Forums > General Industry > Model Mayhem... Have you noticed something?



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Stephanie Welsh wrote:
I did not know that it had all this nude stuff on here.  I don't like it.  It is to easy for people to access nude photos whether they are 18 or not.  I have been getting alot of nasty emails to and i don't have any revealing photos on the site.

You didn't look at the site before you decided to join? You're welcome to a full refund.

Oddly enough, I have a lot of nudes up and I don't get nasty emails ever.  Go figure.

Apr 03 06 08:58 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

yeah, I think it was the middle east comment that turned "some" of us off.

I don't doubt what your saying. I'm not out for your blood. But without seeing the profile in question (your girlfriends), it's hard to say "these wankers are out of line!"

I was making a joke out of it, but in all seriousness...what is it that prevents this from happening to me, versus other models? Am I not hot enough...( no, don't respond to that. It was rhetorical.) Can someone here see my point? It partially how you present yourself. In some areas of this business, you should be prepared to deal with the wankers.

But, like I said before, having not seen the portfolio in question, one can only speculate.

Apr 03 06 09:00 pm Link


Max V

Posts: 196

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Someone who isnt out for my blood on this topic**

Dude, where are you hiding your brain?

I found your post ridiculous, not because some porny/horny dudes are messaging your girlfriend but because:

1) a boyfriend is posting a message about a model girlfriend's internet affairs,
2) same boyfriend is trying to rescue her from Middle Eastern porn terrorists (reminds me someone),
3) no identity of the girlfriend at all (no MM number),
4) blaming MM for MSN messanger shit (block the worries),

Now, if I was a mod here:
1) I'd ban you because you are acting like your girlfriend's manager,
2) I'd ban your girlfriend's portfolio because she is having a manager.

And, if I were you:

I'd think more than twice to post something like that and read it a dozen times before click on the "send" button.


Max V.

Apr 03 06 09:00 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

DrakenARTZ wrote:

Oh trust me I have reported it many times, wheather it was removed is another story because I dont review them afterwards (I have a life)
So you shouldnt be trying to talk down on me like I know nothing and have little knowledge of this web site. I might not spend my life in the forums posting but doesnt mean I dont come on the site.

I am very proud of you for having a life.  Have a cookie.

I'm not even sure what it is you think you're complaining about at this point, but I will leave you with these sage words:

"Screws fall out all the time, Sir. It's an imperfect world."

Apr 03 06 09:01 pm Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

DrakenARTZ wrote:

From 'Soft porn' all the way up to 'Spread legs/hardcore porn'

I have seen a whole range of it on the site
Fair enough if they want to do that sort of photography

That's your definition of pornography, not everyones, and certainly not everyone here.
Try again.  HINT: The US Goverment and local goverments haven't been able to agree on a definition yet either. Good luck

Apr 03 06 09:04 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

DrakenARTZ wrote:

Oh trust me I have reported it many times, wheather it was removed is another story because I dont review them afterwards (I have a life)
So you shouldnt be trying to talk down on me like I know nothing and have little knowledge of this web site. I might not spend my life in the forums posting but doesnt mean I dont come on the site.

EXCUSE me????

Reported it to whom?

Show us the CAM thread or the note to moderator.

I do not recall any such conversation amoung the mods concerning your case.
Mods usually only decide amoung themselves if the evidence is great or just lame.

I search past  CAM thread often and never have I noticed your name.

Apr 03 06 09:05 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

theda wrote:

I am very proud of you for having a life.  Have a cookie.

I'm not even sure what it is you think you're complaining about at this point, but I will leave you with these sage words:

"Screws fall out all the time, Sir. It's an imperfect world."

I'm kinda hungry...

can I have a cookie?

Apr 03 06 09:10 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Angel Tara wrote:

I'm kinda hungry...

can I have a cookie?

I delete cookies...

Apr 03 06 09:11 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

DrakenARTZ wrote:
Alright I have noticed that the contents of this photography/modeling web site has becoming more pornographic each month...

Really?  How about posting some links.  The more the better.

DrakenARTZ wrote:
Model Mayhem needs to put something in place to protect their models from Pathetic Wankers like that.

Quit stereotyping people.  Not all Wankers are Pathetic.

Apr 03 06 09:12 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

XtremeArtists wrote:

I delete cookies...


always a day late and a dollar short..

is that how the saying goes?

Apr 03 06 09:15 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

I am making brownies,  of course.

But with some good vaodaka(my ex used to say it that way)

If you use only alcohol and no water,  use a bit more than needed and cook a bit less then recommended then voila.

Brownies that will make you happy.

(I know some cooks will argue but hey what is this thread for but a lame arguement after all.)

Apr 03 06 09:16 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Angel Tara wrote:

I'm kinda hungry...

can I have a cookie?

I don't know... do you have a life?

Apr 03 06 09:17 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

MHana wrote:
I am making brownies,  of course.

But with some good vaodaka(my ex used to say it that way)

If you use only alcohol and no water,  use a bit more than needed and cook a bit less then recommended then voila.

Brownies that will make you happy.

(I know some cooks will argue but hey what is this thread for but a lame arguement after all.)

wow...suddenly brownies sound wayyy better than cookies.

uh oh...hijacking a thread.

someone slap this girl back in line!  smile

Apr 03 06 09:18 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

cookies for those with lives.

Mhana's special brownies for those who have no life.
Please specify nuts or no nuts.

Other wise I think my line will be longer even for the cheaters.

Apr 03 06 09:21 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

theda wrote:

I don't know... do you have a life?

Umm, that depends on what you say Theda.

Oh wait, I have a life! My life, according to MM.. just read the forums..

okay don't. I just want a cookie.

Apr 03 06 09:22 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Angel Tara wrote:
okay don't. I just want a cookie.

No,  think the opposite.   the people who have lives do not need special brownies now do they?

Well maybe more so but they ain't gettin none.

Apr 03 06 09:24 pm Link



Posts: 1326

Palm Beach, Florida, US

MHana wrote:
Mhana's special brownies for those who have no life.
Please specify nuts or no nuts.

ooooh, i want NUTS.  uh oh , time for bed now!  /blush/

Apr 03 06 09:27 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

MHana wrote:

No,  think the opposite.   the people who have lives do not need special brownies now do they?

Well maybe more so but they ain't gettin none.

Okay. My life according to the MM forums = no life. Therefore I qualify for special brownies.

But..oh Lord, why all the paper work?? Just pass the goodies!

Apr 03 06 09:28 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

OOH OOH! Cookies, brownies and vodka!

I want some.
Hey Mhana (knowing I'm always difficult) can I have those brownies with Bacardi or Jamaican Rum?

I gotta ask! tongue

Apr 03 06 09:32 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Crazy-Evil Angelus wrote:
OOH OOH! Cookies, brownies and vodka!

I want some.
Hey Mhana (knowing I'm always difficult) can I have those brownies with Bacardi or Jamaican Rum?

I gotta ask! tongue

I thought Baileys would fit. No Baileys this time?

Apr 03 06 09:36 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Crazy-Evil Angelus wrote:
OOH OOH! Cookies, brownies and vodka!

I want some.
Hey Mhana (knowing I'm always difficult) can I have those brownies with Bacardi or Jamaican Rum?

I gotta ask! tongue

As am I as you know,  but to one of the best members of Mayhem I give a toast to everyone's friend and warrior Sir Angelus,  a member of the Nits of the Nights of the table, the table that is round, the table to discuss the protection of those that do not know.

Apr 03 06 09:40 pm Link


Doug Jantz

Posts: 4025

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

DrakenARTZ wrote:
Alright I have noticed that the contents of this photography/modeling web site has becoming more pornographic each month, nothing personal but when I first joined there was hardly any pornographic photography on the site.
Now of course I didnt just make this topic up souly for that but because of the large amount of images like that it has attracted a lot of guys who have no interest in photography (Accept to wank off to it). They have been randomly adding my girlfriend and a few other friends I know on this site to MSN or just emailing them for some 'live cyber sex shit'...
Im sure it has happen to a lot of female models and mostly its guys from the middle-east adding them. I mean they seem to be on Every site that involves profiles of some type and they just go around to 'find-add-wank'.

Model Mayhem needs to put something in place to protect their models from Pathetic Wankers like that. My girlfriend has gotten at least 4 of them adding her and she has had to take down her contact details off her page because they would just add her off there, only interested in a wank. The only reason she put them up was to get modeling work but at the rate its going she is just getting sick of the site because of the people it attracts and Im with her on that one too...

It isn't going to happen.  This is the age of technology and the Internet is part of it.  There is NO way to police it nor does anyone want to.  The only way to not be part of it is to stay off of it.  Whatever is online is up for grabs.  Can't control what others do here or anywhere else.

Apr 03 06 09:42 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

MHana wrote:

As am I as you know,  but to one of the best members of Mayhem I give a toast to everyone's friend and warrior Sir Angelus,  a member of the Nits of the Nights of the table, the table that is round, the table to discuss the protection of those that do not know.

::raises her toast in honor::


Apr 03 06 09:49 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

MHana wrote:
As am I as you know,  but to one of the best members of Mayhem I give a toast to everyone's friend and warrior Sir Angelus,  a member of the Nits of the Nights of the table, the table that is round, the table to discuss the protection of those that do not know.

Wow! Umm...Knight hood. Can I get a cool Cashmere suit. Those metal suits are not very fashionable. Plus I need to keep my agility in case I get chased by an MM hater.

Thank you thank you Mhana.
It is an honor and I shall uphold this new title to the highest respect and do my duty.
May we toast again to both being diffcult and honorably evil MM protectors. Long Live Vodka and Rum Filled Brownies!

::Can I trademark this?::

Apr 03 06 09:50 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Angel Terror wrote:
I thought Baileys would fit. No Baileys this time?

Nah babe...I have a bottle stuffed under my jacket. Shushhhh don't tell anybody I might get in trouble. Want some?


Apr 03 06 09:52 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

ps Mr. DrakenARTZ

Your profile is lacking.  And check the FAQ and the rules for we would deny this port actually on sight if you were not such a pain.

But we do not wait all that long.

Apr 03 06 09:53 pm Link



Posts: 34

San Jose, California, US

I was talking about this with Dan Hood and Miles Berdache the other day...It is one thing to have tastefully nudes done...the real art...and a totally different thing is to view the atrocities some photographers put up there and consider art...I don't even know how they get approved...

Apr 03 06 09:56 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Crazy-Evil Angelus wrote:

Nah babe...I have a bottle stuffed under my jacket. Shushhhh don't tell anybody I might get in trouble. Want some?


::gives the nod::

but we are amongst friends, right?

::fades to intoxication and chocolate:: smile

Apr 03 06 10:02 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

I was talking about this with Dan Hood and Miles Berdache the other day...It is one thing to have tastefully nudes done...the real art...and a totally different thing is to view the atrocities some photographers put up there and consider art...I don't even know how they get approved...

nothing is perfect but MM denies 2 1/2 more profiles then it lets in.

Apr 03 06 10:03 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Doug Jantz wrote:
There is NO way to police it nor does anyone want to.

Ok, for all the yelling I do have a small suggestion that might make it possible to "protect" people's personal data, but it involves help from both sides.

FIRST AND FOREMOST - please for crap sakes, if you're going to have your IM data public you NEED to go in to the preferences of your IM clients and set it so that the other user must get permission before messaging you.  All my IM clients are set this way, they always have been and always will be, and I don't even publish my IM data anywhere.  In all the time I've been on the internet (almost 14 years) I have received random IM messages twice...both times were when I had just set up a new IM client and not set my privacy settings.

SECOND - If Tyler or any one else feels like programming it up (it's a really good idea that I stole myself) the contact details could be placed in to a drop down selection box inside a form tag (see my web site's contact page for an example).  This keep 99.9999999999999% of web spiders both good and bad from accessing that data because they ignore forms.  This means only human users would see the data and click on it, and also means bad web spiders that are used to gather email addresses for spam would be unable to gather any addresses from this site.  If Tyler needs help with it I'd be happy to code up that little section real quick.

Now, as to all the yelling on both sides...everyone's being an idiot, so stop it.  Are there more risque profiles being created? Yes.  Are there more profiles that are worthless being created? Yes.  Are there even more professionals joining the site too? Yes.  Is any of that going to change? No.  So long as the site is free to sign up, everyone on the internet with a picture can and will sign up for this site.  You don't like it? Go elsewhere, the lack of your traffic will lower the site's income and one day maybe you won't have to be tempted by it anymore.  And to those complaining about complaints: You should shut up too, because people can and will complain...often...loudly.

Apr 03 06 10:04 pm Link


Steve Vieira

Posts: 119

Abbeville, Alabama, US

Wow! r we trying to solve world hunger?

well I don't agree or disagree everyone is entitled to there opinion, but the reality is that this is a meeting/networking site... look at it this way if you were going to a club/networking meet and greet, you probably would get harassed as well, would you give that person your #/email?

It’s the net what do you expect? Its the industry too? Trust me I’m a male and I’ve had some weird encounters, u live and learn, don’t put your self in situations like that, if it bothers you so!

Apr 03 06 10:07 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Crazy-Evil Angelus wrote:

Wow! Umm...Knight hood. Can I get a cool Cashmere suit. Those metal suits are not very fashionable. Plus I need to keep my agility in case I get chased by an MM hater.

Thank you thank you Mhana.
It is an honor and I shall uphold this new title to the highest respect and do my duty.
May we toast again to both being diffcult and honorably evil MM protectors. Long Live Vodka and Rum Filled Brownies!

::Can I trademark this?::

As you will but though knows he is worthy beyound the description of what it is.
Wear what you want but as a stylist make sure it is cool and pressed.  I have no doubt but you know I have to say it.

Yes,  Sir Angulus is welcome amoung the nits that are knights of the table the table that is round.

Apr 03 06 10:11 pm Link


Belle OHara

Posts: 162

Louisville, Kentucky, US

DrakenARTZ wrote:
Model Mayhem needs to put something in place to protect their models from Pathetic Wankers like that. My girlfriend has gotten at least 4 of them adding her and she has had to take down her contact details off her page because they would just add her off there, only interested in a wank. The only reason she put them up was to get modeling work but at the rate its going she is just getting sick of the site because of the people it attracts and Im with her on that one too...

Ok, has anyone else noticed that not only is this brilliant human being complaining about his GF getting harassed because she willingly put her own contact info up on the internet, but that it has onl happend an record breaking four times?  My response to that? boohoo.  When I first joined OMP I had no nude or implied nude shots and I got several creeps doing this...sometimes four an hour.  Did I go whine in the forums? No.  Did I send my BF to go whine in the forums for me? No.  I reported the creeps to the moderaters and promptly removed my contact info figuring that if someone wants it for legit reasons, they can email me.  Seriously dude, grow up.

Apr 03 06 10:12 pm Link


Mac Wolff

Posts: 3665

Litchfield Park, Arizona, US


Apr 03 06 10:14 pm Link


Greg Rice

Posts: 550

Saint Peters, Missouri, US

Stan Schutze wrote:

1. wank, wank, wank ... is that all you ever think about?

2. it sounds like you are projecting

3. you are also racist, bigoted and pig-headed

4. what's your girlfriends MM #?

oink, oink, .... snort

this is exactly the kind of moronic post that brings the site down a notch

Apr 03 06 10:21 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Greg Rice wrote:

this is exactly the kind of moronic post that brings the site down a notch

Not to defend that particular post, but I think one of the things that differentiates MM from so many other fourms is their tolerance of offensive posts.  I am sick to death of message boards that impose PC rules of conduct to make everyone polite.  They're all over the place and most of them are far less popular than MM.

Apr 03 06 10:45 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Angel Tara wrote:
::gives the nod::

but we are amongst friends, right?

::fades to intoxication and chocolate:: smile

Yes, I suppose we are.
Drink up!

::Ooh, ooh! Chocolate! Yummy....:: Oops...did I just say that out loud?

::Fade-To-Chocolate and Bailey's for more Intoxication:: big_smile

Apr 03 06 10:48 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Whoah whoah whoah!!
I thought we just renovated this place into another MM bar!!

Sheesh.....tennants. Oughta evict you all.

LOOK! More Chocolate Rum Brownies!! Yumm!!
Hey and a left-over Chocolate Vodka Brownies. Lemme try it...::

Apr 03 06 10:52 pm Link


Carina Comeau

Posts: 223

Ajax, Ontario, Canada

OMG! After reading this, I know what you're saying about the people taking your contact info. I had two guys add me to msn yesterday and they wouldn't tell me where they had gotten my e-mail from and they messaged me like crazy. I just blocked and deleted...simple as that! However, I don't agree with you on the nudity issue.

Apr 03 06 11:00 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Dave Krueger wrote:

DrakenARTZ wrote:
Alright I have noticed that the contents of this photography/modeling web site has becoming more pornographic each month...

Really?  How about posting some links.  The more the better.

Quit stereotyping people.  Not all Wankers are Pathetic.

And there are pathetic people who don't wank.  (just wanted to throw that in)

Apr 03 06 11:13 pm Link