, West Virginia, US

Tony Culture Photoz wrote:

I thought is was "fugly"

It is fugly.  At least, that's how I always said it.

Apr 08 06 09:55 pm Link



Posts: 551

Los Angeles, California, US

gsvb wrote:
Very interesting that everyone who has so far posted on here has "digital" images
And also that models who have done nothing are poking fun at other models who have done nothing..
This thread had the potential to bring some much needed humour to this site ,like a David Letterman " top10 list".
But of course it got shot down very quickly by people who felt the need to self promote themselves etc etc.
I think this site is closer to myspace than it is to the Modeling or Photographic Industry
Good luck with the rest of the thread..
Like i said, I thought it started great.

i agree with gary. quit hatin.

Apr 08 06 10:07 pm Link



Posts: 2

Damascus, Maryland, US

this had to have been the funniest thing ive ever read.
and now im quite bashful because i apply to a few :-X

Apr 08 06 10:20 pm Link


Lorna Bailey

Posts: 45

Montreal, Wisconsin, US

WOW! Keep it up guys...I'm learning a heluva alot!!

ahahah Unbelievable..some of you are just so cruel!! ahaha

But in a good way! LOL

Apr 08 06 10:29 pm Link


R Christopher

Posts: 173

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I didn't get mine in...You claim to be a model only so you can get free photos from TFP shoots rather paying for portraits.

Apr 08 06 10:34 pm Link



Posts: 724

Healdsburg, California, US

MadamePsychosis wrote:
i agree with gary. quit hatin.

i also find the premise and contents of this thread offensive.

Apr 09 06 01:21 am Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

LOL.  I'm enjoying this thread too.  smile 

However I have to disagree with the comment about bringing an escort (friend/family member) to the shoot.  I've never brought an escort to a shoot, but maybe I should have.  Many people, including me, believe that any decent, reputable photographer wouldn't have a problem with a model bringing an escort (trusted friend/family member) to a shoot.  I've heard a few photographers make excuses like "Well I don't allow models to bring escorts because it makes me uncomfortable/nervous," "I'm afraid the male friend/boyfriend will destroy my equipment" etc.  Okay, you're worried about being uncomfortable/nervous with the other person there, yet you expect a new model (who's probably already a little nervous to begin with) to show up at your place/studio alone and start peeling off her clothes to do a bunch of nude/erotic shots as you suggested?  What about the models (me being one of them) who have had bad experiences with scumbag photographers?  Unfortunately, there are some "photographers" out there who try to get real slick during a shoot and try to "help themselves to the model" if they think they can get away with it.  These are the ones who make it tough on the other decent, reputable photographers who truly love photography.  Whether she's a minor or a grown woman, she should still be able to bring an escort to the shoot if that's what makes her comfortable, and I don't understand why it should even bother the photographer.  As long as everybody keeps things professional and nothing "inappropriate" takes place, then there shouldn't be a problem, right?  The photographer should want his models to be comfortable so that they can have a successful shoot.   

Sorry about the long post...just saying what was on my mind.  smile

Apr 09 06 12:28 pm Link


Greg Kolack

Posts: 18392

Elmhurst, Illinois, US

I have no problems with escorts - in fact, when a model does show for a first shoot with me without an escort, if we havn't at least met in person before, I think they are living a little carelessly. I once shot a model who wouldn't meet with me beforehand - said it wasn't necessary - then showed up and didn't have any problem taking her clothes off. I thought that was a little careless. I am very professional and respectful, but others aren't.

I have actually seen posts in profiles though, that say: I ALWAYS TRAVEL WITH AN ESCORT - NO EXCEPTIONS - IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, GET OVER IT.

That's a bit of an attitude, don't you think?

Apr 09 06 01:13 pm Link


Greg Kolack

Posts: 18392

Elmhurst, Illinois, US

Check this one out - this model is looking for photographer to do very specific ideas of hers, some of which will obviously be a very complex shoot, yet is demanding she is paid by the photographer. Then later on in her forum posting, she complains that no one has contaced her to pay her to do this shoot! Completely clueless.

At this time I am currently looking for any photographers in my area that would be interested in doing any kind of dark/morbid/horror & macabre/death related type of PAID shoots(No nudity. No sexually explicit acts). Although I really do love to shoot for TFP/TFCD and I normally dont mind, I cant at this time. I'm in need of some serious money so if you want to work with me you'd be better prepared to do a PAID SHOOT with me. (If I really like your work, I may shoot for TFP/TFCD). If this is you and you're totally serious about this, please contact me with your schedule and any other info that you think may be important. If you have any specific ideas for any of these catagories, please discuss them with me before hand. (Gas expense may be required no matter the compansation of the shoot)

MUA/Hairstylist wanted for the following:

Current Shoot Ideas:
'Anime' This would be one where I and the photographer come up with a unique anime character and create a story with photographys. (No nudity. No sexually explicit acts)

'Gender Bender' This would be one where I would change my physical appearance to that of an androgenous man and a male model would chance his physical appearance to that of a beautiful woman. Then I, the male model and the photographer would create a story with photographs. I beleive this could be very erotic. (No nudity. No sexually explicit acts)

If you would like to work with me using any of the above ideas please contact me about doing so. I would like these shoots to be paid (I may make some acceptions, depending on the photographer's location and wether or not I may have to provide props and/or costumes. Gas expense may be required not matter the compansation of a shoot)

Apr 09 06 01:21 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28824

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Greg Kolack wrote:
Check this one out - this model is looking for photographer to do very specific ideas of hers, some of which will obviously be a very complex shoot, yet is demanding she is paid by the photographer. Then later on in her forum posting, she complains that no one has contaced her to pay her to do this shoot! Completely clueless.

At this time I am currently looking for any photographers in my area that would be interested in doing any kind of dark/morbid/horror & macabre/death related type of PAID shoots(No nudity. No sexually explicit acts). Although I really do love to shoot for TFP/TFCD and I normally dont mind, I cant at this time. I'm in need of some serious money so if you want to work with me you'd be better prepared to do a PAID SHOOT with me. (If I really like your work, I may shoot for TFP/TFCD). If this is you and you're totally serious about this, please contact me with your schedule and any other info that you think may be important. If you have any specific ideas for any of these catagories, please discuss them with me before hand. (Gas expense may be required no matter the compansation of the shoot)

MUA/Hairstylist wanted for the following:

Current Shoot Ideas:
'Anime' This would be one where I and the photographer come up with a unique anime character and create a story with photographys. (No nudity. No sexually explicit acts)

'Gender Bender' This would be one where I would change my physical appearance to that of an androgenous man and a male model would chance his physical appearance to that of a beautiful woman. Then I, the male model and the photographer would create a story with photographs. I beleive this could be very erotic. (No nudity. No sexually explicit acts)

If you would like to work with me using any of the above ideas please contact me about doing so. I would like these shoots to be paid (I may make some acceptions, depending on the photographer's location and wether or not I may have to provide props and/or costumes. Gas expense may be required not matter the compansation of a shoot)

You gotta be kidding me!

Apr 09 06 01:27 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

Ah yes, the escort thing once again. My 3.5 cents is that, yes, I would prefer to work without escorts because (A) I would much rather work with a model who trusts me and is relaxed enough around me to shoot in whatever format we have mutually agreed upon and (B) because escorts usually do create complications and very often seriously affect a shoot in a negative manner. That said, my message to models is clear - bring them.

Whatever the negative consequences, none of them are as negative as the possibility of a model becoming a victim of sexual harrassment, rape, some other form of brutality, or murder. All of the models that I have ever shot with (including the ones that have done full nude with me without an escort present) know that they have no reason to fear me or be in any way uncomfortable with me. What they also know is that I try to encourage sensible behavior on their part because I want to be a part of helping them develop smart working practices. It is my philosophy that, by actively supporting a behavior that is not necessary with me, I may just prevent a very nice young woman from being victimized by someone else.

Be safe and support habits that promote safety.

Apr 09 06 01:48 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US


(In response to the model's statement about what she wants to accomplish, etc.)

Apr 09 06 01:50 pm Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

This is like internet model bingo.
I think I have a full house
What do I win, What do I win?

Apr 09 06 02:01 pm Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

i actually read this whole post:P
very interesting.

so-if i have an agent-and i've done work for a few companies-and shtuff-yet i am guilty of some of this-what does that make me?

internet/agency model?

also-what about bands that do a lot online.......does that make them "internet bands"?


Apr 09 06 02:22 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

pamela mars wrote:
also-what about bands that do a lot online.......does that make them "internet bands"?


Only if they have a manager who is actually their model girlfriend, held in tandem. And they refuse to perform nude.


Apr 09 06 07:12 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

Or charge more money to perform nude.

Apr 09 06 07:21 pm Link



Posts: 277

Fairfield, New Jersey, US

John Chainz wrote:
okay to reply to the person that replied to me...... You never know maybe just MAYBE the model has some phobias about being nude. I have a friend who has no problem showing off her body but she refuses to ever be nude around anyone at all because of her past (which i will not indulge the world in)

and secondly....isnt MIME those non funny well rather annoying people with jsut whit emakeup on thatdont talk and make believe they are in a box? lol

as this may be off the topic..

I'm one of those models ;o) just because I do lingerie does not mean I will do nude- for my own personal reasons nude is just not for me- i have a hard time with that in my personal life as well (took me about 2years 2 let my bf see) so if i'm not comfortable showing myself naked to someone i love why would i do it for total strangers?

lingerei and nude are two COMLETELY different categories...

Apr 09 06 07:27 pm Link



Posts: 131

Hiram, Georgia, US

They list themselves as "very experienced" but only have 4 photos posted with blurry pics and no references

Apr 09 06 07:30 pm Link



Posts: 418

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

You don't have a 'day' job.


Apr 09 06 09:14 pm Link



Posts: 254

Houston, Alaska, US

You only do artistic nude.
You dress in bondage..........
You enjoy the attention on MM.

Apr 09 06 09:54 pm Link



Posts: 254

Houston, Alaska, US

#unknown1 -You squat in most of your pics...
#unknown2 - Your Cell Phone number is on your profile
#unknown3 - You are a Go-Go dancer or Stripper
#unknown4 - Your default pic is your a$$et

Apr 09 06 10:04 pm Link



Posts: 26698

San Francisco, California, US

iceblueeyedgirl wrote:
Sign you are an internet photographer... you are on this site.

and this is one of the better ones

Apr 09 06 10:15 pm Link



Posts: 2861

Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

Did anyone do this one?:

I demand a CD of all the images from the shoot before I leave!

Apr 09 06 10:22 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

ChristerArt wrote:
Did anyone do this one?:

I demand a CD of all the images from the shoot before I leave!

Okay, one thing about that though.  There is something that some photographers do and I wish that all photographers would do this...after the shoot they'll give the model a CD of all the raw images (a "proof CD") before she leaves the studio.  Then the photog. will ask the model to choose some of her favorite shots from each look, and the photog. will edit those and send them to her via email or photo CD.  I like it when it's done that way.  The whole "waiting to see my pics" thing sucks...especially when you've already paid the photog. and have to leave the studio empty-handed. 

I think the only exception should be when a model is shooting with a photog. travelling from out-of-state, and he couldn't have his computer/CD burner equipment with him to make the CD.

Apr 09 06 11:23 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Tikeya wrote:

ChristerArt wrote:
Did anyone do this one?:

I think the only exception should be when a model is shooting with a photog. travelling from out-of-state, and he couldn't have his computer/CD burner equipment with him to make the CD.

or they do internet proof galleries like I do

Apr 09 06 11:31 pm Link



Posts: 2861

Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

Tikeya wrote:
Okay, one thing about that though.  There is something that some photographers do and I wish that all photographers would do this...after the shoot they'll give the model a CD of all the raw images (a "proof CD") before she leaves the studio.  Then the photog. will ask the model to choose some of her favorite shots from each look, and the photog. will edit those and send them to her via email or photo CD.  I like it when it's done that way.  The whole "waiting to see my pics" thing sucks...especially when you've already paid the photog. and have to leave the studio empty-handed. 

I think the only exception should be when a model is shooting with a photog. travelling from out-of-state, and he couldn't have his computer/CD burner equipment with him to make the CD.

Beg your pardon,  but this shows how little you understand of the way professional photographers work - and what it means to the photographer if he should give away the RAW images from a shoot:

1 - the RAW images are just that - RAW - think of them as NEGATIVES - the images are NOT FINISHED.

2 - most professional photogs shoot a file format called appropriately "RAW". This means those images will have to be PROCESSED into a file format you can work with - and these images are HUGE - from 50 - 100 MEGABYTE EACH when processed - and the processing takes LOTS of TIME - even on the most powerful computers.

3 - most amateurs shoot Jpg - this is a file format pros don't use much because it is a file format that when saved discards information in the file - it compresses the file - this means the integrety and the quality of the image is compromised - and so you get a lesser quality file. Now - some photogs may use this fileformat for a test shoot - but then he/she knows that if he/she should produce a dynamite image at that particulas shoot it will never be as good as it could have been - and most pros won't compromise on quality..

4 - and this is the most important thing - if I should give you a copy of all the RAW my images, I stand a very good chance of losing my COPYRIGHT to those images - and speaking for myself - I will never give up my copyright - and constantly turn down professional work because the client demands the copyright or the sharing of it.

5 - and why would I release a number of unfinishd images? I care about my work - no way would I give RAW images to someone - even if I shot Jpgs so I could give away a fileformat that the model actually could see.

6 - and as I mentioned earlier - even after processing into a format I can work with, the images are still not finished - I will after the processing - which normally takes a day - select the images to finish and print - and that usually takes another week or two. I will then give the model a cd with all the FINISHED images so she can use those for her personal promotion. They will low rez and she will not be allowed to print from this cd and all images will have my copoyright on and inside the images - this way I protect my copyright and can search the internet for copyright violations.

Those images are images I am comfortable to show to the world, because I know they are up to MY standards - and I know they will show the model at her best. I am a very good judge of how a particular model looks at her best - that's why I am paid thousands of dollars to photograph women.

At the same time I deliver the CD I will also give the model a number of prints -and every one of those have take much time to prepare for and actually print - I am not talking of Walgreen quickie prints here - I am talking about high quality LARGE archival prints that are printed to the same standards as the prints my collectors pay large sums of money for - on very expensive printers. If the model wants prints for her portfolio she can have those as well. I normally do not include those as most models I work with much prefer larger prints.

Now do you understand why every time a pro sees this demand they know they are dealing with someone who is not a professional? And that when a photog is offering that a payment it means he/she does not care enough - or have the equipment  - to finish the images. He/she in effect gives you a half finished product.

That last sentence will probably result in me getting lots of angry denounciations from a number of photogs. But the truth is - the TFCD thing is something that has only happened after digital made it more or less possible for anyone to call him/herself a photographer. All one need is a digital camera - and presto - he/she is now a photographer. That the resulting image is still only the half of the finished product is something easily overlooked.

Apr 09 06 11:57 pm Link



Posts: 2861

Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

Star wrote:

Tikeya wrote:

ChristerArt wrote:
Did anyone do this one?:

Tikea wrote this:

I think the only exception should be when a model is shooting with a photog. travelling from out-of-state, and he couldn't have his computer/CD burner equipment with him to make the CD.

Ok, I am answering this one:

or they do internet proof galleries like I do

Yes, I do internet "proof" galleries for my commercial clients to choose from - but the images are still FINISHED images - no way would I put up a number of unfinished images for a client to choose from.

Apr 10 06 12:08 am Link


Samantha aka PlainJane

Posts: 156

Riverside, California, US

John Jebbia wrote:

Yeah. But you are on my short list of models to shoot in '06. But WARNING:

If I buy you a plane ticket and you fail to show. I will hunt you down and give you the worst nipple twister in the history of nipple twisting!

hey why dont  you fly me out ill

Apr 10 06 12:16 am Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

No, I beg YOUR pardon, but I'm very much aware of the definition of raw, thank you.  smile  And yes I do know of PROFESSIONAL photographers who give the model a proof CD as well as the edited photos, but obviously not every photographer is going to do the same thing.

Apr 10 06 12:17 am Link



Posts: 2861

Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

Tikeya wrote:
No, I beg YOUR pardon, but I'm very much aware of the definition of raw, thank you.  smile  And yes I do know of PROFESSIONAL photographers who give the model a proof CD as well as the edited photos, but obviously not every photographer is going to do the same thing.

I bet you if they give the model a "proof" CD it is still edited and every image is copyrighted and has the photog's name imprinted on it. I don't know ANY pro photog who would ever give away a CD full of raw and unedited images - unless they decided the whole shoot was going to be a wash and had so little faith in the outcome of the shoot that they decided to shoot in Jpg.

Apr 10 06 12:27 am Link