Forums > General Industry > Model Mayhem... Have you noticed something?



Posts: 22

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Alright I have noticed that the contents of this photography/modeling web site has becoming more pornographic each month, nothing personal but when I first joined there was hardly any pornographic photography on the site.
Now of course I didnt just make this topic up souly for that but because of the large amount of images like that it has attracted a lot of guys who have no interest in photography (Accept to wank off to it). They have been randomly adding my girlfriend and a few other friends I know on this site to MSN or just emailing them for some 'live cyber sex shit'...
Im sure it has happen to a lot of female models and mostly its guys from the middle-east adding them. I mean they seem to be on Every site that involves profiles of some type and they just go around to 'find-add-wank'.

Model Mayhem needs to put something in place to protect their models from Pathetic Wankers like that. My girlfriend has gotten at least 4 of them adding her and she has had to take down her contact details off her page because they would just add her off there, only interested in a wank. The only reason she put them up was to get modeling work but at the rate its going she is just getting sick of the site because of the people it attracts and Im with her on that one too...

Apr 03 06 08:16 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

well the simplest solution is to not post personal contact details...if someone wants to hire you for a modeling job they'll contact you using the mail system.

Apr 03 06 08:18 pm Link


Max V

Posts: 196

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

This is a ridiculus post.

Max V.

Apr 03 06 08:24 pm Link



Posts: 9122

The site owners are in the adult entertainment industry. What do you expect?

Apr 03 06 08:24 pm Link



Posts: 277

Fairfield, New Jersey, US

My solution- don't do nudes.

I just know that in the place I work, if someone found out I had nude pix on the internet I'd probably get fired, art shots or not. I stay away from that kind of work because it just leads to many problems, both personal and professional. Plus you don't know who is looking at them and for what reason.

My 2cents.

Apr 03 06 08:25 pm Link


kr is ko

Posts: 9

Thats right as well. Photogs can message her through MM if they wanted to shoot with her. She doesn't need to display personal information such as email and msn contacts etc. She can give those later through MM if need be. I can see how your frustrated but this stuff doesn't just take place on MM. Its everywheres.. you just need to know where are when is a good time to give out personal information. and especially to who.

Apr 03 06 08:26 pm Link



Posts: 2211

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

DrakenARTZ wrote:
Alright I have noticed that the contents of this photography/modeling web site has becoming more pornographic each month

Glad to see it's not the other way around...

Apr 03 06 08:27 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Max V wrote:
This is a ridiculus post.

Max V.

Max knows photography.
Max knows art.
Max knows photoshop done to an art form.
Max is cool.
Max speaks the truth.

Mai dtem baht.   Look it up.

Any of the issues would likely be solved by just reporting it to the evil moderator found in the info section using the contact a mod feature.

Really it is not that hard to do.

Mhana evil mean ass moderator.

Apr 03 06 08:27 pm Link



Posts: 9122

MHana wrote:
Max knows photography.
Max knows art.
Max knows photoshop done to an art form.
Max is cool.
Max speaks the truth.

Max Rosen is really cool...

Apr 03 06 08:31 pm Link



Posts: 22

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Shes removed her personal details but what is the point of having that option of putting them up when most of the people using them are people with no interest in modeling.
Yelling at me for starting a topic about something that is happening not only to her but friends of mine and Im sure it would be happening to others as well. Doesnt really do anything, Im just stating something that is happening weather you like it or not.
Or does it help you feel that little better knowing that you said some smart comment at me about a subject that *IS* happening...?

Apr 03 06 08:31 pm Link



Posts: 22

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

MHana wrote:

Max knows photography.
Max knows art.
Max knows photoshop done to an art form.
Max is cool.
Max speaks the truth.

Mai dtem baht.   Look it up.

Any of the issues would likely be solved by just reporting it to the evil moderator found in the info section using the contact a mod feature.

Really it is not that hard to do.

Mhana evil mean ass moderator.

To be honest I dont care if he is God
Fair enough he knows the industry but doesnt mean I dont have a word on certain subjects...

Apr 03 06 08:33 pm Link



Posts: 9122

DrakenARTZ wrote:
weather you like it or not.

Some people complain about the weather. Some people love it....

Apr 03 06 08:34 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

If you're a hot chick or almost hot chick and you post your contact information on the inernet, people will ask you for porn work.  This is not an advanced concept. If the number of porn requests from non-members has increased lately, it's only because the site is easier to find.  I don't know what you expect us to do about it, but I'm sure it's not something very feasible.

Apr 03 06 08:36 pm Link



Posts: 22

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

XtremeArtists wrote:

Some people complain about the weather. Some people love it....

But the weather changes, these people dont

Apr 03 06 08:37 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I'm sorry this is happening to your girlfriend and friends.

But have I noticed it, no. Sorry

Apr 03 06 08:39 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

DrakenARTZ wrote:
To be honest I dont care if he is God
Fair enough he knows the industry but doesnt mean I dont have a word on certain subjects...

you need to buy a clue and get a sense of humor.

Apr 03 06 08:39 pm Link


Max V

Posts: 196

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

And its becoming more ridiculous...

Max V. (a Michael Rosen and MHana fan).

Apr 03 06 08:41 pm Link



Posts: 22

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

theda wrote:
If you're a hot chick or almost hot chick and you post your contact information on the inernet, people will ask you for porn work.  This is not an advanced concept. If the number of porn requests from non-members has increased lately, it's only because the site is easier to find.  I don't know what youexpect us to do about it, but I'msure it's not something very feasible.

Im glad someone asked
I dont think it will done and most of you will tell me to get fucked because you dont give a damn about anyone with an opinion on something but...
Why not have it so only members can view personal details, people who want to join the site need to send in photos for review by the site admin (Pending) then once they have agree that "Yes this person IS interested in the industry" then they become a member. But if they are just some person with no interest past their pin-dick then they dont give them a membership. Would involve a bit of work to set up and I doubt my idea would be used, if anything insulted. But I am glad someone asked where I was heading with the topic ^_^

Apr 03 06 08:42 pm Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

DrakenARTZ wrote:
Alright I have noticed that the contents of this photography/modeling web site has becoming more pornographic each month, nothing personal but when I first joined there was hardly any pornographic photography on the site.

FIRST Please define "pornographic". When you can get a concensus of that definition, then we'll talk.

Apr 03 06 08:43 pm Link



Posts: 975

San Diego, California, US

DrakenARTZ wrote:
... it has attracted a lot of guys who have no interest in photography (Accept to wank off to it). They have been randomly adding my girlfriend and a few other friends I know on this site to MSN or just emailing them for some 'live cyber sex shit'...
Im sure it has happen to a lot of female models and mostly its guys from the middle-east adding them. I mean they seem to be on Every site that involves profiles of some type and they just go around to 'find-add-wank'.

Model Mayhem needs to put something in place to protect their models from Pathetic Wankers like that. My girlfriend has gotten at least 4 of them adding her and she has had to take down her contact details off her page because they would just add her off there, only interested in a wank. The only reason she put them up was to get modeling work but at the rate its going she is just getting sick of the site because of the people it attracts and Im with her on that one too...

1. wank, wank, wank ... is that all you ever think about?

2. it sounds like you are projecting

3. you are also racist, bigoted and pig-headed

4. what's your girlfriends MM #?

oink, oink, .... snort

Apr 03 06 08:43 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Max V wrote:
And its becoming more ridiculous...

Max V. (a Michael Rosen and MHana fan).

Max, do you like Michael Rosen as much as MHana likes Marksora (or as much as I like Audrey)?

Apr 03 06 08:43 pm Link



Posts: 97

Elizabethtown, Kentucky, US

DrakenARTZ wrote:
Shes removed her personal details but what is the point of having that option of putting them up when most of the people using them are people with no interest in modeling.
Yelling at me for starting a topic about something that is happening not only to her but friends of mine and Im sure it would be happening to others as well. Doesnt really do anything, Im just stating something that is happening weather you like it or not.
Or does it help you feel that little better knowing that you said some smart comment at me about a subject that *IS* happening...? me you arent the only one yelled at for your post. some of these people are quite bananas haha. You will get tons of other off topic responses.
My response is that its quite annoying and I had those "groupie" guys that do that. I too have gotten a couple of messages from these guys and I might have to take my contact info off. I feel we should have a place to network with people that have a genuine interest in the craft not some low lives that have nothing else better to do than prowl the net for wank material.

Apr 03 06 08:45 pm Link


Scott Johnson Studios

Posts: 3353

Wausau, Wisconsin, US

EWW! Prove it!@

XtremeArtists wrote:
The site owners are in the adult entertainment industry. What do you expect?

Apr 03 06 08:46 pm Link


Stephanie Welsh

Posts: 73

Evansville, Alaska, US

I did not know that it had all this nude stuff on here.  I don't like it.  It is to easy for people to access nude photos whether they are 18 or not.  I have been getting alot of nasty emails to and i don't have any revealing photos on the site.

Apr 03 06 08:46 pm Link



Posts: 22

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Vito wrote:

FIRST Please define "pornographic". When you can get a concensus of that definition, then we'll talk.

From 'Soft porn' all the way up to 'Spread legs/hardcore porn'
I have seen a whole range of it on the site
Fair enough if they want to do that sort of photography

Apr 03 06 08:46 pm Link


Scott Johnson Studios

Posts: 3353

Wausau, Wisconsin, US

If you don't like it don't look at it. It's like people that say they don't like Howard Stern, but find themselves listening to find out what "nasty" thing he will say next.

Apr 03 06 08:48 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

When I used to have my IM information on the other modeling site, I had 1 (one) idiot contacting me for porn. a year...




Apr 03 06 08:48 pm Link


Max V

Posts: 196

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

**Max, do you like Michael Rosen as much as MHana likes Marksora (or as much as I like Audrey)?**

I like Angel Tara the most...


Apr 03 06 08:48 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

DrakenARTZ wrote:
Im glad someone asked
I dont think it will done and most of you will tell me to get fucked because you dont give a damn about anyone with an opinion on something but...
Why not have it so only members can view personal details, people who want to join the site need to send in photos for review by the site admin (Pending) then once they have agree that "Yes this person IS interested in the industry" then they become a member. But if they are just some person with no interest past their pin-dick then they dont give them a membership. Would involve a bit of work to set up and I doubt my idea would be used, if anything insulted. But I am glad someone asked where I was heading with the topic ^_^

Membership IS subject to review and only members can message each other through the system.  It's not our responsiblity if your friends chose to make thier contact info public. So basically, your suggestion is to do what we've been doing all along, plus make profiles visible to members only?

You're right. Your idea won't be used. Members will have to be responsible for what they choose to publicize.

Apr 03 06 08:50 pm Link



Posts: 97

Elizabethtown, Kentucky, US

Mine arent for requests like that more like guys that want to see me on cam or have me see them on cam. male groupies lol

Apr 03 06 08:50 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Max V wrote:
**Max, do you like Michael Rosen as much as MHana likes Marksora (or as much as I like Audrey)?**

I like Angel Tara the most...



'tis is mutual!!


Apr 03 06 08:50 pm Link



Posts: 22

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Capri Cherry wrote: me you arent the only one yelled at for your post. some of these people are quite bananas haha. You will get tons of other off topic responses.
My response is that its quite annoying and I had those "groupie" guys that do that. I too have gotten a couple of messages from these guys and I might have to take my contact info off. I feel we should have a place to network with people that have a genuine interest in the craft not some low lives that have nothing else better to do than prowl the net for wank material.

Someone who isnt out for my blood on this topic

As much as some of the people on this site try to defend these people by saying they are not sending messages and such.

Apr 03 06 08:50 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Whats up with that middle east comment?

Apr 03 06 08:51 pm Link



Posts: 22

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

theda wrote:

Membership IS subject to review and only members can message each other through the system.  It's not our responsiblity if your friends chose to make thier contact info public. So basically, your suggestion is to do what we've been doing all along, plus make profiles visible to members only?

You're right. Your idea won't be used. Members will have to be responsible for what they choose to publicize.

Then how come random people can access members details?

Apr 03 06 08:53 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

DrakenARTZ wrote:

From 'Soft porn' all the way up to 'Spread legs/hardcore porn'
I have seen a whole range of it on the site
Fair enough if they want to do that sort of photography

Spread legs/hardcore porn? that's an interesting group to lump together, although you have still failed to actually define porn. If you're actually seeing porn on the site, you should report it to the moderators, as pornography is against MM rules.

Apr 03 06 08:54 pm Link


Belle OHara

Posts: 162

Louisville, Kentucky, US

What I think we have here is yet another person with either a severe phobia of nude photos of any sort, or someone who does exactly what they are complaining about, feels guilty for it and instead of confessing and trying to fix it, decides to whine about everyone else doing it.  I'm going to repeat something I have seen said over and over on here and something that some of the judgemental, condescending prudes on here need to get through their heads...nudity does not equal porn!  And if you are sooo offended by it, just dont look at work labled 18+ and don't click on the pictures section of someone who says they do nude work.  Then get off your high horses and let the rest of us who enjoy the art that is the nude human form do as we please in peace!

Apr 03 06 08:55 pm Link



Posts: 22

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Tony Lawrence wrote:
Whats up with that middle east comment?

Because most (9/10) of the guys that add my friends and girlfriend are from the middle east...
Thats whats up with the comment

Apr 03 06 08:55 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

DrakenARTZ wrote:

Then how come random people can access members details?

Do you have reading comprehension issues?

Some members don't seem to get the fact that if you put your contact details on your profile, they can be seen.  Are there other "details" you object to being public?

Apr 03 06 08:56 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Max V wrote:
**Max, do you like Michael Rosen as much as MHana likes Marksora (or as much as I like Audrey)?**

I like Angel Tara the most...


sorry max but i am dumping MS(good abrev) and you for my Angel,  the angel of all MM.

Apr 03 06 08:57 pm Link



Posts: 22

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

theda wrote:

Spread legs/hardcore porn? that's an interesting group to lump together, although you have still failed to actually define porn. If you're actually seeing porn on the site, you should report it to the moderators, as pornography is against MM rules.

Oh trust me I have reported it many times, wheather it was removed is another story because I dont review them afterwards (I have a life)
So you shouldnt be trying to talk down on me like I know nothing and have little knowledge of this web site. I might not spend my life in the forums posting but doesnt mean I dont come on the site.

Apr 03 06 08:58 pm Link