Forums > General Industry > Models that say "NO NUDE". . .


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

You think we're mean here... Try posting on Garage Glamour. They'll send you away crying over there.

Apr 05 06 12:51 am Link



Posts: 36

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

area291 wrote:

Dear Confused Hobbyist,
Lovely to see we have a Mayhem Overlord. 

Get over it.  A model's port is none of your business and if it's tits you want go find them from those not using personal discretion with whom they choose to present them.

Actually, a models portfolio *IS* your business, and it should be hers as well.

When it creates this sort of issue, how many people do you think DO NOT post when they see such a portfolio?

The models may get page views, but they don't get the jobs.  As the advertisers found out, just getting the looks, can COST money, not make it.

It's a valuable lesson that you've learned here.  Use the portfolios to screen out the wackos before you think bout working with them.  A model who says "I don't do nudes [any more]" and has 19 out of 20 images with her T&A hanging out, is *not* someone you really want to work with. 

And what the heck is "implied nude???"  You either are, or you aren't.  The implications don't mean squat.  You never hear someone say I'll do implied fashion, or wear an implied tux. 

Just think about the favor this model (and others like her) have done, by putting up the big, bright, neon sign "I'm kookoo, please don't work with me." smile

Use it for what it is.  And, like the suggestion, move on.  There are loads of lovely, easy to work with, and SANE models out there.  *MOST* are not on-line [much].  It seems the more they (and pretty much anyone) is on-line, rather than working/living in the real world, the more weird they get.

A portfolio is the models (and photographer's) first impression.  Your words don't really mean a hill of beans, and they usually only cost you jobs, not get them. If your images are all lies, then why do you expect to get any jobs? 

I can't belive the person I replied to says the portfolio isn't your business!  Geeezzzus.  ... I hear that song ...."how silly can you get...." playing in the background.

Rude Food is a way of life, and living.
Rudeness, is just, well, rude.

Apr 05 06 12:53 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

No, it's really not any of your business how someone else chooses to present their portfolios or profiles. If you don't like it, don't work with them. There is no shortage of models here.

And there's nothing particularly silly about the concept of implied nude or covered nude (which is usaally what they mean by implied nude). Nudity isn't black and white, Ask ten people what they think nude is and get ten different answers.

Apr 05 06 12:55 am Link



Posts: 69

London, England, United Kingdom

Now I just read the post, no replies, so sorry if I sound repetitive:

I have two nudes, one artistic I did for a high fashion photographer to shock Sweden and the other rater glamour (varga inpsired)

Just because i have two pictures, doesn't mean I intend to shooting nude.

For other girls here i don't know what to say. Maybe they're sick of it and would like a photographer who doesn't want to shoot nude/glamour?
Maybe they're trying to broaden their horizon?
I don't know.

Off to write an exam *hurries*

Apr 05 06 12:58 am Link



Posts: 28

Schenectady, New York, US

John Jebbia wrote:
You think we're mean here... Try posting on Garage Glamour. They'll send you away crying over there.

Never said your mean. But most of these replies are a waste of time. I thought the forums would be better than a "Myspace", but it obviously isn't.

Apr 05 06 01:07 am Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

drops in without reading posts just to roll eyes at the title and topic, which are part of our lovely cycle of obviously limited topics of conversation on here. I heard there is a good thread about ramen if you you use the search function to find it.

Apr 05 06 01:09 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Robert Torre wrote:

Never said your mean. But most of these replies are a waste of time. I thought the forums would be better than a "Myspace", but it obviously isn't.

Well, maybe if you read one of the other 843 threads asking this question, you might find the answer you wanted. Good luck.

Apr 05 06 01:10 am Link


Jose Leon Photography

Posts: 7

Los Angeles, California, US

Photographers are advised to show in their portfolios, only images that will portrait the type of work they desire to get. The same should be to models, they should display images that reflect the type of jobs they wish to get.

Apr 05 06 01:31 am Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Welcome to the internet!

Apr 05 06 01:58 am Link


Visual E

Posts: 215

Wellington, Colorado, US

Robert Torre wrote:
Models that say "NO NUDE". .but then have implieds in their profile. How does this equate?

Don't mean to be rude, but ... Why exactly are you concerned about this? 

To most in the industry "nudes" are not the same as "implied".  But why do you care what she says in her profile and what images she has in her portfolio?

If you've been reading the other threads on nudes in the past week, you would realize there are many types of nudes. The model in this case may not have bothered to say "fully nude" or "full frontals", or "partial nudes", knowing that most would understand what she means.

Maybe she means she won't do any nudes with you.  But why do you care what she says or does anyway?  Are you related or something?

Apr 05 06 02:52 am Link


Renee Hyde

Posts: 178

New York, New York, US

Well, seeing as this is a subject that I have a lot to say about, figured I'd jump on the bandwagon. I've read through the posts under here, and like wow, everyone has an opinion.

So here's mine...

I am GUILTY, yes the word is guilty of doing implied nudes. I don't think there's too many people out there that do them the way I do them. I use tape, pasties, band aids, and all kinds of stuff to cover. I get made fun of for it. People laugh, people snicker, it's a big joke. Why must I do it this way??? Because it's the only way I can do it and the only person who has to live with me, is ME. I have huge guilt issues and I'm sure there's other models that suffer the same.

I don't like the idea of someone thinking I'm a nude model or referring to me as a nude model. This is fueled by guilt for me. Maybe I am a nude model in some peoples opinion. I don't know. In actuality, I'm only negotiating but a few inches of skin that I refuse to show. I know I can still show all my pics to my mother ad not have her completely explode. She doesn't like it much, but she could be a whole lot more upset with me. I know that with the pics I do have up, if my father or brother stumbled into them, I'd be a little embarrassed, but at least not mortified.

I do know that if I took on a nude figure study workshop or nude project of any kind, I could not do the work. I'm not mentally cut out to do the job. Any nude photographer I have dealt with does not see me as a nude model, and this is because I can't do the work they want me to do. I have too many limits and big ones when it comes to nude work. Every time I even do an implied, I am nervous just as I was the first time I ever did one. It's not something that is going to go away with time. I can't please everyone. It's never going to happen. I need to please myself and do what I can live with. So I present myself as a non-nude model. Which in my mind makes sense, but maybe not with others. And that's fine too. People can think what they want about me. Think I'm crazy if you like, like one guy said in the post here.

So why would someone like me even be bothered with an implied nude? There's a lot of photographers out there that shoot implied, or straight nude, they are simply inspired by the female form or maybe they're just raging perverts (either way, I don't care what their motives are if the work speaks volumes and speaks to me) and they do fabulous work. They inspire me to no end and I absolutely adore their work. If I didn't do the implieds, my attempt to meet them half-way, it would probably greatly cut the possibilities of working with them. I am obsessed with art, and the majority of art photographers out there shoot a lot of nudes. I am not offended by nudity, but I can't do it myself. Nor would I not shoot with someone because they mainly shot nudes. I'm in the gray area big time. But, no one can tell me what's right for me, or what I should and shouldn't do. That's for me to judge.

Everyone has a different definition for everything. Most people think implied means nude work where the model is completely nude and she just uses her body or props to cover those little tidbits. Others think implied is when both the camera AND the photographer don't see you naked. Some think you're fully clothed and it's all about the cropping or draping something over you to lead people to believe that you MAY be naked. Who's definition is right? Who's is wrong? The world may never know, but then again who cares. Does it really matter? So I think pick what you want it to mean to you and make sure you clarify to people what it means to you, don't expect them to hold your opinion, or even to necessarily understand it, but do expect them to respect it and let you be you.

That's my 2 cents,

Apr 05 06 02:52 am Link


Aperture Photographics

Posts: 310

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Robert Torre wrote:
This forum has gotten out of hand. It's not at all what I intended ore expected. There have been a few good responses, but many that are a waste. I have figured something out here tonight, many of the people on this site don't know how to treat something with respect. It's not about the 'nude' thing, it's not about rules, it's not about having time to kill, it's about being honest and attempting to give someone constructive criticism and having it taken has a hateful thing, which it was not meant to be.

Did the model in question ASK you for constructive criticism?  If not, move on.

Apr 05 06 03:10 am Link


Max V

Posts: 196

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Lapis has seen my right nipple. We did implied nude session once but that doesn't mean I do work nude.


Apr 05 06 03:40 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Max V wrote:
Lapis has seen my right nipple. We did implied nude session once but that doesn't mean I do work nude.


Oh, did it fall out? I was too busy looking at Brycee's nipples to notice.

Apr 05 06 03:42 am Link


Max V

Posts: 196

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Damn... too many nipples were going around that night... So, Brycee's body was covering yours, that means "implied", right?

Apr 05 06 03:46 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Max V wrote:
Damn... too many nipples were going around that night... So, Brycee's body was covering yours, that means "implied", right?

uh, brycees body was not exactly 'covering mine' no. There were way too many nipples to keep track of.

Apr 05 06 03:55 am Link


Megan Zwicker

Posts: 215

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Robert Torre wrote:

I don't play by rules, but I don't trust hypocrites.

It has nothing to do with being a hyprocrit and everything to do with comfort.  There are very few photographers I would pose nude for, it's a discretion thing.  If I have a nude shot on my port, then that means I was comfortable enough with the photographer to do so, and if I was comfortable with another photographer in that way, I'd let them know.  It comes down to this, it's our bodies and our work.  We have the right to say no nudes, and have the right to feel pride in the work we've done.

Apr 05 06 04:53 pm Link


Visual E

Posts: 215

Wellington, Colorado, US

Meg_Babes wrote:
It comes down to this, it's our bodies and our work.  We have the right to say no nudes, and have the right to feel pride in the work we've done.

couldn't agree more

Apr 05 06 06:21 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Robert Torre wrote:
I don't play by rules, but I don't trust hypocrites.

I find it wildly ironic that you would make this statement given your gripe.  But I'll come back to that...

If you date a woman who isn't a virgin, and she tells you that she's not having sex with you... is she lying because she's done it before? 

Actually, don't answer that.  It isn't a fair question.  If a model  -presumably female-  has nudes on her profile yet says she doesn't do nudes... then simply take her word for it and move on.  Is she being dishonest?  Who knows?  It's a distinct possibility that she wants nothing more than to do nudes all day long.  At the same time, she probably doesn't want every idiot who wants to see her public hair emailing her asking for TFPs.  I'd imagine that it becomes a bit annoying.

Still back to your quoted statement.  I take it you believe that out of common courtesy, these models either act on their word of not doing nudes or admit that they do them.  As a self-proclaimed rule breaker/bender I'd think you would appreciate the fact that they refuse to play by your rules.  And if you don't play by rules, it's a little hypocritical for you to expect them to do so...

Apr 05 06 07:57 pm Link



Posts: 28

Schenectady, New York, US

Meg_Babes wrote:
If I have a nude shot on my port, then that means I was comfortable enough with the photographer to do so, and if I was comfortable with another photographer in that way, I'd let them know.  ..........  We have the right to say no nudes, and have the right to feel pride in the work we've done.

Well if you would do a nude with the right photogapher, and have a shot of you nude on your portfolio, shouldn't you have something like 'nudes only under certain conditions and never TFP' on your profile?

And when I say I don't play by the rules I mean that I don't let others tell me what to do (but I never do anything against people). To me being honest isn't a 'rule', it's what you should do if you respect others.

Apr 06 06 03:39 am Link


Alluring Exposures

Posts: 11400

Casa Grande, Arizona, US

That's an easy one!!! "Nude" and "implied nude" are not the same thing. You can shoot implied nudes while the model is wearing a bikini, bra and panties, or just a bra or panties.
I did a picture of a girl 2 years ago, wearing a corset and panties. The way she was posed, leaning forward, you could not see any signs of the clothing she was wearing. That is "implied nudity"... as far as the viewer is concerned the model was nude, but in reality she wasn't.
Now do you understand the difference?

Apr 06 06 03:59 am Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

Way to many models who do nudes to worry about any model who has no nudes on her site.  As to why she has either implied or nudes.  She did them in the past or she will shoot nudes but with just a select few.

And BTW this topic has been done to death. bs

Apr 06 06 04:29 am Link



Posts: 3772

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

theda wrote:
No, it's really not any of your business how someone else chooses to present their portfolios or profiles. If you don't like it, don't work with them. There is no shortage of models here.

And there's nothing particularly silly about the concept of implied nude or covered nude (which is usaally what they mean by implied nude). Nudity isn't black and white, Ask ten people what they think nude is and get ten different answers.

I couldn't agree with you more.

Apr 06 06 04:48 am Link


Miss Aimee

Posts: 101

Sacramento, California, US

the simplicity of it is this.
nude is bold and sexy.
implied nude is seductive andy sexy.
I don't choose to show my whole body.
I don't do nudes.
I do implied nudes because I prefer pictures that leave the eye to wonder.
It's that simple.

Apr 06 06 01:35 pm Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

Who knew so much space could still be devoted to this topic. I'm now convinced this site is just a psychology experiment for "Tyler" and "Tyler" is just a code name given to the "owner" by the Government or the company with the Government grant to do said experiment.

Look for a report in a year or so to be published in the Journal of Psycology and a summary of it on MSN.

Apr 06 06 01:44 pm Link



Posts: 10053

Orlando, Florida, US

Anyone want my two cents? Here goes anyway.

"nude" and "implied nude" are two different things to start with. I'd do implied nude, with the right photog that I'm comfortable with, but not full nude with everything hanging out. Can I put "no nudes" on my port? Sure. It's my decision. Can I post Implied nudes then? Sure. I do bikini and lingerie shots too, but not with every photog. That's my decision also.

Likewise, it's a photogs decision if they want to bother working with me or not. If not, move on. I don't need you hassleing me. I won't hassle you. And we all live happy. 

Why are you so bothered by this? Is she the last model in the free world? Are you just so hot to see her naked? What is it? If you think she's not being honest, why would you want to work with her anyway? I'm sure she won't lose sleep over this, why are you?

Apr 06 06 01:56 pm Link


Orion Alapack

Posts: 22

Perhaps she should say "No Nudes Anymore".  She could easily pull a Shannon Elizabeth and not do nude work anymore.  That doesn't mean she has to remove all the nude/implied nudes she did in the past. 

Also doing a JC Penny catelogue and Playboy are two different things.  Most if not all catelogue work will not be offered to playmates, whereas a JC Penny model could easily transition to Playboy.  For good or bad the USA still has a puritan mentality about nudity and sex in general; for the most part if you're a model who is just starting out, doing the nude thing will be a detriment to your career.

Apr 06 06 02:10 pm Link


bruno rand photography

Posts: 32

There have been many good points of view expressed concerning this topic, but I think some have missed the larger point. 

A model's portfolio exists for three reasons:  to show what the model looks like, right now, not last week, and to show what type of work the model is capable of doing, and if tear sheets exists to show that the model has actually worked in a professional setting.  That's it.

When photographers and art directors look through portfolios to find models for a shoot, they already have in mind the type of photos they want, and they are looking to find the models that have the looks they want, and the models that have the ability to create the image they want.

So why post nude photos or implied nude photos in your portfolio if that's not the type of work you want to do?  I assume the model thinks the nude photo done in the past is a beautiful photo and shows how beautiful she is, and therefore should leave it in her portfolio because everyone will see how beautiful she is, but frankly, the photog's and art directors don't care how beautiful you were last week, or what you once were willing to do... all they care about is what you look like, right now, today, not last week, and what you're willing to do right now, today, not last week.

When magazines and advertising companies are paying thousands of dollars per day to hire a model, and they hire a model with blonde hair, and on the day of the shoot the model shows up with brunette hair, do you think they wouldn't be very angry?  Of course they would.  They would feel cheated and feel that the model is unprofessional.

Your portfolio doesn't exist to show how pretty you are, or what you were once willing to do, it exists to show what you look like right now, and what type of work you can do.

All the moral arguments about nudity don't really apply here, the larger point was about false advertising.  A professional model understands the business, (and understands that modeling is a business, not an ego-stroke), and understands that part of the business is presenting a calling card or portfolio which is as accurate as humanly possible.

Also, the arguments that the model "might do nudes if she is comfortable with the photographer, but not with every photographer" are completely ridiculous.  If a model says she can do a swimwear shoot, and then shows up for the shoot and changes her mind because "she's not comfortable", again, that's very unprofessional.  It's not the model's job to decide what she likes or doesn't like, once she presents herself for a job, and is hired for that job, it is her obligation to do the job.  If a model thinks she might be uncomfortable on a particular shoot, she shouldn't represent herself as capable of working on that particular shoot. 

It's a business, and yes, there are rules to the business, especially for portfolios.  And the only models who work are the ones who understand and follow those rules.

Apr 06 06 02:39 pm Link


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US

human contradictions

human hypocrisies


idunno...maybe mixed up about what's nude and what's not...

then again, maybe the pimp that got her to go against her "no nude" standards was a powerful player with some serious's hard for some pimps out here...

and maybe youre right...maybe the chance to bee half azz nnaked in a piece of expensive clothing that she hever had the chance to adorn her body with changed her mind

they say: we all have our price for selling out and comprimising our principles

Apr 06 06 02:44 pm Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 13020

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

SLE Photography wrote:

SLE Photography wrote:
Well technically since it's artfully posed with its legs hiding the good bits, it's only an IMPLIED nude.

Oh THAT'S it, open up even MORE worm cans
Next thing you know, this thread will Audrey-fy

Maybe we can we get the girly to stomp the worms in her billion dollar fur coat?

Apr 06 06 02:59 pm Link


Megan Zwicker

Posts: 215

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Well if you would do a nude with the right photogapher, and have a shot of you nude on your portfolio, shouldn't you have something like 'nudes only under certain conditions and never TFP' on your profile?

Yes, that may clear up many things for some people, but there are still the photographers that may request something and ask if that falls under special circumstances.  People interpret things very differently, it's hard to please everyone, so you just do what you can without sacrificing your comfort or putting yourself or someone else in an un-necessary and awkward situation.

Apr 06 06 07:33 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

No means no, why question them?

Apr 06 06 07:37 pm Link


That Look Photography

Posts: 1581

Clearwater, Florida, US

John Jebbia wrote:
Sometimes you're better off to not say a word and just move on to the next model.

Right on !!

Apr 06 06 07:40 pm Link


Mission Henrikson

Posts: 50

Oakland, California, US

Canon 430ex

Apr 06 06 07:41 pm Link


Aperture Photographics

Posts: 310

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Craig Thomson wrote:
No means no, why question them?

Some photographers have nothing better to do?  Questioning the model about it and ranting about it in threads such as this is, IMHO, a sign of immaturity (I was going to say unprofessional, but there are lots of photographers on here who are proud to be not professionals) on the part of the photographer.

No means no.  and it's their portfolio and their business decision, for whatever reason.  Leave 'em alone.

I'm with you.

Apr 06 06 07:41 pm Link



Posts: 24

Los Angeles, California, US

jon mmmayhem wrote:
here i was thinking this groundbreaking novel topic was never going to get brought up on the forums!!!!

haha. you are awesome.

Apr 06 06 07:43 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
No means no, why question them?

Aperture Photographics wrote:
Some photographers have nothing better to do?  Questioning the model about it and ranting about it in threads such as this is, IMHO, a sign of immaturity (I was going to say unprofessional, but there are lots of photographers on here who are proud to be not professionals) on the part of the photographer.

No means no.  and it's their portfolio and their business decision, for whatever reason.  Leave 'em alone.

I'm with you.

I find it harsh and uncalled for to ask anyone to defend them self’s for a statement them make or post.

Apr 06 06 07:52 pm Link



Posts: 998

Hartford, Connecticut, US

No nudes or implieds noted in their profile, but they have those pics in their portfolio? That just means they don't shoot it with you.

OK - for the model stuff probably about 40% or more is Playboy type or limits. I've shot many models nude who state that they don't shoot nudes. Most of it, I think, really just depends on how you approach the model, how you approach the subject, and how she feels about your capability.

Like a LOT of others said, starting with (at least on this post) John J - she doesn't want to shoot nudes, move on.


Apr 06 06 08:01 pm Link


Alecia Joy

Posts: 43

Seattle, Washington, US

How can one person tell another to change their profile and expect to be answered with "oh, okay!"

Apr 06 06 08:04 pm Link


Alecia Joy

Posts: 43

Seattle, Washington, US

I have no problem with nudity or implied nudity but am selective about whom I choose to work with. I have been contacted by many photographers asking for TFP nudes, and quite frankly, unless your work is AMAZING and I am comfortable with you I am not interested.

saying "but you did it for someone else so you must be willing to do it for me!"
makes as much sense as "but you had sex with your husband so you should have sex with me!" No. It doesn't work like that. The point is that it is a different person, place, and time.

Apr 06 06 08:04 pm Link